Did Biden And The Dems Sabotage Another GOP House Speaker?

It's like they are purposely delaying in order to keep from voting aid to Israel.
I thought they would be falling all over themselves in order to throw money at Israel. Wonder if Gym Jordan has enough support?
"There are still some people that have their own agendas..."

After seeing what happened to McCarthy, I can't see anybody with a backbone accepting the Speaker's position if they have to bow down and take it with strings attached. Good for Scalise.
"There are still some people that have their own agendas..."

After seeing what happened to McCarthy, I can't see anybody with a backbone accepting the Speaker's position if they have to bow down and take it with strings attached. Good for Scalise.
Meanwhile, the republican majority in the House of fucking Representatives are do nothing, grifters. :rolleyes:

"Rep. Steve Scalise announced he was dropping out of the speaker’s race Thursday after House Republicans failed to coalesce behind him in the aftermath of Kevin McCarthy’s historic ouster. “I just shared with my colleagues that I’m withdrawing my name as a candidate for the speaker designee,” the Louisiana Republican told reporters. “There are still some people that have their own agendas and I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs. This country is counting on us to come back together. This House of Representatives needs a speaker and we need to open up the House again, but clearly not everybody is there and there’s still schisms that have to get resolved.”

The move deepens the House GOP leadership crisis and it is not clear whether there is any viable candidate who could win the 217 votes needed to win the gavel. Republicans will now have to scramble to find a path forward. The deadlock is leading to intensifying frustration as the House GOP looks no closer to coalescing around a speaker candidate. Several Republicans described Thursday’s meeting as a venting session that wasn’t terribly productive. “This is petty, and I’m getting freaking tired of it,” said Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a New York Republican."

First, the Democrats forced the GOP to oust Speaker McCarthy....and in response, Republicans have a close door session and and decide to move forward with Steve Scalise as their frontrunner to be the next speaker. Apparently, the GOP didn't want David Duke without the baggage, maybe they want a David Duke with the baggage...but ultimately, this is the fault of Democrats because even tho there were no Democrats in the closed door meeting - they still forced Scalise to withdraw himself from consideration. This consistent failure to nominate a House speaker is just more evidence of the Democrats' failure to lead.
Obviously the Democrats fault. The GOP broke government and Dems need to fix it. As the minority party, only they can lead.
Republicans……Why don’t Democrats stop us from harming ourselves?

"Rep. Steve Scalise announced he was dropping out of the speaker’s race Thursday after House Republicans failed to coalesce behind him in the aftermath of Kevin McCarthy’s historic ouster. “I just shared with my colleagues that I’m withdrawing my name as a candidate for the speaker designee,” the Louisiana Republican told reporters. “There are still some people that have their own agendas and I was very clear we have to have everybody put their agendas on the side and focus on what this country needs. This country is counting on us to come back together. This House of Representatives needs a speaker and we need to open up the House again, but clearly not everybody is there and there’s still schisms that have to get resolved.”

The move deepens the House GOP leadership crisis and it is not clear whether there is any viable candidate who could win the 217 votes needed to win the gavel. Republicans will now have to scramble to find a path forward. The deadlock is leading to intensifying frustration as the House GOP looks no closer to coalescing around a speaker candidate. Several Republicans described Thursday’s meeting as a venting session that wasn’t terribly productive. “This is petty, and I’m getting freaking tired of it,” said Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a New York Republican."

First, the Democrats forced the GOP to oust Speaker McCarthy....and in response, Republicans have a close door session and and decide to move forward with Steve Scalise as their frontrunner to be the next speaker. Apparently, the GOP didn't want David Duke without the baggage, maybe they want a David Duke with the baggage...but ultimately, this is the fault of Democrats because even tho there were no Democrats in the closed door meeting - they still forced Scalise to withdraw himself from consideration. This consistent failure to nominate a House speaker is just more evidence of the Democrats' failure to lead.
Somewhat amusing that Rodgers is now saying the gop can't get there without Dem votes, but the Dems won't say what they want in return. These clowns couldn't sell a car. Fettermen hit the nail on the head.


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