The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

but the GOP have blown up up much much more

Republicans own our debt as it is due to their plicy

Reagan started the era of big deficits, Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew that up and blew up the economy

Obama inherited the big bush blow up so he inherited massive deficits, but he got them down to $587B in 2016.

Trump took the $587B deficit and doubled it pre-covid, then tripled it post covid, up to $3+T

Biden took the massive Trump deficit and lowered it to $1T

Boom facts prove the GOP own this debt, because their policies of massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy gave us these deficits.
Dumbass it's a myth Clinton didn't have a surplus
You mean the same republicans that inherited a balanced budget in 2000 and then passed trillions in spending and started 2 failed and mismanaged wars then blew up the economy and destroyed the balanced budget??

or the same republicans that under Trump again blew up the budget to record levels and had record FED fake money creation, and weak low GDP growth?

The GOP record on debt and the economy is a total failure and the dems have given us all our economic success and deficit reduction.

You mean the same republicans that inherited a balanced budget in 2000

It's true, Gingrich did an awesome job.
but the GOP have blown up up much much more

Republicans own our debt as it is due to their plicy

Reagan started the era of big deficits, Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew that up and blew up the economy

Obama inherited the big bush blow up so he inherited massive deficits, but he got them down to $587B in 2016.

Trump took the $587B deficit and doubled it pre-covid, then tripled it post covid, up to $3+T

Biden took the massive Trump deficit and lowered it to $1T

Boom facts prove the GOP own this debt, because their policies of massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy gave us these deficits.

Biden took the massive Trump deficit and lowered it to $1T

He's awesome! Did he cut a lot of spending? Any specifics?
That is the same excuse you people have been using for years.
Now it doesn;t apply

Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure.
Bill Clinton gave us a balanced budget and the best economy in US history
Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew up the economy and deficit.

Bill Clinton gave us a balanced budget and the best economy in US history

How'd he do that? Did he force the Republicans to cut spending? What a guy!
Dumbass it's a myth Clinton didn't have a surplus
ha ha you are too weak and pathetic to even admit Clinton had a surplus.

Then your boy Bush and the GOP came in and blew up that surplus.

They had a surplus and Bush and the disgraceful GOP blew it up, then they crashed the economy.

Kaboooomm !!!
Bill Clinton gave us a balanced budget and the best economy in US history

How'd he do that? Did he force the Republicans to cut spending? What a guy!
in 1993 he passed the omnibus balanced budget act, which forced the republicans to cut spending. All the republicans opposed this.
Gingrich opposed this.
Clearly it worked and lowered the deficit.

Then he vetoed the GOP budgets that were not balanced until the GOP finally made concessions and gave Clinton a balanced budget.

The budget was balanced because of Clinton.

The facts prove this, go look it up and get back to me.
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ha ha you are too weak and pathetic to even admit Clinton had a surplus.

Then your boy Bush and the GOP came in and blew up that surplus.

They had a surplus and Bush and the disgraceful GOP blew it up, then they crashed the economy.

Kaboooomm !!!
If there was a surplus it belongs to Newt Gingrich as mich as clinton
If there was a surplus it belongs to Newt Gingrich as mich as clinton

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 balanced budget act, with Gingrich opposing it. That act lowered the deficit substantially with the GOP opposing it, per usual.

Then Clinton vetoed the Gingrich budgets that weren't balanced, until Gingrich made concessions and cuts to finally balance the budget.

Bill Clinton balance the budget,
And Bush and the GOP blew it up with massive spending bills

ha ha you are too weak and pathetic to even admit Clinton had a surplus.

Then your boy Bush and the GOP came in and blew up that surplus.

They had a surplus and Bush and the disgraceful GOP blew it up, then they crashed the economy.

Kaboooomm !!!
um the GOP was in congress that have Clinton a surplus. Clinton fought them on the budget to give us one, literally shut the govt down over it before caving
wow some editorial void of fact.

Too bad the facts disprove that:

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 balanced budget act, with Gingrich opposing it. That act lowered the deficit substantially with the GOP opposing it, per usual.

Then Clinton vetoed the Gingrich budgets that weren't balanced, until Gingrich made concessions and cuts to finally balance the budget.

Bill Clinton balance the budget,
And Bush and the GOP blew it up with massive spending bills

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 balanced budget act, with Gingrich opposing it. That act lowered the deficit substantially with the GOP opposing it, per usual.

Then Clinton vetoed the Gingrich budgets that weren't balanced, until Gingrich made concessions and cuts to finally balance the budget.

Bill Clinton balance the budget,
And Bush and the GOP blew it up with massive spending bills

haha the 1993 bill had nothing to do with it

it was the 1997 balanced budget act, which lead to 4 conservative balanced budgets
Clinton was dragged kicking and screaming into signing it. Then he and Dems lied and tried to take the credit for it the next several decades.
Nope liar

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 balanced budget act, with Gingrich opposing it. That act lowered the deficit substantially with the GOP opposing it, per usual.

Then Clinton vetoed the Gingrich budgets that weren't balanced, until Gingrich made concessions and cuts to finally balance the budget.

Bill Clinton balance the budget,
And Bush and the GOP blew it up with massive spending bills
Let's understand

The debt ceiling needs to be raised to pay EXISTING fiscal responsibilities

The debt ceiling was raised routinely during the Trump Admin (in fact three times)

NOT raising the debt ceiling messes with our credit rating just like refusing to pay your personal debt would mess with yours.

If you want to address the deficit or the debt this is NOT the way to do it. That is irresponsible

The debt ceiling needs to be raised to pay EXISTING fiscal responsibilities

We need to start reducing EXISTING fiscal responsibilities, immediately.
wow some editorial void of fact.

Too bad the facts disprove that:

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 balanced budget act, with Gingrich opposing it. That act lowered the deficit substantially with the GOP opposing it, per usual.

Then Clinton vetoed the Gingrich budgets that weren't balanced, until Gingrich made concessions and cuts to finally balance the budget.

Bill Clinton balance the budget,
And Bush and the GOP blew it up with massive spending bills
haha there was no 1994 Balanced Budget act you retard

ir was the 1997 Balanced Budget Act passed by Newt and the gop
everything about the trash republicans is:
1) failure
2) massive debt
3) recessions (11 of last 12 recessions all under GOP)
4) excuses for 1-3, typically blaming Pelosi congress Senate etc
5) excuses for Democrat super success, giving credit of Bill Clinton booming economy and deficit reduction to the same congress despite Clinton passing the omnibus balanced budget act in 1993 and vetoing the unbalanced GOP budget.

You people are the joke of America, excuses and failure and debt and recessions.
You people made up these excuses and now when I flip them back on you you can;t handle it.

Here's a tip, hold your joke trash failure party accountable and then maybe it will be close to as good as the democrats

The dems are the party of success and accountability, the GOP is the party of failure debt recessions and excuses

despite Clinton passing the omnibus balanced budget act in 1993 and vetoing the unbalanced GOP budget.

The Dems controlled the House and Senate in 1993, what budget did he veto?
haha there was no 1994 Balanced Budget act you retard

ir was the 1997 Balanced Budget Act passed by Newt and the gop

I am the king of facts.
All I do is post facts.

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 Omnibus balanced budget act, it cut military spending and other bullshit spending, it raised taxes on the rich. It balanced the budget.

Gingrich and the GOP opposed this bill every step of the way. Clinton and the dems passed it and balanced the budget.

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