The religion of peace

As a believer in Christ and His teachings, I believe that there are many that will never believe, and that's ok. But we, as Christians must at the very least tell the non believers that Christ was born of a virgin, died on the cross in propitiation of our sins, descended into hell, where He defeated Satan, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of God. What's not our job is to attempt to force non believers to believe. It will not happen that way. But we should make sure they have the information needed to begin a journey whereas they will die, and also be resurrected as a child of God. God will pierce the hearts of His chosen, and then those chosen will ache with the desire to know God and want a personal relationship with Him.We, must be there to mentor those chosen, just as we were chosen ...Remember, those that have been presented with the Truth, and still reject it, probably will continue to deny the truth until God does pierce their hearts with the desire to know Him.
He defeated Satan, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven

Uggg where do I start with these problematic statements.

1)he descended to hell Acts 2:27 &
1Peter 3:19, & Apostles Creed.
Fulfilling the son of perdition(lucifer) in Ezekiel 28
Perdition=to fall to the pit.
2)Michael defeats the adversary, to claim Lucifer(morning star) Jesus as the remover of the adversary is to prove you twist and imposter the role and switch sides.
3)Israel's adversary (sawtawn)was Babylon, then Rome. It was Rome as the adversary and accuser of the Temple Priesthood that created the resurrection story to make people think if they partake of this tree(cross= sign & mark of death)that they'd be eternal. Christians, those who took the mark of death (the beast) are the 1/3 Fallen & deceived by the adversary and accuser(satan) and their created image through the false prophets.
He defeated Satan, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven

Uggg where do I start with these problematic statements.

1)he descended to hell Acts 2:27 &
1Peter 3:19, & Apostles Creed.
Fulfilling the son of perdition(lucifer) in Ezekiel 28
Perdition=to fall to the pit.
2)Michael defeats the adversary, to claim Lucifer(morning star) Jesus as the remover of the adversary is to prove you twist and imposter the role and switch sides.
3)Israel's adversary (sawtawn)was Babylon, then Rome. It was Rome as the adversary and accuser of the Temple Priesthood that created the resurrection story to make people think if they partake of this tree(cross= sign & mark of death)that they'd be eternal. Christians, those who took the mark of death (the beast) are the 1/3 Fallen & deceived by the adversary and accuser(satan) and their created image through the false prophets.
If you find them to be problematic, then perhaps that's your problem, and not mine . You must follow your heart and me, mine.
then God gave them the freedom of choice.

God will pierce the hearts of His chosen, and then those chosen will ache with the desire to know God and want a personal relationship with Him.

Never quite understood this?
What part ?? God will pierce their heart ? or having the desire to know Him ?
How can I be said to have freedom of choice if I first have to be chosen by another?
All you need to do is use your free will and choose to turn to Him, and earnestly ask for forgiveness and then He will choose you as one of His own as a child of God. But many will refuse to receive the free gift of Salvation and instead pay the extreme high price for their sins instead. That is free choice.
As a believer in Christ and His teachings, I believe that there are many that will never believe, and that's ok. But we, as Christians must at the very least tell the non believers that Christ was born of a virgin, died on the cross in propitiation of our sins, descended into hell, where He defeated Satan, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of God. What's not our job is to attempt to force non believers to believe. It will not happen that way. But we should make sure they have the information needed to begin a journey whereas they will die, and also be resurrected as a child of God. God will pierce the hearts of His chosen, and then those chosen will ache with the desire to know God and want a personal relationship with Him.We, must be there to mentor those chosen, just as we were chosen ...Remember, those that have been presented with the Truth, and still reject it, probably will continue to deny the truth until God does pierce their hearts with the desire to know Him.

The late Muslim leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad of the New Black Panther Party said something that is true.

He said to keep the peace, you have to remove the peace-breaker when he starts disturbing the peace. Ergo, there is conflict sometimes in keeping the peace.

The perfect example of this principle is the police who engage in violence in order to keep the peace.
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I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.
I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.

The BURNing that people feel within that is called "hellfire" in the Bible is real (the Bible says that hell is experienced in *this* life, so the BURNing that you are feeling within is the fire of hell LOL)...Bible says that people who reject Jesus are experiencing God's Wrath LOL.

Have fun with that Wrath LOL.
I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.

The BURNing that people feel within that is called "hellfire" in the Bible is real (the Bible says that hell is experienced in *this* life, so the BURNing that you are feeling within is the fire of hell LOL)...Bible says that people who reject Jesus are experiencing God's Wrath LOL.

Have fun with that Wrath LOL.
Wrath of god, random crap that happens, I can deal with. What I fear is theists and their weird anal compulsion that THEIR religion is worth killing and dying for. Scares the holy poo outa me.
I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.

The BURNing that people feel within that is called "hellfire" in the Bible is real (the Bible says that hell is experienced in *this* life, so the BURNing that you are feeling within is the fire of hell LOL)...Bible says that people who reject Jesus are experiencing God's Wrath LOL.

Have fun with that Wrath LOL.
Wrath of god, random crap that happens, I can deal with. What I fear is theists and their weird anal compulsion that THEIR religion is worth killing and dying for. Scares the holy poo outa me.

Well King David in the Bible prayed about people who played with poo, that they experience the BURNing, fire, and pain of hell LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Keep experiencing that Wrath LOLOLOLOLOL.
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I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.

The BURNing that people feel within that is called "hellfire" in the Bible is real (the Bible says that hell is experienced in *this* life, so the BURNing that you are feeling within is the fire of hell LOL)...Bible says that people who reject Jesus are experiencing God's Wrath LOL.

Have fun with that Wrath LOL.
Wrath of god, random crap that happens, I can deal with. What I fear is theists and their weird anal compulsion that THEIR religion is worth killing and dying for. Scares the holy poo outa me.


I edited my last post (#33) to you...someone like you might not know who I meant by "David."

Keep BURNing! LOL
I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.

The BURNing that people feel within that is called "hellfire" in the Bible is real (the Bible says that hell is experienced in *this* life, so the BURNing that you are feeling within is the fire of hell LOL)...Bible says that people who reject Jesus are experiencing God's Wrath LOL.

Have fun with that Wrath LOL.
Wrath of god, random crap that happens, I can deal with. What I fear is theists and their weird anal compulsion that THEIR religion is worth killing and dying for. Scares the holy poo outa me.


I edited my last post (#33) to you...someone like you might not know who I meant by "David."

Keep BURNing! LOL
Jesus' mother was Mary. My brother is also David. He was no king.
God created perfection at the beginning, with Adam and Eve being those perfect examples. But Lucifer introduced them to the forbidden fruit, and then God gave them the freedom of choice.
Didn't God know what Lucifer and Eve would do? You make it sound like God was surprised by Lucifer and reacted to what he did when in fact when the universe was created God knew his creation would be imperfect and contain sin. God chose to create such a universe and then demand that he pay himself off. He also knew exactly how many of his creations would be punished for eternity. They would never have peace.
It was all about FREE WILL and how God's children would use it. There were those who on leaving Egypt couldn't believe in God even after miracle after miracle. There were those who couldn't believe in Jesus even after a blind man saw, a torn ear was healed, a leper was cured, yet Lucifer continued to sway people away from God. That is how Lucifer works, and you can see it today with a certain party fulfilling the way of Lucifer, year after year, lie after lie(for Lucifer is the master of Lies) and even some of the other party have fallen into darkness. Are you a follower of Lucifer? Are you "evil"?
I like Jesus, he's one of my favorite myths. But Mohamed, and Islam, there's a myth for ya. Blow your self up for an invisible mute sky spirit. 'Cause everyone in your culture says it's real, and blindly follow the rules. Wow. That is commitment for ya.

The BURNing that people feel within that is called "hellfire" in the Bible is real (the Bible says that hell is experienced in *this* life, so the BURNing that you are feeling within is the fire of hell LOL)...Bible says that people who reject Jesus are experiencing God's Wrath LOL.

Have fun with that Wrath LOL.
Wrath of god, random crap that happens, I can deal with. What I fear is theists and their weird anal compulsion that THEIR religion is worth killing and dying for. Scares the holy poo outa me.
Sorta like those at the moment blowing up themselves and others? Or a Nanny that beheaded a young child because Allah told her to do it? I don't seem many Christians going out of their way, yelling "Jesus is Great" while cutting off the heads of those that don't believe. Problem with you libtards, is that the left has so corrupted your minds into NOT believing that you just go out and do whatever you FEEL like. Which is why 33,000 born and unborn babies are executed a month(body parts sold), rampant rape, child molestation and MURDER(Not Kill) in inner cites where it could almost be declared a war zone. But hey, if that is the life you want to lead, you got it, Lucifer is laughing at all of you. When that war zone bleeds over into your neighborhood, it will be too late.
It was all about FREE WILL and how God's children would use it. There were those who on leaving Egypt couldn't believe in God even after miracle after miracle. There were those who couldn't believe in Jesus even after a blind man saw, a torn ear was healed, a leper was cured, yet Lucifer continued to sway people away from God.

How can there be free will AND a Lucifer to sway people? If this is really all a test of free will why did God create a Lucifer?

Are you a follower of Lucifer? Are you "evil"?

In a world of grays you see things only in black and white? No one has ever been all good or all evil. Are you perfectly good or do you have some imperfections that make you the tiniest bit "evil"?
It was all about FREE WILL and how God's children would use it. There were those who on leaving Egypt couldn't believe in God even after miracle after miracle. There were those who couldn't believe in Jesus even after a blind man saw, a torn ear was healed, a leper was cured, yet Lucifer continued to sway people away from God.

How can there be free will AND a Lucifer to sway people? If this is really all a test of free will why did God create a Lucifer?

Are you a follower of Lucifer? Are you "evil"?

In a world of grays you see things only in black and white? No one has ever been all good or all evil. Are you perfectly good or do you have some imperfections that make you the tiniest bit "evil"?
Funny in the world of GREY, more people are dying. I guess when there is NO sanctity of life, even at conception, then who gives a shit about life outside the womb. Humanity since receiving the forbidden fruit, has become flawed, why we aren't perfect, but instead of allowing our BEAST(Lucifer) to consume us, those who are civilized do not allow Lucifer to win. Even just a little bit. How is that Grey working out in Baltimore, Ferguson, NYC and Chicago?

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