The Republican Debacle (Debate)

Yes the hoax of the CA schools really fed the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents. What beautiful timing.

"the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents."

You're a 'special' kind of 'Partisan Stupid', aren't you?!

Why do Liberals have to make up shite all the time to demonize the GOP? There is enough to choose from (from both parties) to criticize them on without having to make such insanely over-the-top comments.
Yep....talking about defense equates to carpet bombing innocent people.....who only want to practice the religion of peace.
It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.

and exactly what do you have to put up against one of them, other that two old hag demoscum/libertraitors, who want to further destroy America?

That's the trouble with you folks. You don't know the meaning of words.

A robust financial industry with the stock market soaring, low unemployment, an auto industry making Camaros and Mustangs, low US troop deployments in the middle east, killing the leader of a major anti American Terrorist organization and investing in new technolgy is NOT destroying America, it's making her great.

Killing Unions, backing companies that off shore, denying science, mixing religion and politics, a unilateral approach to foreign policy and bombing the shit out of countries that did nothing to us IS destroying America.

Got it?
Yes the hoax of the CA schools really fed the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents. What beautiful timing.

"the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents."

You're a 'special' kind of 'Partisan Stupid', aren't you?!

Why do Liberals have to make up shite all the time to demonize the GOP? There is enough to choose from (from both parties) to criticize them on without having to make such insanely over-the-top comments.

Well I'm not really a liberal since I only voted once in my life for a Dem, , but you have to admit the timing was ultra special.
They pretty much want to gut science, allow infrastructure to fall into the river and to hell with our children's education.

Just say no to republicans.
They were talking about bombing kids last night and the audience applauded.

It's amazing.

I just couldn't believe that either. The woman said put Putin back in the box, and strangle China till they agree with us about N. Korea.

I wonder what the other countries thought of us. Hillary is a hawk as well. We are in a bind as far as I see it. Its like Pnac all over again. No one talks about this was in the plans since 2000 or since 1991.
Red herring; don't attempt to deflect, address the thread topic.
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.

Obama and NATO have been allowing Erdogan to bomb the shit out of the Kurds that have been fighting ISIS and letting Turkey smuggle, buy and sell ISIS oil. Now the B team don't have a clue what's going on thats for certain with Turkey and continually referred to Erdogan as our ally despite the fact they've made ISIS wealthy with the oil smuggling but also smuggling antiquities across their border AND funding al Nusra.

A team Paul and Trump were spot on as to how to deal with ISIS.


One of the first places hit by terrorists as a result of Bush's illegal invasion was Istanbul. Who were the terrorists? The Kurds. The PKK are a known and recognized terrorist group trying to carve land out of Turkey. Turkey has been a reliable ally for decades and is a member of NATO.

And it's private citizens engaged in good ol' fashion capitalism that has been ISIS wealthy and vital.

Those are American made trucks they drive. And American made weapons they are using to fight.
The Kurds are oppressed as hell in turkey. Why do you think they made the PKK? They usually attack the govt.
Turkey is a fuckin sponsor of terrorism.
The kurds are the only people on the ground that seem to do anything. And they seem to have been right about IS this whole time.
In fact, the PKK doesnt even want its own state anymore. They went communalism. They just want to live.
You sound like Josh Earnest. IDK if you are just ignorant, or like to lie like the WH.
They pretty much want to gut science, allow infrastructure to fall into the river and to hell with our children's education.

Just say no to republicans.
They were talking about bombing kids last night and the audience applauded.

It's amazing.

I just couldn't believe that either. The woman said put Putin back in the box, and strangle China till they agree with us about N. Korea.

I wonder what the other countries thought of us. Hillary is a hawk as well. We are in a bind as far as I see it. Its like Pnac all over again. No one talks about this was in the plans since 2000 or since 1991.

You prefer Obama's appeasement methods?
Another ridiculous lie from the right.
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.

Obama and NATO have been allowing Erdogan to bomb the shit out of the Kurds that have been fighting ISIS and letting Turkey smuggle, buy and sell ISIS oil. Now the B team don't have a clue what's going on thats for certain with Turkey and continually referred to Erdogan as our ally despite the fact they've made ISIS wealthy with the oil smuggling but also smuggling antiquities across their border AND funding al Nusra.

A team Paul and Trump were spot on as to how to deal with ISIS.


One of the first places hit by terrorists as a result of Bush's illegal invasion was Istanbul. Who were the terrorists? The Kurds. The PKK are a known and recognized terrorist group trying to carve land out of Turkey. Turkey has been a reliable ally for decades and is a member of NATO.

And it's private citizens engaged in good ol' fashion capitalism that has been ISIS wealthy and vital.

Those are American made trucks they drive. And American made weapons they are using to fight.
The Kurds are oppressed as hell in turkey. Why do you think they made the PKK? They usually attack the govt.
Turkey is a fuckin sponsor of terrorism.
The kurds are the only people on the ground that seem to do anything. And they seem to have been right about IS this whole time.
In fact, the PKK doesnt even want its own state anymore. They went communalism. They just want to live.
You sound like Josh Earnest. IDK if you are just ignorant, or like to lie like the WH.
That's your reply? lol
You don't know shit about the Kurds, do ya?
They pretty much want to gut science, allow infrastructure to fall into the river and to hell with our children's education.

Just say no to republicans.
They were talking about bombing kids last night and the audience applauded.

It's amazing.

I just couldn't believe that either. The woman said put Putin back in the box, and strangle China till they agree with us about N. Korea.

I wonder what the other countries thought of us. Hillary is a hawk as well. We are in a bind as far as I see it. Its like Pnac all over again. No one talks about this was in the plans since 2000 or since 1991.
Red herring; don't attempt to deflect, address the thread topic.

I agree with the OP. Either way I've been around long enough to know the rich dictate both sides and our politicians are mainly bought, the ones who are not are the Rand Pauls. Listening to the GOP up there, they don't sound like they know one Muslim from another, and , the radical Islamist Jihadist, really who are they, paid mercenaries to take over Syria and put the fear of God in the rest of us onlookers. SA and Israel want Iran taken out and to do that one needs to squeeze Russia. (after awhile it all came down to Iran and Russia)
They pretty much want to gut science, allow infrastructure to fall into the river and to hell with our children's education.

Just say no to republicans.
They were talking about bombing kids last night and the audience applauded.

It's amazing.

I just couldn't believe that either. The woman said put Putin back in the box, and strangle China till they agree with us about N. Korea.

I wonder what the other countries thought of us. Hillary is a hawk as well. We are in a bind as far as I see it. Its like Pnac all over again. No one talks about this was in the plans since 2000 or since 1991.

You prefer Obama's appeasement methods?
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Because you say so means very little, you never prove a thing you say, you blabber and think you're taken serious, you're not
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?
Obama refuses to sign anything that fixes any of the problems. Instead, they have to kick the can further down the road until this jackass is out of the white house.
It's always going to be some excuse like that, them blaming the Democrats. They have to learn to work with the other side before making such wild changes that affect people. How can they terminate Medicare, for instance?

Republicans have already screwed up people's lives by taking insurance to a level that nobody can afford and that was all them allowing insurance companies to write the policy. At least Obama is trying to change that debacle. Obamacare is here to stay and yet they insist on trying to repeal it.

How stupid and greedy do they get?
The Republicans haven't jacked up the costs of health care and insurance. Democrats have been calling the shots on that. Obamacare is designed to do just that. Make insurance unaffordable so they can force single -payer down our throats.
They allowed big insurance to set the policies. You must acknowledge that big insurance was out of control. People who were really sick had zero options.

You can continue to lie to yourself but the insured people now understand why insurance needed to be overhauled.
It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.

and exactly what do you have to put up against one of them, other that two old hag demoscum/libertraitors, who want to further destroy America?

That's the trouble with you folks. You don't know the meaning of words.

A robust financial industry with the stock market soaring, low unemployment, an auto industry making Camaros and Mustangs, low US troop deployments in the middle east, killing the leader of a major anti American Terrorist organization and investing in new technolgy is NOT destroying America, it's making her great.

Killing Unions, backing companies that off shore, denying science, mixing religion and politics, a unilateral approach to foreign policy and bombing the shit out of countries that did nothing to us IS destroying America.

Got it?
Yep.....I wish the Democrats would quit doing that shit.
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?
Obama refuses to sign anything that fixes any of the problems. Instead, they have to kick the can further down the road until this jackass is out of the white house.
It's always going to be some excuse like that, them blaming the Democrats. They have to learn to work with the other side before making such wild changes that affect people. How can they terminate Medicare, for instance?

Republicans have already screwed up people's lives by taking insurance to a level that nobody can afford and that was all them allowing insurance companies to write the policy. At least Obama is trying to change that debacle. Obamacare is here to stay and yet they insist on trying to repeal it.

How stupid and greedy do they get?
The Republicans haven't jacked up the costs of health care and insurance. Democrats have been calling the shots on that. Obamacare is designed to do just that. Make insurance unaffordable so they can force single -payer down our throats.
They allowed big insurance to set the policies. You must acknowledge that big insurance was out of control. People who were really sick had zero options.

You can continue to lie to yourself but the insured people now understand why insurance needed to be overhauled.
The only "Big-Insurance" I see here is the ACA.
I watched it, and I saw Trump, once again display his childish temperament. The man is not fit to be dogcatcher. He appeals to those whose political ideas come from bumper sticker philosophy. Pithy but shallow.

hummmm? you'd rather have someone who claims they are Godlike and proclaim how they are going to stop the seas rising and the heal thy planet.

Huh? or hummmm?
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.
You mean they don't grasp the enormity of the chaos created by the "feckless" leadership on the moron in the Oval Office and his Sec Def PIAPS?

The "chaos" was created by the illegal invasion of Iraq.

And most on the right want to make the same mistake, including those running for president.
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.
It's hard to argue with such partisan stupidity...

Your projection is both laughable and ironic.
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?

Democrats were something like 5 seats shy of a Super Majority control of the entire Congress. Instead of focusing on fixing the decaying infrastructure or on creating jobs they passed a nearly $1 Trillion failed 'Stimulus bill' that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-ONLY pork that failed to keep unemployment under 8% as they promised (it rose to 10.1%), funded projects like helping alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink more responsibly on duty, and in the end cost US Tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLIAMED to have 'created' / 'saved'.

They also rammed a minority-supported health care bill into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning, paving the way for Obama's 'Lie of the Year' Award, billions wasted on a govt web site the Obama administration STILL can't get to work, and a program that's about to collapse under the weight of its own ineptitude and incompetence.

They also helped Obama set records for 'monthly', annual', and 'total' deficit-spending and the adding of over $6 trillion in new debt in only 6 years - more than every other US President in our history COMBINED.

Obama has accomplished a lot of HIS own agenda:
- He armed Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 Americans
- He helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt
- 'Filled' his Cabinet and key positions in his government with Muslim Brotherhood -associated members.
- Armed Al Qaeida (Yeah, THAT Al Qaeida - 9/11/01) in Libya before taking the country to war there on his own to help Al Qaeida take over their own country.
- Has thoroughly divided this nation along racial lines
...and there are just too many more to cover without writing a book....

All of this is bullshit.

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