The republican party isn't racist

No, but bill clinton was good friends with democrats who did...orval faubus, and william j. fulbright, giving them awards and dedicating statues to them....and obama....he sat in a racist church for 20 years and is good friends with the racist pastor jeremiah wright and has had racist al sharpton to the White House a whole bunch.....and the democrats had Senator robert actual member of the ku klux klan as a senior member of their party and he only died just recently.......

The democrat party is the party of racism...always has been always will be....
Oh, shut up! In reality, BOTH parties can be called racist... hell, the whole damn country is racist if you really want to go there. Always was
and always WILL be. A few God fearing Black Christians adhered to the altruistic concepts of their bible and GOD evidently thought BLACK PRAYERS MATTER. See how he turned those evil democrat racists around and made them serve their former slaves? And the racist demons jumped out of the democrats and went right into the RepubliKLANS! Heh heh heh!
Absurd. Racist democrats joining the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow? I have to school you people every day now? Accept your heritage and vow to change your ways of keeping folks on your plantation.
No, it is NOT absurd, it is historical fact. Many Racist democrats, including Ronald Reagan, did indeed join the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow. Accept YOUR heritage and change your way of hoodwinking low information White males and ensnaring them in your web of lies.
Storm Thurmond was the only Dixiecrat who switched parties. And he did no harm to black citizens. The rest died democrats. Also, name one piece of legislation the GOP passed that supported slavery or Jim Crow laws. All laws of this nature came from the Democrat Party.

Eyeah..did no harm..

"Early in his career, Thurmond served as a circuit court judge and presided over the 1941 trial of a colored tenant farmer accused of murder. The uppity Negro had the audacity to request a Saturday off from work, prompting the plantation owner to storm into his tent, carrying a pistol and the club he regularly used to beat servants who failed to do as they were told. The worker reached for his own gun and shot the owner, simply to avoid the deadly retribution he so obviously deserved. Judge Thurmond ignored the Supreme Court edict that excluding blacks from a jury is unconstitutional and courageously allowed an all-white jury to decide the boy’s fate. Given the boy’s defiance of his master’s orders, Thurmond refused to instruct the jury on the issue of self-defense. Needless to say, when the jury then convicted the boy of murder, Thurmond sentenced him to death. The grateful people of South Carolina responded by electing Thurmond governor."

Strom Thurmond | A Tribute to the Last True Christian Senator
Like I said, as Republican Senator, Thurmond did no harm to black people.
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.

Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!
Really? We made you stop owning people, but you still force people to do things they don't want to do. Nothing has changed, only your methods of enslavement.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The only people switching parties were blacks who decided that going with Santa Claus (the democrats) would be profitable. We know that was a horrible mistake that destroyed the once conservative black family.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.

It is a lie, the Southern Strategy never existed, the guy who tried to get it used was ignored...look it will have to actually look for it since the first page or two will just be the left's version of history, but I have found it as have others....actually open your mind, and find the truth and is liberating....

You ever grill a lib and make them try to support their nonsense about the Southern Strategy?

The crap they come up with is soooo pathetic.

Nothing but lies, code words and dog whistles.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.
The liberal version is the lie. The real southern strategy is Democats winning over blacks by bribing them. Blacks are the group who switched parties.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
Herman Cain destroyed Herman Cain because he was never serious about running for President and was on a book tour.

Where the hell you been? The liberal media started digging up women who said Herman Cain had an affair with him.. .Really discussing the issues....We Heard nothing else form the women after he dropped out, it wouldn't have been, relevant to anything anyway. The libs were scared of Herman Cain
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.

Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!
Really? We made you stop owning people, but you still force people to do things they don't want to do. Nothing has changed, only your methods of enslavement.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Bullshit ....the Democrat party as a history, so does the Republican party . Who has a more proud history? Labels and descriptions change. The Classic Liberal, is not the same as today's liberal. Conservative the literal definition, is not the same thing as being a Constitutional Conservative in the political or philosophical sense....That post is idiotic actually, you just labeled whoever you wanted, however you wanted... Stupid really, almost infantile in its ignorance. Who has the more proud history boy? Which party shouldn't even exist anymore because of it's horrible history?.. Give it to me.... Snap out of it:slap:
Last edited:
Today's democrat progressives hope that by just calling themselves liberals will automatically own all the good that classical liberals did in the past. They can chose to call them "saints" if they want, but we know who and what they are. Scum of the Earth.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

Sadly for the left, and the democrats, a little thing called the internet was invented. With the internet their big lies....The political parties switched sides on racism, nazis are right wing, the southern strategy.....are all easily shown to be the lies that they are.....and that is why they now hate the used to be they could speak a lie, then the press and hollywood would just repeat it over and speak a lie and the truth comes right out at them....

Sadly you're delusional. And not very bright. That's why you're so gullible and misinformed.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.

It is a lie, the Southern Strategy never existed, the guy who tried to get it used was ignored...look it will have to actually look for it since the first page or two will just be the left's version of history, but I have found it as have others....actually open your mind, and find the truth and is liberating....

You keep pretending that's the case. Normal people know that's a lie by bigots. The phrase was popularized by Richard Nixin's strategist Kevin Phillips. Run along and look up his interview in the NYT in 1970.

Now go peddle your lies to people stupid enough to believe them.
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.

It is a lie, the Southern Strategy never existed, the guy who tried to get it used was ignored...look it will have to actually look for it since the first page or two will just be the left's version of history, but I have found it as have others....actually open your mind, and find the truth and is liberating....

You keep pretending that's the case. Normal people know that's a lie by bigots. The phrase was popularized by Richard Nixin's strategist Kevin Phillips. Run along and look up his interview in the NYT in 1970.

Now go peddle your lies to people stupid enough to believe them.
The supposed southern strategy was the same as if today's repubs went out of their way to lure the mostly-racist democrat black vote.
no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.

It is a lie, the Southern Strategy never existed, the guy who tried to get it used was ignored...look it will have to actually look for it since the first page or two will just be the left's version of history, but I have found it as have others....actually open your mind, and find the truth and is liberating....

You keep pretending that's the case. Normal people know that's a lie by bigots. The phrase was popularized by Richard Nixin's strategist Kevin Phillips. Run along and look up his interview in the NYT in 1970.

Now go peddle your lies to people stupid enough to believe them.
The supposed southern strategy was the same as if today's repubs went out of their way to lure the mostly-racist democrat black vote.

Not supposed, winger. From the mouth of the creator. I'm sorry reality doesn't comport with your delusion but it is what it is. If you have a problem with that, take it up with your shrink.
The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.

It is a lie, the Southern Strategy never existed, the guy who tried to get it used was ignored...look it will have to actually look for it since the first page or two will just be the left's version of history, but I have found it as have others....actually open your mind, and find the truth and is liberating....

You keep pretending that's the case. Normal people know that's a lie by bigots. The phrase was popularized by Richard Nixin's strategist Kevin Phillips. Run along and look up his interview in the NYT in 1970.

Now go peddle your lies to people stupid enough to believe them.
The supposed southern strategy was the same as if today's repubs went out of their way to lure the mostly-racist democrat black vote.

Not supposed, winger. From the mouth of the creator. I'm sorry reality doesn't comport with your delusion but it is what it is. If you have a problem with that, take it up with your shrink.
Do you have anything to add to the discussion? Can you not address the legit comparison I made?
Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!

No, but bill clinton was good friends with democrats who did...orval faubus, and william j. fulbright, giving them awards and dedicating statues to them....and obama....he sat in a racist church for 20 years and is good friends with the racist pastor jeremiah wright and has had racist al sharpton to the White House a whole bunch.....and the democrats had Senator robert actual member of the ku klux klan as a senior member of their party and he only died just recently.......

The democrat party is the party of racism...always has been always will be....
Oh, shut up! In reality, BOTH parties can be called racist... hell, the whole damn country is racist if you really want to go there. Always was
and always WILL be. A few God fearing Black Christians adhered to the altruistic concepts of their bible and GOD evidently thought BLACK PRAYERS MATTER. See how he turned those evil democrat racists around and made them serve their former slaves? And the racist demons jumped out of the democrats and went right into the RepubliKLANS! Heh heh heh!
Absurd. Racist democrats joining the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow? I have to school you people every day now? Accept your heritage and vow to change your ways of keeping folks on your plantation.
No, it is NOT absurd, it is historical fact. Many Racist democrats, including Ronald Reagan, did indeed join the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow. Accept YOUR heritage and change your way of hoodwinking low information White males and ensnaring them in your web of lies.
Storm Thurmond was the only Dixiecrat who switched parties. And he did no harm to black citizens. The rest died democrats. Also, name one piece of legislation the GOP passed that supported slavery or Jim Crow laws. All laws of this nature came from the Democrat Party.

Who said anything about the Dixie-crats? I am talking about something far larger than a few measly politicans dubbed the Dixie-crats. I am talking about a signifiant political shift occurring in the South among White people in general. Fuck the few politicians you seem to be focused on. For the former confederate states to suddenly turn Red (Republican) in the mid-sixties almost overnight, millions of southern White voters had to abandon the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party. Do you think they left their Southern conservatism behind as well? If you do, you are too far gone to reach... loco...uninformed.... dumb.... ignorant.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

Sadly for the left, and the democrats, a little thing called the internet was invented. With the internet their big lies....The political parties switched sides on racism, nazis are right wing, the southern strategy.....are all easily shown to be the lies that they are.....and that is why they now hate the used to be they could speak a lie, then the press and hollywood would just repeat it over and speak a lie and the truth comes right out at them....
Ok... you misinformed goat... I'll ask the question that many smart people have asked you dimwits 999 times and got no response. I guess you will make it 1000. Ready?
Why did the southern states suddenly turn republican red in the mid sixties after decades of being democratic blue? If you can explain that with any degree of reasonable competence I will gladly capitulate.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

Sadly for the left, and the democrats, a little thing called the internet was invented. With the internet their big lies....The political parties switched sides on racism, nazis are right wing, the southern strategy.....are all easily shown to be the lies that they are.....and that is why they now hate the used to be they could speak a lie, then the press and hollywood would just repeat it over and speak a lie and the truth comes right out at them....
Ok... you misinformed goat... I'll ask the question that many smart people have asked you dimwits 999 times and got no response. I guess you will make it 1000. Ready?
Why did the southern states suddenly turn republican red in the mid sixties after decades of being democratic blue? If you can explain that with any degree of reasonable competence I will gladly capitulate.

Here you go....the new south, the new, non racist south voted Republican, the old racists stayed democrat and simply changed tactics and more lynching, buy votes with welfare, and use welfare to control all people, not just blacks....

The "Southern Strategy" Debunked Again

An excellent break down...

The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

Sadly for the left, and the democrats, a little thing called the internet was invented. With the internet their big lies....The political parties switched sides on racism, nazis are right wing, the southern strategy.....are all easily shown to be the lies that they are.....and that is why they now hate the used to be they could speak a lie, then the press and hollywood would just repeat it over and speak a lie and the truth comes right out at them....
Ok... you misinformed goat... I'll ask the question that many smart people have asked you dimwits 999 times and got no response. I guess you will make it 1000. Ready?
Why did the southern states suddenly turn republican red in the mid sixties after decades of being democratic blue? If you can explain that with any degree of reasonable competence I will gladly capitulate.

The "Southern Strategy" Debunked Again

Gerard Alexander began a thorough debunking of this theme in the Claremont Review of Books several years ago (“The Myth of the Racist Republicans“), and Sean Trende continues the job with a fine column today on RealClearPolitics, “Southern Whites’ Shift to GOP Predates the ’60s.” It’s worth reading the whole thing, but here’s a few highlights:

In truth, the white South began breaking away from the Democrats in the 1920s, as population centers began to develop in what was being called the “New South” . . .

But the big breakthrough, to the extent that there was one, came in 1952. Dwight Eisenhower won 48 percent of the vote there, compared to Adlai Stevenson’s 52 percent. He carried most of the “peripheral South” — Virginia, Tennessee, Texas and Florida — and made inroads in the “Deep South,” almost carrying South Carolina and losing North Carolina and Louisiana by single digits.

Even in what we might call the “Deepest South” — Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi — Eisenhower kept Stevenson under 70 percent, which might not seem like much until you realize that Tom Dewey got 18 percent in Georgia against FDR in 1944, and that this had been an improvement over Herbert Hoover’s 8 percent in 1932.

In 1956, Eisenhower became the first Republican since Reconstruction to win a plurality of the vote in the South, 49.8 percent to 48.9 percent. He once again carried the peripheral South, but also took Louisiana with 53 percent of the vote. He won nearly 40 percent of the vote in Alabama. This is all the more jarring when you realize that the Brown v. Board decision was handed down in the interim, that the administration had appointed the chief justice who wrote the decision, and that the administration had opposed the school board.

Nor can we simply write this off to Eisenhower’s celebrity. The GOP was slowly improving its showings at the congressional level as well. It won a special election to a House seat in west Texas in 1950, and began winning urban congressional districts in Texas, North Carolina, Florida and Virginia with regularity beginning in 1952.

It’s worth going back and re-reading Alexander’s dissection of the academic scholarship on this subject, and especially the conclusion:

The point of all this is not to deny that Richard Nixon may have invited some nasty fellows into his political bed. The point is that the GOP finally became the region’s dominant party in the least racist phase of the South’s entire history, and it got that way by attracting most of its votes from the region’s growing and confident communities—not its declining and fearful ones. The myth’s shrillest proponents are as reluctant to admit this as they are to concede that most Republicans genuinely believe that a color-blind society lies down the road of individual choice and dynamic change, not down the road of state regulation and unequal treatment before the law. The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers’.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.
Bruce Jenner shares your values too.

I keep telling you Republicans only care about money. They use God gays guns and racism as wedge issues to win over poor dumb voters like you
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !
Th reason blacks don't affiliate with repubs as much as they do with democrats is really a reflection of the self segregating culture of most blacks. You have the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not that repubs disassociate with blacks. It's that blacks largely refuse to affiliate with repubs due to blacks' mostly lockstep self-segregating culture. Do you really think that Major League Baseball is racist because blacks don't attend games or play much baseball? It's not MLB. It's self-segregating black culture that is responsible for that. And democrats love that and pander to it.

no. it's a function of the fact that the GOP has run the "southern strategy" since the passage of the civil rights law and endorses policies that are anti-minority.

only the guns god and gays brigade votes against their own self-interest.

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

Sadly for the left, and the democrats, a little thing called the internet was invented. With the internet their big lies....The political parties switched sides on racism, nazis are right wing, the southern strategy.....are all easily shown to be the lies that they are.....and that is why they now hate the used to be they could speak a lie, then the press and hollywood would just repeat it over and speak a lie and the truth comes right out at them....
Ok... you misinformed goat... I'll ask the question that many smart people have asked you dimwits 999 times and got no response. I guess you will make it 1000. Ready?
Why did the southern states suddenly turn republican red in the mid sixties after decades of being democratic blue? If you can explain that with any degree of reasonable competence I will gladly capitulate.

The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online

That is because those southerners who defected from the Democratic party in the 1960s and thereafter did so to join a Republican party that was far more enlightened on racial issues than were the Democrats of the era, and had been for a century. There is no radical break in the Republicans’ civil-rights history: From abolition to Reconstruction to the anti-lynching laws, from the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964, there exists a line that is by no means perfectly straight or unwavering but that nonetheless connects the politics of Lincoln with those of Dwight D. Eisenhower. And from slavery and secession to remorseless opposition to everything from Reconstruction to the anti-lynching laws, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, and the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, there exists a similarly identifiable line connecting John Calhoun and Lyndon Baines Johnson. Supporting civil-rights reform was not a radical turnaround for congressional Republicans in 1964, but it was a radical turnaround for Johnson and the Democrats.

ead more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
Your programmed redundancy doesn't make what you state true!
Further, that which is racist is in the eye of the beholder. I don't believe in race but I did use the word "Negro" to make a point. Besides , I could (ugh) look just like Thomas for all you know since I have never revealed my race...I could also be of the highly touted pink race!

Oh, now you don't like redundancy?

Funny, since your previous post was nothing but a reassertion of racist smearing of a great man with no attempt to address my points.

So I re-posted them, to draw attention to the fact that you had not addressed them at all.

BTW, it was not the word "Negro" that was racist about your post, and I don't care what your race is, it does not change the content of your previous post.
Look, scholar...When someone tells the truth about you, as I have just done with Thomas, it isn't smearing; racist or any other kind. Your opinion does not override the facts that are well documented concerning Thomas' rise to the USSC and everything else I mentioned... When White conservatives love a black man, there usually is some kind of uncle tomishness going on some where in his life!

"Well documented"?

What is "well documented"?
What do you think it is?

You stated that the "facts" concerning Thomas's rise to the USSC are well documented.

So, what facts are you referring to? If they are "well documented" it should be easy for you to defend you claim.
Do you have GOOGLE? Use it!
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.
Bruce Jenner shares your values too.

I keep telling you Republicans only care about money. They use God gays guns and racism as wedge issues to win over poor dumb voters like you are couldn't think for yourself if your democrat leaders would let you......

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