The religion Forum

eople that are VERY religious or just curious don't inviade Breaking News or Politics or Climate/Emvironement or Cooking or Garage or or or or or
Just the whole wide world to impose their fanatic law. But I agree, you need a place where you can torture and slaughter each other.
You are an example of what she is talking about
I just replied. USMB is not the right forum for you, if you cannot stand objection.
Best to steer clear of it. Anti religion left loons aka atheists are annoying. For some odd reason to them religion is bad.... but endorse Islam.


You're dumb as a stump.

You're off topic, or no topic and flaming

Why would I go to a forum and listen to left loon atheists wail and whine about my beliefs but coddle Islam?

No thanks
Best to steer clear of it. Anti religion left loons aka atheists are annoying. For some odd reason to them religion is bad.... but endorse Islam.

Atheists endorse Islam? you even know what an atheist is?
We know what Islam is and it is not good for any non-Muslim. It is a hate filled violent intolerant religion that preaches supremacy and shuns assimilation. leftists?

Think hard
A lot like Theftists. Spelling on purpose.
Best to steer clear of it. Anti religion left loons aka atheists are annoying. For some odd reason to them religion is bad.... but endorse Islam.

Atheists endorse Islam? you even know what an atheist is?
We know what Islam is and it is not good for any non-Muslim. It is a hate filled violent intolerant religion that preaches supremacy and shuns assimilation.
So you think the radical 10% speak for the non-violent 90%?
I speak about Islam, not Muslims. What Muslims say and Islam says are quite different.
I was reading up on the difference between Shia and Sunni. They are very different. Just as Baptists are different from Seventh Day Adventists, mormons from catholic, etc etc. But if people would read, listen and discuss without being called idiots for thinking there is a "sky fairy", it would be a learning experience for all that are interested. Get it? those INTERESTED, without the name calling and degradation and being bombarded by those who DON'T believe in anything. They are only there to ridicule, not participate.
Half the problem on the religion forum comes down to one troll that rhymes with Raz.

Not really religious myself, but I find the Atheists to be the biggest jerks on those pages. I rarely participate in that forum as it is just name calling.
I have no particular religion, either. I am interested in readin them all from folks here that I have been around forever it seems. I learn from them. Take what "tickles my ear" and leave what doesn't, but it still is informative. I AM spiritual. I believe in the Christian God and Jesus. However, I follow my own path. That path veers off this way or that way and I can choose to follow it awhile, but always wind back on my own. I do NOT appreciate those on no path, coming in and leaving tacks or poison pits on ours just because they choose not to believe. THAT is what the issue is.
Half the problem on the religion forum comes down to one troll that rhymes with Raz.

Not really religious myself, but I find the Atheists to be the biggest jerks on those pages. I rarely participate in that forum as it is just name calling.
I have no particular religion, either. I am interested in readin them all from folks here that I have been around forever it seems. I learn from them. Take what "tickles my ear" and leave what doesn't, but it still is informative. I AM spiritual. I believe in the Christian God and Jesus. However, I follow my own path. That path veers off this way or that way and I can choose to follow it awhile, but always wind back on my own. I do NOT appreciate those on no path, coming in and leaving tacks or poison pits on ours just because they choose not to believe. THAT is what the issue is.
This has been posted in this forum numerous times. Every time it falls on deaf ears. Nobody listens. You have explained the problem in that forum exactly as others have. Nobody with the power to do something will. Atheists will continue to piss on every thread you start. I rarely participate down there because nothing productive comes of it. Just the same nonsense posts you described designed by the God haters to troll and disrupt discussion. Nobody has any desire to police that forum on any level
So you think the radical 10% speak for the non-violent 90%?
You know there have been many polls on this.

Most Muslims endorse the extremists. The rest are willing to keep quiet concerning the extremists

No ..Most Muslims completely reject extremists and violence. Have you ever lived in the Arab world or even traveled thru it? You seem remarkably ignorant.. Do you habituate hate sites and other ignorant sources?
Half the problem on the religion forum comes down to one troll that rhymes with Raz.

Not really religious myself, but I find the Atheists to be the biggest jerks on those pages. I rarely participate in that forum as it is just name calling.
I have no particular religion, either. I am interested in readin them all from folks here that I have been around forever it seems. I learn from them. Take what "tickles my ear" and leave what doesn't, but it still is informative. I AM spiritual. I believe in the Christian God and Jesus. However, I follow my own path. That path veers off this way or that way and I can choose to follow it awhile, but always wind back on my own. I do NOT appreciate those on no path, coming in and leaving tacks or poison pits on ours just because they choose not to believe. THAT is what the issue is.
This has been posted in this forum numerous times. Every time it falls on deaf ears. Nobody listens. You have explained the problem in that forum exactly as others have. Nobody with the power to do something will. Atheists will continue to piss on every thread you start. I rarely participate down there because nothing productive comes of it. Just the same nonsense posts you described designed by the God haters to troll and disrupt discussion. Nobody has any desire to police that forum on any level
Task offered to police it. But he needs to rethink atheists allowed to disrupt. I think some here would agree to freely moderate it. And it could be arranged where they moderate ONLY that particular forum. So title would be Moderator: Religion Forum or some such. This could be done with MANY of the forums here. 62 forum and what....5 mods? Not nearly enough.
Half the problem on the religion forum comes down to one troll that rhymes with Raz.

Not really religious myself, but I find the Atheists to be the biggest jerks on those pages. I rarely participate in that forum as it is just name calling.
I have no particular religion, either. I am interested in readin them all from folks here that I have been around forever it seems. I learn from them. Take what "tickles my ear" and leave what doesn't, but it still is informative. I AM spiritual. I believe in the Christian God and Jesus. However, I follow my own path. That path veers off this way or that way and I can choose to follow it awhile, but always wind back on my own. I do NOT appreciate those on no path, coming in and leaving tacks or poison pits on ours just because they choose not to believe. THAT is what the issue is.
This has been posted in this forum numerous times. Every time it falls on deaf ears. Nobody listens. You have explained the problem in that forum exactly as others have. Nobody with the power to do something will. Atheists will continue to piss on every thread you start. I rarely participate down there because nothing productive comes of it. Just the same nonsense posts you described designed by the God haters to troll and disrupt discussion. Nobody has any desire to police that forum on any level
Task offered to police it. But he needs to rethink atheists allowed to disrupt. I think some here would agree to freely moderate it. And it could be arranged where they moderate ONLY that particular forum. So title would be Moderator: Religion Forum or some such. This could be done with MANY of the forums here. 62 forum and what....5 mods? Not nearly enough.
So then, will the same standards apply to the science section?

How about, to topics? If make a thread praising Obama, should posts be deleted that mock Obama?

Why does religion deserve this special treatment?
A good example. Nobody can discuss....the usual suspects AGAIN invade, but this was back in 2020. Along with a mod to do the thumbs down button. Which is why this happens. If a staff member can invade..why can't ever other atheist follow suit?

A good example. Nobody can discuss....the usual suspects AGAIN invade, but this was back in 2020. Along with a mod to do the thumbs down button. Which is why this happens. If a staff member can invade..why can't ever other atheist follow suit?

What do YOU believe? Are you familiar with the collapse of the Siloam Tower or do you dismiss that scripture in favor of God destroying humanity with Noah's flood?
A good example. Nobody can discuss....the usual suspects AGAIN invade, but this was back in 2020. Along with a mod to do the thumbs down button. Which is why this happens. If a staff member can invade..why can't ever other atheist follow suit?

I guess I wouldn't be a good mod then, cuz I would not deny atheists their right to post their thoughts in the Religion forum. And according to the rules for Zone 2, if a post references a politician or political party, that post is permitted as long as the post addresses the thread subject matter. Kind of like an attack is somewhat permitted under those circumstances. It's kind of difficult to apply a different standard to one Zone 2 Forum and not the others. As unfortunate as it is to have some assholes disrupt a thread, the USMB rules do not specifically rule that out as far as I can tell. Within limits of course. But the one thing we have going for us is the Ignore Button, if you put the asshole on Ignore then you won't see his/her posts and that can save you some emotional distress. I have a number of people on Ignore already, which is maybe one reason why I wouldn't make a good mod; I'd have to take them off Ignore and that would suck.

Tell you what though, check through the Religion Forum and see who you would be interested in inviting to a debate/discussion by name. Then the riff-raff can't invade, right?
if only there was a possibility to read up on religion in its myriad of varieties that does not involve a cesspool political board such as usmb.

waaah waaah, i need a safespace while shitting on everything else.
I guess I wouldn't be a good mod then, cuz I would not deny atheists their right to post their thoughts in the Religion forum.
They don't believe in anything, so what could they possibly say that wasn't insults for those that do. So would nt be a good mod for that particular forum. Plus, as you say, you have many on iggie, as do I. Neither of us would be very good at it. But there may be some out there that would.

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