The republican party isn't racist

I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.

It seems that every black that doesn't dance to democrats music is disgrace. Marshall was appointed by that racist Johnson, right? How we dare to put black in that seat...

Oh, btw, once Marshall was gone, it's not his seat anymore.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

A court jester is not a powerful person. Thomas doesn't even seem to have his own opinion about anything. He is truly the stereotypical Negro and is being led around by Scalia like a house boy . He is a Corn-servative though, just SHUCKING his way through his life appointment without a kernel of ambition and forsaking the Black people and the AA that got him there.
Racist comment..Rejected
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.

It seems that every black that doesn't dance to democrats music is disgrace. Marshall was appointed by that racist Johnson, right? How we dare to put black in that seat...

Oh, btw, once Marshall was gone, it's not his seat anymore.

She's a non-thinker too as are most leftist ideologues
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

A court jester is not a powerful person. Thomas doesn't even seem to have his own opinion about anything. He is truly the stereotypical Negro and is being led around by Scalia like a house boy . He is a Corn-servative though, just SHUCKING his way through his life appointment without a kernel of ambition and forsaking the Black people and the AA that got him there.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master"
Your programmed redundancy doesn't make what you state true!
Further, that which is racist is in the eye of the beholder. I don't believe in race but I did use the word "Negro" to make a point. Besides , I could (ugh) look just like Thomas for all you know since I have never revealed my race...I could also be of the highly touted pink race!
More racist rhetoric..
Be careful...What goes around comes around....
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.
And now you libs are making excuses for being racist. Ahh, the old double standard.....You are racist. That's final.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.


What's the matter Jill, this has been the mantra of the left ever since Obama came onto the scene.

no. it hasn't. but it's what the rightwingnut likes to say. :cuckoo:
Denial is not a valid defense.
Those who oppose or disagree with Obama have been labeled racist since he announced his first candidacy.
You are so busted.
To the point. We no longer care if you call us racist. You people wore out the race card long ago. it no longer carries any clout.
You have nothing else with which to use as a bludgeon.
Having to run on merit and the issues scares the shit out of you left wingers.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.
So you think a lefty black token judge is OK but a righty black token judge isn't.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.
The repubs don't endorse anti-minority policy. That's your indoctrination showing. Being against affirmative action and special treatment and set-asides is actually not being for any group. Rather, it's a reflection of neutrality. Minorities and those who support minority focus believe that if special treatment isn't afforded then it's an affront. That is what conditioning will do.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.
So you think a lefty black token judge is OK but a righty black token judge isn't.

I still think any token judges are ok. Are you ignorant enough to imply that thyroid Marshall wasn't deserving of his place?

Everyone knows Thomas isn't smart enough for the bench.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.
The repubs don't endorse anti-minority policy. That's your indoctrination showing. Being against affirmative action and special treatment and set-asides is actually not being for any group. Rather, it's a reflection of neutrality. Minorities and those who support minority focus believe that if special treatment isn't afforded then it's an affront. That is what conditioning will do.

Nice words. All nonsense. *shrug*
I don't know what credentials you possess to make such arrogant assertions but chances are fairly good that they are no more valuable than a prize from a box of Cracker Jacks. MLB is just one sport. It is interesting to note you failed to mention the shared popularity of the NFL and NBA among White and Black fans. BUT, even MLB is popular among Black Cubans, Puerto Ricans and other Hispanic Black enclaves just as soccer is.
Hispanic blacks are not American blacks. Nice try.
Baseball is the sport that first allowed blacks to integrate and make it possible for blacks to enter other pro sports. MLB goes out of its way to honor black players and negro leagues and to attract black players but the post-1960's black culture has turned its back on baseball. The proactive segregation is not with MLB or the repubs but with contemporary black culture.
BTW, my credentials are that I live in a mostly black county and have many years in a mostly black school system. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Surely you aren't saying that Black cuban-Americans or Black puerto Rican-Americans who use Spanish as their main language are NOT Hispanic! Does my try still seem so nice?

I won't linger on Black American Hispanics. That is another discussion in the making for another thread.

Your bizarre insistence on using the lack of Black support for MLB as a sign of collective black apathy towards assimilation is insane. At best it is a weak argument..

And don't think just because you live in a mostly black county and have worked as a janitor for many years in a black school system, that has any clout around here.
That was a long post just to troll.
Apparently you don't know what trolling is! My narrative was meant for intelligent readers, you were just the dumb vehicle for conveying that purpose to others.
You are now in the troll bin.
As long as my back is not turned towards you, I am content to be wherever.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.
So you think a lefty black token judge is OK but a righty black token judge isn't.

I still think any token judges are ok. Are you ignorant enough to imply that thyroid Marshall wasn't deserving of his place?

Everyone knows Thomas isn't smart enough for the bench.
"Everyone knows"..
Define 'everyone'.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.
The repubs don't endorse anti-minority policy. That's your indoctrination showing. Being against affirmative action and special treatment and set-asides is actually not being for any group. Rather, it's a reflection of neutrality. Minorities and those who support minority focus believe that if special treatment isn't afforded then it's an affront. That is what conditioning will do.

Nice words. All nonsense. *shrug*
Dismissing the facts does not make them non facts.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.

Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!
Really? We made you stop owning people, but you still force people to do things they don't want to do. Nothing has changed, only your methods of enslavement.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
Herman Cain destroyed Herman Cain because he was never serious about running for President and was on a book tour.
only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.

Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!

No, but bill clinton was good friends with democrats who did...orval faubus, and william j. fulbright, giving them awards and dedicating statues to them....and obama....he sat in a racist church for 20 years and is good friends with the racist pastor jeremiah wright and has had racist al sharpton to the White House a whole bunch.....and the democrats had Senator robert actual member of the ku klux klan as a senior member of their party and he only died just recently.......

The democrat party is the party of racism...always has been always will be....
Oh, shut up! In reality, BOTH parties can be called racist... hell, the whole damn country is racist if you really want to go there. Always was
and always WILL be. A few God fearing Black Christians adhered to the altruistic concepts of their bible and GOD evidently thought BLACK PRAYERS MATTER. See how he turned those evil democrat racists around and made them serve their former slaves? And the racist demons jumped out of the democrats and went right into the RepubliKLANS! Heh heh heh!
Absurd. Racist democrats joining the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow? I have to school you people every day now? Accept your heritage and vow to change your ways of keeping folks on your plantation.
No, it is NOT absurd, it is historical fact. Many Racist democrats, including Ronald Reagan, did indeed join the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow. Accept YOUR heritage and change your way of hoodwinking low information White males and ensnaring them in your web of lies.
The thought of any black or other minority conservative in a position of national prominence scares the living shit out of liberals.
A, It destroys their narrative that all conservatives are racist. B. it exposes their narrative that the GOP is for whites only as a lie.
Examples?...Easy. Clarence Thomas is the first modern day black person to suffer the attacks of liberals. They put up this incredible Anita Hill to testify against Thomas. She told stories of "pubic hairs on coke cans".....Her stories were just not believable.
When Condi Rice was Secy of State, left wing political cartoonists drew her caricature to make her look like Aunt Jemima. Totally racist. It was excused as " freedom of expression by the press"
The libs destroyed Herman Cain. There is no doubt that as the campaign progresses, the libs will be thinking of ways to attack Dr Carson.

no. it doesn't "scare" anyone. it's just bigots always had their house.... blacks who said whatever the masters wanted. you know, like clarence thomas going through school because of affirmative action then trying to take it away form everyone after him.

That was pretty racist of you.

Clarence Thomas in one of the most powerful people in the country. He is appointed for life. He owes no one anything beyond what his character and his professionalism demand of him in relation to his office.

No one is his "master".

clarence thomas is a disgrace to the bench and had no business being given thurgood marshall's seat. there is nothing "racist" about it.

apparently comparison confuses you.
So you think a lefty black token judge is OK but a righty black token judge isn't.

I still think any token judges are ok. Are you ignorant enough to imply that thyroid Marshall wasn't deserving of his place?

Everyone knows Thomas isn't smart enough for the bench.
Justice Thomas's judicial decisions have be well thought out, consistent and brilliant. I can't say the same thing for the white guy, justice Roberts.

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