The republican party isn't racist

That's because it was abolished by Republicans, stupid.

That is because it was abolished by LIBERALS, dumbo! Republican LIBERALS OF THE 19th CENTURY!
Desperate denial comes to mind when I read your attempts to rationalize the history of your party and your dependence on them. How are things on the plantation these days?

I don't need to rationalize because I HAVE no party affiliation. I thought you were rationalizing the history of your party until it dawned on me that, in your case, it was just abject stupidity!!
That's because it was abolished by Republicans,

This fragment says it all I was responding to someone who said the democratic party was the party of slavery and you completely missed the mark by rebutting what you THOUGHT you read!
You said: "Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery."
I said: "That's because it was abolished by Republicans,"

Do you understand that statement? It's not that difficult. Of course there are no Dems alive today who took part in slavery. That's because it was abolished 150 years ago, moron. I'm sure, however, if Republicans hadn't abolished it, the Democrats would still have your ass in chains. I can't believe I have to explain it to you.
Dum DUm... what I was trying to explain to you is that if not one democrat lives today that had anything to do with slavery, why the FUCK do you keep trying to associate them with it? That is the same argument your kind launches when talk of reparations come up.
You claim no black person alive today was a slave so they deserve nothing...well, by that mode of thinking we can't link the ante-bell-um and early 20th Century democrats with those of today. You have already set a precedent that is now coming back to bite you in the ass!
Can you not read, or do you just not understand? I just explained it to you. You're dumber than I thought you were.
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.

The democrats were the racists back then and they are still the racists today. Your point?
Some democrats are racist as well as conservative but the liberal democrats are in the majority today and it is they who put a black guy in the White House. Those Asians, Jews White women , Blacks and Hispanics make a helluva voting team don't they? Oh, there are a few white males but 90% vote republican ....hmmmm!

They put a racist black guy in the White House....he sat in a racist church for 20 years, he is best friends with the openly racist pastor, and had the openly racist pastor marry him and michelle and baptize their children....

The democrat party is the home of all racists today, not just white racists. And obama is one of the biggest racists in the party. The black racists are also in the democrat party, the NAACP, the Nation of Islam, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, jesse jackson, the asian racists are also represented by George Takei....and the hispanic racists, la raza are also in the modern democrat party....

Notice anything similar in all of those groups..they are all openly, proudly racist.....

The democrat party was and still is the party of racism......
And you want me to believe it was alright for Ronald Reagan to do similar things. He likely sat in a racist church for 20 years or more and fraternized with openly racist whites. But you love him anyway, don't you?
That is because it was abolished by LIBERALS, dumbo! Republican LIBERALS OF THE 19th CENTURY!
Desperate denial comes to mind when I read your attempts to rationalize the history of your party and your dependence on them. How are things on the plantation these days?

I don't need to rationalize because I HAVE no party affiliation. I thought you were rationalizing the history of your party until it dawned on me that, in your case, it was just abject stupidity!!
That's because it was abolished by Republicans,

This fragment says it all I was responding to someone who said the democratic party was the party of slavery and you completely missed the mark by rebutting what you THOUGHT you read!
You said: "Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery."
I said: "That's because it was abolished by Republicans,"

Do you understand that statement? It's not that difficult. Of course there are no Dems alive today who took part in slavery. That's because it was abolished 150 years ago, moron. I'm sure, however, if Republicans hadn't abolished it, the Democrats would still have your ass in chains. I can't believe I have to explain it to you.
Dum DUm... what I was trying to explain to you is that if not one democrat lives today that had anything to do with slavery, why the FUCK do you keep trying to associate them with it? That is the same argument your kind launches when talk of reparations come up.
You claim no black person alive today was a slave so they deserve nothing...well, by that mode of thinking we can't link the ante-bell-um and early 20th Century democrats with those of today. You have already set a precedent that is now coming back to bite you in the ass!
Can you not read, or do you just not understand? I just explained it to you. You're dumber than I thought you were.

Aww STFU and go to are you mumbling about now?
The most profound statement ever made by a republican goes as follows.....

If it looks like a duck
Quacks like a duck
Chances are its a duck....George W Bush Sr.

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

View attachment 49505
LOL You guys are funny. Your 'brilliant' prezy quotes a cliche, and you think he's a genius. Too, too hilarious.
only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.

Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!
That's because it was abolished by Republicans, stupid.

That is because it was abolished by LIBERALS, dumbo! Republican LIBERALS OF THE 19th CENTURY!

Republicans are still the liberals...that never changed...the racist democrats have to keep changing their poltical name from progressive to liberal and now back again in order to keep people from realizing they are the same statist, racists they were back in the days of slavery.......

Today's conservatives are "liberals." look up the definition.......

HEY SJ, This dude just called YOU a LIBERAL.... All you conservative MFs who THOUGHT you were conservative better take heed, 2AGUY is about to change your world!

You are so full of BS, I'll bet you have slimy green eyes..

Racist democrats keep changing their political name? BAWAAHAHAHA.
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.

Not one democrat alive today took part in slavery.

Jim Crow? Maybe a few old codgers in Alabama. Mississippi or Georgia!
That's because it was abolished by Republicans, stupid.

That is because it was abolished by LIBERALS, dumbo! Republican LIBERALS OF THE 19th CENTURY!

Republicans are still the liberals...that never changed...the racist democrats have to keep changing their poltical name from progressive to liberal and now back again in order to keep people from realizing they are the same statist, racists they were back in the days of slavery.......

Today's conservatives are "liberals." look up the definition.......

HEY SJ, This dude just called YOU a LIBERAL.... All you conservative MFs who THOUGHT you were conservative better take heed, 2AGUY is about to change your world!

You are so full of BS, I'll bet you have slimy green eyes..

Racist democrats keep changing their political name? BAWAAHAHAHA.
Poor Pubic, drunk again. Somebody put him to bed before he gets arrested.
Now after you stop laughing , its true

Guno's party, the democrats, are the most racist entity in this country's history. Guno is a perfect illustration of that blatant racism.
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What else can they do? The Democrat party will never admit their racist roots. If they do that they'll owe reparations to black people, and we would have to ban the party because of it. How can we have a party still in existence, that supported slavery ,lynchings and segregation?:dunno:
We see examples of the racism endemic in the GOP on this very forum – references to 'thugs,' 'entitlement mentality,' and attempts to vilify the Black Lives Matter movement are but a few examples of the racism that manifests among the right.
BLM are a bunch of anarchist, who like to see dead cops, with is why most thinking people are against them, including most black people, and certainly black cops. They are frauds but dumb asses like them:slap:,
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If that never happened then how did all of those mean old southern liberal democrats from back in the day turn into the solid red state conservative republicans of today?

That's where your denial of history falls flat.
I don't know. Being an independent, I can't vote in the primaries, but I do think he has more on the ball than Trump. I just wish the Democrats had a little larger field to choose from than the two front runners. The Republicans may have too many, but the Democrats have too few.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be an academic genius - but he's a political moron.
So it's cool that Obozo had no experience, but you hate Carson...


But Obama did have experience - at state and national levels. Plus, he is lawyer who has taught constitutional law.
He was a community disorganizer...

And he's still at it.

Presidential historians rate him far above George W. Bush. Obama 18, Bush 35.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with Carson or Cain?
Ben Carson may be an academic genius - but he's a political moron.
So it's cool that Obozo had no experience, but you hate Carson...


But Obama did have experience - at state and national levels. Plus, he is lawyer who has taught constitutional law.
He was a community disorganizer...

And he's still at it.

Presidential historians rate him far above George W. Bush. Obama 18, Bush 35.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with Carson or Cain?

Nothing the idiot has a problem focusing:cuckoo:
The most profound statement ever made by a republican goes as follows.....

If it looks like a duck
Quacks like a duck
Chances are its a duck....George W Bush Sr.

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

View attachment 49505

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

I agree, the Democrat party are a bunch of racists.
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Clearly you've been away locked up in prison somewhere, pal, because anyone with fuckin 2 gotdamned eyes and two sets of ears, saw and heard first hand, the day the fuckin man was elected, how fucked up and racist you white fucks got over this. The man hadn't been in office a full fuckin day before Rush wished the guy to fail. Not to mention the full throttle of racist shit that happened over and over and over by elected conservative officials, with watermelon emails, Mitch wanting to make the guy a one term president, news articles displaying the man in jungle gear, I mean the shit is get the fuck out of here with this innocent shit, you talking to liberals, not these mindless stupid fucks in your party!!

The man hadn't been in office a full fuckin day before Rush wished the guy to fail.

Rush was right, the less Obama accomplishes, the better off we all are.
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Clearly you've been away locked up in prison somewhere, pal, because anyone with fuckin 2 gotdamned eyes and two sets of ears, saw and heard first hand, the day the fuckin man was elected, how fucked up and racist you white fucks got over this. The man hadn't been in office a full fuckin day before Rush wished the guy to fail. Not to mention the full throttle of racist shit that happened over and over and over by elected conservative officials, with watermelon emails, Mitch wanting to make the guy a one term president, news articles displaying the man in jungle gear, I mean the shit is get the fuck out of here with this innocent shit, you talking to liberals, not these mindless stupid fucks in your party!!

The man hadn't been in office a full fuckin day before Rush wished the guy to fail.

Rush was right, the less Obama accomplishes, the better off we all are.

From your mouth to dumb hears.....gotta love the GOP-igs!!
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be an academic genius - but he's a political moron.
So it's cool that Obozo had no experience, but you hate Carson...


But Obama did have experience - at state and national levels. Plus, he is lawyer who has taught constitutional law.
He was a community disorganizer...

And he's still at it.
Only the rightwetter and ulcerconservative believed that.

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