The Republicans are such losers

No one follows baseball who is under 60. I know who Dennis Eckersley is, Oakland I think without googling. But even he isn’t a good measure of knowing popular US sports names. Definitely Rick whoever isn’t.

Rick Manning's claim to fame is fucking Eckersley's wife and causing Cleveland to choose between the two, and they traded away Eckersley in one of the most one sided trades in the history of MLB
Don't be so hard on yourself Zoggie, I knew sooner or later you would come to your senses. Welcome to the world of independent thinking where you are not required to be enslaved by cultist dogma... :yes_text12:
Transocrat, I was always an Independent.
No one follows baseball who is under 60. I know who Dennis Eckersley is, Oakland I think without googling. But even he isn’t a good measure of knowing popular US sports names. Definitely Rick whoever isn’t.
“Oakland I think”

Nerd. My kids love it. Red Sox!
Golfing Gator Neither citygator nor Dagosa knew this bit of pop culture and Dagosa had no idea that Eck was his avatar. Tells me they are foreigners. No need to converse with them any longer.
Wow, while we’re debating AGW, you’re into pop culture. That figures. You get your “ science” information off the checkout counter of the grocery store. Smooth.
News to me. Sounds more like the plot of "Major League 6" than reality.
It’s the “ evidence” the right embraces to keep from being called a loser. They read this shit at the grocery check out.
The duopoly is a big fuckin joke.
Actually I don't get the issue, I want them to fight it's called democracy, I'm tired of the rubber stamping and no elections within leadership. I do think holding out for committee assignments is bullshit, typical insider crap, but atleast we got a few concessions and made a precedent to actually challenge the entrenched power.
News to me. Sounds more like the plot of "Major League 6" than reality.
Exactly !

Gee, I feel so incomplete as a human being because I didn’t keep up with Ricky and the Kardashian’s and other check out counter Tripe.

How about you ? The Humpers are “reality TV” Trump inspired BS, better left to the practicing illiterates or Star Trek geeks.
Actually I don't get the issue, I want them to fight it's called democracy, I'm tired of the rubber stamping and no elections within leadership. I do think holding out for committee assignments is bullshit, typical insider crap, but atleast we got a few concessions and made a precedent to actually challenge the entrenched power.
You challenge entrenched power in only one way. That’s acting according to will of the people, not persons.
What do you mean "untrue".
The highest the DJI got under Trump was 31,223.78. Today it is at 33,630.61
“The Dow Jones Industrial Average returned 56% during the Trump presidency, according to LPL. This represents an annualized gain of 11.8%, which is the best performance for any Republican president since Calvin Coolidge during the roaring 1920's.”

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average returned 56% during the Trump presidency, according to LPL. This represents an annualized gain of 11.8%, which is the best performance for any Republican president since Calvin Coolidge during the roaring 1920's.”

Damn, that is shitty. Why does the market do so poorly under the Repubs?

Obama had a gain of 148% and Bill 228%.

Who would have thunk it?

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