The republican party isn't racist

I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be a neurosurgical genius - but he's a political moron. Herman Cain probably made great pizzas - but he was also a political moron.
And Obama probably rolled good joints but is a political moron.

It may just be that President Obama is a political moron. But if that is true, what does that make McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan after loosing to Obama/Biden one after the other? Political geniuses? :rofl:
Now after you stop laughing , its true


Poor Obama, so smart, still can't get anything done.

Actually, he has done a remarkably good job as president considering the obstructionist NaziCons in Congress. His Iran nuclear deal is the icing on his legacy cake.

Yes, the Iran deal is the icing, just not the way you think.
Ben Carson would be an awesome President.

If you disagree then you are a racist.

only old white people are running for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. Diversity is on the Republican side. In 2012 the libs personally destroyed Herman Cain, because he was a black guy.

We destroyed him because he was a moron.

Who are the idiots? those who seek to destroy people personally? or those who debate the issues, and win based on the merits of their argument? You people would be qualified idiots.
I think the problem for many Democrats is that Ben Carson might be a competent black president.

Ben Carson may be a neurosurgical genius - but he's a political moron. Herman Cain probably made great pizzas - but he was also a political moron.
And Obama probably rolled good joints but is a political moron.

It may just be that President Obama is a political moron. But if that is true, what does that make McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan after loosing to Obama/Biden one after the other? Political geniuses? :rofl:

The Obama production sucked in those crying idiots who couldn't see and still cant see...Pathetic really.
Lets be perfectly clear....racism isn't a political party, racism is a individual's choice and agenda and it crosses all party lines. What defines the republican party for people like me, is this need for a party to consistently attack socialism and cloak it in black welfare skin, thus creating an atmosphere of racism against the poor, especially blacks. This is has been a staple for their party since the Reagan years and its manifested itself throughout their political history. Its something they must own, and deal with... not the rest of us.
Lets be perfectly clear....racism isn't a political party, racism is a individual's choice and agenda and it crosses all party lines. What defines the republican party for people like me, is this need for a party to consistently attack socialism and cloak it in black welfare skin, thus creating an atmosphere of racism against the poor, especially blacks. This is has been a staple for their party since the Reagan years and its manifested itself throughout their political history. Its something they must own, and deal with... not the rest of us.
There is a reason why I cal them Republi- KLANS. Thanks for sharing the mutual discovery!
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
"Conservatives opposed"? That's a pretty slick dodge since the Emancipation Proclamation happened during a republican administration.
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
The most profound statement ever made by a republican goes as follows.....

If it looks like a duck
Quacks like a duck
Chances are its a duck....George W Bush Sr.

Any party that can't get their core base all riled up and excited without playing the race card. Who has never offered one good idea ever since the Reagan years, save for shitting on minorities.....chances are you're racist and so are you core supporters.

Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Clearly you've been away locked up in prison somewhere, pal, because anyone with fuckin 2 gotdamned eyes and two sets of ears, saw and heard first hand, the day the fuckin man was elected, how fucked up and racist you white fucks got over this. The man hadn't been in office a full fuckin day before Rush wished the guy to fail. Not to mention the full throttle of racist shit that happened over and over and over by elected conservative officials, with watermelon emails, Mitch wanting to make the guy a one term president, news articles displaying the man in jungle gear, I mean the shit is get the fuck out of here with this innocent shit, you talking to liberals, not these mindless stupid fucks in your party!!
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
"Conservatives opposed"? That's a pretty slick dodge since the Emancipation Proclamation happened during a republican administration.

I guess you didn't click on the permalink! You would be enlightened if you had... give it a is a USMB link
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Didn't everyone in the free world see the filthy racist cartoons in major newspapers depicting Dr. Condie Rice as a grotesque slave mammy after she was appointed Secretary of State? Nobody on the left was prosecuted or even apologized. The segregationists who tried to derail the civil rights legislation in the 60's were democrats. A beloved old democrat U.S. senator was a ranking member of the KKK. The left freaking lynched effigies of President Bush but any criticism of Barry Hussein is seen as racism. That's how the liberals have it rigged.

Please read this permalink to address you mental malady:

Here is a preview of what you will find:

Conservatives opposed:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The Reconstruction Act of 1867
The Civil Rights of 1866
The Enforcement Act of 1870
The Forced Act of 1871
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The United State Civil Rights Commission
Democrats are the ones who opposed those, not Republicans.
I never said they were Republicans ( liberals of the 1860s). I said they were conservatives (Democrats of the 1860s). Care to dispute that HAR HAR HAR!

Think before you open your stupid mouth...
Still sticking to that ridiculous claim that Dems and Repubs switched sides, I see. Yeah, MF, keep digging. :dig: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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