The religion euphemism: masking anti constitution ideology

I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
I started another Islam thread, so you can see how lefties respond

Muslims and rape

Because you can't answer the question in this one, so you ran away.

Fuck your thread. You're an attention whore troll and dismissed.

I fully understand why you say fuck this thread. You lost! Of course you are pissed! Now, if you are a lefty, it is time to call me a troll, or put me on ignore, or call me a racist. You are not the first lefty that I have checkmated, so I already know the reactions. Go back to defending Islam.

Defending Islam.... defending Islam.... OH right, that thing I challenged you to document and you couldn't do it so you ran away. That thing.

No can do Noobile. One cannot "go back to" what one never started.

Go ahead Noob. Just TRY to prove me wrong. I dare you.

It is not possible to prove a lefty wrong, any more than it is possible to prove to a dog that it is wrong of him to lick his nuts in your living room in front of guests. It is fun to debate with lefties, but I realize before I even begin that there is no winning when debating with a lefty. It is just recreation.
ITs nothing to do with Islam . It's about freedom of religion + expression.
Bullshit, grade a bullshit. Fucking hypocrisy right here folks.

Did you defend the Baker? How bout the children praying?

Who is against children praying?

Oh right- Christians

If the children praying are Muslims.

High school ‘Muslim prayer room’ challenged
Cant own up to it can you. Always have to deflect your faults onto others. Par for the course for hacks like you.
I started a thread right here not more than a month ago saying we must stop the Muslim hatred. I even went so far as to apologize to Sunni Man.

I walk the talk. You?

Where would I need to defend Christians !? I'm trying to think of a situation they are being abused . I can't .

Feel free to remind me .
You sir can not defend your hypocrisy.


Because it doesn't exist . You fail!

Ever hear of the 911 mosque ? What's your position on that Mr religion defender?
Not only are you a hypocrite but you apparently don't understand what a "right" is. They don't have the "right" to put up a building at a specific location anymore than anyone else does.

Lol! The hypocrites shows his true colors ! And you dare to tell me. I'm not for free religion.
Because you're not. You've proven yourself to be a hyperbolic hack & a pathological liar. Not even sure why I'm conversing with you.

And for the record, I mock ALL religions & their fraudulent gods. Course if you weren't a partisan hack you'd have known that.
ITs nothing to do with Islam . It's about freedom of religion + expression.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Liberals shit themselves over a small business refusing to bake a wedding cake with two guys yet wag their finger over Conservatives refusing to let people in who stone homosexuals to death or throw homosexuals off roofs. Since the Liberals are so concerned about women and defending Islam at the same time, ask the incoming Imams subject to the so called muslime ban about women going to school, driving a car, and not stoning or lashing the woman raped for "tempting a man"

Goddamnit, Alinsky would be proud!
Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
I started another Islam thread, so you can see how lefties respond

Muslims and rape

Because you can't answer the question in this one, so you ran away.

Fuck your thread. You're an attention whore troll and dismissed.

I fully understand why you say fuck this thread. You lost! Of course you are pissed! Now, if you are a lefty, it is time to call me a troll, or put me on ignore, or call me a racist. You are not the first lefty that I have checkmated, so I already know the reactions. Go back to defending Islam.

Defending Islam.... defending Islam.... OH right, that thing I challenged you to document and you couldn't do it so you ran away. That thing.

No can do Noobile. One cannot "go back to" what one never started.

Go ahead Noob. Just TRY to prove me wrong. I dare you.

It is not possible to prove a lefty wrong, any more than it is possible to prove to a dog that it is wrong of him to lick his nuts in your living room in front of guests. It is fun to debate with lefties, but I realize before I even begin that there is no winning when debating with a lefty. It is just recreation.

Yeah yeah your humble concession is noted and logged and shit. You tanked here so go back to buffing the bishop. Yawn.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
I started another Islam thread, so you can see how lefties respond

Muslims and rape

Because you can't answer the question in this one, so you ran away.

Fuck your thread. You're an attention whore troll and dismissed.

I fully understand why you say fuck this thread. You lost! Of course you are pissed! Now, if you are a lefty, it is time to call me a troll, or put me on ignore, or call me a racist. You are not the first lefty that I have checkmated, so I already know the reactions. Go back to defending Islam.

Defending Islam.... defending Islam.... OH right, that thing I challenged you to document and you couldn't do it so you ran away. That thing.

No can do Noobile. One cannot "go back to" what one never started.

Go ahead Noob. Just TRY to prove me wrong. I dare you.
That documentation that I left for you in post 51 is getting pretty fun. You should check it out, even though the smoking gun will not be enough for you.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
Liberals are under the mistaken presumption Islam is like abandoned puppy in the snow, and they LOVE protecting poor innocent thingamajiggers.But little do liberals know, Islam taxes, stones or otherwise bite the liberal hand that is reaching out to help them. The thing here is, Muslims neither want nor need nor respect western liberals, And I wish liberals would get that through their thick skulls.

And there they go, still trotting out the same strawman, expecting different results. Hard to believe.
I am anxious to find out this myself, and I'm glad you asked, but you aren't likely to get anything from the Leftists here...I don't think I've ever seen an honest straightforward answer to anything out of them.

Islam is not just a religion, it is a very harsh political philosophy as that encompasses all aspects of life; hates the idea of separation of Church and fact in their world they will cut your head off for advocating for it; their goal is for everyone to be a Muslim; they are completely intolerant of women's rights; certainly Gay rights; will not assimilate.

The European Experiment ought to be enough of an example to minds accessible to reason.

Good Question.
Islam is not just a religion, it is a very harsh political philosophy as that encompasses all aspects of life;

and isnt christianity ?

This scene represents something that happened centuries ago. This, and much worse, still goes in with islam, including public chop chop. islam hasn't evolved since muhammed, the sadistic founder of islam, was robbing caravans and chopping off heads and fingertips.
Lefties want to hide the ideology side of Islam, and try to make it out like Muslims are just a religion.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?
You seem to live in a world of stereotypes that march in lock step devoid of independent thought. I suggest you answer your own question as I'm sure you have the answer you're looking for.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?
You seem to live in a world of stereotypes that march in lock step devoid of independent thought. I suggest you answer your own question as I'm sure you have the answer you're looking for.
It is fascinating to watch lefties avoid answering the question that I asked. I have observed lefties on several political boards over the years, and they all share a few common tactics. Dodge, divert, invert, ignore, sidestep, redefine, derail, or otherwise evade. I am quite aware that you have no intention on EVER answering why lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity, nor does any other lefty.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?
You seem to live in a world of stereotypes that march in lock step devoid of independent thought. I suggest you answer your own question as I'm sure you have the answer you're looking for.
It is fascinating to watch lefties avoid answering the question that I asked. I have observed lefties on several political boards over the years, and they all share a few common tactics. Dodge, divert, invert, ignore, sidestep, redefine, derail, or otherwise evade. I am quite aware that you have no intention on EVER answering why lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity, nor does any other lefty.
You might try asking sensible questions instead of loaded questions which are rhetorical seeking replies that serve your agenda.
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I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

They see muslims as anti-American and Anti-Christian....and that is enough for them......since they hate both.....that they fail to see their defense of islam as not surprising....

What I find interesting from the posts of the faux Christians who regularly attack all Muslims as Devil spawn- is how real Christians all across the united States- and Canada- have welcomed Muslim refugees.

Most of the refugee settlement programs in the United States are run by faith based organizations- who see themselves as following Jesus's guidance by helping refugees.

They don't spend their time here at USMB trying to convince everyone that all Muslims are evil.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?
You seem to live in a world of stereotypes that march in lock step devoid of independent thought. I suggest you answer your own question as I'm sure you have the answer you're looking for.
It is fascinating to watch lefties avoid answering the question that I asked. I have observed lefties on several political boards over the years, and they all share a few common tactics. Dodge, divert, invert, ignore, sidestep, redefine, derail, or otherwise evade. I am quite aware that you have no intention on EVER answering why lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity, nor does any other lefty.

Its fascinating to watch a religious bigot like you avoid facts, in order to spew bullshit.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I think you consider anyone who attacks Christianity to be liberal and anyone that defends Christianity to be a conservative. The fact is the divide is about 60/40 and political bulletin boards are certain not a valid cross section of the American public. Political blogs and political forms are representative of the most extreme views of both sides.
Why do you suppose lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity?
You seem to live in a world of stereotypes that march in lock step devoid of independent thought. I suggest you answer your own question as I'm sure you have the answer you're looking for.
It is fascinating to watch lefties avoid answering the question that I asked. I have observed lefties on several political boards over the years, and they all share a few common tactics. Dodge, divert, invert, ignore, sidestep, redefine, derail, or otherwise evade. I am quite aware that you have no intention on EVER answering why lefties defend Islam as strongly as they mock Christianity, nor does any other lefty.
You might try asking sensible questions instead of loaded questions which are rhetorical seeking replies that serve your agenda.

He will never do that.
ITs nothing to do with Islam . It's about freedom of religion + expression.
Bullshit, grade a bullshit. Fucking hypocrisy right here folks.

Did you defend the Baker? How bout the children praying?

Who is against children praying?

Oh right- Christians

If the children praying are Muslims.

High school ‘Muslim prayer room’ challenged
Cant own up to it can you. Always have to deflect your faults onto others. Par for the course for hacks like you.

Can't own up to what? LOL. Par for the course hacks like you can't even write a coherent sentence.

Nobody is stopping any children from praying. It is impossible to stop anyone from praying.

I think that there are times and places for public prayer- some are appropriate and some are not- but regardless the same rules should apply to everyone- Jews, Muslims, Christians.

Just as I think that Christian bakers should have to follow the same laws as everyone else has to follow.

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