The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

Of course an enemy of America would say shit like you do
I never said this.

The enemy and his cult support enemies.

VIDEO: Trump Praises Putin, Applauds Xi for 'Iron Fist' at ...​

Business Insider › Politics

Sep 4, 2022 — Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist' · Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, ...

Tucker Carlson Defended Putin. Then He Got Mugged by ...​

New Republic › article › tucker-carlson-ukra...

Mar 3, 2022 — And in a series of monologues done with his trademark condescension, Tucker Carlson insisted that Russia was in the right and Ukraine in the ...
I never said this.

The enemy and his cult support enemies.

VIDEO: Trump Praises Putin, Applauds Xi for 'Iron Fist' at ...

View attachment 787157
Business Insider › Politics
Sep 4, 2022 — Trump compliments 'fierce' and 'smart' Putin and applauds Xi Jinping for ruling China with an 'iron fist' · Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, ...

Tucker Carlson Defended Putin. Then He Got Mugged by ...

View attachment 787158
New Republic › article › tucker-carlson-ukra...
Mar 3, 2022 — And in a series of monologues done with his trademark condescension, Tucker Carlson insisted that Russia was in the right and Ukraine in the ...
You posted it every post you make is yours and you own it.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

Another fucking piece of shit post by a deranged sicko inbred Moon Bat.

You are confused about everything including the ten trillion dollars in debt your Worthless Negro gave us with nothing to show for it, the trillions in debt the goddamn Democrats voted for and the trillions Ole Potatohead has run up to pay off his sleazy Leftest special interest groups.

Have you seen a mental health specialists like I have recommended or are you still planning to keep your head up your Libtard ass?
You really don't know how government spending works. Did Trump do an eo that indebted the tax payers to pay for college debt?
no he did $trillions in other wasteful programs that mainly bennefited Billionaires and other special interest groups.

Biden is for the people, Republicans are for the special interest groups and billionaires that donate millions to their campaigns, buying influence like they do with Deep State Clarence Thomas.

Republicans are the cause of most of Americas problems and corruption
My mind is made up. They're both responsible. I've said so repeatedly.
I agree. The GOP speaks correctly on this topic, but rarely follows-through. The Dims always speak incorrectly on this topic and, sadly, always follows-through.

My point was that this thread starts with a lie fro a hypocritical leftist. Both political main Parties may share blame, but the current Administration gets it properly assigned to the President. At least the leftards say that during Republican Administrations. The leftarded hypocrites won’t use that metric, however, when it’s a Dimocrap Administration.
That’s what libs always claim when there is a Republican Administration.

Make up your minds.
bull shit
you people are the party of excuses.

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 omnibus budget lowering act and vetoed the GOP budgets that were not balanced and he is most responsible for the 90's boom and balanced budget, yet you are jealous of his mega success and try to claim the GOP house was responsible when it wasn't.

GW Bush destroyed America and started 2 failed wars and you pepple somehow try to blame the dems for that failure

Trump had 25% of our total debt in 4 years and blew up the deficit pre-covid, but you some how blame Pelosi for that.

You people always change your story on a daily basis because the GOP is a total failure so you need to constantly update your lies.
My mind is made up. They're both responsible. I've said so repeatedly.
they are both responsible, but one party is clearly much more responsible to any non-partisan unbiased person, and that would be the party who inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and blew that up with numerous massive spending bills that did jack shit to benefit America and gave up massive debt. They also started 2 wars that we didn't need and totally mis-managed those wars and those wars destroyed America.

Then Trump inherited a $587B deficit in 2016 and doubled that pre-covid with numerous massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are literally paying for right now as we speak, and he had record fake money stimulus from the FED, massive FED stimulus. And he begged the FED and Congress for more every step of the way.

So explain to me now how the fuck the dems are even remotely responsible for that shit?

The dems are about 30% responsible, the GOP are about 70% responsible.
Can you even admit that?
Its so funny how you supposed independents basically drink the GOP koolaid non stop. and lets not even get into the fake election fraud disgrace and insurrection.
Presidents don’t “pass” laws. At most, they may offer some. Oppose others. And sign some.

Your ignorance is astounding.
please they sure as shit pass laws and their agenda.
Bush and Trump both set and passed their agendas of massive spending bills and massive handouts to the ultra wealthy, and it destroyed America.

Clinton set and passed his agenda, which was deficit reduction, balanced budgets, and strengthening the middle class and it worked great.

The president sets and passes their agenda everytime.

Your ignorance is astounding
please they sure as shit pass laws

Wrong. Presidents aren’t part of the Legislative Branch you ignorant twerp.

It’s tragic that you don’t know the first damn thing about how our Constitutional republic was designed. But you’ve already demonstrated that you’re an ignorant asshole, so it’s not unexpected.
Wrong. Presidents aren’t part of the Legislative Branch you ignorant twerp.

It’s tragic that you don’t know the first damn thing about how our Constitutional republic was designed. But you’ve already demonstrated that you’re an ignorant asshole, so it’s not unexpected.

Wow playing a game of semantics

Every president passes their agenda, I guess you have lived under a rock for your entire life. That is why you are so ignorant.

The president sets and passes their agenda and literally every president for the past 100 years has done this.

Try to keep up, you are clearly in over your head.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

NPR is a propaganda liberal rag site.
Neither of these two worthless parties will pay off the debt or cut the deficit or lower the budget. They don't care about nor to pay it down. It's not their money. We will be forced into some type of digital currency reset soon.

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