The republican party isn't racist

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.
I don't know what credentials you possess to make such arrogant assertions but chances are fairly good that they are no more valuable than a prize from a box of Cracker Jacks. MLB is just one sport. It is interesting to note you failed to mention the shared popularity of the NFL and NBA among White and Black fans. BUT, even MLB is popular among Black Cubans, Puerto Ricans and other Hispanic Black enclaves just as soccer is.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
Nope.....because he was a Republican.

The fact is, Democrats don't care what sex you are or what race you are.

You have to be a Democrat.

If you are a woman or black, they attack you like you owe them money.

They can't afford to have women and blacks setting poor examples and becoming successful Republicans.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be a neurosurgical genius - but he's a political moron. Herman Cain probably made great pizzas - but he was also a political moron.
And Obama probably rolled good joints but is a political moron.

It may just be that President Obama is a political moron. But if that is true, what does that make McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan after loosing to Obama/Biden one after the other? Political geniuses? :rofl:

No, it just makes everyone that voted for Obama political morons themselves.
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Progressive Woodrow Wilson re-segregated the federal government

On April 11, 1913, recently inaugurated President Woodrow Wilson received Postmaster General Albert Burleson's plan to segregate the Railway Mail Service. Burleson reported that he found it “intolerable” that white and black employees had to work together and share drinking glasses and washrooms. This sentiment was shared by others in Wilson's administration.

By the end of 1913, black employees in several federal departments had been relegated to segregated work areas, lavatories and lunchrooms, were appointed to menial positions or jobs slated for elimination.

President Wilson defended racial segregation in his administration as in the best interest of blacks.

Wilson was called a progressive president but the majority of his constituents were southern conservative democrats. Thus, he did "conservative" things to appease his base just as FDR did..

Re-segregation in the "best" interest of blacks? That viewpoint puts the focus on the entire White population as being "racist" at the time. Sure there were exceptions, but Wilson's worldview seems to have been that of the mainstream bigots who were lynching blacks in the north as well as in the south! Democrats had no monopoly on racism in the USA and even today it crosses party lines. The Democratic Party just has less of them than the present day GOP!

As an entity the Democratic party supported slavery ,segregation, and lynching. The Republican party never has. The democrat party as an entity as,has that over the Republican party. They should pay reparations or be put out of business:thup:
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Race baiting again....Piece of shit.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
Nope.....because he was a Republican.

The fact is, Democrats don't care what sex you are or what race you are.

You have to be a Democrat.

If you are a woman or black, they attack you like you owe them money.

They can't afford to have women and blacks setting poor examples and becoming successful Republicans.

Nope they especially don't like black republicans they hate them.

High tech lynching for uppity blacks

I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be an academic genius - but he's a political moron.
So it's cool that Obozo had no experience, but you hate Carson...


But Obama did have experience - at state and national levels. Plus, he is lawyer who has taught constitutional law.
Experience? Doing WHAT?
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be an academic genius - but he's a political moron.
So it's cool that Obozo had no experience, but you hate Carson...


But Obama did have experience - at state and national levels. Plus, he is lawyer who has taught constitutional law.
Experience? Doing WHAT?

Duh, stuff like this...

I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

You hate him too don't you?.. Racist:slap:
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

A court jester is not a powerful person. Thomas doesn't even seem to have his own opinion about anything. He is truly the stereotypical Negro and is being led around by Scalia like a house boy . He is a Corn-servative though, just SHUCKING his way through his life appointment without a kernel of ambition and forsaking the Black people and the AA that got him there.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
Nope.....because he was a Republican.

The fact is, Democrats don't care what sex you are or what race you are.

You have to be a Democrat.

If you are a woman or black, they attack you like you owe them money.

They can't afford to have women and blacks setting poor examples and becoming successful Republicans.
What is wrong with setting a good example by being a successful Democrat?

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