The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

That is the same excuse you people have been using for years.
Now it doesn;t apply

Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure.
Bill Clinton gave us a balanced budget and the best economy in US history
Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew up the economy and deficit.
/——-/ That was the Republican balanced budget that Slick Willie signed, 103rd United States Congress - Wikipedia
When it was reversed and the Democrats had the House in 2019, how did they use the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip to force concessions to Trump and the Neo-GOP's agenda?

Did they use it at all and threaten the country with a default on our debt payments if the concessions were not made?
Blaming someone else doesn't clear Democrat for what they are doing now. Democrats own this if they don't make the change and stop the spending.
oh so when the Republicans controlled the Senate and the dems the House under trump, then the dems own trump massive debt, but now that doesn't apply !!!
You people have blamed Pelosi for all of Trump world record breaking debt and deficits, but now that same shit you said 100000x doesn't apply???

You people are a total joke. Republicans are the laughing stock of America, an absolute joke.
Blaming others doesn't change anything. It's May 19th, 2023 and the Democrats own this if they won't agree to stop the spending.
You mean the same republicans that inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and then passed trillions in spending and started 2 failed and mismanaged wars then blew up the economy and destroyed the balanced budget??

or the same republicans that under Trump again blew up the budget to record levels and had record FED fake money creation, and weak low GDP growth?

The GOP record on debt and the economy is a total failure and the dems have given us all our economic success and deficit reduction.

Why would Joe Biden REJECT a budget proposal that cuts 4 Trillion in debt while increasing the debt ceiling?

You snowflakes, bots, and trolls are life-long, career butt boys for the Democrats, pushing their false narratives and propaganda.
/——/ There was no balanced budget in 2000, and what happened on 9/11 that cause a massive increase in military spending?
except the facts say there was a balanced budget

This is the official US data:
Enjoy !!

except the facts say there was a balanced budget

This is the official US data:
Enjoy !!

/---/ Well, hells bells, those rascally Republicans passed a balanced budget. Who would a thunk it possible?
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

The left still own the deficit. And will for at least another year. The same as Trump owned the rising gas prices, rising inflation and the USD loss value, at lest until 2022. It take about 1.5 years for any new House or president's policies to take effect and start showing up.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, the debt happens because of the House, the Senate, and the president. One can't go it alone. You really need to brush up on civics 101.
Last I heard there were three parts to the U.S. government but it seems the president is AWOL and the senate is filled with brain damaged democrats. As long as the media is the propaganda arm of the democrat party the GOP will be viewed as the villain.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, the debt happens because of the House, the Senate, and the president. One can't go it alone. You really need to brush up on civics 101.
for years republicans have been saying Trump debt is pelosi's fault, so i am using republican excuses.

you people can't even handle your own excuses.
Everyone knew the GOP was going to use debt ceiling drama when they won. If they get us downgraded again or god forbid they default on the debt this time, it will be another Albatross around their necks.
thank god JOe will save us all.....but first find Kamla and his fresh depends and a large ice cream of course
for years republicans have been saying Trump debt is pelosi's fault, so i am using republican excuses.

you people can't even handle your own excuses.
I never had sex with that woman....Ms, dkd you expect me to screw that horrible old hag Hillary

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