The Republicans are such losers

I don’t think socialism means Nazi or communist. I also don’t think the Democratic Party is socialist. It’s democratic just as it is called. It believes in a reasonable safety net and that there should be more equity in America. Right wing nuts call everything it doesn’t like “socialist” cuz it sounds scary.
You got that right!
You got that right!
I prefer unity and cohesion. The GOP is fractured and the Democrats who are insane btw and can’t tell what a woman is, are eating their lunch. It’s embarrassing yet humorous.
How about The history of the Dems and their Unity.Like authoring
Jim Crow and before that helping found the Ku Klux Klan.Seating
the Klan at their 1924 DNC Convention.
Then Denying under L.B.J.,President Eisenhowers 1957
Civil rights bill.L.B.J. was the Senate Majority leader.
Then when the J.F.K version of the 60's civil rights bill got passed,
every amendment passed that benefitted the Black community
was a Majority of Republican votes.
Democrats are "united" because they would be destroyed politically and personally if they stray from the Biden,Harris,Pelosi Schumer line. As far as the democrat party goes we might as well elect a single person to represent the democrats in the House of Representatives because they have no sense of independence.

Hakeem the Socialist Dream got 212 votes and the Republicans can’t beat him. Can’t make this stuff up.

You may not understand how this works.
You may not understand how this works.
hakeem the Token Democrat.The new James Clyburn.
How can I say that.Go back to when Nancy Pelosi Lost her
speakerhip { 2010 }.She had the gall to give herself a
Celebration Party.Remained in leadership.
Just as Pelosi Created a new House leadership title for James
Clyburn in 2010 after Pelosi got demoted to House Minority
leadership and Clyburn was bucking for Steny Hoyers title.
So Pelosi decided to Create the title of Assistant House leadership
for Clyburn.Then after Pelosi won back her Speakership Clyburn got
The House Majority Whip post.Now he's back to Assistant leadership
as of early december and Steny Hoyer making the announcement he
will not be in leadership but remain a member of the house.
So it's play checkers with House Blacks as far as rewarding based
on Tokenism.
Got how that works.
Really marching in lockstep like Democrats do is kinda Nazi-ish, bro.
Lockstep? The Democrats are united. All 212 support Hakeem the Socialist Dream Jeffries. A radical. A party of I do not know what a woman is. A party of defund the police. The party of insider trading. The party of TDS. The party of open borders. They are unified. The GOP is embarrassing itself. I am an Independent voter and if the GOP would just govern moderately and responsibly they could help. But they can’t. They are awful. They are divided. They are just as bad as the Transocrats.
How about The history of the Dems and their Unity.Like authoring
Jim Crow and before that helping found the Ku Klux Klan.Seating
the Klan at their 1924 DNC Convention.
Then Denying under L.B.J.,President Eisenhowers 1957
Civil rights bill.L.B.J. was the Senate Majority leader.
Then when the J.F.K version of the 60's civil rights bill got passed,
every amendment passed that benefitted the Black community
was a Majority of Republican votes.
That was then. This is now. The people gave the GOP a majority and the GOP can’t get out of their own way. Pathetic.
I ask often. How much of my hard earned money does someone else deserve? Crickets from dumbasses like citygator and francoHFW
obviously it depends on how much you make. Regular people are paying too much right now while rich are getting away with murder.

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.

The one tax graph you really need to know - Washington Post…
it wont the repunks that did that. It was your demo'rats. But i agree. McCarthy is a slimy liberal repunk.

Oh that's it. Just blame in on the left. That'll fix everything, right? That $6.7 trillion in new spending, with Trumps signature on it, only made America great again, right?

That was then. This is now. The people gave the GOP a majority and the GOP can’t get out of their own way. Pathetic.
All things in baby steps.Like Mister Green Jeans said
You can Fool all the People Some of the time.
And Some of the people All of the time.
But you can't Fool Mom.
They certainly don't teach that today especially in
Public School.Nor most Public Restrooms.
Oh that's it. Just blame in on the left. That'll fix everything, right? That $6.7 trillion in new spending, with Trumps signature on it, only made America great again, right?

What Trump signature and where Bogey.
Plus did you know that Bogey had a tic.He liked to
pick at his nose.If one dint know better they'd swear he
was picking his nose.
obviously it depends on how much you make. Regular people are paying too much right now while rich are getting away with murder.

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.

The one tax graph you really need to know - Washington Post

View attachment 744653…
If I make $400k how much should I pay in total tax? I pay About 50% now. Basically I work 6 mos for free
All things in baby steps.Like Mister Green Jeans said
You can Fool all the People Some of the time.
And Some of the people All of the time.
But you can't Fool Mom.
They certainly don't teach that today especially in
Public School.Nor most Public Restrooms.
McCarthy can’t even step aside. Pathetic

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