The Republicans are such losers

They lost the culture war because universities, high schools, media and social media are mostly left as is Hollywood. How do you defeat a juggernaut like that when you’re bickering among yourselves? It’s so pathetic it’s laughable.

While some will certainly classify it as bickering, some will understand that it is strategizing -
How does the party most effectively more forward to achieve its goals and who is the most effective leader to accomplish those goals.

But, yeah, the system has the Democrat Cultists believing that their positions are the default positions.
That's a problem.
Still, with all that The Democrats still struggle to get greater than half the votes.
In November they lost by approx. 5 million votes.
That is encouraging.
You believe the border is secure. Impossible to take you seriously.
The people who are coming in are almost all Venezuelans now, because the GOP wrecked their country lol and they're dirty commies!! They deserve asylum and they'll probably get it. And you know nothing about the situation no matter how many times you visit the border lol... Trump stopped everyone from coming in despite the fact we're supposedly the big father to these countries in Latin America which we have screwed through centuries. Actually they are socialists but with all the pressure we have put on their country with sanctions so they can't sell oil for God's sake, hands off Latin America, the Cold War is over.
spendthrift anti america dems put us in these positions and then when A repub president signs something that was FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY you have cows.

Good for the country? Let's see what spending Trump signed into law that was good for the country.
Gender studies in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Abortion through Planned Parenthood
Trump is pro vaccine & booster.
Calls it the greatest medical miracle of all time
He endorses liberal republicans like McConnell, McCarthy and Romney
Signed two omnibus bills into law, helping to create his $6.7 trillion record.
Only vetoed 1 spending bill.
Involved the government in the "free market" on numerous occations.
Notched our 2A.

And convinced you morons that all those things were "conservative."

Biden signs spending bills to fund other countries and things that are NOT in the interest of this nation.

Like Trump did? Funny how you Trumpbots overlook those things when Trump did it. But rail against Biden for doing it. If you were not owned, like me, you'd rail when any president does it. Not just the left.
Party loyalty makes you retarded and owned.

oh and by the way..that bill signed kept the gov't running which you dems put in jeopardy with your spending in the FIRST place.

"You dems?" LMAO.. I have never voted for a democrat. Not once. Which is why I don't support Trump, because he's too closely aligned with democrats. Like when he notched our 2A with his bumpstock ban and when he gave $500 BILLION (with a B) to black communities, just because they were BLACK communities. <<<If Biden had done that, you'd be screaming your bloody head off. Why didn't you complain when Trump did it?
Because you're owned. The liberal Trump owns you.
Caps for emphasis only.

oh..and that new space force that President Trump created...has been scrapped and what are the dem media squawking about now? China is going to the moon and will scarf up important minerals etc. Like the left would stand in the way of their tyrant buddy anyway. LOLOL

The space force was stupid. Just a way for them to funnel money into a "bridge to nowhere." (like NASA)
They lost the culture war because universities, high schools, media and social media are mostly left as is Hollywood. How do you defeat a juggernaut like that when you’re bickering among yourselves? It’s so pathetic it’s laughable.
Maga is losing because they are totally FOS and the election steal with no evidence was a step two far. Simply anti American garbage.
What Trump signature and where Bogey.
Plus did you know that Bogey had a tic.He liked to
pick at his nose.If one dint know better they'd swear he
was picking his nose.

Every spending bill, except one, Trump signed into law. The one bill he vetoed, he did so because he said "It didn't go far enough." As in it didn't spend enough.
He signed two omnibus bills into law. Both over $1 trillion.
The people who are coming in are almost all Venezuelans now, because the GOP wrecked their country lol and they're dirty commies!! They deserve asylum and they'll probably get it. And you know nothing about the situation no matter how many times you visit the border lol... Trump stopped everyone from coming in despite the fact we're supposedly the big father to these countries in Latin America which we have screwed through centuries. Actually they are socialists but with all the pressure we have put on their country with sanctions so they can't sell oil for God's sake, hands off Latin America, the Cold War is over.
You didn’t read what I wrote. You believe the border is secure. It isn’t. And you may blame the GOP but Venezuela moved far left. That’s your party’s platform. Communism 101
You didn’t read what I wrote. You believe the border is secure. It isn’t. And you may blame the GOP but Venezuela moved far left. That’s your party’s platform. Communism 101
of course the border isn't secure like you're asking for, a wall along the whole thing electrified with minefields God knows what. But it is the American way thank you very much to offer asylum to people who need it like all these Venezuelans. Venezuela was forced to move far left to try and survive all the sanctions that make life impossible down there. They also enjoyed all the covert action by trump and their exiled scumbag oligarchs. And by the way they would still elect the socialists and they don't want Americans, they've had it with Americans. Leave them alone so they don't come here for God's sake and help Latin America countries for a change.
of course the border isn't secure like you're asking for, a wall along the whole thing electrified with minefields God knows what. But it is the American way thank you very much to offer asylum to people who need it like all these Venezuelans. Venezuela was forced to move far left to try and survive all the sanctions that make life impossible down there. They also enjoyed all the covert action by trump and their exiled scumbag oligarchs. And by the way they would still elect the socialists and they don't want Americans, they've had it with Americans. Leave them alone so they don't come here for God's sake and help Latin America countries for a change.
You’re dancing. You believe the way the border is now is absolutely fine. And the people of Venezuela wouldn’t be fleeing if they liked it there. Oh oh
On one hand we have a party that allowed the fringe crazies take over and is making everything worse.
On the other hand we have an incompetent group of losers who can't even hold it together long enough to elect a speaker. First time in 99 years.

We are so fucked.
I agree it's sad, but let's let the process work, and when a Speaker is finally chosen, let's hope they hit the ground running with an aggressive agenda!

ol' kev goes down for a 4th time......................

I agree it's sad, but let's let the process work, and when a Speaker is finally chosen, let's hope they hit the ground running with an aggressive agenda!
That is not possible when the Republicans aren't even together enough to support a Speaker.
And that same speaker will face the same opposition when he becomes one.

The Democrats are a party of getting things done. Sadly, what they get done generally makes everything worse.
Republicans are a party of do nothings.
So the end result for the American people, is things keep getting more and more broke.
That is not possible when the Republicans aren't even together enough to support a Speaker.
And that same speaker will face the same opposition when he becomes one.

The Democrats are a party of getting things done. Sadly, what they get done generally makes everything worse.
Republicans are a party of do nothings.
So the end result for the American people, is things keep getting more and more broke.
Dims are a Reich that tells their brownshirts what to do and think. More power to the true Republicans fighting the idiot RINOs every step of the way to find someone with guts to stand up to the crap.
Has anyone seen or heard about what the Freedom Caucus people want in exchange for their votes? I mean, with only 20 votes they ain't going to get one of their own as the next Speaker, that ain't going to happen for political reasons. Sooner or later they'll eventually vote for a more moderate GOP guy and the House of Representatives will do absolutely nothing until that occurs. [Maybe not a whole lot after that either.] And the longer that takes certainly makes the party look like shit. That ain't the way to keep your majority in 2024. You have to wonder, do those FC guys even care about future elections? Is the stance they're taking now actually counter-productive in the long run?

So, I'm wondering what the holdup is. What are they asking for that McCarthy won't agree to? I hope and believe a deal will be struck in the next day or 2 and life will go on.
You’re dancing. You believe the way the border is now is absolutely fine. And the people of Venezuela wouldn’t be fleeing if they liked it there. Oh oh
it's what happens when you have a racist scumbag who cuts asylum seeking off totally and you try and start it up again. You know, living up to American standards instead of being brainwashed functional Nazis....
it's what happens when you have a racist scumbag who cuts asylum seeking off totally and you try and start it up again. You know, living up to American standards instead of being brainwashed functional Nazis....
You think I am racist too. That word is meaningless coming from you and your fellow crybabies.
That is not possible when the Republicans aren't even together enough to support a Speaker.
And that same speaker will face the same opposition when he becomes one.

The Democrats are a party of getting things done. Sadly, what they get done generally makes everything worse.
Republicans are a party of do nothings.
So the end result for the American people, is things keep getting more and more broke.
Tell us then, brainwashed functional moron, what is it that Democrats have done to make life worse.
You think I am racist too. That word is meaningless coming from you and your fellow crybabies.
Brainwashed functional racist maybe. I wish you'd stop telling me what I think. No the border is not secure and yes trump is racist and your GOP party policies are racist as well as anti middle and working class. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that started out with an ID card that is the only solution, as in every other modern country with this problem.
The first order of business for the gop in congress will be investigating Hunter-gate.
Heck, the first order of the GOP in congress is to get over themselves and get their lazy asses down to business, by electing somebody (anybody) to try and lead their dysfunctional party, swear in the new members, so their families can go home, appoint committee chairs and members and actually start conducting business, instead of the continuing food fight.

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