The richest have a 16% effective tax rate- Clinton to go for the Buffett rule- 30%. TY Dems

How about you tell the tens of thousands that lost both the doctors and insurance they liked, that it wasn't a factual lie, that he stated emphatically a mere 23 times. God you're worse than you dear leader when it come to your lies. You know it was a lie and start to play semantics games. Fuck off hypocrite.
Link? Ten of thousands is nothing, and most were too dumb to make sure their doctor was covered. That kind of crap started before ACA anyway. Hospital networks and insurers. A mere 23 times, all before the Booosh Meltdown even. Lie my ass..

Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

I don't. My employer dropped it almost a month after Commie Care went into effect. Millions of others faced the same fate.

Really ? What kind of insurance coverage did u have ?

It wasn't great coverage but coverage nonetheless. When Commie Care went into play, my employer dropped our healthcare plan. The only way he could funnel money to us for our own coverage was a pay increase which we got. However, when you increase an employees pay, everything else increases too such as matching Medicare contributions, matching Social Security contributions, increase in unemployment insurance, increase in workman's compensation insurance, increase in our retirement plan contributions.

For my employer to break even, he had to deduct all those other increases from what he was paying for our coverage. We got the remainder which was only about half of what he was paying for our plan. Then, because it's a pay increase, we have to pay taxes on that money as well.

Bottom line: it didn't amount to all that much and certainly not nearly enough to buy our own plan unless we used our own money outside of what he gave us.

Could Commie Care have included the ability for employers to just give us a direct check for our own coverage? Yes they could of. But part of this diabolical plot was to have insurance money taxed first in our paychecks. Then government gets a cut of what was once your insurance money.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

Yet the Clintons and all far left millionaires and Billionaires will be exempt from the tax rules!

Umm, no, they clearly will not be exempt from their own tax proposals.

Your assertion is baseless and stupid.
The dupes have a million of them. Rush said so~ or some other bought off POS.
Link? Ten of thousands is nothing, and most were too dumb to make sure their doctor was covered. That kind of crap started before ACA anyway. Hospital networks and insurers. A mere 23 times, all before the Booosh Meltdown even. Lie my ass..

Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

I don't. My employer dropped it almost a month after Commie Care went into effect. Millions of others faced the same fate.

Really ? What kind of insurance coverage did u have ?

It wasn't great coverage but coverage nonetheless. When Commie Care went into play, my employer dropped our healthcare plan. The only way he could funnel money to us for our own coverage was a pay increase which we got. However, when you increase an employees pay, everything else increases too such as matching Medicare contributions, matching Social Security contributions, increase in unemployment insurance, increase in workman's compensation insurance, increase in our retirement plan contributions.

For my employer to break even, he had to deduct all those other increases from what he was paying for our coverage. We got the remainder which was only about half of what he was paying for our plan. Then, because it's a pay increase, we have to pay taxes on that money as well.

Bottom line: it didn't amount to all that much and certainly not nearly enough to buy our own plan unless we used our own money outside of what he gave us.

Could Commie Care have included the ability for employers to just give us a direct check for our own coverage? Yes they could of. But part of this diabolical plot was to have insurance money taxed first in our paychecks. Then government gets a cut of what was once your insurance money.
Well, it IS a GOP plan. All we could get thru. STILL better than the old shytte. What you describe happening happened all the time BEFORE.

So wth do you have NOW.? with those horrible prices?
Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?
From your sig line: 750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!

How do you know this for a fact? In this day and age, a lot of households have 1 wage earner to support that household, quite a few have two wage earners. So tell me, what happens when it is the wage earner who gets sick? Even if their insurance pays their medical bills, they still owe for a mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, etc. Maybe its the lost wages that cause these bankrupcies and not the "crappie" health insurance.

We know that Canada has universal health care, but medical problems are the third leading cause of bankruptcy there. How can this be with universal coverage?

Bottom line, you said your sig line is a "proven fact"., its not. And I am not about to go thru the whole thing to disprove your other "proven facts" either.

Suffice it to say, all problems sound easy, until you research them a little.

They have all been proved, back in 2008. But we don't have a propaganda service to keep it all organized, or for that matter on the internet, Far from it...

Lol! What a big freakin line of BS. :lmao: at Franco, anyone that believes his tripe is a moron or a brain dead Democrat nutter.

I have read it all! That is the stupidest crap I have read in a long time.

Pull your head out of Obama's ass dip wad, the lack of oxygen is affecting your brain.
Here, stupid. From the American Journal of Medicine. You want a diagram, ignorant dupes?
A study released Thursday [pdf] by the American Journal of Medicine finds a huge increase—nearly 20 percent—in medical bankruptcies between 2001 and 2007. Sixty-two percent of all bankruptcies filed in 2007 were tied to medical expenses. Three-quarters of those who filed for bankruptcies in 2007 had health insurance.Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income. The rest met criteria for medical bankruptcy because they had lost significant income due to illness or mortgaged a home to pay medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated, owned homes, and had middle-class occupations. Three quarters had health insurance. Using identical definitions in 2001 and 2007, the share of bankruptcies attributable to medical problems rose by 49.6%. In logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic factors, the odds that a bankruptcy had a medical cause was 2.38-fold higher in 2007 than in 2001. […]

In 2007, before the current economic downturn, an American family filed for bankruptcy in the aftermath of illness every 90 seconds; three quarters of them were insured.

Since 2001, the proportion of all bankruptcies attributable to medical problems has increased by 50%. Nearly two thirds of all bankruptcies are now linked to illness.

How did medical problems propel so many middle-class, insured Americans toward bankruptcy? For 92% of the medically bankrupt, high medical bills directly contributed to their bankruptcy. Many families with continuous cover- age found themselves under-insured, responsible for thou- sands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. Others had private coverage but lost it when they became too sick to work. Nationally, a quarter of firms cancel coverage immediately when an employee suffers a disabling illness; another quarter do so within a year. Income loss due to illness also was common, but nearly always coupled with high medical bills.

Love how your article uses the term "linked to" instead of "cause of." Big difference.

Even FactCheck points out (in a Harvard study) that there is no way for anybody to determine if medical bills were the exclusive cause for those bankruptcies. Part of the reason? Yes, but not the only reason.

They point to other factors such as loss of work (which any medical insurance is no part of) gambling problems, addiction problems such as drugs or alcohol, previous expenses such as credit card payments, car loan payments, mortgage or rent payments all of which do not get paid when you are not working.

So far, nobody has been able to point to a group of people that had to file for bankruptcy for medical bills alone. So this study (along with similar ones) are all misleading.
I continue to stand with Ronald Reagan on this matter. Doesn't make a lick of sense, as he put it, that a bus driver should be paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes than millionaires and billionaires do.

It's not a matter of left and right; it's about right and wrongs and 16% is just wrong. We don't need tax increases as much as we simply need to close tax loopholes and recoup lost revenue.
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?
From your sig line: 750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!

How do you know this for a fact? In this day and age, a lot of households have 1 wage earner to support that household, quite a few have two wage earners. So tell me, what happens when it is the wage earner who gets sick? Even if their insurance pays their medical bills, they still owe for a mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, etc. Maybe its the lost wages that cause these bankrupcies and not the "crappie" health insurance.

We know that Canada has universal health care, but medical problems are the third leading cause of bankruptcy there. How can this be with universal coverage?

Bottom line, you said your sig line is a "proven fact"., its not. And I am not about to go thru the whole thing to disprove your other "proven facts" either.

Suffice it to say, all problems sound easy, until you research them a little.

They have all been proved, back in 2008. But we don't have a propaganda service to keep it all organized, or for that matter on the internet, Far from it...

Lol! What a big freakin line of BS. :lmao: at Franco, anyone that believes his tripe is a moron or a brain dead Democrat nutter.

I have read it all! That is the stupidest crap I have read in a long time.

Pull your head out of Obama's ass dip wad, the lack of oxygen is affecting your brain.
Here, stupid. From the American Journal of Medicine. You want a diagram, ignorant dupes?
A study released Thursday [pdf] by the American Journal of Medicine finds a huge increase—nearly 20 percent—in medical bankruptcies between 2001 and 2007. Sixty-two percent of all bankruptcies filed in 2007 were tied to medical expenses. Three-quarters of those who filed for bankruptcies in 2007 had health insurance.Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income. The rest met criteria for medical bankruptcy because they had lost significant income due to illness or mortgaged a home to pay medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated, owned homes, and had middle-class occupations. Three quarters had health insurance. Using identical definitions in 2001 and 2007, the share of bankruptcies attributable to medical problems rose by 49.6%. In logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic factors, the odds that a bankruptcy had a medical cause was 2.38-fold higher in 2007 than in 2001. […]

In 2007, before the current economic downturn, an American family filed for bankruptcy in the aftermath of illness every 90 seconds; three quarters of them were insured.

Since 2001, the proportion of all bankruptcies attributable to medical problems has increased by 50%. Nearly two thirds of all bankruptcies are now linked to illness.

How did medical problems propel so many middle-class, insured Americans toward bankruptcy? For 92% of the medically bankrupt, high medical bills directly contributed to their bankruptcy. Many families with continuous cover- age found themselves under-insured, responsible for thou- sands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. Others had private coverage but lost it when they became too sick to work. Nationally, a quarter of firms cancel coverage immediately when an employee suffers a disabling illness; another quarter do so within a year. Income loss due to illness also was common, but nearly always coupled with high medical bills.

Love how your article uses the term "linked to" instead of "cause of." Big difference.

Even FactCheck points out (in a Harvard study) that there is no way for anybody to determine if medical bills were the exclusive cause for those bankruptcies. Part of the reason? Yes, but not the only reason.

They point to other factors such as loss of work (which any medical insurance is no part of) gambling problems, addiction problems such as drugs or alcohol, previous expenses such as credit card payments, car loan payments, mortgage or rent payments all of which do not get paid when you are not working.

So far, nobody has been able to point to a group of people that had to file for bankruptcy for medical bills alone. So this study (along with similar ones) are all misleading.
The big reason at least, they said. Ay caramba lol...
Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

I don't. My employer dropped it almost a month after Commie Care went into effect. Millions of others faced the same fate.

Really ? What kind of insurance coverage did u have ?

It wasn't great coverage but coverage nonetheless. When Commie Care went into play, my employer dropped our healthcare plan. The only way he could funnel money to us for our own coverage was a pay increase which we got. However, when you increase an employees pay, everything else increases too such as matching Medicare contributions, matching Social Security contributions, increase in unemployment insurance, increase in workman's compensation insurance, increase in our retirement plan contributions.

For my employer to break even, he had to deduct all those other increases from what he was paying for our coverage. We got the remainder which was only about half of what he was paying for our plan. Then, because it's a pay increase, we have to pay taxes on that money as well.

Bottom line: it didn't amount to all that much and certainly not nearly enough to buy our own plan unless we used our own money outside of what he gave us.

Could Commie Care have included the ability for employers to just give us a direct check for our own coverage? Yes they could of. But part of this diabolical plot was to have insurance money taxed first in our paychecks. Then government gets a cut of what was once your insurance money.
Well, it IS a GOP plan. All we could get thru. STILL better than the old shytte. What you describe happening happened all the time BEFORE.

So wth do you have NOW.? with those horrible prices?

I purchased medical coverage in desperation because I was diagnosed with a heart condition. However, they did not cover preexisting conditions so I might as well not have bought it. I thought all medical coverage had to cover preexisting conditions, but that was more lies from this administration.

And no, what happened after Commie Care did not happen before. That's because healthcare coverage benefit was almost a must for any employee to take a job. There were no reasonable alternatives.

Because of Commie Care, employers found that alternative. Because other employers dropped coverage too, or can in the future, it's no longer a necessity for employers to provide that benefit to get good employees. Should you decide to find a job with that coverage, you start at the bottom of the ladder once again and my find yourself in the exact same position you left if your new employer decides to drop coverage too.
Link? Ten of thousands is nothing, and most were too dumb to make sure their doctor was covered. That kind of crap started before ACA anyway. Hospital networks and insurers. A mere 23 times, all before the Booosh Meltdown even. Lie my ass..

Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare
And they got better plans, duh. And if they have a brain, keep their doctors. What a pile of Pubcrappe. Obama was right, and the Pub predictions every year ARE lies. They keep predicting skyrocketing rises, then the actual rise is 4% lol...if they allowed Medicaid, not even that.

They got nothing but very expensive crap, the costs are going up, out of pocket is going up and people are avoiding the doctor because the can't afford the deductibles. Good job regressivecrats.
People don't undertand how cheap tests and doctor visits are. TY, corporate coward media. So many stories of ACA successes. So many helpful facts...

I know how "cheap" doctors and tests are. The Clinic charges me $750.00 for one visit to my specialist. $350.00 to see my family doctor. Blood tests can range anywhere from $200.00 to $2,000 or more.

Colonoscopy is $3500. Doctors visit is over $200. Who can afford that. $7200 a year in premiums $1600 deductible then 80/20 from that point. So a doctors visit and a colonoscopy that I need this year will cost me $9240. And Franco thinks this is a good deal. Why because everyone else pays for his.
Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

Nope, no death panels, congress defunded them. Believe it or not the republicans have gotten rid of or watered down much of maobamacare and have more in their sights.

I'm treated through VA but costs are going up for my wife.

Oh so public funded health car is ok FOR YOU!

You bet your ass, I earned it with 26 years of my life and at great expense to my body. Why do you hate vets?

Why do you hate Americans who didnt have health care?

There were other ways to address the problem without destroying the best health care system in the world. But doing it another way wouldn't allow for the same control over the people, you regressivecrats don't like that.
I continue to stand with Ronald Reagan on this matter. Doesn't make a lick of sense, as he put it, that a bus driver should be paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes than millionaires and billionaires do.

It's not a matter of left and right; it's about right and wrongs and 16% is just wrong. We don't need tax increases as much as we simply need to close tax loopholes and recoup lost revenue.

As I pointed out in an earlier post, Hillary used 2013 numbers which were 16% instead of the 2014 numbers which was 27%.

That's besides the fact we are talking about income taxes here--not any other tax. Nearly half of American adults today pay no income tax at all. ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

I don't. My employer dropped it almost a month after Commie Care went into effect. Millions of others faced the same fate.

Really ? What kind of insurance coverage did u have ?

It wasn't great coverage but coverage nonetheless. When Commie Care went into play, my employer dropped our healthcare plan. The only way he could funnel money to us for our own coverage was a pay increase which we got. However, when you increase an employees pay, everything else increases too such as matching Medicare contributions, matching Social Security contributions, increase in unemployment insurance, increase in workman's compensation insurance, increase in our retirement plan contributions.

For my employer to break even, he had to deduct all those other increases from what he was paying for our coverage. We got the remainder which was only about half of what he was paying for our plan. Then, because it's a pay increase, we have to pay taxes on that money as well.

Bottom line: it didn't amount to all that much and certainly not nearly enough to buy our own plan unless we used our own money outside of what he gave us.

Could Commie Care have included the ability for employers to just give us a direct check for our own coverage? Yes they could of. But part of this diabolical plot was to have insurance money taxed first in our paychecks. Then government gets a cut of what was once your insurance money.
Well, it IS a GOP plan. All we could get thru. STILL better than the old shytte. What you describe happening happened all the time BEFORE.

So wth do you have NOW.? with those horrible prices?

I purchased medical coverage in desperation because I was diagnosed with a heart condition. However, they did not cover preexisting conditions so I might as well not have bought it. I thought all medical coverage had to cover preexisting conditions, but that was more lies from this administration.

And no, what happened after Commie Care did not happen before. That's because healthcare coverage benefit was almost a must for any employee to take a job. There were no reasonable alternatives.

Because of Commie Care, employers found that alternative. Because other employers dropped coverage too, or can in the future, it's no longer a necessity for employers to provide that benefit to get good employees. Should you decide to find a job with that coverage, you start at the bottom of the ladder once again and my find yourself in the exact same position you left if your new employer decides to drop coverage too.
It was going to hell under Boosh. Next time, get the O-Care and don't be duped.Good luck. When do small businesses have to get O-Care... At any rate, NOW you can get it with pre-existing. And without employer help.
Really ? What kind of insurance coverage did u have ?
So his employer is a Pub dupe/a-hole. Then Ray believed the shytte and god knows what he got...

You have no knowledge of how the health care works, you are a Medicare person. You have no clue what the working class is going through. Hell, you can't back have the BS you post.

Get a life nutter, all you have is hate and lies.
Ironic lol. Yup, the American Journal of Medicine are terrible lying a-holes. LOL. Nothing like those angels Rush, Sean, and Savage. LOL.
Hater dupe goes right to radio shows I never listen to. What an idiot you are.

Got anything else or just more BS and lies. When you step in real people shoes who are actually working and carry the country let me know. Otherwise you are an old life off the government asshole.
It's all the same crap, stupid.

Excuse me for retiring, hater dupe. lol

I don't care if you retire, but you no longer have a stake in the game, we are paying your health care.

You sit there and tell me what my reality is? Fuck you! You know nothing about what my health insurance costs. You claim I am greedy, yet I am paying for your health care and others. What do I get in return a health care program that I pay for that doesn't cover until I spend thousands$. It is worse than I had two years ago. I'm ready to dump it and pay the fines. ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

Nope, no death panels, congress defunded them. Believe it or not the republicans have gotten rid of or watered down much of maobamacare and have more in their sights.

I'm treated through VA but costs are going up for my wife.

Oh so public funded health car is ok FOR YOU!

You bet your ass, I earned it with 26 years of my life and at great expense to my body. Why do you hate vets?

Why do you hate Americans who didnt have health care?

There were other ways to address the problem without destroying the best health care system in the world. But doing it another way wouldn't allow for the same control over the people, you regressivecrats don't like that.
BS there were. And it's not destroyed at all, dupe. There are millions of great stories to prove it, wtf. Our media is a disgrace.
The problem with Republicans is they say Romney pays too much. And remember, we only saw his tax return for one fucking year. And you know he loaded that one up so it looks like he paid something approaching normal. Oh these ignorant Republicans. Screwing over themselves and not only loving it, but protecting it.

Romney had more deductions or investments? He did not make the rules? He did the same thing Pelosi Reid and all DemWits do. Rangel, Giehtner........they commit fraud but go free.

If Romney did anything wrong (year after year) I can assure you Lois/BHO would be all over it.
Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare
And they got better plans, duh. And if they have a brain, keep their doctors. What a pile of Pubcrappe. Obama was right, and the Pub predictions every year ARE lies. They keep predicting skyrocketing rises, then the actual rise is 4% lol...if they allowed Medicaid, not even that.

They got nothing but very expensive crap, the costs are going up, out of pocket is going up and people are avoiding the doctor because the can't afford the deductibles. Good job regressivecrats.
People don't undertand how cheap tests and doctor visits are. TY, corporate coward media. So many stories of ACA successes. So many helpful facts...

I know how "cheap" doctors and tests are. The Clinic charges me $750.00 for one visit to my specialist. $350.00 to see my family doctor. Blood tests can range anywhere from $200.00 to $2,000 or more.

Colonoscopy is $3500. Doctors visit is over $200. Who can afford that. $7200 a year in premiums $1600 deductible then 80/20 from that point. So a doctors visit and a colonoscopy that I need this year will cost me $9240. And Franco thinks this is a good deal. Why because everyone else pays for his.

Franco is retired military and the government pays for the majority of his.
Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some, Obamacare interrupts insurance for everyone, not just the Americans who purchase coverage directly in the individual market.

Losing Health Insurance Due to Obamacare
And they got better plans, duh. And if they have a brain, keep their doctors. What a pile of Pubcrappe. Obama was right, and the Pub predictions every year ARE lies. They keep predicting skyrocketing rises, then the actual rise is 4% lol...if they allowed Medicaid, not even that.

They got nothing but very expensive crap, the costs are going up, out of pocket is going up and people are avoiding the doctor because the can't afford the deductibles. Good job regressivecrats.
People don't undertand how cheap tests and doctor visits are. TY, corporate coward media. So many stories of ACA successes. So many helpful facts...

I know how "cheap" doctors and tests are. The Clinic charges me $750.00 for one visit to my specialist. $350.00 to see my family doctor. Blood tests can range anywhere from $200.00 to $2,000 or more.

Colonoscopy is $3500. Doctors visit is over $200. Who can afford that. $7200 a year in premiums $1600 deductible then 80/20 from that point. So a doctors visit and a colonoscopy that I need this year will cost me $9240. And Franco thinks this is a good deal. Why because everyone else pays for his.

You have that right.

I lost my coverage from my employer. One time when I brought the issue up to one of my tenants, she bragged about Commie Care because thanks to the program, she gained medical coverage.

My tenant is a pot smoker who works minimum wage fast food jobs because better paying jobs drug test. She pays the rent and drives older vehicles, but has better medical coverage than her landlord.

It goes right back down to the liberal philosophy: punish the responsible and reward the irresponsible. That's because responsible people are likely Republican voters and irresponsible people generally vote Democrat.
So his employer is a Pub dupe/a-hole. Then Ray believed the shytte and god knows what he got...

You have no knowledge of how the health care works, you are a Medicare person. You have no clue what the working class is going through. Hell, you can't back have the BS you post.

Get a life nutter, all you have is hate and lies.
Ironic lol. Yup, the American Journal of Medicine are terrible lying a-holes. LOL. Nothing like those angels Rush, Sean, and Savage. LOL.
Hater dupe goes right to radio shows I never listen to. What an idiot you are.

Got anything else or just more BS and lies. When you step in real people shoes who are actually working and carry the country let me know. Otherwise you are an old life off the government asshole.
It's all the same crap, stupid.

Excuse me for retiring, hater dupe. lol

I don't care if you retire, but you no longer have a stake in the game, we are paying your health care.

You sit there and tell me what my reality is? Fuck you! You know nothing about what my health insurance costs. You claim I am greedy, yet I am paying for your health care and others. What do I get in return a health care program that I pay for that doesn't cover until I spend thousands$. It is worse than I had two years ago. I'm ready to dump it and pay the fines.
I said you were short sighted and duped lol. You always WERE paying for everyone's care, but without preventive care, and forcing many onto Welfare to get Medicaid. No one said O-Care was perfect, but everyone can get it. The prices are high- that's what you get with a health system that costs THREE TIMES what the UK does. At least this will get better...not just worse and worse. ? Playa please!

For the last 5 years y'all have been screaming that obamacare will destroy the planet . Bunch of bullshit . Have the death panels come for you yet???

I still have my health plan? How about you ?

Nope, no death panels, congress defunded them. Believe it or not the republicans have gotten rid of or watered down much of maobamacare and have more in their sights.

I'm treated through VA but costs are going up for my wife.

Oh so public funded health car is ok FOR YOU!

You bet your ass, I earned it with 26 years of my life and at great expense to my body. Why do you hate vets?

Why do you hate Americans who didnt have health care?

There were other ways to address the problem without destroying the best health care system in the world. But doing it another way wouldn't allow for the same control over the people, you regressivecrats don't like that.

The main goal of Commie Care was to create more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Doing it any other way would not have made more people government dependent. That's why Democrats chose a way that would.
Nope, no death panels, congress defunded them. Believe it or not the republicans have gotten rid of or watered down much of maobamacare and have more in their sights.

I'm treated through VA but costs are going up for my wife.

Oh so public funded health car is ok FOR YOU!

You bet your ass, I earned it with 26 years of my life and at great expense to my body. Why do you hate vets?

Why do you hate Americans who didnt have health care?

There were other ways to address the problem without destroying the best health care system in the world. But doing it another way wouldn't allow for the same control over the people, you regressivecrats don't like that.
BS there were. And it's not destroyed at all, dupe. There are millions of great stories to prove it, wtf. Our media is a disgrace.

Yep, the ones that get it for nothing are very pleased, try asking someone that has to pay the full ride, the ones I've talked to hate it.
And they got better plans, duh. And if they have a brain, keep their doctors. What a pile of Pubcrappe. Obama was right, and the Pub predictions every year ARE lies. They keep predicting skyrocketing rises, then the actual rise is 4% lol...if they allowed Medicaid, not even that.

They got nothing but very expensive crap, the costs are going up, out of pocket is going up and people are avoiding the doctor because the can't afford the deductibles. Good job regressivecrats.
People don't undertand how cheap tests and doctor visits are. TY, corporate coward media. So many stories of ACA successes. So many helpful facts...

I know how "cheap" doctors and tests are. The Clinic charges me $750.00 for one visit to my specialist. $350.00 to see my family doctor. Blood tests can range anywhere from $200.00 to $2,000 or more.

Colonoscopy is $3500. Doctors visit is over $200. Who can afford that. $7200 a year in premiums $1600 deductible then 80/20 from that point. So a doctors visit and a colonoscopy that I need this year will cost me $9240. And Franco thinks this is a good deal. Why because everyone else pays for his.

Franco is retired military and the government pays for the majority of his.
Nope. I go on Medicare in 3 months.

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