The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

I think Boebert, and to a lesser degree Green, are much needed voices in the mostly spineless
republican party. Why are we supposed to shun them again?

Because the democrats don't like them? :icon_rolleyes:
"Why are we supposed to shun them again?"

Nobody is telling you, good poster Eric, to shun 'em.
Especially Marjorie Greene.
She knows stuff.
Like Space Laser stuff.

And that can have military applications, national defense implications, beach campfire assistance.

We need to get her back on a Congressional Committee.
Forestry --- might be a good one.
Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling. Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better? How about showing America who the adults are in the room?

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves. They threw every ridiculous sophomoric antic they could at him and instead of responding in kind he just stood back and smiled and let them rant and rave. It worked because he was convincingly reelected. Republicans are heading into what appears to be an election cycle largely in their favor, but people like Boebert and MTG and candidates who may emulate their behavior could only hinder their gains, not help them. Biden was elected to allegedly put an "adult" back in the White House. How about the Republicans bring adults back to Congress? Instead all we have are a Congress full of overgrown children seeing who can outdo each other with reality show style entertainment and shock value. This is not the leadership we need in America.
They're at the heart of the party now. I think the Dems have been making a mistake in not seeing that. What's the point of demanding insincere apologies and empty censures when they speak for the heart of the party?

It is what it is. They are who they are.
A fair statement I guess. In this Era apologies get you what?

EVERYONE says or does stupid shit that's ultimately inconsequential. Look at their voting records and pick that apart. Enough of this virtue cancel culture shit.
Boebert and MTG are an extension of Trump himself - the living, breathing expression of the rage, frustration, bigotry and paranoia that have been building on the Right for decades.
They stand for the same things that Trump does. That will win them loyal support from Republican voters.
"They stand for the same things that Trump does."

Ummm, you may wann re-think that one good poster partiv.


  • Jewish Space Lasers.
  • The U.S. did the 9/11 attacks.
  • The Las Vegas Mirage shooting was 'staged'.

Oh hell, the list is a long one.
Classic nutso-crazo loonery.
Trump got 75 million votes last year. That didn't happen in a vacuum. It happened as a result of the conditions your party created. Enjoy the Karma, or choke on it, as you please.
While I don't belong to party, I agree in many ways, and I've pointed that out many times. Trump is largely a reaction, a pushback, to many things the Left has done, particularly in the areas of Political Correctness, Culture and Identity Politics. The Left, after all this time, still refuses to acknowledge that. I have referred to people who push that stuff as the "Regressive Left", maybe a couple of thousand times here. In fact, I warned about pushback long before Trump came down the escalator. You can check the Search engine for proof of that.

See, I'm not like you and your comrades here. I'm not stuck in an ideology for which I have to attack, spin, deny, bullshit, deflect or lie. Or hope that people choke.
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While I don't belong to party, I agree in many ways, and I've pointed that out many times. Trump is largely a reaction, a pushback, to many things the Left has done, particularly in the areas of Political Correctness, Culture and Identity Politics. The Left, after all this time, still refuses to acknowledge that. I have referred to people who push that stuff as the "Regressive Left", maybe a couple of thousand times here. In fact, I warned about pushback long before Trump came down the escalator. You can check the Search engine for proof of that.

See, I'm not like you and your comrades here. I'm not stuck in an ideology for which I have to spin, deny, bullshit, deflect or lie.
Trump is not that. Trump's personality was made an issue with vicious lies added since near his election. His agendas were mostly backed by most of the politicians over the years. They were good for the nation and helped to bring real prosperity back and if the Prog controlled media shills backed off would have calmed us down a bit. Instead we are now just like other nations in the world and at some point we will have wars on our territory and in the rest of the Western Hemisphere which may cause us to use NBC warfare to make it worse. The B part is already been used on the world.
A fair statement I guess. In this Era apologies get you what?

EVERYONE says or does stupid shit that's ultimately inconsequential. Look at their voting records and pick that apart. Enough of this virtue cancel culture shit.
Which member of The Squad said of Trump, "We're gonna impeach the motherfucker!"

Pretty goddamn ugly, and beneath the shred of dignity that remains in Congress. But I don't expect an empty apology. She said it, that's her, that's where we are. Now we know.
Tell ya what, I will consider denouncing those two when the left starts denouncing the idiot racist squad members!!!!

Boebert or Greene have done nothing like those politicians on either side. They appeal to Americans and some Americans are rough around the edges. But they know what America is and they care. Freedom scares you because you just can't handle it.

lol ... they are low life, classless performance artists & nothing more. the only 'america' they know & cater to - are the fringy nutbags who are Qanon / racist assholes
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