The richest have a 16% effective tax rate- Clinton to go for the Buffett rule- 30%. TY Dems

BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

The final straw.

You are no longer worth it.

You have been outed as an Obamacocksucker. Reading your horseshit is only good for a laugh.

He out and out blew it on this one and your asskissing little mind can't stand it.

Even John Steward hammered him on this.

There was never a reference to a junk plan until the admin got caught with their pants down.

Lying bastard.

Then Jon thought about it...
From your sig line: 750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!

How do you know this for a fact? In this day and age, a lot of households have 1 wage earner to support that household, quite a few have two wage earners. So tell me, what happens when it is the wage earner who gets sick? Even if their insurance pays their medical bills, they still owe for a mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, etc. Maybe its the lost wages that cause these bankrupcies and not the "crappie" health insurance.

We know that Canada has universal health care, but medical problems are the third leading cause of bankruptcy there. How can this be with universal coverage?

Bottom line, you said your sig line is a "proven fact"., its not. And I am not about to go thru the whole thing to disprove your other "proven facts" either.

Suffice it to say, all problems sound easy, until you research them a little.

They have all been proved, back in 2008. But we don't have a propaganda service to keep it all organized, or for that matter on the internet, Far from it...
Actually, I have proven that it is WRONG.

Sorry about that.

BS. 3/4 of bankruptcies before O-Care HAD insurance.
And? 100% of the Canadian bankruptcies due to medical costs had insurance as well.

Your point?

VERY few in Canada are due to medical. Ay caramba.
Umm. Medical concerns are the third highest cause of bankruptcies in Canada.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

The final straw.

You are no longer worth it.

You have been outed as an Obamacocksucker. Reading your horseshit is only good for a laugh.

He out and out blew it on this one and your asskissing little mind can't stand it.

Even John Steward hammered him on this.

There was never a reference to a junk plan until the admin got caught with their pants down.

Lying bastard.

Then Jon thought about it...

And you've got that one.....right ?
Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

The final straw.

You are no longer worth it.

You have been outed as an Obamacocksucker. Reading your horseshit is only good for a laugh.

He out and out blew it on this one and your asskissing little mind can't stand it.

Even John Steward hammered him on this.

There was never a reference to a junk plan until the admin got caught with their pants down.

Lying bastard.

Then Jon thought about it...

And then he nailed him on other stuff....

They have all been proved, back in 2008. But we don't have a propaganda service to keep it all organized, or for that matter on the internet, Far from it...
Actually, I have proven that it is WRONG.

Sorry about that.

BS. 3/4 of bankruptcies before O-Care HAD insurance.
And? 100% of the Canadian bankruptcies due to medical costs had insurance as well.

Your point?

VERY few in Canada are due to medical. Ay caramba.
Umm. Medical concerns are the third highest cause of bankruptcies in Canada.

They don't have many. They have good health care that costs about half ours...
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Yup, tell us again how you cannot keep your doctor and insurance is pure propaganda. Are you a lifetime subscriber to your dear leaders lies of the year?
He didn't realize how much Pub dupes loved their scam policies. He did say "if you like them", dupe. And since 5 years passed, it's a prediction that didn't happen in some cases, not a factual lie like your heroes major in. Politifact has to bend over backwards to find Dem lies.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: 2 years of control, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar:

The final straw.

You are no longer worth it.

You have been outed as an Obamacocksucker. Reading your horseshit is only good for a laugh.

He out and out blew it on this one and your asskissing little mind can't stand it.

Even John Steward hammered him on this.

There was never a reference to a junk plan until the admin got caught with their pants down.

Lying bastard.

Then Jon thought about it...

And then he nailed him on other stuff....

Now you're Berning again...
You have no knowledge of how the health care works, you are a Medicare person. You have no clue what the working class is going through. Hell, you can't back have the BS you post.

Get a life nutter, all you have is hate and lies.
Ironic lol. Yup, the American Journal of Medicine are terrible lying a-holes. LOL. Nothing like those angels Rush, Sean, and Savage. LOL.
Hater dupe goes right to radio shows I never listen to. What an idiot you are.

Got anything else or just more BS and lies. When you step in real people shoes who are actually working and carry the country let me know. Otherwise you are an old life off the government asshole.
It's all the same crap, stupid.

Excuse me for retiring, hater dupe. lol

I don't care if you retire, but you no longer have a stake in the game, we are paying your health care.

You sit there and tell me what my reality is? Fuck you! You know nothing about what my health insurance costs. You claim I am greedy, yet I am paying for your health care and others. What do I get in return a health care program that I pay for that doesn't cover until I spend thousands$. It is worse than I had two years ago. I'm ready to dump it and pay the fines.
I said you were short sighted and duped lol. You always WERE paying for everyone's care, but without preventive care, and forcing many onto Welfare to get Medicaid. No one said O-Care was perfect, but everyone can get it. The prices are high- that's what you get with a health system that costs THREE TIMES what the UK does. At least this will get better...not just worse and worse.

When is it getting better? When do we get the $2500 a year savings Obama promised? Why didn't I get to keep my old plan? Why did I have to change doctors?

Three years ago my costs were over half the cost.
BS tidal waves of horseshytte propaganda you mean, functional morons.

Case in point.

Got no information.

Sig is B.S.

And we get this ?
Sig is all proven fact. Any argument?

Already provided it.

Any counter ?
Where? lol

Read something asshole.

He is strictly knee jerk reponder, if you are looking anything more, it isn't going to happen.
They got nothing but very expensive crap, the costs are going up, out of pocket is going up and people are avoiding the doctor because the can't afford the deductibles. Good job regressivecrats.
People don't undertand how cheap tests and doctor visits are. TY, corporate coward media. So many stories of ACA successes. So many helpful facts...

I know how "cheap" doctors and tests are. The Clinic charges me $750.00 for one visit to my specialist. $350.00 to see my family doctor. Blood tests can range anywhere from $200.00 to $2,000 or more.

Colonoscopy is $3500. Doctors visit is over $200. Who can afford that. $7200 a year in premiums $1600 deductible then 80/20 from that point. So a doctors visit and a colonoscopy that I need this year will cost me $9240. And Franco thinks this is a good deal. Why because everyone else pays for his.

Franco is retired military and the government pays for the majority of his.
Nope. I go on Medicare in 3 months.

Earlier you said you were retired and on Medicare.
Ironic lol. Yup, the American Journal of Medicine are terrible lying a-holes. LOL. Nothing like those angels Rush, Sean, and Savage. LOL.
Hater dupe goes right to radio shows I never listen to. What an idiot you are.

Got anything else or just more BS and lies. When you step in real people shoes who are actually working and carry the country let me know. Otherwise you are an old life off the government asshole.
It's all the same crap, stupid.

Excuse me for retiring, hater dupe. lol

I don't care if you retire, but you no longer have a stake in the game, we are paying your health care.

You sit there and tell me what my reality is? Fuck you! You know nothing about what my health insurance costs. You claim I am greedy, yet I am paying for your health care and others. What do I get in return a health care program that I pay for that doesn't cover until I spend thousands$. It is worse than I had two years ago. I'm ready to dump it and pay the fines.
I said you were short sighted and duped lol. You always WERE paying for everyone's care, but without preventive care, and forcing many onto Welfare to get Medicaid. No one said O-Care was perfect, but everyone can get it. The prices are high- that's what you get with a health system that costs THREE TIMES what the UK does. At least this will get better...not just worse and worse.

When is it getting better? When do we get the $2500 a year savings Obama promised? Why didn't I get to keep my old plan? Why did I have to change doctors?

Three years ago my costs were over half the cost.
A few years after it's implemented and competition works...And NOW it's not a scam. Sorry, but our health system is a ridiculously overprice mess, it'll take time. Medicare is scary ay caramba.
Hater dupe goes right to radio shows I never listen to. What an idiot you are.

Got anything else or just more BS and lies. When you step in real people shoes who are actually working and carry the country let me know. Otherwise you are an old life off the government asshole.
It's all the same crap, stupid.

Excuse me for retiring, hater dupe. lol

I don't care if you retire, but you no longer have a stake in the game, we are paying your health care.

You sit there and tell me what my reality is? Fuck you! You know nothing about what my health insurance costs. You claim I am greedy, yet I am paying for your health care and others. What do I get in return a health care program that I pay for that doesn't cover until I spend thousands$. It is worse than I had two years ago. I'm ready to dump it and pay the fines.
I said you were short sighted and duped lol. You always WERE paying for everyone's care, but without preventive care, and forcing many onto Welfare to get Medicaid. No one said O-Care was perfect, but everyone can get it. The prices are high- that's what you get with a health system that costs THREE TIMES what the UK does. At least this will get better...not just worse and worse.

When is it getting better? When do we get the $2500 a year savings Obama promised? Why didn't I get to keep my old plan? Why did I have to change doctors?

Three years ago my costs were over half the cost.
A few years after it's implemented and competition works...And NOW it's not a scam. Sorry, but our health system is a ridiculously overprice mess, it'll take time. Medicare is scary ay caramba.

More people who can't utilize insurance than ever before.
Ironic lol. Yup, the American Journal of Medicine are terrible lying a-holes. LOL. Nothing like those angels Rush, Sean, and Savage. LOL.
Hater dupe goes right to radio shows I never listen to. What an idiot you are.

Got anything else or just more BS and lies. When you step in real people shoes who are actually working and carry the country let me know. Otherwise you are an old life off the government asshole.
It's all the same crap, stupid.

Excuse me for retiring, hater dupe. lol

I don't care if you retire, but you no longer have a stake in the game, we are paying your health care.

You sit there and tell me what my reality is? Fuck you! You know nothing about what my health insurance costs. You claim I am greedy, yet I am paying for your health care and others. What do I get in return a health care program that I pay for that doesn't cover until I spend thousands$. It is worse than I had two years ago. I'm ready to dump it and pay the fines.
I said you were short sighted and duped lol. You always WERE paying for everyone's care, but without preventive care, and forcing many onto Welfare to get Medicaid. No one said O-Care was perfect, but everyone can get it. The prices are high- that's what you get with a health system that costs THREE TIMES what the UK does. At least this will get better...not just worse and worse.

When is it getting better? When do we get the $2500 a year savings Obama promised? Why didn't I get to keep my old plan? Why did I have to change doctors?

Three years ago my costs were over half the cost.
You have to get the plan that covers your doctor. At least many didn't...This is the reality of how much our system costs. At least it's a system finally.

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