The reputation of the American army

It probably was in the 80s and 90s. Then masculine qualities were valued and the then bandits were "cowboys", this time has long passed. Young people are now soft. Now there are almost no even ordinary fights at all. It's all just self-aggrandizement talks.
I think it's the same everywhere, even in Europe. Movie stars and marginals can afford it, among the youth or among the common people you will become an outcast and they will not care about you. Even more so in the US. Will Smith slapped some Russian or Ukrainian for trying to kiss him, even though there was no sexual overtones. Some idiots in Russia declare themselves gay even in the provinces. There are many of them in social networks, and active homosexuals remain respected people in crime.

In Russia (and almost all former Soviet republics) it is quite different. It has its roots in the criminal world (especially the prison world), a person who has been raped (or had passive intercourse) stops to be considered as a huaman and has no way to return back. After that, this man does dirty work (cleaning toilets), he is used as a "woman", he can be beaten, and so on. Also this person becomes "untouchable", he only uses his spoon, plate and so on, if someone gives him a hand or takes his stick or plate, he also becomes "untouchable".
In Russia (and almost all former Soviet republics) it is quite different. It has its roots in the criminal world (especially the prison world), a person who has been raped (or had passive intercourse) stops to be considered as a huaman and has no way to return back. After that, this man does dirty work (cleaning toilets), he is used as a "woman", he can be beaten, and so on. Also this person becomes "untouchable", he only uses his spoon, plate and so on, if someone gives him a hand or takes his stick or plate, he also becomes "untouchable".
Yes it is. Although it doesn't have to be penetration. But what does this have to do with homosexuality??? Do you think those who are raped are born homosexuals?

By the way, this just speaks in favor of the fact that homosexuality in Russia is developed quite strongly. This is a whole homosexual tradition, and at least those who take an active part in this disgusting act are natural homosexuals, otherwise it would not cause an erection, but rejection.
In Russia (and almost all former Soviet republics) it is quite different.
For a population that is not associated with crime, this usually does not matter. At large, even those who were imprisoned communicate with them.

And why did you get the idea that things are different in the West? In any case, there is something similar in the USA, that's for sure. Remember the movie American History X

But I repeat: this is a problem of protection against homosexuals, and not vice versa. Those who are raped by homosexuals are not themselves homosexuals.
Yes it is. Although it doesn't have to be penetration. But what does this have to do with homosexuality??? Do you think those who are raped are born homosexuals?
Don't try to find logic here, this "tradition" originated in the USSR and the same thing exists in the army, not as much as in prisons, of course, but still. For example On 25 October 2019, a Russian soldier shot ten of his colleagues, eight of them died. During the investigation he testified that he had faced threats of rape. And if he had been rape his social status would have been same like in prison: "cock", "“lowered down".
For a population that is not associated with crime, this usually does not matter. At large, even those who were imprisoned communicate with them.
No, this homophobia mixed with criminal concepts / traditions, has been sitting too deeply in Russian society since school. Another example, a schoolboy was raped by an adult, of course, the adult was caught and sent to prison for a long time, but this boy with his parent had to move to another city due to bullying at school due to rape.

Remember the movie American History X

Of course, I remember, this is completely different from Russian reality, Derek after the incident in the shower was still a "human" even between people from the Aryan Brotherhood, and he was allowed to sit at the table with them.
Don't try to find logic here, this "tradition" originated in the USSR and the same thing exists in the army, not as much as in prisons, of course, but still. For example On 25 October 2019, a Russian soldier shot ten of his colleagues, eight of them died. During the investigation he testified that he had faced threats of rape. And if he had been rape his social status would have been same like in prison: "cock", "“lowered down".
All right, but we're talking about the protection of homosexuals, aren't we? In this case, is it a "defense" of homosexuals who rape?
No, this homophobia mixed with criminal concepts / traditions, has been sitting too deeply in Russian society since school. Another example, a schoolboy was raped by an adult, of course, the adult was caught and sent to prison for a long time, but this boy with his parent had to move to another city due to bullying at school due to rape.
But here again, this is not about protecting homosexuals, but about protecting against homosexuals.
Of course, I remember, this is completely different from Russian reality, Derek after the incident in the shower was still a "human" even between people from the Aryan Brotherhood, and he was allowed to sit at the table with them.
Did they know about it?
But maybe you are right, it seems that Tyson admitted that he was raped as a child. It's better in America. And I emphasize again: this is not about homosexuals, but about their victims
That is, from our discussions with you, it follows that in Russia there is too much tolerance for homosexuality, and especially for active homosexuals who engage in humiliation and violence. So?

Once again: what does the "rights" of homosexuals have to do with it?
All right, but we're talking about the protection of homosexuals, aren't we? In this case, is it a "defense" of homosexuals who rape?
Оnce again there is no logic here, in Russian reality, a gay is considered even worse than a raped man. I also add that if even one man in prison admits that he did cunnilingus to a woman, he will very likely to be "lowered down".

Did they know about it?
But maybe you are right, it seems that Tyson admitted that he was raped as a child. It's better in America. And I emphasize again: this is not about homosexuals, but about their victims

Yes, if any famous boxer in Russia admits the same thing, he will lose a lot of fans, get a lot of ridicule and so on.
Yes, it's obviously hypocrisy, but it's reality.
What is reality? Is it that Russia, which is overly tolerant of homosexualism, is "accused of insufficient tolerance"? Too few raped by faggots men who hang themselves?
This has long been recognized as a Russian tradition.

In fact, Russia is full of faggots. I hate when they surround me, but I have to sit at the same table with them. They do not isolate themselves from normal society. Once, during a feast, a fag began to rudely harass me in front of a woman. I had to punch, and he was seriosly harmed, and if he died, I would go to jail for this scum. I know a man who raped and drowned a child. They gave him ten years and he is already free. I know a priest who sucked cocks from underage boys, many people know this, but no one prosecuted him for seducing minors.

Don't tell me fucking tales about intolerant Russia
The main victims in Russia are normal men who are humiliated and abused by faggots.
And this is american "tolerance":

I envy them. This is a country of men, where a man can at least stand up for himself. In Russia, now for a simple fight, they can be imprisoned for 20 years
What is reality? Is it that Russia, which is overly tolerant of homosexualism, is "accused of insufficient tolerance"? Too few raped by faggots men who hang themselves?

If there is another Russia, maybe, but the Russia (USSR) in which I was born and lived for more than 30 years is very intolerant of homosexuals, and in some parts of Russia (mainly the North Caucasus) a homosexual can be killed literally on the street. But of course, there is also a lot of hypocrisy in this "area".
If there is another Russia, maybe, but the Russia (USSR) in which I was born and lived for more than 30 years is very intolerant of homosexuals
This is your personal Russia/USSR that you dreamed about.

I remember another incident. Recently, on a Russian forum, a man admitted that he was raped by a homosexual in a pioneer camp. He didn't say anything to his parents and teachers. Later, he also became a pervert.
I think that nowhere in the world do homosexual rapists feel as free as in Russia. As a rule, their victims prefer to keep silent about such incidents, because it is a shame. If the victim of a homosexual can live with it, he will be silent. But even if it became known, they are never punished according to their "merits", they are given lenient punishments, and in prison they feel at home.

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