The results are humiliating for Obama and the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
In Washington, facts can sometimes be stubborn things. But let’s look at the facts.

  • According to Federal Reserve data, our current economic “recovery” is the slowest since World War II. After the deep recession of the 1980s, economic growth exceeded 4% for three straight years—and in 1984 topped 7%. But our economy has yet to grow even 3% per year under this President.

  • True, the unemployment rate has declined. But according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the labor force declined by more than 200,000 workers in the past year, even though the pool of potential workers has grown by nearly 2.3 million. That means the unemployment rate declined only because more people left the labor force. How is this a recovery?

  • If the status quo wasn’t bad enough, the President’s policies are making the economy even worse. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently concluded that Obamacare would result in more than 2 million Americans working fewer hours, or leaving the labor force altogether. At a time when the labor force participation rate is near 36-year lows, Obamacare is further reducing the size of the workforce. And—believe it or not—Democrats applauded this outcome!

  • There’s more. The CBO also released another report finding that the President’s proposed minimum wage increase could cause as many as 1 million Americans to lose their jobs. Sadly, for these workers, President Obama’s minimum-wage economy could turn into the zero-wage economy—as small businesses lay workers off to pay the cost of these new government mandates.

The failure of Obama and the Democrats
In Washington, facts can sometimes be stubborn things. But let’s look at the facts.

According to Federal Reserve data, our current economic “recovery” is the slowest since World War II. After the deep recession of the 1980s, economic growth exceeded 4% for three straight years—and in 1984 topped 7%.
BTW, guess what halted that recession so quickly? Tax Cuts! And within a short time after they were made, revenue to the government started increasing fast, and DOUBLED within a few years.

But our economy has yet to grow even 3% per year under this President.
A sad, but vital, contrast.
In Washington, facts can sometimes be stubborn things. But let’s look at the facts.

  • According to Federal Reserve data, our current economic “recovery” is the slowest since World War II. After the deep recession of the 1980s, economic growth exceeded 4% for three straight years—and in 1984 topped 7%. But our economy has yet to grow even 3% per year under this President.

  • True, the unemployment rate has declined. But according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the labor force declined by more than 200,000 workers in the past year, even though the pool of potential workers has grown by nearly 2.3 million. That means the unemployment rate declined only because more people left the labor force. How is this a recovery?

  • If the status quo wasn’t bad enough, the President’s policies are making the economy even worse. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently concluded that Obamacare would result in more than 2 million Americans working fewer hours, or leaving the labor force altogether. At a time when the labor force participation rate is near 36-year lows, Obamacare is further reducing the size of the workforce. And—believe it or not—Democrats applauded this outcome!

  • There’s more. The CBO also released another report finding that the President’s proposed minimum wage increase could cause as many as 1 million Americans to lose their jobs. Sadly, for these workers, President Obama’s minimum-wage economy could turn into the zero-wage economy—as small businesses lay workers off to pay the cost of these new government mandates.

The failure of Obama and the Democrats
We can also add to the list the fact that obamacare was responsible for millions of Americans losing their health insurance.
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Buy but but...oh just SHUT UP!
Let's not forget the proposed Military Cuts where this administration wants to bring the entire Military Force down to Pre World War II status. Or in other words, adding more people to the unemployment line, like in the millions of people.

The democrats have a plan and they are all in to implement that plan. Socialism is easy to implement when people are desperate and this country is very close.

EDIT: And it seems like the republicans want the same thing since they are doing nothing about it.
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newsflash for left-wing nutjobs.

record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress"
Tax cuts in early 2000s seemed to work but now tons of White and Blue Collar jobs have been off-shored or taken by Business Visas.
Must be great to not be able to stand back and see 14 years of bad policy by both parties.
Tax cuts in early 2000s seemed to work but now tons of White and Blue Collar jobs have been off-shored or taken by Business Visas.
Must be great to not be able to stand back and see 14 years of bad policy by both parties.

any idiot can just stand back criticize anything and everything
Nobody knows how to stimulate the economy. Both parties just want to be in power when the economy resurrects itself, so they can take credit for it.

In the 1960's most households had one major wage earner, and maybe a wife with a part time job. Discounting all the single-parent households for a moment, we would have enough good jobs in the economy right now if the percentage of one-earner households was the same as in 1965.

If the Federal Government - and particularly DoD - got rid of all the excess bagage, we could balance the budget instantaneously, but it would throw at least a million government teat-suckers out of work. Much of the Federal Government is now employed for the primary purpose of distributing borrowed and fiat money into the economy. Their functions could be done away with and nobody would even notice outside their own offices. Think military bases. NPR. DoE. Dept of Commerce.
Tax cuts in early 2000s seemed to work but now tons of White and Blue Collar jobs have been off-shored or taken by Business Visas.
Must be great to not be able to stand back and see 14 years of bad policy by both parties.

any idiot can just stand back criticize anything and everything

You shouldn't demean yourself like that.
Let others do it for you.
Let's not forget the proposed Military Cuts where this administration wants to bring the entire Military Force down to Pre World War II status. Or in other words, adding more people to the unemployment line, like in the millions of people.

The democrats have a plan and they are all in to implement that plan. Socialism is easy to implement when people are desperate and this country is very close.

EDIT: And it seems like the republicans want the same thing since they are doing nothing about it.

The proposed military budget is still above what is allowed after the sequester cuts. The sequester is the reason for the cutbacks.

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