The richest have a 16% effective tax rate- Clinton to go for the Buffett rule- 30%. TY Dems

Hey dumbass, did you think it would magically cut the costs? It will bend it down...

You pricks keep whining about "not being implemented".

You know why ?

Because they keep delaying it. They know what's going to happen.

So shit-for-brains.

Tell me why we are still at 18% ?
They had to delay it, as Pubs were fear mongering and sabotaging for all they're worth...

Had to delay it my ass.

They needed to avoid the bad press it is going to bring.

Or did you miss the wipe out of 2010.

They didn't need a repeat.

Lost the senate in 2014 anyway.

When the rest hits, you won't see democrats for a long time.
The GOP has depressed everyone so much only the scum and dupes show up for off years...


Talk about duped bullshit.
Lowest turnout ever!
You pricks keep whining about "not being implemented".

You know why ?

Because they keep delaying it. They know what's going to happen.

So shit-for-brains.

Tell me why we are still at 18% ?
They had to delay it, as Pubs were fear mongering and sabotaging for all they're worth...

Had to delay it my ass.

They needed to avoid the bad press it is going to bring.

Or did you miss the wipe out of 2010.

They didn't need a repeat.

Lost the senate in 2014 anyway.

When the rest hits, you won't see democrats for a long time.
Fear mongering and sabotage, like I said. Party first Pubs...

Countered with lying and bullshit.

Se ya.
Such as? lol. Ya got nuthin'. Night.

You can keep your doctor....period.

We'll save you 2500 a year.

Make sure your mother brushes your teeth before you climb in your crib.
You pricks keep whining about "not being implemented".

You know why ?

Because they keep delaying it. They know what's going to happen.

So shit-for-brains.

Tell me why we are still at 18% ?
They had to delay it, as Pubs were fear mongering and sabotaging for all they're worth...

Had to delay it my ass.

They needed to avoid the bad press it is going to bring.

Or did you miss the wipe out of 2010.

They didn't need a repeat.

Lost the senate in 2014 anyway.

When the rest hits, you won't see democrats for a long time.
The GOP has depressed everyone so much only the scum and dupes show up for off years...


Talk about duped bullshit.
Lowest turnout ever!

I guess the dead liked it that way.

Tough shit.
The rest of the world is also sick of the new bs gop. Didn't like Reagan either...
Doesn't mean it's not spot on.
I'm for keeping telephone records in case a warrant asks for some. CHENEY didn't NEED a warrant. Now THAT is a little nuts...

What the hell does that have to do with Stewart and whether he was spot on about fast and furious? Maybe you should back away from the bong or bottle or what ever you're on.
Well that's misinformed. The ATF head of AZ said the WH never knew about the gun running. INCOMPLETE.

And that has what to do with the WH stonewalling congress to prevent them form investigating. If the WH had no knowledge how was executive privilege invoked, it's suppose to protect advisors to the president, not his bureaucrats.
Issa had no reason to want to see anything. ANOTHER Hoax scandal, dupe.

Tell the family of the border patrol that was killed with one of those guns it was a hoax, you have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.
More people who can't utilize insurance than ever before.
What do you mean, can't utilize? Check into it. Nobody understands the damn thing...

It's too fucking expensive to use.

Damn, are you stupid.
Well, that was the way of the future BEFORE's too gd expensive.

And the ACA made it even more so.

You pricks have no idea of the bucket of shit you dumped on this country.
It WAS a scam. This just shows it HAD to be addressed. HUGE scam- 18% of the economy.

Yes, ACA is a big scam.
Doesn't mean it's not spot on.
I'm for keeping telephone records in case a warrant asks for some. CHENEY didn't NEED a warrant. Now THAT is a little nuts...

What the hell does that have to do with Stewart and whether he was spot on about fast and furious? Maybe you should back away from the bong or bottle or what ever you're on.
Well that's misinformed. The ATF head of AZ said the WH never knew about the gun running. INCOMPLETE.

And that has what to do with the WH stonewalling congress to prevent them form investigating. If the WH had no knowledge how was executive privilege invoked, it's suppose to protect advisors to the president, not his bureaucrats.
Issa had no reason to want to see anything. ANOTHER Hoax scandal, dupe.

The Obama administration had knowledge of the program in January of 2010. It started late 2009 and ran into 2011.

So another lie from Franco.
Clinton Says January Tax Proposals Will 'Go Beyond' Buffett Rule

Another unknown fact with the tidal wave of GOP BS propaganda from the nutjob big money right, and nothing from the cowardly corporate media...our media is bought off and pathetic.

Everyone is now paying 20-30% in all taxes and fees, killing the nonrich and demand for product, and leaving too little to re-invest in America. Shortsighted, idiotic, misinformed Reaganism marches on. see sig.

Trouble is Clinton is probably making that statement knowing she wont be able to get it through ( and probably wouldnt be trying to hard). Sanders however, if he would get elected, it would send a statement that that should be done. Congress would fall into line.
Another dishonest liberal hate the rich thread which ignores that the top 5% already pay the lions share of the taxes. Tell us libs you cowards how much of the taxes should the rich pay, 100%? What's a fair share that will get you to shut the hell up? Grow a pair and pick a number you gutless nancies.

The first response you'll get from a liberal is how much money the rich have as if that makes any difference.

Liberals live in this make believe world where we all live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. That's why when one has too much, others have too little.

Of course that's not reality. If it were, when I ask my employer for a raise, he would tell me that he''d love to give me one, but he can't because the rich have all the money. So far, that's never happened to me before and I don't know anybody where it has.

This bubble world is why liberals believe that if they take money from the rich, it will somehow end up in their pockets. They fail to explain the dynamics of their genius, but it's what they really believe.
BS. When 1% of the country get 99% of new wealth, the system is fecked, dupe. Dems want to tax the wealthy their fair share, invest in Americans, and cut taxes on the nonrich. It's not rocket science.

Fine what's their fair share? I say you don't have the guts to state it publically, is it that you are a coward or is there some other reason?
Another dishonest liberal hate the rich thread which ignores that the top 5% already pay the lions share of the taxes. Tell us libs you cowards how much of the taxes should the rich pay, 100%? What's a fair share that will get you to shut the hell up? Grow a pair and pick a number you gutless nancies.
They pay that much because they EARN that much after 30 years of unfair Reaganism, chump. If you count ALL taxes and fees, we basically ALREADY have a flat tax. GREAT for greedy idiot megarich, for the country, NOT.

Still waiting for you gutless sissies to tell us what their fair share is, I predict crickets from you clowns.
I'm for keeping telephone records in case a warrant asks for some. CHENEY didn't NEED a warrant. Now THAT is a little nuts...

What the hell does that have to do with Stewart and whether he was spot on about fast and furious? Maybe you should back away from the bong or bottle or what ever you're on.
Well that's misinformed. The ATF head of AZ said the WH never knew about the gun running. INCOMPLETE.

And that has what to do with the WH stonewalling congress to prevent them form investigating. If the WH had no knowledge how was executive privilege invoked, it's suppose to protect advisors to the president, not his bureaucrats.
Issa had no reason to want to see anything. ANOTHER Hoax scandal, dupe.

Tell the family of the border patrol that was killed with one of those guns it was a hoax, you have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.

I think we've established that.
I'm for keeping telephone records in case a warrant asks for some. CHENEY didn't NEED a warrant. Now THAT is a little nuts...

What the hell does that have to do with Stewart and whether he was spot on about fast and furious? Maybe you should back away from the bong or bottle or what ever you're on.
Well that's misinformed. The ATF head of AZ said the WH never knew about the gun running. INCOMPLETE.

And that has what to do with the WH stonewalling congress to prevent them form investigating. If the WH had no knowledge how was executive privilege invoked, it's suppose to protect advisors to the president, not his bureaucrats.
Issa had no reason to want to see anything. ANOTHER Hoax scandal, dupe.

Tell the family of the border patrol that was killed with one of those guns it was a hoax, you have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.
The WH knew nothing about the gun walking, hater dupe. Issa is a lying witch hunting irresponsible a-hole.
What the hell does that have to do with Stewart and whether he was spot on about fast and furious? Maybe you should back away from the bong or bottle or what ever you're on.
Well that's misinformed. The ATF head of AZ said the WH never knew about the gun running. INCOMPLETE.

And that has what to do with the WH stonewalling congress to prevent them form investigating. If the WH had no knowledge how was executive privilege invoked, it's suppose to protect advisors to the president, not his bureaucrats.
Issa had no reason to want to see anything. ANOTHER Hoax scandal, dupe.

Tell the family of the border patrol that was killed with one of those guns it was a hoax, you have to be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.
The WH knew nothing about the gun walking, hater dupe. Issa is a lying witch hunting irresponsible a-hole.

The Obama administration was told in January of 2010 dumb ass.
Another out of control Booosh agency. A catastrophe in every way...All the facts are out. Issa just trying to embarass Obama in a bs witch hunt.
It's too fucking expensive to use.

Damn, are you stupid.
Well, that was the way of the future BEFORE's too gd expensive.

And the ACA made it even more so.

You pricks have no idea of the bucket of shit you dumped on this country.
It WAS a scam. This just shows it HAD to be addressed. HUGE scam- 18% of the economy.

It's still 18% GDP of the shit-for-brains.

You can't think for yourself ?

OMG.....heaven help the U.S.A.
Hey dumbass, did you think it would magically cut the costs? It will bend it down...

And when it doesn't you're going to blame Reagan or the next Republican President.
Well, that was the way of the future BEFORE's too gd expensive.

And the ACA made it even more so.

You pricks have no idea of the bucket of shit you dumped on this country.
It WAS a scam. This just shows it HAD to be addressed. HUGE scam- 18% of the economy.

It's still 18% GDP of the shit-for-brains.

You can't think for yourself ?

OMG.....heaven help the U.S.A.
Hey dumbass, did you think it would magically cut the costs? It will bend it down...

And when it doesn't you're going to blame Reagan or the next Republican President.
It already is. So yes, when the Pubs try to screw it up by pandering to insurers and Big Health. I think Raygun is safe on this...

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