The Republican Debacle (Debate)

No wonder the left/ Hillary cult member's are so nasty. :laugh:

BOOM! Trump’s Primary Lead Larger Than Hillary’s – Larger Than Reagan’s in ’80 and Bush’s in 1988!

Jim Hoft Dec 15th, 2015 1:15 pm 57 Comments

Businessman Donald Trump’s lead in national polling is larger than Hillary Clinton’s lead over Socialist Bernie Sanders. Trump’s lead is larger than Ronald Reagan’s lead in 1980 and George W. Bush’s lead in 1988.

Ethan Epstein at The Weekly Standard reported:

So dominant is Hillary Clinton’s polling in the presidential primaries, notes the press critic Howard Kurtz, that the media have essentially stopped paying attention to the Democratic race at all. The logic, for a media organization, is simple: Why lavish limited resources on a fait accompli? The Democrats, after all, have spoken. They are fully ready for (or perhaps fully resigned to) Hillary.

That’s certainly not the case on the Republican side, where, we are told (ad nauseam), that the race is still “wide open.” With “no clear frontrunner” on the GOP side, the contrast between the Republican and Democratic contests could not be clearer. It will be Hillary representing the Dems, and it could be just about anybody (well, maybe not anybody) who ends up leading the ticket for the GOP.

Yet are the races really all that different?

ALL OF it here;
BOOM! Trump's Primary Lead Larger Than Hillary's - Larger Than Reagan's in '80 and Bush's in 1988! - The Gateway Pundit
I watched it, and I saw Trump, once again display his childish temperament. The man is not fit to be dogcatcher. He appeals to those whose political ideas come from bumper sticker philosophy. Pithy but shallow.

hummmm? you'd rather have someone who claims they are Godlike and proclaim how they are going to stop the seas rising and the heal thy planet.

This weekend, leaders from 196 countries approved the first global agreement to limit greenhouse-gas emissions in human history. The pact is a triumph of international diplomacy shared by diplomats across the planet. It also represents the culmination of a patient strategy by the Obama administration that unfolded over years, and which even many sympathetic journalists long dismissed as fanciful. Obama’s climate agenda has lurked quietly on the recesses of the American imagination for most of his presidency. It is also probably the administration’s most important accomplishment.

To paraphrase Trump? "That's YUGE".
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.

Good list...

You left out Repeal Obamacare and replace it with nothing
I watched it, and I saw Trump, once again display his childish temperament. The man is not fit to be dogcatcher. He appeals to those whose political ideas come from bumper sticker philosophy. Pithy but shallow.

hummmm? you'd rather have someone who claims they are Godlike and proclaim how they are going to stop the seas rising and the heal thy planet.

This weekend, leaders from 196 countries approved the first global agreement to limit greenhouse-gas emissions in human history. The pact is a triumph of international diplomacy shared by diplomats across the planet. It also represents the culmination of a patient strategy by the Obama administration that unfolded over years, and which even many sympathetic journalists long dismissed as fanciful. Obama’s climate agenda has lurked quietly on the recesses of the American imagination for most of his presidency. It is also probably the administration’s most important accomplishment.

To paraphrase Trump? "That's YUGE".

get over it. your two old white fogies can't generate enough to get people out of bed to go watch them. it's over for you get used to it.
I watched it, and I saw Trump, once again display his childish temperament. The man is not fit to be dogcatcher. He appeals to those whose political ideas come from bumper sticker philosophy. Pithy but shallow.

hummmm? you'd rather have someone who claims they are Godlike and proclaim how they are going to stop the seas rising and the heal thy planet.

This weekend, leaders from 196 countries approved the first global agreement to limit greenhouse-gas emissions in human history. The pact is a triumph of international diplomacy shared by diplomats across the planet. It also represents the culmination of a patient strategy by the Obama administration that unfolded over years, and which even many sympathetic journalists long dismissed as fanciful. Obama’s climate agenda has lurked quietly on the recesses of the American imagination for most of his presidency. It is also probably the administration’s most important accomplishment.

To paraphrase Trump? "That's YUGE".

get over it. your two old white fogies can't generate enough to get people out of bed to go watch them. it's over for you get used to it.

Stay focused Step. It's ungamely to watch you skip around like a Mexican Jumping Bean.
I saw both debates. It was astonishing watching someone like Pataki go full retard.

you judging others as being a retard is hilarious. they should come on here and read your postings.
and the far left think Hillary is normal/interesting/has charisma? I wonder if the dictionaries will put Hillarys pic next to the word "Robot".

they need to put her behind bars. but that won't stop some people from voting her. It's the sad state of our country and what the people will put in our government
I saw both debates. It was astonishing watching someone like Pataki go full retard.

you judging others as being a retard is hilarious. they should come on here and read your postings.
and the far left think Hillary is normal/interesting/has charisma? I wonder if the dictionaries will put Hillarys pic next to the word "Robot".

they need to put her behind bars. but that won't stop some people from voting her. It's the sad state of our country and what the people will put in our government

For what?
the typical leftie/dem cult member. I thought it fits in this thread.
video of it at the site. LOSER:banana:


Remember back in the 2008 election when MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said Obama sent a thrill up his leg? He doesn’t want to talk about that anymore.

Alex Griswold reports at Mediaite:

Chris Matthews When Asked If He Still Has a ‘Thrill’ Up His Leg: ‘Go to Hell’

MSNBC host Chris Matthews was less than amused when a staffer for the conservative Media Research Center approached him before the CNN Republican debate asking if he still had a “thrill up his leg.”

In 2008, Matthews famously said that he felt a “thrill up his leg” while covering then-Senator Barack Obama. Matthews’ open enthusiasm for the candidate was widely mocked, and contributed to the decision by MSNBC to pull him and Keith Olbermann from anchorage of political events.

Flash forward to 2015, when that famous quote was thrown at the MSNBC host again. “I’m with the Media Research Center, we just want to know; how is your leg?” asked the MRC’s Dan Joseph.

“What leg?” a confused Matthews asked.

“The leg with the thrill–” he began.

Matthews suddenly got it. “Just go to hell. Just leave me alone,” he responded.

Watch the video:

ALL OF it here:
MSNBC's Chris Matthews Loses It When Asked About His Leg Thrill At #GOPDebate (VIDEO) - Progressives Today
I plan to vote Republican next election but what I heard last night caused me some concern. It is one thing to talk tough on national security but it is another to be willing to stand up and take responsibility. It has been over 14 years since Congress authorized the use of force to go after those responsible for 9/11. Then we saw subsequent authority for military intervention in Iraq. Both missions accomplished.

Now here we have talk last night of defeating ISIS, use of ground forces, taking out Assad, establishing no fly zones, shooting down Russian jets and risking nuclear war based solely on the whim of a president without one word about congressional approval. They talked a good game last night but I see danger in giving any president having such carte blanche authority over further military involvement in the Middle East. They talked about Obama not doing enough but from what I see he's been a lone wolf acting far beyond his authority while congress refuses to take any responsibility to either reel him in or provide authorization to act. That has to end regardless of who gets elected.
I heard Trump say the other day that he wouldn't let the terrorist use "our" internet. As if the US controlled the internet. And I also heard him botch the question about the Strategic Triad....he didn't even know what it is.

Man, I sure hope he wins the GOP nomination. That sort of comedy must continue.

We already have 2 government agencies who are shutting down Muslum Jihadist sites and one of them is doing it worldwide. They have a problem with them popping back up again soon after they are closed down.
Hillary and Trump are talking about how to make that more effecent.
Trump wants the top Microsoft, Apple and others for answers on how to do it best.
Hillary wants the top Silicone Valley people to do it.
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.
It's hard to argue with such partisan stupidity...
Kasich, Rubio, Christie and bush are big govt assholes.
Cruz did fine
Trump did ok on some points but he is so fuckin childish..
Paul kicked ass
I dont even have a strain of support for Fiorina anymore..
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.
It's hard to argue with such partisan stupidity...

ridicule is the only way to argue with them. You won't penetrate someone like that anyway.
Poor dear, if they ever put something good about a Republican that will be the end of their life.

you see Republican-debacle

in their loving eyes for the Democrat party_ the two old white fogies is Stately, honesty, would never tell you a lie blaa blaa blaa

I'm waiting for Shitlary to pass out during a speech...I'm reading there is a distinct possibility of that happening. Talk about a ending to a campaign
Yep....instead of those staged faints during Obama's'll be Hillary passing out. Then a press release stating her doctor claims she's in perfect health.

Yep, fainting spells leading to concussions is an indication of perfect health.

What difference does it make if she can't stand up for long periods of time......
View attachment 56994
Last night's republican debacle (debate) went to show that, Republicans want to start a war with Russia, have zero understanding about the Middle East (Aiding the Kurds while wanting Turkey to get involved with the fight against ISIS? Really? Did someone miss the fact that the Turks are constantly getting attacked by Kurdish terrorists?), want to "grow" the military and re-invade Iraq. It's scary to think that one of these fools might be the nominee.

Obama and NATO have been allowing Erdogan to bomb the shit out of the Kurds that have been fighting ISIS and letting Turkey smuggle, buy and sell ISIS oil. Now the B team don't have a clue what's going on thats for certain with Turkey and continually referred to Erdogan as our ally despite the fact they've made ISIS wealthy with the oil smuggling but also smuggling antiquities across their border AND funding al Nusra.

A team Paul and Trump were spot on as to how to deal with ISIS.


One of the first places hit by terrorists as a result of Bush's illegal invasion was Istanbul. Who were the terrorists? The Kurds. The PKK are a known and recognized terrorist group trying to carve land out of Turkey. Turkey has been a reliable ally for decades and is a member of NATO.

And it's private citizens engaged in good ol' fashion capitalism that has been ISIS wealthy and vital.

Those are American made trucks they drive. And American made weapons they are using to fight.
The Kurds are oppressed as hell in turkey. Why do you think they made the PKK? They usually attack the govt.
Turkey is a fuckin sponsor of terrorism.
The kurds are the only people on the ground that seem to do anything. And they seem to have been right about IS this whole time.
In fact, the PKK doesnt even want its own state anymore. They went communalism. They just want to live.
You sound like Josh Earnest. IDK if you are just ignorant, or like to lie like the WH.
Poor dear, if they ever put something good about a Republican that will be the end of their life.

you see Republican-debacle

in their loving eyes for the Democrat party_ the two old white fogies is Stately, honesty, would never tell you a lie blaa blaa blaa

I'm waiting for Shitlary to pass out during a speech...I'm reading there is a distinct possibility of that happening. Talk about a ending to a campaign
Yep....instead of those staged faints during Obama's'll be Hillary passing out. Then a press release stating her doctor claims she's in perfect health.

Yep, fainting spells leading to concussions is an indication of perfect health.

What difference does it make if she can't stand up for long periods of time......

Being POTUS would kill her....hey I might vote for her in that case
I heard Trump say the other day that he wouldn't let the terrorist use "our" internet. As if the US controlled the internet. And I also heard him botch the question about the Strategic Triad....he didn't even know what it is.

Man, I sure hope he wins the GOP nomination. That sort of comedy must continue.

Both the WH and Hillary want Silicone Valley to stop ISIS, so what's the problem with Trump?
Nope.....the changing climate and lack of jobs caused terrorism.
I plan to vote Republican next election but what I heard last night caused me some concern. It is one thing to talk tough on national security but it is another to be willing to stand up and take responsibility. It has been over 14 years since Congress authorized the use of force to go after those responsible for 9/11. Then we saw subsequent authority for military intervention in Iraq. Both missions accomplished.

Now here we have talk last night of defeating ISIS, use of ground forces, taking out Assad, establishing no fly zones, shooting down Russian jets and risking nuclear war based solely on the whim of a president without one word about congressional approval. They talked a good game last night but I see danger in giving any president having such carte blanche authority over further military involvement in the Middle East. They talked about Obama not doing enough but from what I see he's been a lone wolf acting far beyond his authority while congress refuses to take any responsibility to either reel him in or provide authorization to act. That has to end regardless of who gets elected.

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