The richest have a 16% effective tax rate- Clinton to go for the Buffett rule- 30%. TY Dems

How did they manage to do that when Obama was elected? They controlled the House and the Senate. How did the GOP "block" Obama?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.

yes they worked on Obamacare for months WITH REPUBLICANS who added 162 amendments to Obamacare that got voted on and put in to Ocare.... then for political posturing ONLY they all voted against it, after all of their revisions to it....
Not my point. The contention was that the Dems "couldn't do anything" because of the GOP. Well, since they passed it without a single GOP vote, that belief is WRONG.
And that's the one thing they passed that way, dingbat. The point is that you dupes think they had control for 2 years...
Reagan had a Dem Congress all 8 years.
So about who is to take credit for Reaganomics.....
Go West Virginia lol.

It was in late 2009, and you don't raise taxes in middle of a Pub World Depression ANYWAY.

I guess nobody told FDR that. Thank you for admitting that his leftist economic policies created a ten year depression.
He kept people alive. Great job, GOP. Ay caramba. You think Hoover did better? he had 3 years...

People suspect you are a dick.

Quit posting or you'll remove all doubt.
I can't root for W. Va? Who's the dick lol? So you're for the Bern? LOL. What a contrarian I(as dicks are called lol)

Who said you can't root for W.V. ?

You were pushing FDR's bullcrap policies.

Some people don't talk about what they know.

Some people don't know what they talk about.

You are of the second class.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.
So, when you get owned, you go to your book of stupid-ass talking points......does that give you comfort ?

BTW: Which party ?

I don't belong to one.
WTF is wrong with you, party first dupe. Change the channel and return to planet earth. No infrastructure bank, no raise in min wage etc is just stupid.

I don't belong to a which one is first.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and live in the real world.

Government just said raising the min wage won't do anything.

We need real solutions which means putting in good leaders.

Except for Bernie Sanders....there are none.
Or any Dem. Have you heard of POLICY that's good for the country. Dem now and always. Pubs are snake oil salesmen.

Can you make any sense ?

Dems are just as crooked as the GOP.
Pub policy is thievery for the rich. POLICY. What Dem thievery? They vote against lobbyism and big money, nowhere NEAR the Pub crony thievery. Did you notice the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION? The S+L scandal? THE CORRUPT GREAT DEPRESSION? Grant? lol Harding? What Dem thievery?


Dems voted for the war. Diane Feinstein's husband got rich off of it.

Harry Ried makes tons on shady land deals.

The dems vote against lobbyism.......liar. Hillary loves lobbyists. Obama said he'd never have one and he hired tons.

The recession never bothered me. Nor my cousins in the south where they make cars and didn't have to be bailed out.

Demo thievery takes the form of food stamps and all the corporate giveaways as a result . People need help.....but that money is making it's way into the hands of the already rich.

HIllary and Bill get how much for speaking ?

Can you open your tiny little mind ?
200 filibusters. Only controlled for 13 DAYS in session, dupe.

And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.

yes they worked on Obamacare for months WITH REPUBLICANS who added 162 amendments to Obamacare that got voted on and put in to Ocare.... then for political posturing ONLY they all voted against it, after all of their revisions to it....
Not my point. The contention was that the Dems "couldn't do anything" because of the GOP. Well, since they passed it without a single GOP vote, that belief is WRONG.
And that's the one thing they passed that way, dingbat. The point is that you dupes think they had control for 2 years...
Reagan had a Dem Congress all 8 years.
So about who is to take credit for Reaganomics.....
Dems cooperated. Remember that. Like now, dupe.
Go West Virginia lol.

I guess nobody told FDR that. Thank you for admitting that his leftist economic policies created a ten year depression.
He kept people alive. Great job, GOP. Ay caramba. You think Hoover did better? he had 3 years...

People suspect you are a dick.

Quit posting or you'll remove all doubt.
I can't root for W. Va? Who's the dick lol? So you're for the Bern? LOL. What a contrarian I(as dicks are called lol)

Who said you can't root for W.V. ?

You were pushing FDR's bullcrap policies.

Some people don't talk about what they know.

Some people don't know what they talk about.

You are of the second class.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.

He would have tried to pack the SCOTUS ?

He would have given away Eastern Europe ?

Don't think so.

Bernie is a good man.
So, when you get owned, you go to your book of stupid-ass talking points......does that give you comfort ?

BTW: Which party ?

I don't belong to one.
WTF is wrong with you, party first dupe. Change the channel and return to planet earth. No infrastructure bank, no raise in min wage etc is just stupid.

I don't belong to a which one is first.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and live in the real world.

Government just said raising the min wage won't do anything.

We need real solutions which means putting in good leaders.

Except for Bernie Sanders....there are none.
bernie sanders is not a good leader. He is suggesting billions of dollars a year in new spending with no way to pay for it.

He'll never get them.

We can't afford them.

Sanders raises issues and has people's interest at heart.

He's a great leader.

The rest are all about themselves.

Anyone who think Hillary cares about anyone but Hillary is a fool.

She's an incredible liar.
BS, dupe. Such as? Doesn't hold up.

Only for you far left head up your ass types.
WTF is wrong with you, party first dupe. Change the channel and return to planet earth. No infrastructure bank, no raise in min wage etc is just stupid.

I don't belong to a which one is first.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and live in the real world.

Government just said raising the min wage won't do anything.

We need real solutions which means putting in good leaders.

Except for Bernie Sanders....there are none.
Or any Dem. Have you heard of POLICY that's good for the country. Dem now and always. Pubs are snake oil salesmen.

Can you make any sense ?

Dems are just as crooked as the GOP.
Pub policy is thievery for the rich. POLICY. What Dem thievery? They vote against lobbyism and big money, nowhere NEAR the Pub crony thievery. Did you notice the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION? The S+L scandal? THE CORRUPT GREAT DEPRESSION? Grant? lol Harding? What Dem thievery?


Dems voted for the war. Diane Feinstein's husband got rich off of it.

Harry Ried makes tons on shady land deals.

The dems vote against lobbyism.......liar. Hillary loves lobbyists. Obama said he'd never have one and he hired tons.

The recession never bothered me. Nor my cousins in the south where they make cars and didn't have to be bailed out.

Demo thievery takes the form of food stamps and all the corporate giveaways as a result . People need help.....but that money is making it's way into the hands of the already rich.

HIllary and Bill get how much for speaking ?

Can you open your tiny little mind ?
Reid bought land in NEVADA. No thievery. Getting assistance for Pub victims is thievery? LOL. Obama did nothing new to get all those on welfare. It's still the corrupt GOP DEPRESSION. STILL costs 300 billion a year, always most of his deficits. Vote Dem please. POLICY.
She is not the politician Bill is, but might be good. Her POLICIES are good and more plausible than Bernie's. MAYBE!.

Her only policy is that she is god and above reproach.

She loves how lemmings like you will kiss her ass regardless of what a corrupt witch she is.
Go West Virginia lol.

He kept people alive. Great job, GOP. Ay caramba. You think Hoover did better? he had 3 years...

People suspect you are a dick.

Quit posting or you'll remove all doubt.
I can't root for W. Va? Who's the dick lol? So you're for the Bern? LOL. What a contrarian I(as dicks are called lol)

Who said you can't root for W.V. ?

You were pushing FDR's bullcrap policies.

Some people don't talk about what they know.

Some people don't know what they talk about.

You are of the second class.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.

He would have tried to pack the SCOTUS ?

He would have given away Eastern Europe ?

Don't think so.

Bernie is a good man.
Packing SCOTUS was a mistake HE recognized. Russia wasn't going without Eastern Europe. That's ridiculous. And I do have a masters in history. Russsia won the damn war against Germany. At least 80% of the Nazi war effort was always against Russia fcs.
I don't belong to a which one is first.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and live in the real world.

Government just said raising the min wage won't do anything.

We need real solutions which means putting in good leaders.

Except for Bernie Sanders....there are none.
Or any Dem. Have you heard of POLICY that's good for the country. Dem now and always. Pubs are snake oil salesmen.

Can you make any sense ?

Dems are just as crooked as the GOP.
Pub policy is thievery for the rich. POLICY. What Dem thievery? They vote against lobbyism and big money, nowhere NEAR the Pub crony thievery. Did you notice the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION? The S+L scandal? THE CORRUPT GREAT DEPRESSION? Grant? lol Harding? What Dem thievery?


Dems voted for the war. Diane Feinstein's husband got rich off of it.

Harry Ried makes tons on shady land deals.

The dems vote against lobbyism.......liar. Hillary loves lobbyists. Obama said he'd never have one and he hired tons.

The recession never bothered me. Nor my cousins in the south where they make cars and didn't have to be bailed out.

Demo thievery takes the form of food stamps and all the corporate giveaways as a result . People need help.....but that money is making it's way into the hands of the already rich.

HIllary and Bill get how much for speaking ?

Can you open your tiny little mind ?
Reid bought land in NEVADA. No thievery. Getting assistance for Pub victims is thievery? LOL. Obama did nothing new to get all those on welfare. It's still the corrupt GOP DEPRESSION. STILL costs 300 billion a year, always most of his deficits. Vote Dem please. POLICY.

Wake up dickhead. ......Reid is crooked. Everyone knows he made a bunch of money on a phony land deal.


Pull your far left brain and head out of your ass.

The left has stumped for food stamps for a long time unaware that corporate america loves them (they've tried like crazy to create a prefered redemtion list). It's all corporate cronyism.

The DEMS has just as much a hand in the recession as the GOP. Nobody is watching the store. Clinton certainly wasn't there.

300 billion a year. You know nothing about our country.

Dup moron.
She is not the politician Bill is, but might be good. Her POLICIES are good and more plausible than Bernie's. MAYBE!.

Her only policy is that she is god and above reproach.

She loves how lemmings like you will kiss her ass regardless of what a corrupt witch she is.
What corruption, dupe? I'd prefer Sanders really but STILL so much better than the corrupt, lying, cheating, bought off GOP it's ridiculous.
People suspect you are a dick.

Quit posting or you'll remove all doubt.
I can't root for W. Va? Who's the dick lol? So you're for the Bern? LOL. What a contrarian I(as dicks are called lol)

Who said you can't root for W.V. ?

You were pushing FDR's bullcrap policies.

Some people don't talk about what they know.

Some people don't know what they talk about.

You are of the second class.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.

He would have tried to pack the SCOTUS ?

He would have given away Eastern Europe ?

Don't think so.

Bernie is a good man.
Packing SCOTUS was a mistake HE recognized. Russia wasn't going without Eastern Europe. That's ridiculous. And I do have a masters in history. Russsia won the damn war against Germany. At least 80% of the Nazi war effort was always against Russia fcs.

He didn't recognize anything. His own party fought him on it and many think it killed his power trip.

Yes the Russians got tore up fighting the Germans. They had little left to fight with.....FDR knew the bomb was coming. He was to much of a pussy to do anything.

You have a degree ?

Make me laugh.
Or any Dem. Have you heard of POLICY that's good for the country. Dem now and always. Pubs are snake oil salesmen.

Can you make any sense ?

Dems are just as crooked as the GOP.
Pub policy is thievery for the rich. POLICY. What Dem thievery? They vote against lobbyism and big money, nowhere NEAR the Pub crony thievery. Did you notice the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION? The S+L scandal? THE CORRUPT GREAT DEPRESSION? Grant? lol Harding? What Dem thievery?


Dems voted for the war. Diane Feinstein's husband got rich off of it.

Harry Ried makes tons on shady land deals.

The dems vote against lobbyism.......liar. Hillary loves lobbyists. Obama said he'd never have one and he hired tons.

The recession never bothered me. Nor my cousins in the south where they make cars and didn't have to be bailed out.

Demo thievery takes the form of food stamps and all the corporate giveaways as a result . People need help.....but that money is making it's way into the hands of the already rich.

HIllary and Bill get how much for speaking ?

Can you open your tiny little mind ?
Reid bought land in NEVADA. No thievery. Getting assistance for Pub victims is thievery? LOL. Obama did nothing new to get all those on welfare. It's still the corrupt GOP DEPRESSION. STILL costs 300 billion a year, always most of his deficits. Vote Dem please. POLICY.

Wake up dickhead. ......Reid is crooked. Everyone knows he made a bunch of money on a phony land deal.


Pull your far left brain and head out of your ass.

The left has stumped for food stamps for a long time unaware that corporate america loves them (they've tried like crazy to create a prefered redemtion list). It's all corporate cronyism.

The DEMS has just as much a hand in the recession as the GOP. Nobody is watching the store. Clinton certainly wasn't there.

300 billion a year. You know nothing about our country.

Dup moron.
Used to be 800 billion. Jeebus Unemployment benefits went on forever, as they do with 9-10% UE. The DEPRESSION happened under corrupt GOP crony regulators. Their deal, dupe.
She is not the politician Bill is, but might be good. Her POLICIES are good and more plausible than Bernie's. MAYBE!.

Her only policy is that she is god and above reproach.

She loves how lemmings like you will kiss her ass regardless of what a corrupt witch she is.
What corruption, dupe? I'd prefer Sanders really but STILL so much better than the corrupt, lying, cheating, bought off GOP it's ridiculous.

Hillary is no better than the right.

They all suck.

What corruption.....?

Are you freaking dumb deaf and blind...or just stupid ?
And yet, they could work on Obamacare for months and STILL pass that without a single GOP vote. Face it, they DIDN'T WANT TO.

yes they worked on Obamacare for months WITH REPUBLICANS who added 162 amendments to Obamacare that got voted on and put in to Ocare.... then for political posturing ONLY they all voted against it, after all of their revisions to it....
Not my point. The contention was that the Dems "couldn't do anything" because of the GOP. Well, since they passed it without a single GOP vote, that belief is WRONG.
And that's the one thing they passed that way, dingbat. The point is that you dupes think they had control for 2 years...
Reagan had a Dem Congress all 8 years.
So about who is to take credit for Reaganomics.....
Dems cooperated. Remember that. Like now, dupe.
Yeah, President Selfie is a role model of cooperation.
Said no one ever.
I can't root for W. Va? Who's the dick lol? So you're for the Bern? LOL. What a contrarian I(as dicks are called lol)

Who said you can't root for W.V. ?

You were pushing FDR's bullcrap policies.

Some people don't talk about what they know.

Some people don't know what they talk about.

You are of the second class.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.

He would have tried to pack the SCOTUS ?

He would have given away Eastern Europe ?

Don't think so.

Bernie is a good man.
Packing SCOTUS was a mistake HE recognized. Russia wasn't going without Eastern Europe. That's ridiculous. And I do have a masters in history. Russsia won the damn war against Germany. At least 80% of the Nazi war effort was always against Russia fcs.

He didn't recognize anything. His own party fought him on it and many think it killed his power trip.

Yes the Russians got tore up fighting the Germans. They had little left to fight with.....FDR knew the bomb was coming. He was to much of a pussy to do anything.

You have a degree ?

Make me laugh.
The Russian had five times as many forces as the allies. Ridiculous. Insane. Pattonesque lol...
Can you make any sense ?

Dems are just as crooked as the GOP.
Pub policy is thievery for the rich. POLICY. What Dem thievery? They vote against lobbyism and big money, nowhere NEAR the Pub crony thievery. Did you notice the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION? The S+L scandal? THE CORRUPT GREAT DEPRESSION? Grant? lol Harding? What Dem thievery?


Dems voted for the war. Diane Feinstein's husband got rich off of it.

Harry Ried makes tons on shady land deals.

The dems vote against lobbyism.......liar. Hillary loves lobbyists. Obama said he'd never have one and he hired tons.

The recession never bothered me. Nor my cousins in the south where they make cars and didn't have to be bailed out.

Demo thievery takes the form of food stamps and all the corporate giveaways as a result . People need help.....but that money is making it's way into the hands of the already rich.

HIllary and Bill get how much for speaking ?

Can you open your tiny little mind ?
Reid bought land in NEVADA. No thievery. Getting assistance for Pub victims is thievery? LOL. Obama did nothing new to get all those on welfare. It's still the corrupt GOP DEPRESSION. STILL costs 300 billion a year, always most of his deficits. Vote Dem please. POLICY.

Wake up dickhead. ......Reid is crooked. Everyone knows he made a bunch of money on a phony land deal.


Pull your far left brain and head out of your ass.

The left has stumped for food stamps for a long time unaware that corporate america loves them (they've tried like crazy to create a prefered redemtion list). It's all corporate cronyism.

The DEMS has just as much a hand in the recession as the GOP. Nobody is watching the store. Clinton certainly wasn't there.

300 billion a year. You know nothing about our country.

Dup moron.
Used to be 800 billion. Jeebus Unemployment benefits went on forever, as they do with 9-10% UE. The DEPRESSION happened under corrupt GOP crony regulators. Their deal, dupe.

You have no idea how our country works.

Obama took over a mess. It had been bulidling for years. The GOP sucked and the DEMS were sucking just as bad.

S&L scandal was not a was a crisis.

History degree ? Make me laugh.

You are the reason this country sucks.

Who said you can't root for W.V. ?

You were pushing FDR's bullcrap policies.

Some people don't talk about what they know.

Some people don't know what they talk about.

You are of the second class.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.

He would have tried to pack the SCOTUS ?

He would have given away Eastern Europe ?

Don't think so.

Bernie is a good man.
Packing SCOTUS was a mistake HE recognized. Russia wasn't going without Eastern Europe. That's ridiculous. And I do have a masters in history. Russsia won the damn war against Germany. At least 80% of the Nazi war effort was always against Russia fcs.

He didn't recognize anything. His own party fought him on it and many think it killed his power trip.

Yes the Russians got tore up fighting the Germans. They had little left to fight with.....FDR knew the bomb was coming. He was to much of a pussy to do anything.

You have a degree ?

Make me laugh.
The Russian had five times as many forces as the allies. Ridiculous. Insane. Pattonesque lol...

They had limited resupply.

The US could have kicked their asses in the air. Not an issue.

Degree ?/ From what...Cracker JaX ?
She is not the politician Bill is, but might be good. Her POLICIES are good and more plausible than Bernie's. MAYBE!.

Her only policy is that she is god and above reproach.

She loves how lemmings like you will kiss her ass regardless of what a corrupt witch she is.
What corruption, dupe? I'd prefer Sanders really but STILL so much better than the corrupt, lying, cheating, bought off GOP it's ridiculous.

Hillary is no better than the right.

They all suck.

What corruption.....?

Are you freaking dumb deaf and blind...or just stupid ?
INNOCENT. You believe any anti politician gossip lol. HER POLICY would be just fine. The rest is RW infotainment/propaganda.
Bernie would have done the same as FDR.The world was feqqed. Thanks, GOP.

He would have tried to pack the SCOTUS ?

He would have given away Eastern Europe ?

Don't think so.

Bernie is a good man.
Packing SCOTUS was a mistake HE recognized. Russia wasn't going without Eastern Europe. That's ridiculous. And I do have a masters in history. Russsia won the damn war against Germany. At least 80% of the Nazi war effort was always against Russia fcs.

He didn't recognize anything. His own party fought him on it and many think it killed his power trip.

Yes the Russians got tore up fighting the Germans. They had little left to fight with.....FDR knew the bomb was coming. He was to much of a pussy to do anything.

You have a degree ?

Make me laugh.
The Russian had five times as many forces as the allies. Ridiculous. Insane. Pattonesque lol...

They had limited resupply.

The US could have kicked their asses in the air. Not an issue.

Degree ?/ From what...Cracker JaX ?
You don't attack your ally who won the war lol. Militaristic fantasy.

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