The Republicans Control the House, and the GOP now own the Deficit

whata re you stupid

Go look this shit up

You are dumb as dirt and totally ignorant to the history of American government. You literally know nothing about our government and history at all.

Go look this shit up and then you will finally learn something, or stay dumb and ignorant I don't care.

This is why you don't know that Clinton balanced the budget, you know nothing about US history at all.

Do not comment until you get educated.

Go look this shit up

I looked up your shit, I'm still laughing at your lies.
That is the same excuse you people have been using for years.
Now it doesn;t apply

Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure.
Bill Clinton gave us a balanced budget and the best economy in US history
Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew up the economy and deficit.

You're no banker and utterly clueless about economics. Clinton didn't balance shit, it was smoke and mirrors
Why don't you go look this shit up.

You made the stupid claims, you have no evidence?

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 Omnibus balanced budget act, it cut military spending and other bullshit spending, it raised taxes on the rich. It balanced the budget.

In 1994, the deficit was $203 billion. How is that balanced?

Clinton vetoed the garbage GOP budget and proposed a real budget that had real cuts and reforms and forced Gingrich to make concessions and real cuts to the wasteful GOP spending programs and put together with Clinton 1993 cuts, Clinton gave us a balanced budget.

Prove it, liar.
yea nice try

you are completely ignorant and you hve no common knowledge of common shit.

This is standard simple history, if you aren't smart enough to know this stuff, which clearly you are not, then that might be why you are such an under achiever in life.
You're no banker and utterly clueless about economics. Clinton didn't balance shit, it was smoke and mirrors
ahhh more excuses.

too bad the official US data says it was balanced, and it was much more balanced than anything Bush or trump had.
yea nice try

you are completely ignorant and you hve no common knowledge of common shit.

This is standard simple history, if you aren't smart enough to know this stuff, which clearly you are not, then that might be why you are such an under achiever in life.


Nope liar

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 balanced budget act, with Gingrich opposing it. That act lowered the deficit substantially with the GOP opposing it, per usual.

Then Clinton vetoed the Gingrich budgets that weren't balanced, until Gingrich made concessions and cuts to finally balance the budget.

Bill Clinton balance the budget,
And Bush and the GOP blew it up with massive spending bills
Your lies have hit category 10 on the scale of lying. :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:
You mean racist Trump contributed money to insure historical black colleges were funded for 50 year? And helping Israel with it border isn't a bad thing. I recall something about gender studies but that was already approved under Obama

First off, Trumps not a racist.

Historical black colleges can fund themselves.
Israel can solve their own border problems. We have border issues that need to be addressed first.
It was funded by Trump in an appropriations bill that he signed.
Why is this completely dishonest thread not n the rubber tool when it is so unquestionably false. The “Clean start rule” is bullshit if not enforced for all such shit as this.
but the GOP have blown up up much much more

Republicans own our debt as it is due to their plicy

Reagan started the era of big deficits, Bush inherited a balanced budget and blew that up and blew up the economy

Obama inherited the big bush blow up so he inherited massive deficits, but he got them down to $587B in 2016.

Trump took the $587B deficit and doubled it pre-covid, then tripled it post covid, up to $3+T

Biden took the massive Trump deficit and lowered it to $1T

Boom facts prove the GOP own this debt, because their policies of massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy gave us these deficits.

I'm not a democrat by any stretch of the imagination. But you're pretty correct on your statement.
According to the books, since Reagan, the GOP has spent more money and increased the debt ceiling more times than the democrats.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

It seems you don't know that we are still in Democrats fiscal year that started on October 1, 2022, when Democrats were in power.
The government is still operating on current fiscal year budget, and they already run out of money.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

I agree with you, the GOP must stand solid and not raise the debt ceiling, and raise taxes and cut spending. We need someone to stand up and quit spending. Gingrich and Clinton were a great combo. Biden and McCarthy could learn a lesson from them.
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

You just defeated your own argument, because McCarthy is proposing reigning in the spending and got the votes to take the plan to the senate, now it's the Senate and President holding it hostage playing politics instead of making and proposing acceptable changes in that plan that still properly curb spending. The president in his stupid remarks trying to play politics & gain leverage in the beginning spooked the markets and will cause our borrowing rates to go even higher, that's just how stupid he and his handlers are. You don't play a game of chicken this close to default, this slow administration and the lack of faith in their ability is adding the anxiety enhancing the perceived percentage of risk.
First off, Trumps not a racist.

Historical black colleges can fund themselves.
Israel can solve their own border problems. We have border issues that need to be addressed first.
It was funded by Trump in an appropriations bill that he signed.
I was been sarcastic about trump bring racist since democrats love calling him racist
What's wrong with funding black historical colleges?
Trump was getting the wall built democrats and anti trumpers fought him at every foot of new fence. So again nothing wrong with helping Israel.
You missed the gender studies started by Obama
Everytime I bring up the GOP's disgraceful record on debt and deficits I get met with lame excuses, but never any honest acceptance or answers.

One of the Republicans favorite excuses is "Pelosi controls Spending it is her fault"

So now that McCarthy controls spending, all of the deficit is definitely his fault. The MAGA republicans have made it clear that whomever controls Congress gets the blame for the spending...

I love using Republican excuses on them !!

you have another thread where you claim Clinton created a balanced Budget and not the republican congress cause according to you the budget belongs to the President. So, which is it?
I was been sarcastic about trump bring racist since democrats love calling him racist

I got that. I just wanted you to know I didn't think he was racist either.

What's wrong with funding black historical colleges?

What's wrong with Black colleges funding themselves. It's not free to attend those colleges.
What's wrong with it? The same thing that's wrong with oil subsidies, or bailing out banks.

Trump was getting the wall built democrats and anti trumpers fought him at every foot of new fence.

Because Trump was a bully, not a leader. That made him as ineffective as Jimmy Carter.

So again nothing wrong with helping Israel.

There's something wrong with funding anything that has nothing to do with 99% of Americans.
You missed the gender studies started by Obama

It was funded, signed into law in Dec. of 2020. 4 years after Obama. So yeah, it's not an Obama thing at that point.
I agree with you, the GOP must stand solid and not raise the debt ceiling, and raise taxes and cut spending. We need someone to stand up and quit spending. Gingrich and Clinton were a great combo. Biden and McCarthy could learn a lesson from them.
Bush inherited a balanced budget and then blew that up with massive spending bills
Trump inherited a $587B deficit and then blew that up and doubled it pre-covid, with massive, multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills

Can you admit that and admit that the GOP have been much much worse adding to the deficit by a very large margin.
I doubt you can admit that
you have another thread where you claim Clinton created a balanced Budget and not the republican congress cause according to you the budget belongs to the President. So, which is it?
Did you even read the opening thread???

I am using the pathetic GOP excuses back on them

The president sets the agenda and budget.

Republicans have issues accepting responsibility and blame. According to republicans, Trump massive spending bill debt that led to him giving us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years is somehow the dems fault. Then Bill Clinton cutting spending and giving us a balanced budget is then somehow Gingrich's doing.
Bush's massive deficits are somehow the dems fault.

Every aspect of the GOP is another pathetic excuse or lie
Bush inherited a balanced budget and then blew that up with massive spending bills
Trump inherited a $587B deficit and then blew that up and doubled it pre-covid, with massive, multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills

Can you admit that and admit that the GOP have been much much worse adding to the deficit by a very large margin.
I doubt you can admit that
No, because there are more factors than just the President being a D or R. There is Congress and US and world events that take place that influence the economy and debt. If we had not passed

Even the 2000 budget was at a surplus, debt went up, Clinton and Gingrich worked together, that was a key. I don’t understand why Republicans keep wanting to cut taxes, this is not a good strategy, however Democrats want to spend their way into prosperity and the isn’t smart either.

Had Congress not passed and Bush had not signed the Emergency Stabilization Bill, would that been prudent? If Trump and Congress not passed the Covid Relief Bills, would that have been smart?

There is a lot more to the economy than D or R. We need cooperation to work through our debt, and neither side is doing that, I do hold Republicans a little more responsible with this current debt ceiling impasse, however it takes two to tango and neither is wanting to budge.
No, because there are more factors than just the President being a D or R. There is Congress and US and world events that take place that influence the economy and debt. If we had not passed

Even the 2000 budget was at a surplus, debt went up, Clinton and Gingrich worked together, that was a key. I don’t understand why Republicans keep wanting to cut taxes, this is not a good strategy, however Democrats want to spend their way into prosperity and the isn’t smart either.

Had Congress not passed and Bush had not signed the Emergency Stabilization Bill, would that been prudent? If Trump and Congress not passed the Covid Relief Bills, would that have been smart?

There is a lot more to the economy than D or R. We need cooperation to work through our debt, and neither side is doing that, I do hold Republicans a little more responsible with this current debt ceiling impasse, however it takes two to tango and neither is wanting to budge.
Typical BS cop out

The numbers and policy are blatant and obvious.

Bush and trump ramped up deficits massive during their presidencies.
Clinton, Obama, and now Biden, all had lower deficits as their presidencies progress.

One party has clearly added to the deficit at a substantially higher rate. Dems raise taxes or cut military spending to offset their spending. Look at Biden he has the 1% stock buy back tax and inc to the corporate rate to offset his spending. These are facts

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