The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

Both parties have contributed to the deficit dumb-ass.
When it was reversed and the Democrats had the House in 2019, how did they use the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip to force concessions to Trump and the Neo-GOP's agenda?

Did they use it at all and threaten the country with a default on our debt payments if the concessions were not made?
yes they did, but we had a president that wasn’t a tyrant and wouldn’t hold the people hostage and this worked across party lines and gave us a bipartisan bill
no he did $trillions in other wasteful programs that mainly bennefited Billionaires and other special interest groups.

Biden is for the people, Republicans are for the special interest groups and billionaires that donate millions to their campaigns, buying influence like they do with Deep State Clarence Thomas.

Republicans are the cause of most of Americas problems and corruption
You blame Trump for what Biden is doing
except the facts say there was a balanced budget

This is the official US data:
Enjoy !!

yes the GOPCongress balanced the budget, then because clinton was soft on terror, 9/11 happened and we had to clean up his mess
I know Biden is doing a lot of wasteful spending but what did Trump do?

Gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Funded some border fence in the middle east. The Platinum Plan ($500 billion to black communities, just because they are black communities.)

$8 trillion in just 4 years, buys a LOT of pork.
Let's understand

The debt ceiling needs to be raised to pay EXISTING fiscal responsibilities

The debt ceiling was raised routinely during the Trump Admin (in fact three times)

NOT raising the debt ceiling messes with our credit rating just like refusing to pay your personal debt would mess with yours.

If you want to address the deficit or the debt this is NOT the way to do it. That is irresponsible
the gop house has passed a bill rsisong rhe dent ceiling…they aren’t the hold up.

why won’t the dems do it?
Gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Funded some border fence in the middle east. The Platinum Plan ($500 billion to black communities, just because they are black communities.)

$8 trillion in just 4 years, buys a LOT of pork.
You mean racist Trump contributed money to insure historical black colleges were funded for 50 year? And helping Israel with it border isn't a bad thing. I recall something about gender studies but that was already approved under Obama
Republicans are such gullible sheep that they think than can just say anything and its true.

You people have blamed the Speaker of the house for all the massive republican and Trump debt and deficits and then you give credit to the House for all the success and balanced budgets and economic boom that the democrats have had.

You people are a total joke and the party of excuses.

the reason why the GOP have been a total failure is because your policies are a disgrace and you just make excuses for years and years of recessions and failure.

never forget 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP.

never forget 11 of the last 12 recessions all under the GOP.

All under the GOP what?
Both parties have contributed to the deficit dumb-ass.
but the GOP have blown up up much much more

Republicans own our debt as it is due to their plicy

Reagan started the era of big deficits, Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew that up and blew up the economy

Obama inherited the big bush blow up so he inherited massive deficits, but he got them down to $587B in 2016.

Trump took the $587B deficit and doubled it pre-covid, then tripled it post covid, up to $3+T

Biden took the massive Trump deficit and lowered it to $1T

Boom facts prove the GOP own this debt, because their policies of massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy gave us these deficits.

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