The republican party isn't racist

Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What else can they do? The Democrat party will never admit their racist roots. If they do that they'll owe reparations to black people, and we would have to ban the party because of it. How can we have a party still in existence, that supported slavery ,lynchings and segregation?:dunno:
When will you admit YOUR racist roots? Do you love Beta Israel immigrants as much as you love Ashkenazi immigrants to Israel?
When will YOU admit that the woolly hair on your head ties you to Black s more than you want to know and that deep inside you resent it. Draw on those comparisons for a moment and rethink your opinion of today's democrats while you do!
The most profound statement ever made by a republican goes as follows.....

If it looks like a duck
Quacks like a duck
Chances are its a duck....George W Bush Sr.

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

View attachment 49505

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

I agree, the Democrat party are a bunch of racists.

From your mouth to dumb ears.....LOL

The GOP is not the Party that plays the Race Card.

I don't know what you are thinking of as the "Race Card".

But you are using that term wrong.

Listen, I don't have the time or energy to penetrate that brain of yours thats loaded with concrete...facts mean nothing to you people and I can't help you. If ever there was a party that preys on fools for votes via the race card, its republicans. Your party never has a message, never details anything, but blacks, illegals and minorities as a whole. Republicans couldn't even get elected to anything if they played the game fairly and actually ran on concrete solutions for this country. Pitting the party against the minority world works, so own it and shut up

Wake up:slap:

Now that was some quality Race Baiting.
The most profound statement ever made by a republican goes as follows.....

If it looks like a duck
Quacks like a duck
Chances are its a duck....George W Bush Sr.

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

View attachment 49505

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

I agree, the Democrat party are a bunch of racists.

From your mouth to dumb ears.....LOL

The GOP is not the Party that plays the Race Card.

I don't know what you are thinking of as the "Race Card".

But you are using that term wrong.
No he is not wrong! Reagan was a MASTER at playing the race card to galvanize the "White" voters behind him. Specifically White males!

Yeah, because he held a rally a couple of miles from a place where decades ago, something racist happened....

Well, yeah, that is just one of the many instances...go on ...give us the rest of the story! Heh heh heh!
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What else can they do? The Democrat party will never admit their racist roots. If they do that they'll owe reparations to black people, and we would have to ban the party because of it. How can we have a party still in existence, that supported slavery ,lynchings and segregation?:dunno:
We don't have a party in existence that supported slavery , lynchings and segregation. Slavers died long ago and the conservative jim crow lynch crowd has been overshadowed by liberal democrats. BTW slavery was an US institution sanctioned by the federal government and was not necessarily a democrat institution. It went on for several hundred years with hardly a murmur of opposition except from a few abolitionists, some of whom were northern democrats and republicans.

So the Democrat party shut down and reopened as the new Democrat party?:uhh: Get real boy, go back to sleep.
Silly rabbi(T). You know it was a gradual progression and didn't happen overnight... That did happen in Germany after we whipped Nazi asses and saved your ass! The Nazis shut down and reopened as good, peace loving citizens like YOU!
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Constitutional Conservatism means liberty boy.....Your problem isn't sleep, it's stupidity:slap:
Ashkenazi Jews are known for their brilliance, thanks to Einstein and a few others, but you are clearly marring that image. You are singlehandedly destroying that image with every post. All the Jewish stupidity of the world seems to have coalesced into one person: YOU!

Classic conservatism isn't what the RepubliKLANS represent. No..the self appointed illusion that mixes hate, bigotry and intolerance with pseudo- moral glorification and Christianity is not conservatism. It reeks of fascism.. Stupid people like you are so caught up in the hateful rhetoric that you forget the religious intolerance that hides just beneath the surface in every republi-klan with skin lighter than a paper bag. They don't like Jews or Muslims anymore than they like Blacks or Mexicans.

Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, blah, racist.

If I missed anything, due to static and boredom, please let me know.
Oh, you did not miss anything. You read every word. That is why you have nothing to say in response! My words are powerful!
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

I agree, the Democrat party are a bunch of racists.

From your mouth to dumb ears.....LOL

The GOP is not the Party that plays the Race Card.

I don't know what you are thinking of as the "Race Card".

But you are using that term wrong.
No he is not wrong! Reagan was a MASTER at playing the race card to galvanize the "White" voters behind him. Specifically White males!

Yeah, because he held a rally a couple of miles from a place where decades ago, something racist happened....

Well, yeah, that is just one of the many instances...go on ...give us the rest of the story! Heh heh heh!

If you are claiming that having a rally miles from a place where decades ago something racist happened as an example of Reagan using racism to rile up the troops,

then what you are really showing is that you have nothing real to back up your partisan race baiting smear.
Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Constitutional Conservatism means liberty boy.....Your problem isn't sleep, it's stupidity:slap:
Ashkenazi Jews are known for their brilliance, thanks to Einstein and a few others, but you are clearly marring that image. You are singlehandedly destroying that image with every post. All the Jewish stupidity of the world seems to have coalesced into one person: YOU!

Classic conservatism isn't what the RepubliKLANS represent. No..the self appointed illusion that mixes hate, bigotry and intolerance with pseudo- moral glorification and Christianity is not conservatism. It reeks of fascism.. Stupid people like you are so caught up in the hateful rhetoric that you forget the religious intolerance that hides just beneath the surface in every republi-klan with skin lighter than a paper bag. They don't like Jews or Muslims anymore than they like Blacks or Mexicans.

Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, blah, racist.

If I missed anything, due to static and boredom, please let me know.
Oh, you did not miss anything. You read every word. That is why you have nothing to say in response! My words are powerful!

Your words are partisan nonsense with no connection to reality.
Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What else can they do? The Democrat party will never admit their racist roots. If they do that they'll owe reparations to black people, and we would have to ban the party because of it. How can we have a party still in existence, that supported slavery ,lynchings and segregation?:dunno:
When will you admit YOUR racist roots? Do you love Beta Israel immigrants as much as you love Ashkenazi immigrants to Israel?
When will YOU admit that the woolly hair on your head ties you to Black s more than you want to know and that deep inside you resent it. Draw on those comparisons for a moment and rethink your opinion of today's democrats while you do!

Democrats are and always have been the party of slavery and subjugation to big government. The sooner you learn, that the better off you'll be in life. And my "woolly" hair comes from my family origins in the middle east, which can be traced back 3000 years to the priess of the temple:cool: hence my last name, it's in Hebrew under my avatar
Progressive Woodrow Wilson re-segregated the federal government

On April 11, 1913, recently inaugurated President Woodrow Wilson received Postmaster General Albert Burleson's plan to segregate the Railway Mail Service. Burleson reported that he found it “intolerable” that white and black employees had to work together and share drinking glasses and washrooms. This sentiment was shared by others in Wilson's administration.

By the end of 1913, black employees in several federal departments had been relegated to segregated work areas, lavatories and lunchrooms, were appointed to menial positions or jobs slated for elimination.

President Wilson defended racial segregation in his administration as in the best interest of blacks.

Wilson was called a progressive president but the majority of his constituents were southern conservative democrats. Thus, he did "conservative" things to appease his base just as FDR did..

Re-segregation in the "best" interest of blacks? That viewpoint puts the focus on the entire White population as being "racist" at the time. Sure there were exceptions, but Wilson's worldview seems to have been that of the mainstream bigots who were lynching blacks in the north as well as in the south! Democrats had no monopoly on racism in the USA and even today it crosses party lines. The Democratic Party just has less of them than the present day GOP!
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Constitutional Conservatism means liberty boy.....Your problem isn't sleep, it's stupidity:slap:
Ashkenazi Jews are known for their brilliance, thanks to Einstein and a few others, but you are clearly marring that image. You are singlehandedly destroying that image with every post. All the Jewish stupidity of the world seems to have coalesced into one person: YOU!

Classic conservatism isn't what the RepubliKLANS represent. No..the self appointed illusion that mixes hate, bigotry and intolerance with pseudo- moral glorification and Christianity is not conservatism. It reeks of fascism.. Stupid people like you are so caught up in the hateful rhetoric that you forget the religious intolerance that hides just beneath the surface in every republi-klan with skin lighter than a paper bag. They don't like Jews or Muslims anymore than they like Blacks or Mexicans.

Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, blah, racist.

If I missed anything, due to static and boredom, please let me know.
Oh, you did not miss anything. You read every word. That is why you have nothing to say in response! My words are powerful!

Your words are partisan nonsense with no connection to reality.
You are a piece of that real enough for you commode juicer?
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
Constitutional Conservatism means liberty boy.....Your problem isn't sleep, it's stupidity:slap:
Ashkenazi Jews are known for their brilliance, thanks to Einstein and a few others, but you are clearly marring that image. You are singlehandedly destroying that image with every post. All the Jewish stupidity of the world seems to have coalesced into one person: YOU!

Classic conservatism isn't what the RepubliKLANS represent. No..the self appointed illusion that mixes hate, bigotry and intolerance with pseudo- moral glorification and Christianity is not conservatism. It reeks of fascism.. Stupid people like you are so caught up in the hateful rhetoric that you forget the religious intolerance that hides just beneath the surface in every republi-klan with skin lighter than a paper bag. They don't like Jews or Muslims anymore than they like Blacks or Mexicans.

Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, blah, racist.

If I missed anything, due to static and boredom, please let me know.
Oh, you did not miss anything. You read every word. That is why you have nothing to say in response! My words are powerful!

Your words are partisan nonsense with no connection to reality.
You are a piece of that real enough for you commode juicer?

Jeez, you could have just backed up your claims.

If the GOP is so racist, it should not be hard to demonstrate with some links to racist party platforms, policies, bills, ect, ect ect.

Did you ever try that?

Hey, want to challenge me to show that the Democratic Party is racist?

Do you think I will be reduced to name calling or do you think I will link you to serious racist polices and actions of the Democratic Party and President to prove my claim?


From your mouth to dumb ears.....LOL

The GOP is not the Party that plays the Race Card.

I don't know what you are thinking of as the "Race Card".

But you are using that term wrong.
No he is not wrong! Reagan was a MASTER at playing the race card to galvanize the "White" voters behind him. Specifically White males!

Yeah, because he held a rally a couple of miles from a place where decades ago, something racist happened....

Well, yeah, that is just one of the many instances...go on ...give us the rest of the story! Heh heh heh!

If you are claiming that having a rally miles from a place where decades ago something racist happened as an example of Reagan using racism to rile up the troops,

then what you are really showing is that you have nothing real to back up your partisan race baiting smear.
You gave that example, I didn't. Is that all you have? I have something real as well as "reel" to back YOU up but you stopped short. Tell us about Reagan's "Welfare Queen." What about the "big buck with food stamps" or similar public quips? If you haven't heard of those "race cards" payed by Reagan, then It is time you learned to google!
Ashkenazi Jews are known for their brilliance, thanks to Einstein and a few others, but you are clearly marring that image. You are singlehandedly destroying that image with every post. All the Jewish stupidity of the world seems to have coalesced into one person: YOU!

Classic conservatism isn't what the RepubliKLANS represent. No..the self appointed illusion that mixes hate, bigotry and intolerance with pseudo- moral glorification and Christianity is not conservatism. It reeks of fascism.. Stupid people like you are so caught up in the hateful rhetoric that you forget the religious intolerance that hides just beneath the surface in every republi-klan with skin lighter than a paper bag. They don't like Jews or Muslims anymore than they like Blacks or Mexicans.

Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, blah, racist.

If I missed anything, due to static and boredom, please let me know.
Oh, you did not miss anything. You read every word. That is why you have nothing to say in response! My words are powerful!

Your words are partisan nonsense with no connection to reality.
You are a piece of that real enough for you commode juicer?

Jeez, you could have just backed up your claims.

If the GOP is so racist, it should not be hard to demonstrate with some links to racist party platforms, policies, bills, ect, ect ect.

Did you ever try that?

Hey, want to challenge me to show that the Democratic Party is racist?

Do you think I will be reduced to name calling or do you think I will link you to serious racist polices and actions of the Democratic Party and President to prove my claim?



OK...You established your rules now i will add mine. We don't use examples before the year 1975, OK?
The GOP is not the Party that plays the Race Card.

I don't know what you are thinking of as the "Race Card".

But you are using that term wrong.
No he is not wrong! Reagan was a MASTER at playing the race card to galvanize the "White" voters behind him. Specifically White males!

Yeah, because he held a rally a couple of miles from a place where decades ago, something racist happened....

Well, yeah, that is just one of the many instances...go on ...give us the rest of the story! Heh heh heh!

If you are claiming that having a rally miles from a place where decades ago something racist happened as an example of Reagan using racism to rile up the troops,

then what you are really showing is that you have nothing real to back up your partisan race baiting smear.
You gave that example, I didn't. Is that all you have? I have something real as well as "reel" to back YOU up but you stopped short. Tell us about Reagan's "Welfare Queen." What about the "big buck with food stamps" or similar public quips? If you haven't heard of those "race cards" payed by Reagan, then It is time you learned to google!

The Welfare Queen was mentioned like once. It was libs who took it and ran with it. Reagan didn't. And concern about generational dependency was a real concern at the time.

As was able bodied people on the dole. Again. Mentioned once. And held onto like it was gold by the Left.

Because they are soooo desperate for any hint of racism to justify their race baiting.

You got any real racist policies or platforms or actions?
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, blah, racist.

If I missed anything, due to static and boredom, please let me know.
Oh, you did not miss anything. You read every word. That is why you have nothing to say in response! My words are powerful!

Your words are partisan nonsense with no connection to reality.
You are a piece of that real enough for you commode juicer?

Jeez, you could have just backed up your claims.

If the GOP is so racist, it should not be hard to demonstrate with some links to racist party platforms, policies, bills, ect, ect ect.

Did you ever try that?

Hey, want to challenge me to show that the Democratic Party is racist?

Do you think I will be reduced to name calling or do you think I will link you to serious racist polices and actions of the Democratic Party and President to prove my claim?



OK...You established your rules now i will add mine. We don't use examples before the year 1975, OK?

1975? Sure.
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What else can they do? The Democrat party will never admit their racist roots. If they do that they'll owe reparations to black people, and we would have to ban the party because of it. How can we have a party still in existence, that supported slavery ,lynchings and segregation?:dunno:
When will you admit YOUR racist roots? Do you love Beta Israel immigrants as much as you love Ashkenazi immigrants to Israel?
When will YOU admit that the woolly hair on your head ties you to Black s more than you want to know and that deep inside you resent it. Draw on those comparisons for a moment and rethink your opinion of today's democrats while you do!

Democrats are and always have been the party of slavery and subjugation to big government. The sooner you learn, that the better off you'll be in life. And my "woolly" hair comes from my family origins in the middle east, which can be traced back 3000 years to the priess of the temple:cool: hence my last name, it's in Hebrew under my avatar
No , Democratic Party roots began as the party of agarian people, mostly southern white males. In the beginning it was all white males but as it matured the party added blue collar northern workers seeking better wages and working conditions through collective bargaining.

You believe your wooly hair is a genetic phenomenon originating in the middle-east? I am pleasantly surprised to see you post that! I have long held that Black Africans originated in the ME. Apparently Moses thought so too when he cited the exploits of the world's first super hero: the Cushite known as Nimrod! You can' t escape your Black heritage by ensconcing your ancestry in ME garb!
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
No he is not..YOU ARE. Like Satan you are clever at projecting your own evils onto others. Hiding your "conservative racism" behind a screen of false "republican" morality is a superb example.
Nope. The democrat party is the party of bigotry, racism and segregation. That's why they divide the country and pander. Even when their pandering conflicts with itself. Democrats are hypocritical bigots.
That's funny, I have never heard anyone say that except RW talking heads. No serious scholar would dare entertain his/her peers with such rubbish.
The democrat party panders to people as separate groups. They divide and pander. They call it diversity but it really is opportunistic segregation. That's why their diversity all live in separate neighborhoods. The white democrats flee the blacks and blacks flee from the Hispanics and the black churches and Hispanic Catholics all oppose homosexuality, another group democrats pander to.
Your premise fails terribly. Show me the neighborhoods where Blacks of any party affiliation and Republicans are frolicking together in racial harmony and bliss. Surely, the Republicans are eager to show how tolerant they are and set the example that they find the democrats to be so lacking !

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