The Republican Party Has A BIG Decision Before Them...


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?
There are no down ballot Trump candidates. He has no coattails. The Establishment owns the Politboro, and will continue to own the Politboro whether or not Trump owns the White House.

I don't think a single incumbent has lost in the primaries to date. That tells you more about Trump than anything else. Trump is about Trump, and nobody else but Trump. He isn't thinking about changing the party. He is thinking only of himself. He doesn't give a shit about any other election than his own.

Trump is not at the head of a movement. He is at the head of a parade of children heading for the cave.

And like I keep saying, there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.
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Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it.
The people aren't smacking around the GOP Establishment. They are re-electing every one of the incumbents in the House and Senate in the primaries.

There is no "movement" afoot. Just Trump, and only Trump.
When will Democrats and Republicans realize they're looking at the same corruption from different vantage points? The establishment is our enemy.
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But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it.
The people aren't smacking around the GOP Establishment. They are re-electing every one of the incumbents in the House and Senate in the primaries.

There is no "movement" afoot. Just Trump, and only Trump.
They have to start somewhere. Why not the WH?
Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.
2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.
Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.
Trump doesn't pledge allegiance. That much is for certain.
Trump does not have a majority of the Republican vote. He has a plurality at best. In fact Cruz is right behind him.

If Cruz and Rubio unite its over for trump and we get a tea party ticket
But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it.
The people aren't smacking around the GOP Establishment. They are re-electing every one of the incumbents in the House and Senate in the primaries.

There is no "movement" afoot. Just Trump, and only Trump.
They have to start somewhere. Why not the WH?
Apparently you are unfamiliar with what happens when you only cut off the head of the monster. You get two new monster heads. Trump and Clinton. The same monster.

There is no movement. Just Trump, and only Trump.

Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.

The problem is, that's just blusterfluff to get the personal attention in the moment. It's nothing even vaguely like a belief, of which Rump has none. If it serves his attention-whoring to say the opposite in the very next sentence, he won't hesitate to do exactly that. And do it in a tone of voice that sounds like it even makes sense until you think about what the words mean.

Rump is entirely right-brain (emotional). He's depending on his gobbige never getting to the desk of the left hemisphere.
Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.
Trump doesn't pledge allegiance. That much is for certain.

Only to Himself.
If it serves his attention-whoring to say the opposite in the very next sentence, he won't hesitate to do exactly that.

It's been fascinating to me watch him do that over and over and over again, and even more fascinating to see him get away with it.

It's like people are in some kind of hypnotic trance.

I used to see the same phenomena with the clients of psychics. To anyone with critical thinking skills, you could see right through these hucksters, but to the rubes, the psychic could be sitting their with a cigarette dangling from their mouth, picking their nose, scratching the crotch, lying out of their ass, and all the rube sees is an angelic figure speaking great truths.

It's really fucking weird. The desire to believe is incredibly powerful. It creates mass delusions.
I do find it quite ironic how the establishment made Trump pledge in the beginning to support who ever the eventual nominee would be and now that it's pretty certain to be him they are the ones not willing to do it.
But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it.
The people aren't smacking around the GOP Establishment. They are re-electing every one of the incumbents in the House and Senate in the primaries.

There is no "movement" afoot. Just Trump, and only Trump.

Well, a Trump nomination may flip the senate because he has the opposite of coattails. He has no coattails and may even depress the number of gop voters, but we'll have to wait to see.Grassley for one is melting in the heat. Hillary's negative polls are nearly as high at just over 50%. If it's Trump v. Hill, the negatives will only go up. BUT, it seems to me the dems are less fractured.

And, there's the curious fact that the dems tend to be on the coasts and the gop in the south. If the independents just don't vote, you'd think the dems would have an advantage, bit I honestly don't know how the mix breaks down in Ohio, Penn, Mich and Wisc.

But, I don't see any push to 'steal' the nomination for anyone. Colo, Wyo and ND delegates go "unbound." Roughly 90. Trump needs 1236 to win. Thus far he's taken less than 50%. If the party can get Kasich and Rubio to suspend their campaigns after their home state primaries, and urge voters to support Cruz as "being the outsider with the best chance to beat Hillary," it may be hard for Trump to get 50%plus1 in the nine true winner take all contests. And given the roughly 90 unpledged delegates who are selected basically by the state parties, Trump may actually need to win 1236 delegates out of a total of only 2392 ... or there abouts.
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?
It is interesting because one party is lock and step behind a candidate (Clinton), while the other party is panicking over their front runner (Trump).

Honestly, they need to get behind whomever is awarded with enough delegates to win the race. If they had an issue with Trump, they should have prevented him from running in their party in the first place. If they do not support the winning candidate they will lose legitimacy in the eyes of the public and, to be quite honest, we will probably see a period of unrest the likes of which we haven't seen since the 1800's.
Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.
Trump doesn't pledge allegiance. That much is for certain.

Only to Himself.
Better than special and foreign interests
Another consequence for them screwing Trump is Trump has everything it needs to make a independent or 3rd party run at the WH and it will crush the GOP and that is 100% fine with me!
But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it.
The people aren't smacking around the GOP Establishment. They are re-electing every one of the incumbents in the House and Senate in the primaries.

There is no "movement" afoot. Just Trump, and only Trump.

Well, a Trump nomination may flip the senate because he has the opposite of coattails. He has no coattails and may even depress the number of gop voters, but we'll have to wait to see.Grassley for one is melting in the heat. Hillary's negative polls are nearly as high at just over 50%. If it's Trump v. Hill, the negatives will only go up. BUT, it seems to me the dems are less fractured.

And, there's the curious fact that the dems tend to be on the coasts and the gop in the south. If the independents just don't vote, you'd think the dems would have an advantage, bit I honestly don't know how the mix breaks down in Ohio, Penn, Mich and Wisc.

But, I don't see any push to 'steal' the nomination for anyone. Colo, Wyo and ND delegates go "unbound." Roughly 90. Trump needs 1236 to win. Thus far he's taken less than 50%. If the party can get Kasich and Rubio to suspend their campaigns after their home state primaries, and urge voters to support Cruz as "being the outsider with the best chance to beat Hillary," it may be hard for Trump to get 50%plus1 in the nine true winner take all contests. And given the roughly 90 unpledged delegates who are selected basically by the state parties, Trump may actually need to win 1236 delegates out of a total of only 2392 ... or there abouts.

That would require people getting behind Ted Cruz, who nobody likes. :puke:

The issue is that the field of competition is abjectly weak, and Rump exploits that with emotional blusterfluff. He's got a near-vacuum in which to operate.

Here's an idea -- disband both parties and let each candidate just run on their own. Rump, Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Carson Fiorina Christie and Bush if they want.... Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, Webb --- everybody. If nobody pulls 50% plus one, put the top two in a runoff.

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