The Republican Party is going to be REALLY interesting to watch for a while


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

It's hard to imagine things settling down in the GQP, and that was before Trump's recent wild tantrum directed at Mitch McConnell -- which (no one seems to be pointing out) had pretty much nothing to do with McConnell's speech after the trial.

So, what will 2022 look like? Will we see rough inter-party primaries from coast to coast, even where long-standing Republican congressmen are established -- one more traditional Republican, and one Trump-approved Qandidate? How many of those Trump qandidates will win? And if so, how will they do in their general elections?

Further, do we know yet what 2024 will look like? What if the Trump-approved candidates either win or get wiped out? Will that change the dynamic for the party in 2024?

Never a dull moment. All we can do is watch and guess. What do you think may happen?

It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
Yeah, hadn't thought about that. Early signs are that they might go with the traditional Republicans, but there's no way to know.
"Some GOP officials are privately expressing alarm about how they’re going to make up for drops in big money donations in House races, according to people briefed on the matter. These people spoke to CNBC under the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely. Several companies have said they would at least temporarily halt donations to Republicans who objected to Joe Biden’s certification as the winner of the presidential race."
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"Trump’s political machine, which has $60 million in a super PAC and an unmatched grassroots fundraising apparatus, is vowing to go aggressively after GOP lawmakers in primaries in the wake of an unprecedented feud between the nation’s two most powerful Republicans."
It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
True, exactly the same with the D Party, but you don’t know it.
As usual Trump is the wild card. There are a lot of cowardly Republicans who are simply not going to keep their political careers because they declined to fight the deplorables back when they had a chance at keeping their party intact. In the meantime the best thing democrats can do is stay out of it and deliver us from the pandemic.

It's hard to imagine things settling down in the GQP, and that was before Trump's recent wild tantrum directed at Mitch McConnell -- which (no one seems to be pointing out) had pretty much nothing to do with McConnell's speech after the trial.

So, what will 2022 look like? Will we see rough inter-party primaries from coast to coast, even where long-standing Republican congressmen are established -- one more traditional Republican, and one Trump-approved Qandidate? How many of those Trump qandidates will win? And if so, how will they do in their general elections?

Further, do we know yet what 2024 will look like? What if the Trump-approved candidates either win or get wiped out? Will that change the dynamic for the party in 2024?

Never a dull moment. All we can do is watch and guess. What do you think may happen?


I would say before the events that followed after the November 2020 election, Republicans had a good chance of making gains and taking back the House and possibly increasing their numbers in the Senate in 2022. For some odd reason, the down ballot Republicans in the Senate survived and they even picked up seats in the House. Then, Trump lost the election, screamed fraud for two months and proceeded to carve a path of destruction that would have made Sherman envious. He costs the Republican party the Senate (GA runoffs) and then two months of his legal and tweeting temper tantrums and spreading of the conspiracy theory manure results in a violent insurrection at the Capitol where he goads in followers to attempt to take the election by force. That effectively wipes out all the momentum that came from November 3rd.

Right now, I don't see any short term hope for the Republican party. Let's set aside that the present iteration of "conservatism" that Republicans have espoused for the last four decades has been a complete failure (policy wise) and has only survived because they've gotten rust belt and southern voters to vote against their own best interests. Now, they've let a carnival barker split them in half. Allowed him to run amok, set the narrative and bolster it with constant conspiracy theories and playing upon more than three decades of perceived grievances. They are slowly driving the moderates away. There will be a lot of people who voted for Trump that will be turned off by the extremism too. Put that together and neither Trump nor the Republicans have enough of a majority to overcome the Democrats.

Now I realize that Democrats are perfectly capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory but I think this time, they'll get a big assist from Republicans. Mitch can try to "ignore" Trump all he wants. It ain't gonna happen. Trump is a force of being. The only way he'll be silenced is if he goes to prison. Personally, I think the destruction of the Republican party is long overdue. Ever since that serial philanderer Newt Gingrich and his Republican Revolution breezed into town in 1994, it's been a long, slow downhill slide into the loony bin for Republicans. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the crash. :)
It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
most billionaires are democrats

It's hard to imagine things settling down in the GQP, and that was before Trump's recent wild tantrum directed at Mitch McConnell -- which (no one seems to be pointing out) had pretty much nothing to do with McConnell's speech after the trial.

So, what will 2022 look like? Will we see rough inter-party primaries from coast to coast, even where long-standing Republican congressmen are established -- one more traditional Republican, and one Trump-approved Qandidate? How many of those Trump qandidates will win? And if so, how will they do in their general elections?

Further, do we know yet what 2024 will look like? What if the Trump-approved candidates either win or get wiped out? Will that change the dynamic for the party in 2024?

Never a dull moment. All we can do is watch and guess. What do you think may happen?


I would say before the events that followed after the November 2020 election, Republicans had a good chance of making gains and taking back the House and possibly increasing their numbers in the Senate in 2022. For some odd reason, the down ballot Republicans in the Senate survived and they even picked up seats in the House. Then, Trump lost the election, screamed fraud for two months and proceeded to carve a path of destruction that would have made Sherman envious. He costs the Republican party the Senate (GA runoffs) and then two months of his legal and tweeting temper tantrums and spreading of the conspiracy theory manure results in a violent insurrection at the Capitol where he goads in followers to attempt to take the election by force. That effectively wipes out all the momentum that came from November 3rd.

Right now, I don't see any short term hope for the Republican party. Let's set aside that the present iteration of "conservatism" that Republicans have espoused for the last four decades has been a complete failure (policy wise) and has only survived because they've gotten rust belt and southern voters to vote against their own best interests. Now, they've let a carnival barker split them in half. Allowed him to run amok, set the narrative and bolster it with constant conspiracy theories and playing upon more than three decades of perceived grievances. They are slowly driving the moderates away. There will be a lot of people who voted for Trump that will be turned off by the extremism too. Put that together and neither Trump nor the Republicans have enough of a majority to overcome the Democrats.

Now I realize that Democrats are perfectly capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory but I think this time, they'll get a big assist from Republicans. Mitch can try to "ignore" Trump all he wants. It ain't gonna happen. Trump is a force of being. The only way he'll be silenced is if he goes to prison. Personally, I think the destruction of the Republican party is long overdue. Ever since that serial philanderer Newt Gingrich and his Republican Revolution breezed into town in 1994, it's been a long, slow downhill slide into the loony bin for Republicans. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the crash. :)
Yeah, that's how it looked to me before Trump's characteristically childish tirade against McConnell, but now I'm guessing we could see some serious fireworks. No doubt we'll see many Qandidates pop up now, so the question is how many and what havoc they end up causing.
As usual Trump is the wild card. There are a lot of cowardly Republicans who are simply not going to keep their political careers because they declined to fight the deplorables back when they had a chance at keeping their party intact. In the meantime the best thing democrats can do is stay out of it and deliver us from the pandemic.
Yeah, the Democrats are doing the right thing by keeping their mouths shut, and Biden is handling it perfectly.

These days will still be fresh in the Trumpsters' minds, as far as who is a commie and who isn't, because their media will see to it.
Yes, it will be interesting.
A Cold War? .......engineered by McConnell's brains and long-ball view.
Or a Civil War? ...... sparked by Trump's ill-discipline and impulsiveness.

I wonder at those state GOP organs that are 'censuring' their GOP Representatives for voting to impeach, or voting to convict. It reminds me of the small-bore temper tantrums that were such a defining characteristic of the old Tea Party.

If the Party splits ---or splinters----I suspect the larger share will be the TeaParty-types combined with the Trump Cultists on the one hand versus the core of more rationale in-it-for-the-long-term old-style Republicans.

Meanwhile, McConnell's scathing burn-down of Trump after last Saturday's vote, and the responding but characteristically petty torching of Mitch by Trump will.....I think....not go as public again. The wise heads of the GOP know that such 'you-are/no-you-are' exchanges are self-destructive. They will exert a lot of pressure on Trump to just work-behind-the-scenes.

Anyway, that's kinda sorta what I'm thinking. Today.
Shouldn’t worry about what Republicans do or don’t do. The Republicans can kick the shit out of one another and have a war within the Party but if the Democrats take the Country too far left and businesses are hamstrung with regulations, people are taking home less of their paycheck and paying more in energy and healthcare, the Country will hand the House over to “Anyone EXCEPT Democrats”. We say this in ‘10 and ‘14.
Yes, it will be interesting.
A Cold War? .......engineered by McConnell's brains and long-ball view.
Or a Civil War? ...... sparked by Trump's ill-discipline and impulsiveness.

I wonder at those state GOP organs that are 'censuring' their GOP Representatives for voting to impeach, or voting to convict. It reminds me of the small-bore temper tantrums that were such a defining characteristic of the old Tea Party.

If the Party splits ---or splinters----I suspect the larger share will be the TeaParty-types combined with the Trump Cultists on the one hand versus the core of more rationale in-it-for-the-long-term old-style Republicans.

Meanwhile, McConnell's scathing burn-down of Trump after last Saturday's vote, and the responding but characteristically petty torching of Mitch by Trump will.....I think....not go as public again. The wise heads of the GOP know that such 'you-are/no-you-are' exchanges are self-destructive. They will exert a lot of pressure on Trump to just work-behind-the-scenes.

Anyway, that's kinda sorta what I'm thinking. Today.
Interesting you would say that:

Those censures will make things even MORE interesting. I assume they wanted to stay in the good graces of the "base". We'll see if that was a good idea.
It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
True, exactly the same with the D Party, but you don’t know it.
Of course I know it but I'll take what I can get. I'm not in love with any American political faction precisely because of big money politics. Sadly it seems there is little chance of changing that. The best we can hope for is to get a better class of plutocrats. It sucks balls but that's the way it is for the foreseeable future.
It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
True, exactly the same with the D Party, but you don’t know it.
Of course I know it but I'll take what I can get. I'm not in love with any American political faction precisely because of big money politics. Sadly it seems there is little chance of changing that. The best we can hope for is to get a better class of plutocrats. It sucks balls but that's the way it is for the foreseeable future.
In addition to the actual dollars is the appearance of where the money is going. That has positive/negative effects, as well.

And no, it sure as hell shouldn't be that way, but we refuse to change the system under which these people operate.
I do grown tired of the Republican party pretending to champion smaller government, lower taxes, securing the border, and preventing the government from taking over health care, etc.

Now that the GOP is dead once and for all, now all politicians can be democrats, loud and proud!

In fact, we should have a democrat pride day parade.
It's probably not a good thing in some way but I'm still searching for what that could be.
I don't the history of how well candidates perform in generals after rough primaries, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a lot of it in 2022. Based on history, obviously, the GQP should be looking at some gains...

My crystal ball has been on the fritz since 2016. The real question is which faction is going to get the support of the oligarchs? In the long run the big money will always win out in republican politics.
True, exactly the same with the D Party, but you don’t know it.
Of course I know it but I'll take what I can get. I'm not in love with any American political faction precisely because of big money politics. Sadly it seems there is little chance of changing that. The best we can hope for is to get a better class of plutocrats. It sucks balls but that's the way it is for the foreseeable future.
In addition to the actual dollars is the appearance of where the money is going. That has positive/negative effects, as well.

And no, it sure as hell shouldn't be that way, but we refuse to change the system under which these people operate.
Money equals power in this world. Sad but true. There is a plutocracy in every country in the world. The best countries are the ones that have made authoritarianism unprofitable.

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