The religion euphemism: masking anti constitution ideology

I am anxious to find out this myself, and I'm glad you asked, but you aren't likely to get anything from the Leftists here...I don't think I've ever seen an honest straightforward answer to anything out of them.

Islam is not just a religion, it is a very harsh political philosophy as that encompasses all aspects of life; hates the idea of separation of Church and fact in their world they will cut your head off for advocating for it; their goal is for everyone to be a Muslim; they are completely intolerant of women's rights; certainly Gay rights; will not assimilate.

The European Experiment ought to be enough of an example to minds accessible to reason.

Good Question.
What European experiment?
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?

Feel free to provide examples.

As a 'leftie" I believe that Muslims and Christians should be treated exactly the same. I believe that the same laws and rules should apply to everyone.

I mock Christians- not Christianity. And I only mock those Christians who insist on attacking others for not being Christians- the vast majority of Christians I respect and like- but then again they actually tend to follow what Jesus said about treating others.

Personally I think both Islam and Christianity are fictions- but they bring comfort to their believers- and I am okay with that just so long as Muslims and Christians dont' insist that I and everyone else has to share their fantasies.

What about you?

Do you think that Muslims and Christians should be treated equally? Do your posts reflect that?
t out like Muslims are just a religion.

Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.
They don't watch to protect Islam so much as using it as an opportunity to demean white people.

ANYTHING that makes whites look bad is considered good.

And no, that is not me feeling sorry for myself. I couldn't give less of a damn what anyone thinks of me being a WHITE, straight male.
Ever notice the lefties on here throwing around fag insults as a means to demean the right? Yeah, happens alot. When I do it they call me a bigot.
They have no moral boundaries, just the need to win at any cost.

That doesn't follow either. Islam is neither a race nor a colour.
No, but one rarely sees a white Muslim. Like really white. Although Christians can well be either..
t out like Muslims are just a religion.

Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.

Islam: Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1] Arabic: الإسلام‎‎, IPA: [alʔisˈlaːm]) is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion which professes that there is only one and incomparable God (Allah)and that Muhammad is the last messenger of God.

Christianity: Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who serves as the focal point for the religion. It is the world's largest religion, with over 2.4 billion followers, or 33% of the global population, known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity whose coming as the Messiah (the Christ) was prophesied in the Old Testament.

Judaism: Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion, with the Torah as its foundational text (part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible), and supplemental oral tradition represented by later texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud.

Know what they have in common?

Same god...
I challenge "Timmy" to provide evidence of him DEFENDING a Christian. ANY evidence. Prove you're not a fucking hypocrite.

And you the same for defending a Muslim !

WHen would I need to defend a Christian? Where are they being abused?
I started a thread right here not more than a month ago saying we must stop the Muslim hatred. I even went so far as to apologize to Sunni Man.

I walk the talk. You?

Where would I need to defend Christians !? I'm trying to think of a situation they are being abused . I can't .

Feel free to remind me .
We have the law to defend the people. This is - I think - rather about defending the religion. Because most people abusing Muslims don't want to exterminate them but to "wake them up" to a similar reality as to their own. And reality in itself is more or less an illusion.
t out like Muslims are just a religion.

Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.
You can't redefine what's in the dictionary.:rolleyes-41:
You don't have to like it but it is a religion as much as Christianity.

If you like religions where you are commanded to behead people, rape children, openly lie for your cause, commit suicide, kill, rape and pillage without mercy, dash babies heads against a rock in front of their mothers, sell people in to slavery, and burn people in gas ovens, or drown them in cages, sure, It's a religion.

Only Hitler and allah are your gods. And they aren't very nice people. In fact, I'd say they are quite Devilish, wouldn't you?

Satanism is a religion, so if you want to argue that Muslims are worshipping Satan, then I will agree that it's a religion.
t out like Muslims are just a religion.

Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.
You can't redefine what's in the dictionary.:rolleyes-41:
You don't have to like it but it is a religion as much as Christianity.

If you like religions where you are commanded to behead people, rape children, openly lie for your cause, commit suicide, kill, rape and pillage without mercy, dash babies heads against a rock in front of their mothers, sell people in to slavery, and burn people in gas ovens, or drown them in cages, sure, It's a religion.

Only Hitler and allah are your gods. And they aren't very nice people. In fact, I'd say they are quite Devilish, wouldn't you?

Satanism is a religion, so if you want to argue that Muslims are worshipping Satan, then I will agree that it's a religion.

Actually that's cultural, not religious. Christians and Jews did all those things too in the name of their religion.
t out like Muslims are just a religion.

Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.
You can't redefine what's in the dictionary.:rolleyes-41:
You don't have to like it but it is a religion as much as Christianity.

If you like religions where you are commanded to behead people, rape children, openly lie for your cause, commit suicide, kill, rape and pillage without mercy, dash babies heads against a rock in front of their mothers, sell people in to slavery, and burn people in gas ovens, or drown them in cages, sure, It's a religion.

Only Hitler and allah are your gods. And they aren't very nice people. In fact, I'd say they are quite Devilish, wouldn't you?

Satanism is a religion, so if you want to argue that Muslims are worshipping Satan, then I will agree that it's a religion.
None of the above mentioned are commanded in Islam but people who have been raised by it. And some who have not.

Hitler wasn't the worst of nazis, he was just the face like Trump us the face of US. Allah is not real, but as an illusion of as faith so he can't be compared to a person.
t out like Muslims are just a religion.

Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.
You can't redefine what's in the dictionary.:rolleyes-41:
You don't have to like it but it is a religion as much as Christianity.

If you like religions where you are commanded to behead people, rape children, openly lie for your cause, commit suicide, kill, rape and pillage without mercy, dash babies heads against a rock in front of their mothers, sell people in to slavery, and burn people in gas ovens, or drown them in cages, sure, It's a religion.

Only Hitler and allah are your gods. And they aren't very nice people. In fact, I'd say they are quite Devilish, wouldn't you?

Satanism is a religion, so if you want to argue that Muslims are worshipping Satan, then I will agree that it's a religion.

Actually that's cultural, not religious. Christians and Jews did all those things too in the name of their religion.
But culture is defined by religion. That's why the way it is expressed is so meaningful, it has the power to shape the entire population on earth.

Just because something is said to be done in the name of religion, doesn't take away the fact it is done out of human weakness.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.
They don't watch to protect Islam so much as using it as an opportunity to demean white people.

ANYTHING that makes whites look bad is considered good.

And no, that is not me feeling sorry for myself. I couldn't give less of a damn what anyone thinks of me being a WHITE, straight male.
Ever notice the lefties on here throwing around fag insults as a means to demean the right? Yeah, happens alot. When I do it they call me a bigot.
They have no moral boundaries, just the need to win at any cost.

That doesn't follow either. Islam is neither a race nor a colour.

No, but one rarely sees a white Muslim. Like really white. Although Christians can well be either..

I suppose if one confines oneself to one's Mom's basement one "rarely sees" much of anything.
As this thread amply demonstrates.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.

You "righties" seem to confuse "protecting a religion" with protecting "freedom of religion". That means all religions that exist in our country and under the rule of law. It's a simple concept, yet you have such a hard time grasping it :dunno:
Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.
They don't watch to protect Islam so much as using it as an opportunity to demean white people.

ANYTHING that makes whites look bad is considered good.

And no, that is not me feeling sorry for myself. I couldn't give less of a damn what anyone thinks of me being a WHITE, straight male.
Ever notice the lefties on here throwing around fag insults as a means to demean the right? Yeah, happens alot. When I do it they call me a bigot.
They have no moral boundaries, just the need to win at any cost.

That doesn't follow either. Islam is neither a race nor a colour.

No, but one rarely sees a white Muslim. Like really white. Although Christians can well be either..

I suppose if one confines oneself to one's Mom's basement one "rarely sees" much of anything.
As this thread amply demonstrates.
You moved out already? Good, tell us, when did you see a white white Muslim? And the time before that was..?
Muslims are not a religion- they are followers of a religion.

You know- like Christians are followers of the Christian religion.

Now- do you believe Islam is a religion?
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.
You can't redefine what's in the dictionary.:rolleyes-41:
You don't have to like it but it is a religion as much as Christianity.

If you like religions where you are commanded to behead people, rape children, openly lie for your cause, commit suicide, kill, rape and pillage without mercy, dash babies heads against a rock in front of their mothers, sell people in to slavery, and burn people in gas ovens, or drown them in cages, sure, It's a religion.

Only Hitler and allah are your gods. And they aren't very nice people. In fact, I'd say they are quite Devilish, wouldn't you?

Satanism is a religion, so if you want to argue that Muslims are worshipping Satan, then I will agree that it's a religion.

Actually that's cultural, not religious. Christians and Jews did all those things too in the name of their religion.
But culture is defined by religion. That's why the way it is expressed is so meaningful, it has the power to shape the entire population on earth.

Just because something is said to be done in the name of religion, doesn't take away the fact it is done out of human weakness.

Christians believed that their religion allowed them to commit the kinds of atrocities you ascribe to a Muslim cult. What changed? The Bible didn't, culture did.
But culture is defined by religion. That's why the way it is expressed is so meaningful, it has the power to shape the entire population on earth.


Culture is way more pervasive, more influential, more deeply ingrained than religion. Religions can be followed, switched, or abandoned. Culture would have to be unlearned. And that's a steeper hill. Religion is taught; culture is imprinted. From birth, literally.

Take "honor killing". Please. Cultural artifact, way older than Islam, way older than Chrisitianism, way older than Hinduism. When a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, etc "honor kills" they do so in defiance of their own religion. Because culture is stronger. Oh yes, religion will try to control it and stamp it out, and to some extent does. But when it doesn't --- that's culture speaking.

Just because something is said to be done in the name of religion, doesn't take away the fact it is done out of human weakness.

There you go, much better. Turned it around in a single post.
Islam is not a religion anymore than Nazism is a religion.
You can't redefine what's in the dictionary.:rolleyes-41:
You don't have to like it but it is a religion as much as Christianity.

If you like religions where you are commanded to behead people, rape children, openly lie for your cause, commit suicide, kill, rape and pillage without mercy, dash babies heads against a rock in front of their mothers, sell people in to slavery, and burn people in gas ovens, or drown them in cages, sure, It's a religion.

Only Hitler and allah are your gods. And they aren't very nice people. In fact, I'd say they are quite Devilish, wouldn't you?

Satanism is a religion, so if you want to argue that Muslims are worshipping Satan, then I will agree that it's a religion.

Actually that's cultural, not religious. Christians and Jews did all those things too in the name of their religion.
But culture is defined by religion. That's why the way it is expressed is so meaningful, it has the power to shape the entire population on earth.

Just because something is said to be done in the name of religion, doesn't take away the fact it is done out of human weakness.

Christians believed that their religion allowed them to commit the kinds of atrocities you ascribe to a Muslim cult. What changed? The Bible didn't, culture did.
Don't confuse Bible with religion. You're mixing it. I said religion shapes culture, not Bible. The Bible didn't change but the religion certainly found new ways to express itself, so to speak. When it comes to the reasons the Christians stopped doing to crazy stuff, it's way complicated, would take years to read so I don't know, but I know it wasn't the Bible alone, the culture alone, any person alone or religion. Maybe the world got so over populated by enemies they lost their own.:dunno:No, not that either..:eusa_think:

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