The republicans will lose in 2014-2016 if they do this again


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The republicans will lose in 2014-2016 if they do this again. You can count on it.

1. Being against birth control
2. Against abortion inside of 20 weeks. Most of this country supports 20 weeks and on...Just not before.
3. 52% of this country approves of gay marriage. Not a good area to run against .:eek:
4. May want to lighten up on the anti-pot clap trap
5. Stop opposing wind and solar!
6. Stop looking like you oppose education! ;)

Lighten up the extremism. ;)

It's ok to run being against illegals. They broke the law!

Things you should stand for
1. The of Bill rights
2. lowering the corporate
3. Science and tech
4. Bringing jobs home
6. The truth
7. Economics
8. Attack the victim mindset with the winners mindset. Bring this to the minority that you can do anything and point out what the rats have done to you. Holding you down.

You should strive to advance America as a super power. Not the other way around! ;) DO NOT be caught being anti-infrastructure, science or tech! This is a killer with the 18-30 age group. ;) Not everything the democrats stand for is bad...What the fuck is wrong with both of you idiots to think such is over my head.
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Go into the minority communities with the WINNER mindset of becoming something.
-Earning a great education
-Having a great job
-Defending our constitution from the first to the tenth amendment!!!

Explain why this is good to blacks and Hispanics!

Explain why the first amendment and freedom of speech is good!
Explain why gun control is a croak of shit! Show the stat's!
Show why the government shouldn't be spying on you!

On down the line!
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Yo...................Matthew..........................good ideas, but they're never going to be endorsed by the GOP. Wanna know why? It would cost money, and they would end up looking like they support Obama.

Still......................good ideas...................too bad they can't be implemented.................

And there’s no way the GOP Old Guard are going to escape the clutches of the social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and irresponsible radical fiscal right.

And there’s no way the GOP Old Guard are going to escape the clutches of the social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and irresponsible radical fiscal right.

Of course they can't..................they are hard wired to the very people you spoke of.

I mean..................wasn't the U.S. founded by Puritans who got kicked out of England?

Prostitution should be legal and regulated (it would cut down on a lot of crime as well as cut down on sexually transmitted disease.)

I've seen where it would work, especially in places like Spain and Italy.
The republicans will lose in 2014-2016 if they do this again. You can count on it.

1. Being against birth control No significant Repub was, it was a media invention the repubs never fought.

2. Against abortion inside of 20 weeks. Most of this country supports 20 weeks and on...Just not before. Agreed. They really need to just STFU about it for a while.

3. 52% of this country approves of gay marriage. Not a good area to run against .:eek: I don't know anyone who gives a shit enough about pillow biters getting married to not vote for a candidate who isn't opposed to gay marriage.

4. May want to lighten up on the anti-pot clap trap They actually need to get behind a decriminalization effort.

5. Stop opposing wind and solar! They don't "oppose" it. They just don't want government funding it. They also need to promote increased oil production.

6. Stop looking like you oppose education! ;) That's another bullshit media narative. They need to get into MSLSD studios and the like and demand the air time to counter the lies spun by obozo's stenographers.

Lighten up the extremism. ;) As opposed to the left's extremism?

It's ok to run being against illegals. They broke the law!

Things you should stand for
1. The of Bill rights
2. lowering the corporate
3. Science and tech
4. Bringing jobs home
6. The truth
7. Economics
8. Attack the victim mindset with the winners mindset. Bring this to the minority that you can do anything and point out what the rats have done to you. Holding you down.

You should strive to advance America as a super power. Not the other way around! ;) DO NOT be caught being anti-infrastructure, science or tech! This is a killer with the 18-30 age group. ;) Not everything the democrats stand for is bad...What the fuck is wrong with both of you idiots to think such is over my head.

Half the problem faced by republicrats is the lies and distortions of the media. They set these bullshit naratives, like a weeks worth of discussions amongst themselves on "news" programs about shit like "war on women". Then after the narative is established, get some awkward republicrat on to "defend" their position, even though it doesn't exist.
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The republicans will lose in 2014-2016 if they do this again. You can count on it.

1. Being against birth control No significant Repub was, it was a media invention the repubs never fought.

2. Against abortion inside of 20 weeks. Most of this country supports 20 weeks and on...Just not before. Agreed. They really need to just STFU about it for a while.

3. 52% of this country approves of gay marriage. Not a good area to run against .:eek: I don't know anyone who gives a shit enough about pillow biters getting married to not vote for a candidate who isn't opposed to gay marriage.

4. May want to lighten up on the anti-pot clap trap They actually need to get behind a decriminalization effort.

5. Stop opposing wind and solar! They don't "oppose" it. They just don't want government funding it. They also need to promote increased oil production.

6. Stop looking like you oppose education! ;) That's another bullshit media narative. They need to get into MSLSD studios and the like and demand the air time to counter the lies spun by obozo's stenographers.

Lighten up the extremism. ;) As opposed to the left's extremism?

It's ok to run being against illegals. They broke the law!

Things you should stand for
1. The of Bill rights
2. lowering the corporate
3. Science and tech
4. Bringing jobs home
6. The truth
7. Economics
8. Attack the victim mindset with the winners mindset. Bring this to the minority that you can do anything and point out what the rats have done to you. Holding you down.

You should strive to advance America as a super power. Not the other way around! ;) DO NOT be caught being anti-infrastructure, science or tech! This is a killer with the 18-30 age group. ;) Not everything the democrats stand for is bad...What the fuck is wrong with both of you idiots to think such is over my head.

Half the problem faced by republicrats is the lies and distortions of the media. They set these bullshit naratives, like a weeks worth of discussions amongst themselves on "news" programs about shit like "war on women". Then after the narative is established, get some awkward republicrat on to "defend" their position, even though it doesn't exist.

Way to go...

When you find you have placed yourself between a rock and a hard place...

Blame the Media!
The republicans will lose in 2014-2016 if they do this again. You can count on it.

1. Being against birth control No significant Repub was, it was a media invention the repubs never fought.

2. Against abortion inside of 20 weeks. Most of this country supports 20 weeks and on...Just not before. Agreed. They really need to just STFU about it for a while.

3. 52% of this country approves of gay marriage. Not a good area to run against .:eek: I don't know anyone who gives a shit enough about pillow biters getting married to not vote for a candidate who isn't opposed to gay marriage.

4. May want to lighten up on the anti-pot clap trap They actually need to get behind a decriminalization effort.

5. Stop opposing wind and solar! They don't "oppose" it. They just don't want government funding it. They also need to promote increased oil production.

6. Stop looking like you oppose education! ;) That's another bullshit media narative. They need to get into MSLSD studios and the like and demand the air time to counter the lies spun by obozo's stenographers.

Lighten up the extremism. ;) As opposed to the left's extremism?

It's ok to run being against illegals. They broke the law!

Things you should stand for
1. The of Bill rights
2. lowering the corporate
3. Science and tech
4. Bringing jobs home
6. The truth
7. Economics
8. Attack the victim mindset with the winners mindset. Bring this to the minority that you can do anything and point out what the rats have done to you. Holding you down.

You should strive to advance America as a super power. Not the other way around! ;) DO NOT be caught being anti-infrastructure, science or tech! This is a killer with the 18-30 age group. ;) Not everything the democrats stand for is bad...What the fuck is wrong with both of you idiots to think such is over my head.

Half the problem faced by republicrats is the lies and distortions of the media. They set these bullshit naratives, like a weeks worth of discussions amongst themselves on "news" programs about shit like "war on women". Then after the narative is established, get some awkward republicrat on to "defend" their position, even though it doesn't exist.

Way to go...

When you find you have placed yourself between a rock and a hard place...

Blame the Media!

So there is zero bias in the mainstream media? Journalists are not overwhelmingly democrats and progressives?
Way to go...

When you find you have placed yourself between a rock and a hard place...

Blame the Media!

So there is zero bias in the mainstream media? Journalists are not overwhelmingly democrats and progressives?

It's impossible to be a liberal unless you ignore facts....

I mean how could he say something as stupid as this:

a bed wetter said:
When you find you have placed yourself between a rock and a hard place...

Blame the Media!

Without completely ignoring the fact that the media is biased as hell. The republicrats haven't "placed" themselves anywhere, there are republicrats who have so many different oppinions and points of view that there has been a constant struggle between going more liberal, or returning to sanity.

Are there any such struggles in the democrook party?

Any "mavericks" who "reach across the aisle"?

How many democrooks "break party lines" and stand against abortion?

Any well known democrooks who oppose obozocare?

How many democrooks are notorious for and reviled for their pro-2nd Amendment stance?

Any anti-amnesty democrooks making headlines?

None? Yeah, I know. There's no tolerance for independent thought in the moonbat world.

That's the difference. Republicrats have a "big tent" as it is. There's almost too much tolerance for different views in the republicrat tent. Republicrats need to cement down a certain belief system that's focused on individual liberty above all else. Otherwise the bed wetters in the media will have no problem attaching stupid ideas like "legitamite rape" to everyone in the party.
Go into the minority communities with the WINNER mindset of becoming something.
-Earning a great education
-Having a great job
-Defending our constitution from the first to the tenth amendment!!!
Explain why this is good to blacks and Hispanics!

Explain why the first amendment and freedom of speech is good!
Explain why gun control is a croak of shit! Show the stat's!
Show why the government shouldn't be spying on you!

On down the line!

You want to reinvoke slavery?
Repeal a womans right to vote?
Revoke equal protection under the law?

It does sound very Republican
Half the problem faced by republicrats is the lies and distortions of the media. They set these bullshit naratives, like a weeks worth of discussions amongst themselves on "news" programs about shit like "war on women". Then after the narative is established, get some awkward republicrat on to "defend" their position, even though it doesn't exist.

Way to go...

When you find you have placed yourself between a rock and a hard place...

Blame the Media!

So there is zero bias in the mainstream media? Journalists are not overwhelmingly democrats and progressives?

Republicans biggest problem with the media is that the media actually verifies what they are saying and plays back quotes of what Republicans said
Actually those things are the opposite of what needs to be done.
The GOP basically has three wings: a social conservative wing made up largely of evangelicals, a foreign policy wing that favors a strong foreign policy, and a small gov't wing that wants lower taxes and less spending. You can't piss off one of those wings without losing. Pushing pot smoking, gay loving, and baby killing will piss off the social conservatives and they'll sit home.

No, what they need to do is start by teaching lessons in economics. The first lesson is that gov't cannot create jobs, but it can do an aweful lot to destroy them. And Democrat policies have destroyed tons of jobs. Then they can teach that cheap money isn't so cheap after all. Tons of retirees and others who depend on income from interest rates lose heavily when the Fed runs rates down to zero.
In all, a sound fiscal policy, a muscular foreign policy, and some lip service to social conservative policy will win elections.

Are there any such struggles in the democrook party?

Any "mavericks" who "reach across the aisle"?

How many democrooks "break party lines" and stand against abortion?


Yeah Joe Lieberman. For that he was kicked out of the party and they ran someone instead.
There are more conservatives in the Nation than the other side of the equation. The middle of the road moderates are the key to the election and turn out is another key.

Stick to your principles on conservative issues, and rev up the base to turn out in larger numbers. aka Stand your ground against the Dem party that always flocks together like a bunch of mindless sheep.

Finally, you could nominate another minority group to run for POTUS, thus putting a twist on the black or hispanic vote that the libs historically get. This would sway voters, which is why the Dems pitched a fit on the Pizza man last election.

They attacked him like a bunch of rabid dogs for a reason. He would have screwed up their pushed RACIAL VOTE.
There are more conservatives in the Nation than the other side of the equation. The middle of the road moderates are the key to the election and turn out is another key.

Stick to your principles on conservative issues, and rev up the base to turn out in larger numbers. aka Stand your ground against the Dem party that always flocks together like a bunch of mindless sheep.

Finally, you could nominate another minority group to run for POTUS, thus putting a twist on the black or hispanic vote that the libs historically get. This would sway voters, which is why the Dems pitched a fit on the Pizza man last election.

They attacked him like a bunch of rabid dogs for a reason. He would have screwed up their pushed RACIAL VOTE.

Herman Cain was a shitty candidate with no political experience. While everyone thinks that makes someone "fresh and unspoiled" the truth is that politics is a craft and you have to learn it somewhere. That his campaign couldn't handle a bimbo eruption is testimony to the poor job he would have done as president.
There are more conservatives in the Nation than the other side of the equation. The middle of the road moderates are the key to the election and turn out is another key.

Stick to your principles on conservative issues, and rev up the base to turn out in larger numbers. aka Stand your ground against the Dem party that always flocks together like a bunch of mindless sheep.

Finally, you could nominate another minority group to run for POTUS, thus putting a twist on the black or hispanic vote that the libs historically get. This would sway voters, which is why the Dems pitched a fit on the Pizza man last election.

They attacked him like a bunch of rabid dogs for a reason. He would have screwed up their pushed RACIAL VOTE.

Herman Cain was a shitty candidate with no political experience. While everyone thinks that makes someone "fresh and unspoiled" the truth is that politics is a craft and you have to learn it somewhere. That his campaign couldn't handle a bimbo eruption is testimony to the poor job he would have done as president.

1. I'm not a Cain fan.

2. He's only one conservative black man. There are more than one black conservatives out there to run.


Hell I'd rather have my Garbage man than the Idiot we have now.

That clear it up for you..................
Way to go...

When you find you have placed yourself between a rock and a hard place...

Blame the Media!

So there is zero bias in the mainstream media? Journalists are not overwhelmingly democrats and progressives?

Republicans biggest problem with the media is that the media actually verifies what they are saying and plays back quotes of what Republicans said

Yes, yes, but did Dan Rather get that memo???????
How about the edited version of what Zimmerman said to the 911 operator?

I laugh at such an ignorant post as this, wrongwinger. :lol:
There are more conservatives in the Nation than the other side of the equation. The middle of the road moderates are the key to the election and turn out is another key.

Stick to your principles on conservative issues, and rev up the base to turn out in larger numbers. aka Stand your ground against the Dem party that always flocks together like a bunch of mindless sheep.

Finally, you could nominate another minority group to run for POTUS, thus putting a twist on the black or hispanic vote that the libs historically get. This would sway voters, which is why the Dems pitched a fit on the Pizza man last election.

They attacked him like a bunch of rabid dogs for a reason. He would have screwed up their pushed RACIAL VOTE.

Herman Cain was a shitty candidate with no political experience. While everyone thinks that makes someone "fresh and unspoiled" the truth is that politics is a craft and you have to learn it somewhere. That his campaign couldn't handle a bimbo eruption is testimony to the poor job he would have done as president.

I am of the school who supported Cain beyond the end. I still like the man, and wish he would run again specifically because he's untarnished and not corrupted by a political career.

The bimbo eruption was completely fabricated in my oppinion.

The first broad came out with a story of some offensive words. His polling #'s went up if anything, then the secon and third bimbo came out, each with escalating stories but no real polling effect.

If that doesn't indicate a manufactured scandal I don't know what does.

It wasn't until the final bimbo came out that his numbers began to fall, and like you said, his campaign didn't know how to handle what IMO was a focused and contrived effort to ruin the man. I blame the republican base just as much for that however.

Democrook politicians CAN KILL A WOMAN, and they circle the wagons. Ted Kennedy served 40 years in the senate, when anyone else would have served 40 years in Attica.

I think HC would serve as a fine Chief Executive.

That said you're right about politics being a craft. He would need people in his administration with the skills to handle all sorts of issues beyond his specialty, which is basically limited to economic issues.
Go into the minority communities with the WINNER mindset of becoming something.
-Earning a great education
-Having a great job
-Defending our constitution from the first to the tenth amendment!!!
Explain why this is good to blacks and Hispanics!

Explain why the first amendment and freedom of speech is good!
Explain why gun control is a croak of shit! Show the stat's!
Show why the government shouldn't be spying on you!

On down the line!

You want to reinvoke slavery?
Repeal a womans right to vote?
Revoke equal protection under the law?

It does sound very Republican

Really? I mean really?
That's what the republicans sound like?
Did you get this from the media? :eusa_whistle:
So there is zero bias in the mainstream media? Journalists are not overwhelmingly democrats and progressives?

Republicans biggest problem with the media is that the media actually verifies what they are saying and plays back quotes of what Republicans said

Yes, yes, but did Dan Rather get that memo???????
How about the edited version of what Zimmerman said to the 911 operator?

I laugh at such an ignorant post as this, wrongwinger. :lol:

What happened to Dan Rather?
Is Zimmerman a Republican candidate?

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