The Republican Party has a communicable disease

What were once tent pole issues for Republicans; free trade, containment of communism, reducing the deficit, family values are now left in the ditch. Instead, today's Republicans turn a blind eye to corruption. They favor cozying up to Authoritarians and dictators. They ignore traditional values and have forced us to know more about porn stars and Playboy bunnies.

The only thing that matters is a wall on the border that Trump assured everyone Mexico would foot the bill for, demeaning our allies, thinking Canada poses a strategic threat and a Dow Jones above 25,000. As long as the wealthy get a health tax cut and nobody with a pre-existing condition can secure affordable medical insurance, all is right in the new Republican world.

You should fear the ideology of hatred for the rich, and by association, the middle class. Near history has prescribed but one political philosophy other than the rule of law for dethroning the wealthy, and for making the poorest equal to the wealthiest. And that other political philosophy is French Revolutionism, as derived and later known as Marxism; as derived and later applied, and know as: Leninism, Stalinism; as derived an later known as postmodernism. Take a guess what the first political philosophy was for equalizing the ancient, Old World feudal classes? Hint: if you're American, then you're living under it.
What do you call love and servitude to the rich similar to the tax bill and deregulation and deficit spending?
The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
Richard Cohen -columnist

Opinion | The GOP has a communicable disease

ElmerMudd - If the thread is that important to you -- supply the link to the Opinion for copyright and discussion material.

Correction, the Rethugicon party IS a communicable disease!
How Is Donald Trump Like Lincoln?
He is taking on a left wing establishment that uses/sees minorities as nothing more than a vehicle to further their own ends.
Minorities are the white liberals shield/gravy train, they will go to war [send minorities into the streets to do their fighting of course] to keep it that way
No similarity at all. In fact, Lincoln believed the country should be moving away from authoritarianism which Trump embraces. In Lincoln's first inaugural address, Lincoln speaks of the constitutional protections for minorities and if such protections were ignored, it would be reason for revolution. Clearly it Lincoln was alive today, he would be democrat.
How many shovels are you using to try and get out of that hole?
How Is Donald Trump Like Lincoln?
He is taking on a left wing establishment that uses/sees minorities as nothing more than a vehicle to further their own ends.
Minorities are the white liberals shield/gravy train, they will go to war [send minorities into the streets to do their fighting of course] to keep it that way
No similarity at all. In fact, Lincoln believed the country should be moving away from authoritarianism which Trump embraces. In Lincoln's first inaugural address, Lincoln speaks of the constitutional protections for minorities and if such protections were ignored, it would be reason for revolution. Clearly it Lincoln was alive today, he would be democrat.
How many shovels are you using to try and get out of that hole?
Have you every actually replied to a post or do you just issue inane comments?

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