The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

bwaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa! once again i have easily and effortlessly destroyed an idiotic leftwing wimp in the arena of debate ! :piss2:playtime


i see that suit of delusion fits you like a glove. good for you!

how many people got punched out ?

one is too many - so much for that freedom of speech thingy .... right?

but the dems carried through and bailed out people that looted assaulted and committed arson .

blah blah fucking blah..... yer chosen one pardoned steve bannon , pauly walnuts, roger stone, mike flynn ... & promised ( LIED ) to pardon his flying monkeys that smashed their way into the capital - assaulting cops, vandalized colonial artifacts, & literally threw their shit against the walls.
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And Katie Hill is a pervert? For having sex. I heard Republicans don't.

i know - i didn't even go there because ... well ... if they have a (D) after their name ...

i'm surprised that al franken's name wasn't brought up, for a stupid comedic pic - yet not a word about matt gaetz; let alone an expulsion.
You leftists sure do hate it when women don't repeat the opinions leftists insist they should have.


Liz Cheney removed from House GOP leadership

Liz Cheney removed from House GOP leadership

Wyoming GOP votes to stop recognizing Liz Cheney as a Republican

The 31-29 vote by the state party central committee was the group's second official rebuke of Cheney over her criticism of former President Donald Trump.
Wyoming GOP votes to stop recognizing Liz Cheney as a Republican

... what?
@Chillicothe. No Trump supporter beat a policeman or anyone else for that matter.


Police union says 140 officers injured in Capitol riot

At least 17 police officers remain out of work with injuries from the Capitol attack​

UPDATED ON: JUNE 4, 2021 / 7:04 PM / CBS NEWS
At least 17 police officers remain out of work with injuries from the Capitol attack
Asked nobody. Ever. And here’s why, Crapitus:

it’s because your history of vapid posts establish your opinion as something completely lacking in value. You are a massive void. You imagine yourself as being intelligent.

Speaking of laughter. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Asked nobody"?

You know it's a dead giveaway when you get well known American idioms wrong.
Meh, I just finished Michael Cohen's book. He said there was not collusion per se, but Trump was certainly friendly with Russian nationals. Doesn't look like it was at a political level though.

HA!! Re Hillary and Obama. You funny Angel.

Donald Trump Returns

I was in Moscow not so long ago for an event that we had, a big event, and many of his people were there. It was the Miss Universe contest, which I actually sold, which worked out incredibly well for me. I sold it last week, the Miss Universe pageant. And two weeks ago, it was a tremendous, we made a tremendous deal on it. And two weeks ago, I was in Moscow, I mean, two years ago, I was in Moscow. And a lot of the people, Hugh, they were there, and they had an amazing time. And they’re terrific people. You know, I was getting along with them so great. I really loved my weekend, I called it my weekend in Moscow. But I was with the top level people, both oligarchs and generals, and top of the government people. I can’t go further than that, but I will tell you that I met the top people, and the relationship was extraordinary.

Donald Trump Returns - The Hugh Hewitt Show
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Trump got 75 million votes last year. That didn't happen in a vacuum. It happened as a result of the conditions your party created. Enjoy the Karma, or choke on it, as you please.

& biden got 8,000,000 votes last year. THAT didn't happen in a
vacuum . it happened as a result of the conditions your party created. enjoy the karma, or choke on it, as you please.

Senator Joe McCarthy would be lionized in the current Republican Party….
Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling. Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better? How about showing America who the adults are in the room?

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves. They threw every ridiculous sophomoric antic they could at him and instead of responding in kind he just stood back and smiled and let them rant and rave. It worked because he was convincingly reelected. Republicans are heading into what appears to be an election cycle largely in their favor, but people like Boebert and MTG and candidates who may emulate their behavior could only hinder their gains, not help them. Biden was elected to allegedly put an "adult" back in the White House. How about the Republicans bring adults back to Congress? Instead all we have are a Congress full of overgrown children seeing who can outdo each other with reality show style entertainment and shock value. This is not the leadership we need in America.

trump supporters love it when their elected officials tear into the Democrats.

It's doesn't matter if they're right or not.

trumpers eat that shit up.

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