The Religeous CULT Of Jesus-esque Hillary Clinton

According to Hillary's own personal 'pastor', Hillary Clinton is the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ...or something to that effect...

Hillary Clinton’s election loss compared to the death and resurrection of Jesus by her own pastor

"Hillary Clinton’s pastor, United Methodist City Society Executive Director Rev. Bill Shillady, recently revealed to CNN the email that he sent Clinton the day after she lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump.

Seeming to compare Clinton’s campaign and loss to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Shillady, throughout his message, claimed “Sunday is coming.”

Seeing how her 'worshipers' have tried to destroy this country after her loss, I kinda figured she 'went the other way':

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....but only as SECOND in charge...

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  1. the state of being obsessed with someone or something.
    "she cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession"
    • an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
      plural noun: obsessions
      "he was in the grip of an obsession he was powerless to resist"
      synonyms: fixation, ruling/consuming passion, passion, mania, idée fixe, compulsion, preoccupation, infatuation, addiction, fetish, craze, hobbyhorse; More
Hey DD, what is the name of the Section of USMB we are in now?
- 'Politics'

Hey, DD, what do we talk about on this board?
- News

Hillary has said she wants to remain relevant for a 2020 run....staying in the media makes Hillary 'News'

I understand why you would be embarrassed as hell how Hillary is being compared to Jesus and how her humiliating defeat to Trump makes you wish she would just go away and wish people would stop talking about her...but it's not going to happen.

The DOJ just opened back up their investigation into Benghazi focusing on her aide's e-mails

The FBI just dumped 400+ brand NEW e-mails from Hillary's server, exposing over 800 more criminal counts of violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

She's still pushing her "This Is Why I Lost' Book

She's now in the news as being 'Jesus-esque'



When George Bush left office HE WENT AWAY. He 'dropped off the media / public face of the earth'. Almost a decade later, you poor snowflake bastards STILL bring up Bush, to whine / bitch / complain / blame him for all of Barry's / The DNC's / The World's problems...

And you are whining like a little bi@tch that Hillary - who keeps herself (and her crimes keep her) in the limelight - is still being talked about only months after her catastrophic loss to Trump?

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I have to apologize you are more than obsessed with her than I thought. Apparently I don't read the news you do because I haven't seen a damn thing about her in sometime and I don't care if I do. You assume and you know what that means that everyone that did not vote for your god voted for her. As always your assumptions are wrong.
Too's the trumpanzees with their messiah talk all over again.......they were the only ones calling Obama that....mind you.
try again------Obama as messiah was a 'thing'----way back in 2008 -----prominent jerks used the term
Prominent? Can you name them without doing a Google search? If not, they're not prominent.

I am an old woman-----I depend on google to review my telephone number

Her Pastor. Can you name anyone else who has said that? Or even anyone who has said that they believe it?

OP is apparently easily confused by the concept of "source".

Here's a random post that has nothing to do with the OP ---

LBJ "I'll have them ****** voting Republican for the next 200 years"

OMFG!! Look what the entire population of all conservatives everywhere on every planet in the universe, past present and future, just posted!!

We must needs demand the OP explain himself.

See what I did there OP?

Halooooo? Anybody home?

Hard to believe anybody would be willing to go on the internet and put their name next to this degree of Duh Stupid.
I have to apologize you are more than obsessed with her than I thought. Apparently I don't read the news you do because I haven't seen a damn thing about her in sometime and I don't care if I do.

10 AUG 2017
Judge orders new search for Clinton Benghazi emails - Hot Air

Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi investigation isn’t over yet — this is why

11 Aug 2017
Hillary Clinton’s election loss compared to the death and resurrection of Jesus by her own pastor

OF COURSE you don't want to acknowledge the CURRENT media coverage of Hillary just want to personally attack those who do. :p

I have to apologize you are more than obsessed with her than I thought. Apparently I don't read the news you do because I haven't seen a damn thing about her in sometime and I don't care if I do.

10 AUG 2017
Judge orders new search for Clinton Benghazi emails - Hot Air

Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi investigation isn’t over yet — this is why

11 Aug 2017
Hillary Clinton’s election loss compared to the death and resurrection of Jesus by her own pastor

OF COURSE you don't want to acknowledge the CURRENT media coverage of Hillary just want to personally attack those who do. :p

View attachment 143109

HOT AIR, lol, lol, lol

the blaze you have to be kidding me. Expand your reading choices. I do read breitbart once in awhile and I go to info wars when I want a good laugh.
[the blaze you have to be kidding me. Expand your reading choices. I do read breitbart once in awhile and I go to info wars when I want a good laugh.

CNN: 11 August 17
The email Clinton's pastor sent her after she lost - CNNPolitics
Hillary's pastor compares day of Hillary 's loss to 'Black Friday', Hillary to Jesus...

CNN: 10 August 17
Federal judge orders State Dept. to search for more Clinton Benghazi emails - CNNPolitics
"A federal judge has ordered the State Department to search for any additional Benghazi-related emails then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have sent or received from aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills or Jake Sullivan at their addresses.
Judge Amit Mehta, who was nominated by former President Barack Obama, ruled that the State Department should search the emails as well, noting "this matter is a far cry from a typical FOIA case. Secretary Clinton used a private email server, located in her home, to transmit and receive work-related communications during her tenure as secretary of state."
The judge has ordered a status report by September 22."

Again, OF COURSE you don't want to acknowledge the CURRENT media coverage of Hillary just want to personally attack those who do. :p

Last edited:
wait a minute. Isn't that pastor actually saying the whole world is in Hell right now?


You know one of my favorite sayings is “God doesn’t close one door without opening another, but it can be hell in the hallway.” My sister Hillary. You, our nation, our world is experiencing a black Friday. Our hope is that Sunday is coming. But it might well be hell for a while.
I wonder if Hillary read it since she deleted about 5,000 e mails. CNN has to be desperate to deal with this stuff. Notice we never see the original e mail but we get CNN's spin on the e mail instead.
Funny how the media reported yesterday Hillary was considering becoming a 'Pastor'...

(Move over, Rev. Jeremiah might not be the only hate-spewing, racist, anti-American 'Pastor' for much longer. :p )

Why shouldn't she become a cult leader? Al Gore did it and is a billionaire now. He even dumped his old wife so he could have whores instead.
CNN: 10 August 17
Federal judge orders State Dept. to search for more Clinton Benghazi emails - CNNPolitics
"A federal judge has ordered the State Department to search for any additional Benghazi-related emails then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have sent or received from aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills or Jake Sullivan at their addresses.

Judge Amit Mehta, who was nominated by former President Barack Obama, ruled that the State Department should search the emails as well, noting "this matter is a far cry from a typical FOIA case. Secretary Clinton used a private email server, located in her home, to transmit and receive work-related communications during her tenure as secretary of state."

The judge has ordered a status report by September 22."

And so much for any snowflake claim that this is a continued 'witch hunt' of Hillary by the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists'....THIS WAS ORDERED BY AN OBAMA APPOINTEE!

We are witnessing the RE-MAKING, RE-BRANDING, of Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2-time Presidential election loser, career-long corrupt politician, sexual deviant enabler, liar, influence peddler, failed Secretary of State, national security endangering, criminal...through the sudden 'embrace' of / ploy of wrapping herself in 'faith'....with the help of her pastor and loyal liberal media...for her next attempt to run for President in 2020:

How faith led Hillary Clinton 'out of the woods' - CNNPolitics

Hallelujah! Hillary Clinton has seen the light. No need to investigate her further...she has put that part of her life behind her...and prays YOU will, too! :p
[the blaze you have to be kidding me. Expand your reading choices. I do read breitbart once in awhile and I go to info wars when I want a good laugh.

CNN: 11 August 17
The email Clinton's pastor sent her after she lost - CNNPolitics
Hillary's pastor compares day of Hillary 's loss to 'Black Friday', Hillary to Jesus...

CNN: 10 August 17
Federal judge orders State Dept. to search for more Clinton Benghazi emails - CNNPolitics
"A federal judge has ordered the State Department to search for any additional Benghazi-related emails then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have sent or received from aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills or Jake Sullivan at their addresses.
Judge Amit Mehta, who was nominated by former President Barack Obama, ruled that the State Department should search the emails as well, noting "this matter is a far cry from a typical FOIA case. Secretary Clinton used a private email server, located in her home, to transmit and receive work-related communications during her tenure as secretary of state."
The judge has ordered a status report by September 22."

Again, OF COURSE you don't want to acknowledge the CURRENT media coverage of Hillary just want to personally attack those who do. :p

View attachment 143115

Maybe I just don't give a crap about Hillary, you ever think that? I don't know what's going on in her life, obama's or bush. I don't a whole hell of a lot of attention to someone out of office. It's bad to live in the past you should live in present day and future.
Maybe I just don't give a crap about Hillary...

That is OBVIOUS. If I were a snowflake, my party rigged primaries, / engaged in election fraud / cheated during debates to help this criminal win the nomination while still under multiple criminal investigations only to have her melt down and suffer a catastrophic loss, I would try to move on from her as soon as possible, too.

Maybe I just don't give a crap about Hillary...

That is OBVIOUS. If I were a snowflake, my party rigged primaries, / engaged in election fraud / cheated during debates to help this criminal win the nomination while still under multiple criminal investigations only to have her melt down and suffer a catastrophic loss, I would try to move on from her as soon as possible, too.


Well I'm not infatuated with her, as you are.

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