The republican party isn't racist

The Southern Strategy is a myth.

that's a lie.

It is a lie, the Southern Strategy never existed, the guy who tried to get it used was ignored...look it will have to actually look for it since the first page or two will just be the left's version of history, but I have found it as have others....actually open your mind, and find the truth and is liberating....

You keep pretending that's the case. Normal people know that's a lie by bigots. The phrase was popularized by Richard Nixin's strategist Kevin Phillips. Run along and look up his interview in the NYT in 1970.

Now go peddle your lies to people stupid enough to believe them.
The supposed southern strategy was the same as if today's repubs went out of their way to lure the mostly-racist democrat black vote.

Not supposed, winger. From the mouth of the creator. I'm sorry reality doesn't comport with your delusion but it is what it is. If you have a problem with that, take it up with your shrink.

Care to share HOW the racists were supposedly won over? What supposedly racist policies or actions were adopted to pander to them?
And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

That was clearly covered in his previous post.
And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

:eusa_doh:it didint..


Thanks for that…..I'll have to steal it….
And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

:eusa_doh:it didint..


Where did you find those….I would like to link to them the next time these morons bring up the southern strategy….
Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!
Really? We made you stop owning people, but you still force people to do things they don't want to do. Nothing has changed, only your methods of enslavement.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?
Really? We made you stop owning people, but you still force people to do things they don't want to do. Nothing has changed, only your methods of enslavement.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

Kirk wasn't a socialist…far from it….read the short Kindle book…The Politics of Star Trek…it is only a dollar at amazon…I have posted several times about the issues raised in Star Trek and how it is a conservative show…...
Really? We made you stop owning people, but you still force people to do things they don't want to do. Nothing has changed, only your methods of enslavement.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

This is another column on Star Trek, and how the old series was conservative, and how the later versions turned into socialist crap….

This article is from a book looking at how Star Trek Changed as the left has taken hold of the country...,,there is an interesting look at the way the Klingons actually were behaving in the original series...and how the new writers whitewashed it for e new mirrors the whitewashing of history by the left.....

The Politics of Star Trek

Star Trek VI opens with a shocking betrayal: without informing his captain, Spock has volunteered the crew for a peace mission to the Klingons. Kirk rightly calls this “arrogant presumption,” yet the Vulcan is never expected to apologize. On the contrary, the film summarily silences Kirk’s objections. At a banquet aboard the Enterprise, he is asked whether he would be willing to surrender his career in exchange for an end to hostilities, and Spock swiftly intervenes. “I believe the captain feels that Starfleet’s mission has always been one of peace,” he says. Kirk tries to disagree, but is again interrupted. Later, he decides that “Spock was right.” His original skepticism toward the peace mission was only prejudice: “I was used to hating Klingons.”

This represented an almost complete inversion of Star Trek’s original liberalism, and indeed of any rational scale of moral principles at all. At no point in the show’s history had Kirk or his colleagues treated the Klingons unjustly, whereas audiences for decades have watched the Klingons torment and subjugate the galaxy’s peaceful races. In “Errand of Mercy,” they attempt genocide to enslave the Organians. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” they try to poison a planet’s entire food supply. The dungeon in which Kirk is imprisoned in this film is on a par with Stalin’s jails. Yet never does the Klingon leader, Gorkon, or any of his people, acknowledge—let alone apologize for—such injustices. Quite the contrary; his daughter tells a galactic conference, “We are a proud race. We are here because we want to go on being proud.” Within the context of the original Star Trek, such pride is morally insane. - See more at: The Politics of Star Trek
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

Kirk wasn't a socialist…far from it….read the short Kindle book…The Politics of Star Trek…it is only a dollar at amazon…I have posted several times about the issues raised in Star Trek and how it is a conservative show…...

I will read that, it sounds very interesting.

Be that as it may, applying modern political labels to a fictional Post Scarcity Society is problematic at best.

Who knows what policies would be required to deal with magic replicators that can just make most food and products magically.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

This is another column on Star Trek, and how the old series was conservative, and how the later versions turned into socialist crap….

This article is from a book looking at how Star Trek Changed as the left has taken hold of the country...,,there is an interesting look at the way the Klingons actually were behaving in the original series...and how the new writers whitewashed it for e new mirrors the whitewashing of history by the left.....

The Politics of Star Trek

Star Trek VI opens with a shocking betrayal: without informing his captain, Spock has volunteered the crew for a peace mission to the Klingons. Kirk rightly calls this “arrogant presumption,” yet the Vulcan is never expected to apologize. On the contrary, the film summarily silences Kirk’s objections. At a banquet aboard the Enterprise, he is asked whether he would be willing to surrender his career in exchange for an end to hostilities, and Spock swiftly intervenes. “I believe the captain feels that Starfleet’s mission has always been one of peace,” he says. Kirk tries to disagree, but is again interrupted. Later, he decides that “Spock was right.” His original skepticism toward the peace mission was only prejudice: “I was used to hating Klingons.”

This represented an almost complete inversion of Star Trek’s original liberalism, and indeed of any rational scale of moral principles at all. At no point in the show’s history had Kirk or his colleagues treated the Klingons unjustly, whereas audiences for decades have watched the Klingons torment and subjugate the galaxy’s peaceful races. In “Errand of Mercy,” they attempt genocide to enslave the Organians. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” they try to poison a planet’s entire food supply. The dungeon in which Kirk is imprisoned in this film is on a par with Stalin’s jails. Yet never does the Klingon leader, Gorkon, or any of his people, acknowledge—let alone apologize for—such injustices. Quite the contrary; his daughter tells a galactic conference, “We are a proud race. We are here because we want to go on being proud.” Within the context of the original Star Trek, such pride is morally insane. - See more at: The Politics of Star Trek

Yes. I hated that scene. It was completely out of character for Kirk.
YOU did no such thing. You'd have to be around 150 years old to be a part of the "we" who stopped slavery. But aren't you a conservative? If so, you have the roles reversed. It was liberals who emancipated the slaves from generations of conservative oppression.

How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

This is another column on Star Trek, and how the old series was conservative, and how the later versions turned into socialist crap….

This article is from a book looking at how Star Trek Changed as the left has taken hold of the country...,,there is an interesting look at the way the Klingons actually were behaving in the original series...and how the new writers whitewashed it for e new mirrors the whitewashing of history by the left.....

The Politics of Star Trek

Star Trek VI opens with a shocking betrayal: without informing his captain, Spock has volunteered the crew for a peace mission to the Klingons. Kirk rightly calls this “arrogant presumption,” yet the Vulcan is never expected to apologize. On the contrary, the film summarily silences Kirk’s objections. At a banquet aboard the Enterprise, he is asked whether he would be willing to surrender his career in exchange for an end to hostilities, and Spock swiftly intervenes. “I believe the captain feels that Starfleet’s mission has always been one of peace,” he says. Kirk tries to disagree, but is again interrupted. Later, he decides that “Spock was right.” His original skepticism toward the peace mission was only prejudice: “I was used to hating Klingons.”

This represented an almost complete inversion of Star Trek’s original liberalism, and indeed of any rational scale of moral principles at all. At no point in the show’s history had Kirk or his colleagues treated the Klingons unjustly, whereas audiences for decades have watched the Klingons torment and subjugate the galaxy’s peaceful races. In “Errand of Mercy,” they attempt genocide to enslave the Organians. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” they try to poison a planet’s entire food supply. The dungeon in which Kirk is imprisoned in this film is on a par with Stalin’s jails. Yet never does the Klingon leader, Gorkon, or any of his people, acknowledge—let alone apologize for—such injustices. Quite the contrary; his daughter tells a galactic conference, “We are a proud race. We are here because we want to go on being proud.” Within the context of the original Star Trek, such pride is morally insane. - See more at: The Politics of Star Trek

Eyeah. Gene Rodenberry was a fan of Chinese Communism. Although the show had different writers per episode, the main theme of the Federation was that capital was no longer required. You'd know that if you knew anything about Star Trek. Which, obviously, you don't.
And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

:eusa_doh:it didint..

Wow, what a coincidence that both Jimmy Carter and Billy Clinton speak perfect "Yawl", or as some like to spell it "ya'll". And both Bush and Ford speak like Yankees.
Star Trek was never ever a conservative show.

The episode A Private LIttle War was a blatant endorsement of the US involvement in Proxy wars against the Soviet Union, even Vietnam.

Basically you have to cherry pick episodes to make your "point". They were written by different writers, none of which "blatantly" endorsed anything. At the core of the show, however, was the Federation. A socialistic and egalitarian society. That was by the design of Gene Rodenberry.
How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

This is another column on Star Trek, and how the old series was conservative, and how the later versions turned into socialist crap….

This article is from a book looking at how Star Trek Changed as the left has taken hold of the country...,,there is an interesting look at the way the Klingons actually were behaving in the original series...and how the new writers whitewashed it for e new mirrors the whitewashing of history by the left.....

The Politics of Star Trek

Star Trek VI opens with a shocking betrayal: without informing his captain, Spock has volunteered the crew for a peace mission to the Klingons. Kirk rightly calls this “arrogant presumption,” yet the Vulcan is never expected to apologize. On the contrary, the film summarily silences Kirk’s objections. At a banquet aboard the Enterprise, he is asked whether he would be willing to surrender his career in exchange for an end to hostilities, and Spock swiftly intervenes. “I believe the captain feels that Starfleet’s mission has always been one of peace,” he says. Kirk tries to disagree, but is again interrupted. Later, he decides that “Spock was right.” His original skepticism toward the peace mission was only prejudice: “I was used to hating Klingons.”

This represented an almost complete inversion of Star Trek’s original liberalism, and indeed of any rational scale of moral principles at all. At no point in the show’s history had Kirk or his colleagues treated the Klingons unjustly, whereas audiences for decades have watched the Klingons torment and subjugate the galaxy’s peaceful races. In “Errand of Mercy,” they attempt genocide to enslave the Organians. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” they try to poison a planet’s entire food supply. The dungeon in which Kirk is imprisoned in this film is on a par with Stalin’s jails. Yet never does the Klingon leader, Gorkon, or any of his people, acknowledge—let alone apologize for—such injustices. Quite the contrary; his daughter tells a galactic conference, “We are a proud race. We are here because we want to go on being proud.” Within the context of the original Star Trek, such pride is morally insane. - See more at: The Politics of Star Trek

Eyeah. Gene Rodenberry was a fan of Chinese Communism. Although the show had different writers per episode, the main theme of the Federation was that capital was no longer required. You'd know that if you knew anything about Star Trek. Which, obviously, you don't.

Yeah….the book points out that Rodenberry was a lefty but the actions of Kirk were not lefty…you would know that if you understood the difference between the left and the right. Read the episodes and the conservative messages in the episodes…the show was not leftwing at all…the exact opposite.

The Next Generation…..left wing socialist all the way.
How about you name a few, along with the party they belong to...

I am not sure you have the IQ to understand the complexities involved in the shifting political party paradigm that took place in the middle decades of the 20th Century.

That being said, party affiliation is merely circumstantial...a convenient construct behind which conservatives and liberals of each party can move freely and vote freely. Obviously there is no mandated strict loyalty to one party or the other. Otherwise, one party would hold the reins of government in perpetuity.

Conservatism and Liberalism are the key terms here, not Republican or Democrat. Here is the answer you want >
Part (1) The True Democrats! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum which poltical party is home to all of these openly racist groups and individuals....including barak obama, who attended an openly racist church for 20 years and called the openly racist pastor not only his friend, but allowed the openly racist pastor to marry him and michelle and baptize their children.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Been meaning to ask you this.

Why do you have a socialist character as your avatar?

This is another column on Star Trek, and how the old series was conservative, and how the later versions turned into socialist crap….

This article is from a book looking at how Star Trek Changed as the left has taken hold of the country...,,there is an interesting look at the way the Klingons actually were behaving in the original series...and how the new writers whitewashed it for e new mirrors the whitewashing of history by the left.....

The Politics of Star Trek

Star Trek VI opens with a shocking betrayal: without informing his captain, Spock has volunteered the crew for a peace mission to the Klingons. Kirk rightly calls this “arrogant presumption,” yet the Vulcan is never expected to apologize. On the contrary, the film summarily silences Kirk’s objections. At a banquet aboard the Enterprise, he is asked whether he would be willing to surrender his career in exchange for an end to hostilities, and Spock swiftly intervenes. “I believe the captain feels that Starfleet’s mission has always been one of peace,” he says. Kirk tries to disagree, but is again interrupted. Later, he decides that “Spock was right.” His original skepticism toward the peace mission was only prejudice: “I was used to hating Klingons.”

This represented an almost complete inversion of Star Trek’s original liberalism, and indeed of any rational scale of moral principles at all. At no point in the show’s history had Kirk or his colleagues treated the Klingons unjustly, whereas audiences for decades have watched the Klingons torment and subjugate the galaxy’s peaceful races. In “Errand of Mercy,” they attempt genocide to enslave the Organians. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” they try to poison a planet’s entire food supply. The dungeon in which Kirk is imprisoned in this film is on a par with Stalin’s jails. Yet never does the Klingon leader, Gorkon, or any of his people, acknowledge—let alone apologize for—such injustices. Quite the contrary; his daughter tells a galactic conference, “We are a proud race. We are here because we want to go on being proud.” Within the context of the original Star Trek, such pride is morally insane. - See more at: The Politics of Star Trek

Yes. I hated that scene. It was completely out of character for Kirk.

Try that book…The Politics of Star Trek… goes into how Kirk was the conservative on the crew vs. Spock and McCoy, and points out how he resolved certain episodes with conservative values…….notions of power, human nature, and facing violent aggressors were all conservative, not left wing solutions….

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