The Republicans are such losers

and we need Conservatives and patriots to take it back
Take WHAT back? You clowns PISSED it away.
You let trump ruin the (R) party, and you keep doubling down.
How stupid can you fucks be? Never mind, it's obvious.
I did Not nominate anyone. And you keep bringing Stacey Abrams into this? Odd. You and your blob talk. And you’re as dementia ridden as Franco. I am an Independent.

You never won the popular vote. Why? You’re a loser. From pre school to old age home.
^^^ fear and desperation.
I did Not nominate anyone. And you keep bringing Stacey Abrams into this? Odd. You and your blob talk. And you’re as dementia ridden as Franco. I am an Independent.

You never won the popular vote. Why? You’re a loser. From pre school to old age home.

Ahh yes...the intellectual dishonesty of the little poodle. I've missed you.
Actually this is the boldest move against establishments. Time for a shake up in the Republican party. Real change against the ones who sellout like Crenshaw!
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Yup, and go after Hunter, the next “ Hillary” and boogieman of the next election. Do they have any agenda other than, Hunter and swamp draining ?
Beats me. I doubt Hunter will turn out to be the way to "get" Biden, but, whatever.
I don't mind waiting 2 more years to vote out more establishment Republicans if they can't agree on a Speaker. Even if it takes so many times to prevent McCarthy from being it.
Actually this is the boldest move against establishments. Time for a shake up in the Republican party. Real change against the ones who sellout like Crenshaw!
Hakeem Jeffries is about six votes short of the Speaker’s job. If that many Republicans get fed up with this shitshow it could get interesting
Hakeem Jeffries is about six votes short of the Speaker’s job. If that many Republicans get fed up with this shitshow it could get interesting
He is exactly six votes short. What do you mean by “about”?

I actually hope Hakeem the Socialist Dream gets it. So that the GOP burns out. That party is an embarrassment. Trump saved it in 2016 now not sure anyone can.
How great would it be to watch you establishment and unhinged socialist types see MTG or Boebert become House Speaker instead? Now that is some draining the swamp.
Yes, you are a typical ignoramus hater English speaking savage capitalist rube. England Canada Australia and New Zealand do have socialism, IE fair capitalism with a good safety net, but they had to call it labour party or something certainly not socialism. Because you idiots think that means communist or Nazi or fascist whatever no clue at all. Here you go, it's simple. Nazis and fascists are right wing dictatorships, communists are left wing dictatorships and socialism is always democratic.
I don’t think socialism means Nazi or communist. I also don’t think the Democratic Party is socialist. It’s democratic just as it is called. It believes in a reasonable safety net and that there should be more equity in America. Right wing nuts call everything it doesn’t like “socialist” cuz it sounds scary.
I prefer unity and cohesion. The GOP is fractured and the Democrats who are insane btw and can’t tell what a woman is, are eating their lunch. It’s embarrassing yet humorous.
Really marching in lockstep like Democrats do is kinda Nazi-ish, bro.

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