The Republican Plan for Health Care Reform

What do you think of the GOP Plan?

  • It's ridiculous

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • It's an improvement over Obamacare

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Keep government out of health care.

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Actually, it didn't do any such thing. What you posted was a one page outline for of the reforms that Republicans proposed when the debate about Obamacare started. (The proof of that is the reference to the 1,990 bill proposed by Pelosi. You know the one I am talking about, the one that didn't pass?) Anyone with the reading comprehension I exhibited in 5th grade would know that without me explaining it, which is why I didn't respond to your fake thread.

The source of the Republican Plan was posted by someone on your side of the aisle; I have no idea when it was promulgated. You always assume and then go all negative, act with self righteous indignation and go all asshole. Maybe some day you'll grow up. Maybe.

My side of the aisle is to get the government completely out of fixing things. Want to try again?

No, it was a member of the idiot fringe, your side of the aisle.

What is the discussion about? We already know from the Presidential debates, we know what Republicans think about the sick.
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The source of the Republican Plan was posted by someone on your side of the aisle; I have no idea when it was promulgated. You always assume and then go all negative, act with self righteous indignation and go all asshole. Maybe some day you'll grow up. Maybe.

My side of the aisle is to get the government completely out of fixing things. Want to try again?

No, it was a member of the idiot fringe, your side of the aisle.

The idiot fringe? The idiots aren't a fringe, it is the main body of posters on this site, and you are a major part of the group.
They have time to do it before it elapses.

And, by omission, you don't want to talk about the 60 million. Very wise of you.

You keep saying 60 million, where are you getting this? The dumbocrat party line before ACA was around 40 million, which was proven to be a falsehood as it included those people in the country illegally, around 13 million.

No falsehood was proven at all: mere unsupportable allegation.

I will be generous: I will accept the 40mm.

So your argumentation has grown from 5mm to 40mm, and everybody will have the opportunity to be covered.

Why are you arguing mechanics when I thought you were against the principle?

Okay, in third grade English, 40 million uninsured pre-obamacare, + 5 million cancelled policies so far - fewer than 1 million signed up for health coverage on federal/state exchanges = 44 million uninsured come January. How is this a good thing?

My argument was never 5m to 40 million. Yeah, everyone will have the OPPORTUNITY to be covered, just how is that different from pre-ACA? Everyone had the OPPORTUNITY then.

Accurately understanding the mechanics is what validates being against this idiocy in principle.
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Sleep good bro....Tomorow I'll get some good progress done....:)

..I'm serious..Pot year!!!....LOL!!

(crickets churping)....

Your side can't get a website to work and dropped 5MM people from their health insurance
"Americans want a step-by-step, common-sense approach to health care reform, not Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s costly, 1,990-page government takeover of our nation’s health care system. Republicans’ alternative solution focuses on lowering health care premiums for families and small businesses, increasing access to affordable, high-quality care, and promoting healthier lifestyles – without adding to the crushing debt Washington has placed on our children and grandchildren. Following are the key elements of Republicans’ alternative plan":

^^^ Preamble to the Republican Plan posted here:

My take on it:

I wonder, how they plan to Lower health care premiums? Writing it is easy, do they plan to have the Congress pass price controls and direct private business to lower their fees? Or, provide insurance companies with subsidies, using our tax dollars?

Next, the plan is for Establishing Universal Access Programs to guarantee access to affordable care for those with pre-existing conditions. Well, in what form? Will the government establish such programs and run them, and if so isn't that "Socialism" in the broad sense used today? Or, will they require insurance companies - as in Obamacare - to provide insurance to those with already diagnosed serious illnesses (diabetes, cancer, heart disease) without the subsidies guaranteed by the PPACA?

Ending junk lawsuits. What is one man's junk is another's treasure. Seems to me this is a legal issue to be determined by the judiciary.

Prevents insurers from unjustly canceling a policy or instituting annual or lifetime spending caps. Why wasn't this passed by the Congress when GWB was President and the Republicans held the H. of Rep. majority and Sen. and Doctor Bill Frist was Senate Majority Leader? That said, isn't this a requirement in Obamacare?

Encouraging Small Business Health Plans, Easy to say, how easy will it be to 'encourage' owners of McDonald's Franchises to come together and provide health care to worker's already the lowest paid in the nation? What is a small business? 50 Employees? Or more or less.

Encouraging innovative state programs. Fine and dandy. How and in what form? What if Democratic Governors simply say F off to the Federal Government simply because the ideas came from the GOP?

Allowing Americans to buy insurance across state lines. Does the phrase "too big to fail" ring any bells?

Codifying the Hyde Amendment. Oh, goody. Politicize the entire 'plan' with red meat for the crowd who hope to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Promoting healthier lifestyles. LOL, sure, all those who hate Obama and complain about the "nanny state" are going to embrace the ideas of Bloomberg and his war against 64oz sodas.

Enhancing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Have any of you looked at bill after someone, for example, has a serious leg break and needs surgery? Oh, and where will this saving account be stored, in the safe keeping of a Wall Street firm (for a fee no doubt) which may or is too big to fail. Dumb idea. People don't earn enough to save for retirement let alone for an accident or illness which may not occur.

Allowing dependents to remain on their parents’ policies. Gee, what a novel idea. Obamacare already includes this, yet the big change is to lop of one year. And to what effect: it gives the insurance industry another year of premiums from thousands of generally healthy 26 year olds.

This 'plan' is ridiculous. What do you think?

:lol:Defcon 1 for Mr. Irony.....:lol:


Classic ad hominem attack, the default post for all those unable to critique an argument which attacks their own. Why do they default? Either because they are too lazy to form a counterpoint or are on the defensive because the points made in an argument create on some level cognitive dissonance, from which they must protect themselves.
"Americans want a step-by-step, common-sense approach to health care reform, not Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s costly, 1,990-page government takeover of our nation’s health care system. Republicans’ alternative solution focuses on lowering health care premiums for families and small businesses, increasing access to affordable, high-quality care, and promoting healthier lifestyles – without adding to the crushing debt Washington has placed on our children and grandchildren. Following are the key elements of Republicans’ alternative plan":

^^^ Preamble to the Republican Plan posted here:

My take on it:

I wonder, how they plan to Lower health care premiums? Writing it is easy, do they plan to have the Congress pass price controls and direct private business to lower their fees? Or, provide insurance companies with subsidies, using our tax dollars?

Next, the plan is for Establishing Universal Access Programs to guarantee access to affordable care for those with pre-existing conditions. Well, in what form? Will the government establish such programs and run them, and if so isn't that "Socialism" in the broad sense used today? Or, will they require insurance companies - as in Obamacare - to provide insurance to those with already diagnosed serious illnesses (diabetes, cancer, heart disease) without the subsidies guaranteed by the PPACA?

Ending junk lawsuits. What is one man's junk is another's treasure. Seems to me this is a legal issue to be determined by the judiciary.

Prevents insurers from unjustly canceling a policy or instituting annual or lifetime spending caps. Why wasn't this passed by the Congress when GWB was President and the Republicans held the H. of Rep. majority and Sen. and Doctor Bill Frist was Senate Majority Leader? That said, isn't this a requirement in Obamacare?

Encouraging Small Business Health Plans, Easy to say, how easy will it be to 'encourage' owners of McDonald's Franchises to come together and provide health care to worker's already the lowest paid in the nation? What is a small business? 50 Employees? Or more or less.

Encouraging innovative state programs. Fine and dandy. How and in what form? What if Democratic Governors simply say F off to the Federal Government simply because the ideas came from the GOP?

Allowing Americans to buy insurance across state lines. Does the phrase "too big to fail" ring any bells?

Codifying the Hyde Amendment. Oh, goody. Politicize the entire 'plan' with red meat for the crowd who hope to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Promoting healthier lifestyles. LOL, sure, all those who hate Obama and complain about the "nanny state" are going to embrace the ideas of Bloomberg and his war against 64oz sodas.

Enhancing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Have any of you looked at bill after someone, for example, has a serious leg break and needs surgery? Oh, and where will this saving account be stored, in the safe keeping of a Wall Street firm (for a fee no doubt) which may or is too big to fail. Dumb idea. People don't earn enough to save for retirement let alone for an accident or illness which may not occur.

Allowing dependents to remain on their parents’ policies. Gee, what a novel idea. Obamacare already includes this, yet the big change is to lop of one year. And to what effect: it gives the insurance industry another year of premiums from thousands of generally healthy 26 year olds.

This 'plan' is ridiculous. What do you think?

:lol:Defcon 1 for Mr. Irony.....:lol:


Classic ad hominem attack, the default post for all those unable to critique an argument which attacks their own. Why do they default? Either because they are too lazy to form a counterpoint or are on the defensive because the points made in an argument create on some level cognitive dissonance, from which they must protect themselves.

:lol: your fallback deflection of 'hey what are you going to do about it' , meanwhile trashing critique of obamcare etc., is laughable. If I thought for a moment you were serious I would proffer an answer in that vein.....but this is just more of the same.
My side of the aisle is to get the government completely out of fixing things. Want to try again?

No, it was a member of the idiot fringe, your side of the aisle.

The idiot fringe? The idiots aren't a fringe, it is the main body of posters on this site, and you are a major part of the group.

Such a clever retort, well, at least we know the best you can do is plagiarize ideas from others. Did you learn this trick from Rand Paul?
:lol:Defcon 1 for Mr. Irony.....:lol:


Classic ad hominem attack, the default post for all those unable to critique an argument which attacks their own. Why do they default? Either because they are too lazy to form a counterpoint or are on the defensive because the points made in an argument create on some level cognitive dissonance, from which they must protect themselves.

:lol: your fallback deflection of 'hey what are you going to do about it' , meanwhile trashing critique of obamcare etc., is laughable. If I thought for a moment you were serious I would proffer an answer in that vein.....but this is just more of the same.

That's the first step, you acknowledge you don't think. Now, practice, practice, practice thinking and then proffer a thoughtful response, and not one more personal attack on me. You can do it; it may take a while, you may experience some periods of uncomfortable revelations, but one day you will free yourself from the dogma which seems to limit your growth.
OK, you accept the 40mm because the crux of the argument is "everyone will have the OPPORTUNITY to be covered".

The difference from before affordability and accessibility was denied to millions upon millions upon millions.

The opportunity now is guaranteed.
Classic ad hominem attack, the default post for all those unable to critique an argument which attacks their own. Why do they default? Either because they are too lazy to form a counterpoint or are on the defensive because the points made in an argument create on some level cognitive dissonance, from which they must protect themselves.

:lol: your fallback deflection of 'hey what are you going to do about it' , meanwhile trashing critique of obamcare etc., is laughable. If I thought for a moment you were serious I would proffer an answer in that vein.....but this is just more of the same.

That's the first step, you acknowledge you don't think. Now, practice, practice, practice thinking and then proffer a thoughtful response, and not one more personal attack on me. You can do it; it may take a while, you may experience some periods of uncomfortable revelations, but one day you will free yourself from the dogma which seems to limit your growth.

god you're an idiot......:doubt:
No, it was a member of the idiot fringe, your side of the aisle.

The idiot fringe? The idiots aren't a fringe, it is the main body of posters on this site, and you are a major part of the group.

Such a clever retort, well, at least we know the best you can do is plagiarize ideas from others. Did you learn this trick from Rand Paul?

I used to take the time to think about your posts, then Obama won.
The idiot fringe? The idiots aren't a fringe, it is the main body of posters on this site, and you are a major part of the group.

Such a clever retort, well, at least we know the best you can do is plagiarize ideas from others. Did you learn this trick from Rand Paul?

I used to take the time to think about your posts, then Obama won.

Yep. Twice. Maybe in the future the GOP will nominate viable candidates; not another duo like McCain and Palin, Romney and Ryan It's sad to think they were the best and the brightest that the GOP could find to be their standard bearer.
OK, you accept the 40mm because the crux of the argument is "everyone will have the OPPORTUNITY to be covered".

The difference from before affordability and accessibility was denied to millions upon millions upon millions.

The opportunity now is guaranteed.

Opportunity was always there, it is now, as it was before, an issue of affordability. Which, so far, the ACA has shown to make it even more difficult.
:lol: your fallback deflection of 'hey what are you going to do about it' , meanwhile trashing critique of obamcare etc., is laughable. If I thought for a moment you were serious I would proffer an answer in that vein.....but this is just more of the same.

That's the first step, you acknowledge you don't think. Now, practice, practice, practice thinking and then proffer a thoughtful response, and not one more personal attack on me. You can do it; it may take a while, you may experience some periods of uncomfortable revelations, but one day you will free yourself from the dogma which seems to limit your growth.

god you're an idiot......:doubt:

"Classic ad hominem attack, the default post for all those unable to critique an argument which attacks their own."
That's the first step, you acknowledge you don't think. Now, practice, practice, practice thinking and then proffer a thoughtful response, and not one more personal attack on me. You can do it; it may take a while, you may experience some periods of uncomfortable revelations, but one day you will free yourself from the dogma which seems to limit your growth.

god you're an idiot......:doubt:

"Classic ad hominem attack, the default post for all those unable to critique an argument which attacks their own."

Actually, 'ad hominem' is logical fallacy and applies to poorly formed arguments. I don't think Trajan was making an argument, just calling you an idiot.
Such a clever retort, well, at least we know the best you can do is plagiarize ideas from others. Did you learn this trick from Rand Paul?

I used to take the time to think about your posts, then Obama won.

Yep. Twice. Maybe in the future the GOP will nominate viable candidates; not another duo like McCain and Palin, Romney and Ryan It's sad to think they were the best and the brightest that the GOP could find to be their standard bearer.

The problem is you stopped thinking, which made things a lot harder for everyone with a brain.
snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, where were they when they held the Congress and the White House?

not fucking up something that was working better than it was under ACA

yeah, that is why the GOP approval rating sinks so low over time

First they bring down the approval rating of the GOP, then that of the Congress as a whole, then finally they reach their target: President Obama

How patheticly childish. Cutting off their collective nose to spite their collective face because Obama, the light-skinned black kid beat them not once, but twice.

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