The Reich is America's main enemy

Mexicans are always ready to fight for freedom. Give them a chance to save you!
Reagan was right: Latinos are hardworking. Those who migrate to the United States have made a difficult decision to leave their homeland in search of the opportunities and freedoms that our system offers. They are determined to succeed here and don’t expect handouts.
Death to the Reich!
I finally understood who our enemy, the main enemy.

The Reich is a totalitarian German power that captured all of Europe after the plague.

Reich means realm. Concrete was this realm the "Holy Empire of German nation". It was not holy, it was no empire, it was not only German and it was no nation. "Holy" meant Jewish-Christian basics, "empire" meant ruled by law, the German word for German is an equivalen to the word "united" and nation meant nations speaking the same kind of language. And it was anything else than totalitarian. Still today exist nearly no experts for the Holy empire from 800-1806 because it is damned complex. The most complex political structure which ever had existed, I guess.

The Reich is a regime

The Holy Empire was a conglomerate and organisation of many independent structures. The main structure was "the Kaiser" = The Cesar (the Roman and the Byzantine emperors had been called "the Augustus").

that has established a bloody totalitarian regime and the Inquisition.

The inquisition was unimportant in the heartlands of the Holy Empire.

Reich - organized the crusades.

Yes and no. The Holy Empire was not part of the first crusade. The Normans who had lived in "France" (Name from the most important Germanic tribe!) had conquered England in 1066. Nearly the same time the Seljuks - a Turkish tribe - had conquered Jerusalem and Mekka. In context of this it was more diffcult to go on a pilgramage to Jerusalem and so the Normans suffered boredeom since nearly no Vikings attacked them any longer. They had the idea that they had to conquer the centre of the world - Jerusalem - if they like to save the Christian world (=Europe). So they overtook some strategies of the Islam (crusade = little djihad) and started a war wich was called crusade. The English and the Franks under the Normans passed on the first crusade the Holy Empire where they murdered in masses Jews. Anti-Semitism was born.

The Reich took over all of America.

What a nonsense. Spain, Portugal, England and France "took over" a big part of America. Germans never did do. We founded only the German states of America - and even this we did not do.

The Reich had its own Old Order power in France.

We had what? France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Italy and some more areas had been the empire of Charlesmagne.

The revolution has begun in America.

Which revolution? The revolution of a growing stupidity? That's a problem since the wonderful stone age ended.

The revolution was against the imperialists of the Reich.

Name of a German Imperialist? Damn - there existed for sure one. The Prussian and Brit William II. who was educated from his beloved grandma Queen Victoria. What an unbelievable asshole and liar.

Reich raised his head again, waiting for the guillotine.

Guillotine? Where are you now? The revolution eats their children?

Germany has fascists and communists on all sides.

But also uncle Paul and his dog Pauli. Who is who is sometimes not so clear.

The dictator of Belarus Lukashenko

Meanwhile a slave of Putin.

supported Prigozhin's terrorists and saved their leader from execution.

Putin did do so. With Germany has this absolutelly nothing to do.

The Reich staged a genocide in Lesser Poland.

? Do you try to speak here about the Holocaust from the Nazis?

Islamic extremists are collaborators of the Reich. They revive the bloody caliphate - this is the Asian Reich.

:lol: Yea yea -- all this damned Aryans.

This is the 4th Reich.

(1) Holy empire: 800-1806 AD. First flag like the English flag with inverted colors. White cross on red ground. Second flag: double headed eagle on golden ground with black frame.
(2a) no empire: 1806-1870
(2b) German empire: 1870-1918. Flag: Prussian Flag. I personally call this emperors "Prussian emperors over Germany"-
(3) Nazi empire: 1933-1945. Flag: Swastika Flag.

Death to the Reich!

Long live America!

Long live freedom!

Long live the revolution!

Aha. What do you do if we will win? I tell you what you will not do. You will also in this case not learn any form of German except the simple German dialect English.

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Your chatter is of no interest to anyone.

These are bloody criminals who have taken over the whole world, the Habsburgs and so on.
They came from the swamps, took advantage of the plague, deceit and cunning destroyed the good knightly order.

They took over the whole world, but America broke their back.

And now they have risen again.

Death to the Reich!
Change the shameful name of France to the good old Celtic!

Celtica - the second country that stood up against the bloody Reich

Glory to Celtic!

Death to the Reich!
The terrible Rotterdam de Paris is the first Gothic temple. Rotterdam must be destroyed. This is a symbol of the power of the Reich in France.

Death to the Reich!
Is this tomorrow?

Death to the Reich!
What an absurde Sado-Maso picture is this? Source please.
Freedom to Celticа.

Long live the great Revolution.

Long live Free America.

Death to the Reich!

Long live Free Hungary!

Long live the revolution!

Long live the Spring of Nations!

Death to the Reich!


Your chatter is of no interest to anyone.

who not likes really to kknow something

These are bloody criminals who have taken over the whole world, the Habsburgs and so on.

Oh by the way. One of the most enlightening characterisations of Putin was made from Otto von Habsburg, who had been the last man educated to be able to be an emperor. Otto von Habsburg had been a parlamentarian in the parlament of the EU. Here is what he had said about Putin - a long time before Putin became a threat for the world peace:

They came from the swamps,

Not really. They came from the Alp mountains.

took advantage of the plague, deceit and cunning destroyed the good knightly order.

You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it?

They took over the whole world, but America broke their back.

And now they have risen again.

Death to the Reich!

Death is the only mighty thing which even idiots can reach with simple methods. Which member of the very honorable house of Habsburg do you like to kill, unworthy superidiot? Which German tribe do you like to wipe out this time? The Andalusians? What do you like to reach with your absurdities?
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Long live the Free Confederation of the United States of Greater Austria!

Long live the revolution!

Long live the Spring of Nations!

Death to fascism!

Death to the Reich!

The terrible Rotterdam de Paris is the first Gothic temple. Rotterdam must be destroyed. This is a symbol of the power of the Reich in France.

Death to the Reich!

You like to destroy Rotterdam? ... Why not New Amsterdam?

Long live Freedom!
Long live Romance!
Long live Chivalry!
Long live Progressivism!
Death to Totalitarianism!
Death to Prussian subordination!
Death to Corporatism!
Death to Fascism!
Death to the Inquisition!
Death to the Old Order!

Death to the Reich!

Long live the Free Confederation of the United States of Greater Austria!

Eh? Austria was a branch of Bavaria. It was not founded from a confederation. It was founded from an emperor of the Holy Empire on reason to make Bavaria weaker.
Long live Freedom!
Long live Romance!
Long live Chivalry!
Long live Progressivism!
Death to Totalitarianism!
Death to Prussian subordination!
Death to Corporatism!
Death to Fascism!
Death to the Inquisition!
Death to the Old Order!

Death to the Reich!
Drink Coсa-Cola!
While you drink alcohol - you are slaves of the Reich!


Death to the Reich!

Austria was a branch of Bavaria. It was not founded from a confederation.
There was a project for a confederation, but Serb terrorists, servants of the Reich, prevented this by killing Franz Ferdinand and his wife.

Death to Serbian terrorists!
Death to the Reich!
The Third Reich started its UAS takeover in 1945 through Operation Paperclip.The Fourth Reich took over US government on a fast creeping basis and is now what is popularly known as the Deep State . Some marks for effort and approasching some of the key points .
The prohibition of alcohol will hasten the death of the Reich - the world worm.

For the repeal of the illegal Stalinist 21st Amendment.


Death to the Reich!

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