The republican party isn't racist

Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
"The republican party isn't racist"

No, it's not.

But racists and bigots nonetheless find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, where most racists vote republican and identify as conservative.

It's incumbent, therefore, upon republicans and conservatives to examine their dogma and political agenda to discover why they attract racists and bigots, and find a resolution to the problem.
"The republican party isn't racist"

No, it's not.

But racists and bigots nonetheless find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, where most racists vote republican and identify as conservative.

It's incumbent, therefore, upon republicans and conservatives to examine their dogma and political agenda to discover why they attract racists and bigots, and find a resolution to the problem.

Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.

Yo, bro...

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.
That is because the Democrat Party is the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They never will change.
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.
There were no liberals back then, fool.
Take a look at this....the democrat party is the home of racism, it was in the past and is still to this day where the racists of all colors go to get power.....

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....?

There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party.

..bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission try to lie about what it meant to be a conservative.....there by trying to create the impression that conservatives today are the same as the white, democrat conservatives who fought and killed to preserve slavery.

The Republicans enacted all of those things you listed...the white democrats used the klan to murder Republicans and freed blacks to prevent them.

Modern American Conservatives believe in all of the acts you point out since they support the constitution, the bill of rights and the declaration of Independence....and by believing in those things they believe that all men are created equal, and endowed by our creator with inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness......

All of those acts listed....were opposed by democrats.........republicans enacted all of them.
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Clearly you've been away locked up in prison somewhere, pal, because anyone with fuckin 2 gotdamned eyes and two sets of ears, saw and heard first hand, the day the fuckin man was elected, how fucked up and racist you white fucks got over this. The man hadn't been in office a full fuckin day before Rush wished the guy to fail. Not to mention the full throttle of racist shit that happened over and over and over by elected conservative officials, with watermelon emails, Mitch wanting to make the guy a one term president, news articles displaying the man in jungle gear, I mean the shit is get the fuck out of here with this innocent shit, you talking to liberals, not these mindless stupid fucks in your party!!

Why wouldn't Rush wan't obama to fail....he is an anti American racist whose policies are creating the next war in the mid east and weakening the United States. And I imagine you believe that all the democrats lined up to support George Bush on his first day...right?
"The republican party isn't racist"

No, it's not.

But racists and bigots nonetheless find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, where most racists vote republican and identify as conservative.

It's incumbent, therefore, upon republicans and conservatives to examine their dogma and political agenda to discover why they attract racists and bigots, and find a resolution to the problem. are a stupid fuck...

Article that lists past democrat racism in detail...and other stuff post this...if it comes up...

Will Democrats Apologize for Slavery and Segregation The American Spectator

Articles When Erasing Symbols of Slavery Don t Forget the Democratic Party

Does it never get old attributing racism to the one group in this country conservatives/libertarians/Tea Party members who aren't racist.....? There are actual...honest to goodness racists in the democrat party, the party of raza, the hispanic racists, the NAACP, the Nation of racists...including jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright and barak obama, black racist leaders......since you guys voted for a racist...barak obama, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, allowed a black racist to marry him and his wife and a black racist to baptize his daughters, and have actual white democrats with ties to actual segregationists still in your party...bill clinton (a sexual predator to boot) whose political mentor was willam actual segregationist...and robert "sheets" byrd (named sheets by tip o'neal for his membership in the democrat kkk).......

Which party do these known racists and racist groups belong to.....

La Raza...hispanic racists
The nation of racists
the NAACP, the modern racists (they just kicked out a white woman...remember?)
the congressional black caucus....

George takei...asian racist...
Al racist
jesse racist
raul racist...
bill clinton...white racist....remember the old segregationists...he gave them medals and presented statues in their honor
robert "kkk" byrd...white racist
barak racist ( sat in a rabidly racist church for 20 years and was good friends with the racist pastor, the rabid racist pastor, jeremiah wright married the obama's and baptized their children0

So dumb fuck....which party is the home of the racists?

Billl whittle video

Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.

The democrats were the racists back then and they are still the racists today. Your point?
Now after you stop laughing , its true


Poor Obama, so smart, still can't get anything done.

Actually, he has done a remarkably good job as president considering the obstructionist NaziCons in Congress. His Iran nuclear deal is the icing on his legacy cake.
A deal where Iran inspects their own sites and the U.S. has no say? You have no credibility. I hope your teepee is bombed first.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.
There were no liberals back then, fool.
Oh, they were called Republicans back then but liberals were there.

Do you also deny that Conservatives were primarily Democrats in the 1860s ?
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

I think the RepubliKlans fear that even more!

You know that the ku klux klan was a creation of democrats...right? They attacked Republicans and Freed slaves to restore white democrats to power in the post slavery south......
You do know that Ronald Wilson Reagan was a creation of the democrats, right? You do know he was one of those democrat conservatives who switched parties when the Democrats became too liberal just like his conservative fellows, the Klansmen did!
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.

The democrats were the racists back then and they are still the racists today. Your point?
Some democrats are racist as well as conservative but the liberal democrats are in the majority today and it is they who put a black guy in the White House. Those Asians, Jews White women , Blacks and Hispanics make a helluva voting team don't they? Oh, there are a few white males but 90% vote republican ....hmmmm!
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never mentioned Democrats or Republicans before Whitehall and you
showed your ignorance in not understanding that the Southern Democrats who did all those things I mentioned were Conservatives.
Republicans were called liberals because, back then, the GOP focused on helping ex slaves to assimilate and become citizens.
Yeah, idiot, and they still are focused on helping blacks become citizens. Problem is you don't WANT to. You still want to be fed by your masters in the Democratic Party, the same ones you depended on when you were in chains.
You don't know my race but I can tell you that I have never been n chains. Your problem is that you presume too much and can't think beyond your immediate world: the computer screen and the tv set.

I see you didn't highlight the part where I said the Republicans were "liberals" back then.
There were no liberals back then, fool.
Oh, they were called Republicans back then but liberals were there.

Do you also deny that Conservatives were primarily Democrats in the 1860s ?
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

I think the RepubliKlans fear that even more!

You know that the ku klux klan was a creation of democrats...right? They attacked Republicans and Freed slaves to restore white democrats to power in the post slavery south......
You do know that Ronald Wilson Reagan was a creation of the democrats, right? You do know he was one of those democrat conservatives who switched parties when the Democrats became too liberal just like his conservative fellows, the Klansmen did!

What's to conservatives fought to "conserve" the practice of slavery. Today, American conservatives fight to conserve the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of independence and what they represent....the democrats of today.....they have evolved...they don't want to just own blacks as slaves...they want to control all the races......

And Reagan became a Republican because he didn't agree with the democrats......he wasn't a racist like the democrats were.

Do you realize that Modern American Conservatives are actually "Liberals" in the true sense of the definition.....and that the democrats are socialists in the true sense of that defintion.....right?

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