The Republican Debacle (Debate)

They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?
Liberals have a President who handed over thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, an act which resulted in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens...yet spends his time lecturing the law-abiding citizens of this nation on how we should make it harder for bad people to have guns while politicizing gun deaths (of his choosing).

Liberals have a President who demands more background checks on law-abiding citizens before they can own a gun yet not only handed over thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels (without background checks to ensure they were 'responsible' drug dealers) but mocked the American people's concern for our safety because of his administration's 'awesome' vetting process...right before 2 terrorists his administration failed to identify (because they didn't want to check out their public Facebook page in fear it might offend the terrorists) them and prevent another successful terrorist attack on this country.

Liberals have a DNC candidate leading their party's nomination race who / whose State Department HIRED an AL QAEIDA-associated militia to protect a now DEAD US Ambassador, denied the man's 600+ requests for additional security, took away 16 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound - the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in his compound wall, and when every other nation was taking their people out due to the threat LEFT our US Ambassador there with inadequate security to needlessly die.

...and they're talking shite about the GOP candidates who are encouraging MORE security, a change from the failed administration that has allowed at least 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil now and promised policies of a woman who left a man to die?!
Goddamn fools talking about regime changes. It is INSANITY. It only makes things WORSE. Fuckin Establishment!
Liberals have a President who handed over thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, an act which resulted in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens...yet spends his time lecturing the law-abiding citizens of this nation on how we should make it harder for bad people to have guns while politicizing gun deaths (of his choosing).

Liberals have a President who demands more background checks on law-abiding citizens before they can own a gun yet not only handed over thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels (without background checks to ensure they were 'responsible' drug dealers) but mocked the American people's concern for our safety because of his administration's 'awesome' vetting process...right before 2 terrorists his administration failed to identify (because they didn't want to check out their public Facebook page in fear it might offend the terrorists) them and prevent another successful terrorist attack on this country.

Liberals have a DNC candidate leading their party's nomination race who / whose State Department HIRED an AL QAEIDA-associated militia to protect a now DEAD US Ambassador, denied the man's 600+ requests for additional security, took away 16 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound - the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in his compound wall, and when every other nation was taking their people out due to the threat LEFT our US Ambassador there with inadequate security to needlessly die.

...and they're talking shite about the GOP candidates who are encouraging MORE security, a change from the failed administration that has allowed at least 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil now and promised policies of a woman who left a man to die?!

I know can you believe the nerve of them? I just laugh. the people are sick and tired of them and their nasty made up lies and if they don't get it, that's their problem
I don't think the Democrats' propaganda arm, CNN, deserves the privilege of hosting debates. It was clear from the first question that their goal was to paint Republicans as war-mongering bigots.
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?
Obama refuses to sign anything that fixes any of the problems. Instead, they have to kick the can further down the road until this jackass is out of the white house.
I don't think the Democrats' propaganda arm, CNN, deserves the privilege of hosting debates. It was clear from the first question that their goal was to paint Republicans as war-mongering bigots.

as long as the people realize. some of these lamestream medias has become an enemy to them. that goes for anyone Republican/conservative/Independent.
I watched it, and I saw Trump, once again display his childish temperament. The man is not fit to be dogcatcher. He appeals to those whose political ideas come from bumper sticker philosophy. Pithy but shallow.

hummmm? you'd rather have someone who claims they are Godlike and proclaim how they are going to stop the seas rising and the heal thy planet.

This weekend, leaders from 196 countries approved the first global agreement to limit greenhouse-gas emissions in human history. The pact is a triumph of international diplomacy shared by diplomats across the planet. It also represents the culmination of a patient strategy by the Obama administration that unfolded over years, and which even many sympathetic journalists long dismissed as fanciful. Obama’s climate agenda has lurked quietly on the recesses of the American imagination for most of his presidency. It is also probably the administration’s most important accomplishment.

To paraphrase Trump? "That's YUGE".

Yep.....what a success.

They really spanked them some ISIS booty.

Obama thinks words minus actions equals accomplishments.
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?
Obama refuses to sign anything that fixes any of the problems. Instead, they have to kick the can further down the road until this jackass is out of the white house.
It's always going to be some excuse like that, them blaming the Democrats. They have to learn to work with the other side before making such wild changes that affect people. How can they terminate Medicare, for instance?

Republicans have already screwed up people's lives by taking insurance to a level that nobody can afford and that was all them allowing insurance companies to write the policy. At least Obama is trying to change that debacle. Obamacare is here to stay and yet they insist on trying to repeal it.

How stupid and greedy do they get?
I don't think the Democrats' propaganda arm, CNN, deserves the privilege of hosting debates. It was clear from the first question that their goal was to paint Republicans as war-mongering bigots.
Of course, the nature of the questions predetermined the answers. What choice did they have? How could they possibly have answered differently?
Kasich, Rubio, Christie and bush are big govt assholes.
Cruz did fine
Trump did ok on some points but he is so fuckin childish..
Paul kicked ass
I dont even have a strain of support for Fiorina anymore..

Paul won in my opinion. The rest, made me ill.
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?

Democrats were something like 5 seats shy of a Super Majority control of the entire Congress. Instead of focusing on fixing the decaying infrastructure or on creating jobs they passed a nearly $1 Trillion failed 'Stimulus bill' that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving DNC-ONLY pork that failed to keep unemployment under 8% as they promised (it rose to 10.1%), funded projects like helping alcoholic Chinese prostitutes drink more responsibly on duty, and in the end cost US Tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLIAMED to have 'created' / 'saved'.

They also rammed a minority-supported health care bill into law against the majority will of the people in the wee hours of the morning, paving the way for Obama's 'Lie of the Year' Award, billions wasted on a govt web site the Obama administration STILL can't get to work, and a program that's about to collapse under the weight of its own ineptitude and incompetence.

They also helped Obama set records for 'monthly', annual', and 'total' deficit-spending and the adding of over $6 trillion in new debt in only 6 years - more than every other US President in our history COMBINED.

Obama has accomplished a lot of HIS own agenda:
- He armed Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 Americans
- He helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt
- 'Filled' his Cabinet and key positions in his government with Muslim Brotherhood -associated members.
- Armed Al Qaeida (Yeah, THAT Al Qaeida - 9/11/01) in Libya before taking the country to war there on his own to help Al Qaeida take over their own country.
- Has thoroughly divided this nation along racial lines
...and there are just too many more to cover without writing a book....
I don't think the Democrats' propaganda arm, CNN, deserves the privilege of hosting debates. It was clear from the first question that their goal was to paint Republicans as war-mongering bigots.

I think the Rep spoke what they think, they are war hawks.
Yes the hoax of the CA schools really fed the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents. What beautiful timing.
Kasich, Rubio, Christie and bush are big govt assholes.
Cruz did fine
Trump did ok on some points but he is so fuckin childish..
Paul kicked ass
I dont even have a strain of support for Fiorina anymore..

Paul won in my opinion. The rest, made me ill.
Paul was so confident. He even changed my mind on a couple things.

Can you tell us what the couple things are?
Yes the hoax of the CA schools really fed the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents. What beautiful timing.

"the Gop's debate with another excuse to carpet bomb innocents."

You're a 'special' kind of 'Partisan Stupid', aren't you?!

Why do Liberals have to make up shite all the time to demonize the GOP? There is enough to choose from (from both parties) to criticize them on without having to make such insanely over-the-top comments.
They had control of the entire congress and none of that was accomplished. Instead, Obama had achieved a lot of his own agenda. Can't the Republican voters think about these things as they're happening at least?
Obama refuses to sign anything that fixes any of the problems. Instead, they have to kick the can further down the road until this jackass is out of the white house.
It's always going to be some excuse like that, them blaming the Democrats. They have to learn to work with the other side before making such wild changes that affect people. How can they terminate Medicare, for instance?

Republicans have already screwed up people's lives by taking insurance to a level that nobody can afford and that was all them allowing insurance companies to write the policy. At least Obama is trying to change that debacle. Obamacare is here to stay and yet they insist on trying to repeal it.

How stupid and greedy do they get?
The Republicans haven't jacked up the costs of health care and insurance. Democrats have been calling the shots on that. Obamacare is designed to do just that. Make insurance unaffordable so they can force single -payer down our throats.

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