The Revolution


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Times are crazy, no doubt. Liberalism is destroying this country from the ground up, as you can see..
I have seen/heard talk of a "Revolution" so I started thinking about it..
I think we, as a country, are lazy as hell (everyone expects everyone to do shit for them IE liberalism) So that seems like it could be a problem..

Then you have

There are over what 250 million guns in America? Not sure about how many "gun owners" Good sign
4 million Police, Navy, Army etc They took an oath to protect us and the COTUS. If we were revolting against tyranny, would they be there beside us? I like to think so. I still try to believe there are PLENTY of patriots out there.
The liberals talk about how we couldnt stand a chance against tanks, drones etc but we would have the numbers.

What do you think?
Would you participate if that was to REALLY occur?
If there was a revolution of course I'd be participating.

I'm in the Army (and even though I'll be retiring shortly, I'd be recalled for something like this) and I'd be charged with putting down the revolution, which I would do.

Of course this will never happen. It's just porn used for mental masturbation by anti-government extremists on both sides.
It could. People get power hungry, which leads to tyranny. If that happened a Revolution could happen.. If we were going against tyranny, you would be against the citizens?
It could. People get power hungry, which leads to tyranny. If that happened a Revolution could happen.. If we were going against tyranny, you would be against the citizens?

Define 'tyranny" honestly.

If you consider the government and situation as it exists today, it's nowehere close.

It would take something along the lines of a coup and full suspension of the constitiution, declaration of martial law etc by the illegitimate gov't to get close to real tyranny.
If there's ever a large-scale revolt or rebellion in the West, it will be in Europe against the E.U. and all it stands for.

Honestly, I think that would happen long before any type of revolt in the US. My in-laws in Britain (yeah, analogy, not trend :razz: ) loathe the EU.
It could. People get power hungry, which leads to tyranny. If that happened a Revolution could happen.. If we were going against tyranny, you would be against the citizens?

Define 'tyranny" honestly.

If you consider the government and situation as it exists today, it's nowehere close.

It would take something along the lines of a coup and full suspension of the constitiution, declaration of martial law etc by the illegitimate gov't to get close to real tyranny.

That is what I am talking about. I am not talking about a bunch of KKK members gangbanging the white house cause he has some color lol. REAL tyranny, bro
At the rate we are going, REAL tyranny could happen someday soon. Everything is slowly getting broke down..
It could. People get power hungry, which leads to tyranny. If that happened a Revolution could happen.. If we were going against tyranny, you would be against the citizens?

Define 'tyranny" honestly.

If you consider the government and situation as it exists today, it's nowehere close.

It would take something along the lines of a coup and full suspension of the constitiution, declaration of martial law etc by the illegitimate gov't to get close to real tyranny.

That is what I am talking about. I am not talking about a bunch of KKK members gangbanging the white house cause he has some color lol. REAL tyranny, bro
At the rate we are going, REAL tyranny could happen someday soon. Everything is slowly getting broke down..

We might debate the meaning of "soon" but I understand what you're saying.

As I'm sure you're aware, there are many who define anything Obama and the dems do as "tyranny" so one has to define one's terms.
It won't take much to spark all out anarchy. I think if there is another revolution, it might not even look like one. But when the country runs out of money, when we can no longer pay the interest on the debt, when we hit bankruptcy and shit REALLY starts to shut down, you'll see people fly into full blown panic mode and massive city wide riots, looting, killing, pillaging, raping, it'll all happen. Then no truck drivers will even venture close to a city because they don't want to be killed for their cargo, especially if it's food or water. So the cities will become war zones, killing fields, and if the military goes in to stop it, they'll be charged with shooting and killing American citizens which is against their oath. Personally, I don't think but maybe a very small portion of our military would actually turn to killing it's own citizens. They are our own brothers and sisters after all, our families. And when the anarchy spills out of the cities into the country side like where I live, those expecting to riot, pillage, loot and steal around here will be gunned down like wild dogs. We will protect our own. But as the anarchy progresses, it will be painfully obvious who caused the entire mess, and that's our government. The 535 assholes in Washington, so it's my guess that there will be an armed march on Washington to clean house, from the top down. This may or may not happen, but personally, I think we're a hell of a lot closer to it happening than anyone might be willing to admit. Why else do you think our government is in such a rabid fit to disarm America? Why else has DHS bought up MILLIONS of rounds of ammo? They all can see it coming.
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Define 'tyranny" honestly.

If you consider the government and situation as it exists today, it's nowehere close.

It would take something along the lines of a coup and full suspension of the constitiution, declaration of martial law etc by the illegitimate gov't to get close to real tyranny.

That is what I am talking about. I am not talking about a bunch of KKK members gangbanging the white house cause he has some color lol. REAL tyranny, bro
At the rate we are going, REAL tyranny could happen someday soon. Everything is slowly getting broke down..

We might debate the meaning of "soon" but I understand what you're saying.

As I'm sure you're aware, there are many who define anything Obama and the dems do as "tyranny" so one has to define one's terms.

I might not have used "soon" right lol... Guess you never know though. Honestly, 2014 scares me alittle.. If he gets complete control, no telling what he might do..
SO, if that was to happen, and they called you out to defend the gov't would you? Regardless of the reasons
It won't take much to spark all out anarchy. I think if there is another revolution, it might not even look like one. But when the country runs out of money, when we can no longer pay the interest on the debt, when we hit bankruptcy and shit REALLY starts to shut down, you'll see people fly into full blown panic mode and massive city wide riots, looting, killing, pillaging, raping, it'll all happen. Then no truck drivers will even venture close to a city because they don't want to be killed for their cargo, especially if it's food or water. So the cities will become war zones, killing fields, and if the military goes in to stop it, they'll be charged with shooting and killing American citizens which is against their oath. Personally, I don't think but maybe a very small portion of our military would actually turn to killing it's own citizens. They are our own brothers and sisters after all, our families. But when the anarchy spills out of the cities into the country side like where I live, those expecting to riot, pillage, loot and steal around here will be gunned down like wild dogs. We will protect our own. But as the anarchy progresses, it will be painfully obvious who caused the entire mess, and that's our government. The 535 assholes in Washington, so it's my guess that there will be an armed march on Washington to clean house, from the top down. This may or may not happen, but personally, I think we're a hell of a lot closer to it happening than anyone might be willing to admit.

Damn good post!
That is what I am talking about. I am not talking about a bunch of KKK members gangbanging the white house cause he has some color lol. REAL tyranny, bro
At the rate we are going, REAL tyranny could happen someday soon. Everything is slowly getting broke down..

We might debate the meaning of "soon" but I understand what you're saying.

As I'm sure you're aware, there are many who define anything Obama and the dems do as "tyranny" so one has to define one's terms.

I might not have used "soon" right lol... Guess you never know though. Honestly, 2014 scares me alittle.. If he gets complete control, no telling what he might do..
SO, if that was to happen, and they called you out to defend the gov't would you? Regardless of the reasons

If in 2014 the democrats win the House and some people claim tyranny because laws are passed they don't like? Sorry. Not buying it.

There's a coup, the president is assasinated, Congress is dissolved, the constitution suspended and martial law declared? Different story. Don't see it happening though.
We might debate the meaning of "soon" but I understand what you're saying.

As I'm sure you're aware, there are many who define anything Obama and the dems do as "tyranny" so one has to define one's terms.

I might not have used "soon" right lol... Guess you never know though. Honestly, 2014 scares me alittle.. If he gets complete control, no telling what he might do..
SO, if that was to happen, and they called you out to defend the gov't would you? Regardless of the reasons

If in 2014 the democrats win the House and some people claim tyranny because laws are passed they don't like? Sorry. Not buying it.

There's a coup, the president is assasinated, Congress is dissolved, the constitution suspended and martial law declared? Different story. Don't see it happening though.

I was being alittle more extreme than that. "I will have more flexibility" That is why I think he keeps spinning everything to blame GOP he wants 2014. wants it BAD
Conosider my scenario Germany back before Hitler. It was a democracy. He got Chancellor, and took the country over. It could happen here as well...
I might not have used "soon" right lol... Guess you never know though. Honestly, 2014 scares me alittle.. If he gets complete control, no telling what he might do..
SO, if that was to happen, and they called you out to defend the gov't would you? Regardless of the reasons

If in 2014 the democrats win the House and some people claim tyranny because laws are passed they don't like? Sorry. Not buying it.

There's a coup, the president is assasinated, Congress is dissolved, the constitution suspended and martial law declared? Different story. Don't see it happening though.

I was being alittle more extreme than that. "I will have more flexibility" That is why I think he keeps spinning everything to blame GOP he wants 2014. wants it BAD
Conosider my scenario Germany back before Hitler. It was a democracy. He got Chancellor, and took the country over. It could happen here as well...

No, it really couldn't.

And like I said, if a revolt started because the dems won the House in 2014, it would be crushed and I'd be happy to help.
You know, if only 20% of the posters on this board were old enough to remember 1968, they would know what the breakdown of government really looks like, and none of these panic threads would exisit.

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