The Republicans are such losers

Wondering what all this bullshit within the GOP right now will mean once they get down to business. Are they going to be able to do a damn thing, and would it matter anyway since the Senate and the WH are dems and they won't even consider the kind of stuff the FC wants. Not without a shit ton of more spending on their stuff. So, WTF is the end goal of the FC guys that are holding things up now? Do they not realize that their actions might be endangering the slim GOP majority they have now in 2024?
Wondering what all this bullshit within the GOP right now will mean once they get down to business. Are they going to be able to do a damn thing, and would it matter anyway since the Senate and the WH are dems and they won't even consider the kind of stuff the FC wants. Not without a shit ton of more spending on their stuff. So, WTF is the end goal of the FC guys that are holding things up now? Do they not realize that their actions might be endangering the slim GOP majority they have now in 2024?
They are about to become the way of the Tea Party if they don't cooperate... it is just a freaking Speaker! These idiots are embarrassing the entire party.
Has anyone seen or heard about what the Freedom Caucus people want in exchange for their votes? I mean, with only 20 votes they ain't going to get one of their own as the next Speaker, that ain't going to happen for political reasons. Sooner or later they'll eventually vote for a more moderate GOP guy and the House of Representatives will do absolutely nothing until that occurs. [Maybe not a whole lot after that either.] And the longer that takes certainly makes the party look like shit. That ain't the way to keep your majority in 2024. You have to wonder, do those FC guys even care about future elections? Is the stance they're taking now actually counter-productive in the long run?

So, I'm wondering what the holdup is. What are they asking for that McCarthy won't agree to? I hope and believe a deal will be struck in the next day or 2 and life will go on.
All the GOP is going to do is obstruct everything they can so they might as well obstruct themselves- it doesn't make any difference...
Brainwashed functional racist maybe. I wish you'd stop telling me what I think. No the border is not secure and yes trump is racist and your GOP party policies are racist as well as anti middle and working class. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that started out with an ID card that is the only solution, as in every other modern country with this problem.
You just called me a racist. And the border is not secure. That means your commander in chief has left the country vulnerable. I wish you d stop calling me a Republican but you do. So I ll make you a deal. You stop doing that and I ll stop telling you what you think.
Heck, the first order of the GOP in congress is to get over themselves and get their lazy asses down to business, by electing somebody (anybody) to try and lead their dysfunctional party, swear in the new members, so their families can go home, appoint committee chairs and members and actually start conducting business, instead of the continuing food fight.
They’re incapable of getting down to business. Aamof, it’s better if they don’t. Their business includes cutting taxes for the rich, cutting services and pretty much making the ruling white class happier. Bush caused as much if not more damage then Trump did, because he got down to business of fking things up. Trump Humpers just want to draw attention to themselves……and do nothing. The dem cause is doing right, “don’t get involved “:and let them expose themselves for what they are, inept, greedy and self serving.
All the GOP is going to do is obstruct everything they can so they might as well obstruct themselves- it doesn't make any difference...
They are about to become the way of the Tea Party if they don't cooperate... it is just a freaking Speaker! These idiots are embarrassing the entire party.
I disagree slightly. These idiots are really showing what the gop has been about for decades. It’s just their lack of self control that differentiates them from the “traditional idiots” of the past.
Can’t even elect a house speaker. Democrats are United and chose that socialist Hakeem the Dream. What a pathetic party.

Ummmmmmmmmmm, Pelosi didn't have it so easy keeping her seat.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, Pelosi didn't have it so easy keeping her seat.

True, but she also had a big enough House majority to where she didn't need the Squad and other malcontents to get elected speaker. No doubt she had issues within the democratic party over certain bills so I ain't saying she had it easy but I do think the GOP has a real problem getting enough of a majority to do anything without democrat support. So, it's either do nothing, which generally gets you voted out of office in 2 years, or cave to the democrats on spending and stuff.
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Brainwashed functional racist maybe. I wish you'd stop telling me what I think. No the border is not secure and yes trump is racist and your GOP party policies are racist as well as anti middle and working class. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that started out with an ID card that is the only solution, as in every other modern country with this problem.

All people are inherently racist.
It is an extension of loyalty to family and tribe, expanding towards nation.
The only people who are not very racist are those with a huge amount interactions with other races, cultures, people, etc.

There is nothing at all wrong with racism, since it is natural.
But what we can and should do, is ensure that our legal and political systems, like taxes, voting, etc., are totally race neutral.
We don't do this because we are not racist, but because we realize that if we allow discrimination against anyone, then there will be discrimination against everyone, including us.

And the border thing is totally off the point.
First of all, those trying to come to the US are not doing so because they are so in love with the US or want free stuff.
They are coming here to escape being murdered by the fascist puppets the US has installed in all of the Monroe Doctrine countries, after we illegally took over the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in 1898.
End US colonial imperialism, and the immigration to the US will instantly stop.
And people do have a RIGHT to follow the money leaving their country and going to the US.
Picking what country you want to live under is a right that all capitalists should recognize.
Those who instead want to prevent immigration actually are just those who want to cheat and illegally take from other countries, without fair compensation for their labor.
When you prevent immigration, you are deliberately denying a free or fair market.
And let us not forget that since the natives came across the Bearing Straits, those south of the border have ancestral roots IN the US at one time.
You think I am racist too. That word is meaningless coming from you and your fellow crybabies.

Since everyone is racist by DNA, the word is meaningless.
Those who pass racist laws that discriminate are not just racist, but foolish, because they should realize that racist discrimination will harm them as well.
They’re incapable of getting down to business. Aamof, it’s better if they don’t. Their business includes cutting taxes for the rich, cutting services and pretty much making the ruling white class happier. Bush caused as much if not more damage then Trump did, because he got down to business of fking things up. Trump Humpers just want to draw attention to themselves……and do nothing. The dem cause is doing right, “don’t get involved “:and let them expose themselves for what they are, inept, greedy and self serving.
Not sure that you have a good bead on the Democrats, but I can't disagree with the rest of your post.
Can’t even elect a house speaker. Democrats are United and chose that socialist Hakeem the Dream. What a pathetic party.

Conservatives worship failure. They fetishize victimhood. This is the perfect MAGA outcome.

Even better if they can find someone else to blame. Dominion counting the speaker tally? Did Ray Epps incite conservative incompetence? Did Twitter suppress posts about it?

In the party of personal responsibility, its *always* someone else's fault.
Conservatives worship failure. They fetishize victimhood. This is the perfect MAGA outcome.

Even better if they can find someone else to blame. Dominion counting the speaker tally? Did Ray Epps incite conservative incompetence? Did Twitter suppress posts about it?

In the party of personal responsibility, its *always* someone else's fault.
I'm getting a kick out of them, watching how they are in total failure to govern or even unite to govern. I am enjoying the "Groundhog Day" comments, the excuses of how they are doing more than those that came before, simply by being the party of no competence to govern, the supposed all-knowing, talking head pundits lack of knowing of what to expect next, the history lesson going back a century to 1923 and now going back to 1833 since a party has been this dysfunctional. This is great political theater, and I always did like a good comedy. It's a hoot!:auiqs.jpg:
Not sure that you have a good bead on the Democrats, but I can't disagree with the rest of your post.
What else can they do ? Bail them out with an acceptable alternative that Dems can vote for ? Nope, there are no acceptable republicans .
Conservatives worship failure. They fetishize victimhood. This is the perfect MAGA outcome.

Even better if they can find someone else to blame. Dominion counting the speaker tally? Did Ray Epps incite conservative incompetence? Did Twitter suppress posts about it?

In the party of personal responsibility, its *always* someone else's fault.
Republicans / conservatives are losers.
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