The Report


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
An Amazon movie: I watched it last night. I can't say it was anything special in the entertainment field but was very plausible. I was a bit disappointed in the fact that Diane Feinstein played such a vital role, but, IMS, it was due to her office that The Report even came out. It also, to me, showed her to be pretty weak in the ethics arena but very strong in the partisan arena- to which I say, they were all complicit (all involved in the release of it, top to bottom), with the exception of the crew who did the actual investigation. The lead investigator was very diligent and passionate about his findings.

I use the words very plausible because the gov't offers no reason not to in any situation that comes to light about graft or corruption to out right lies.

Would I recommend it? Yeah- but not for entertainment purposes- only to cause you to think- which I know is highly disregarded in message boards- but, there it is.

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