The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

The left is already violent.
And so is the right. So are the libertarians. Oh, and the qanoners, and extreme people from all over. You want more violence. Good for you. Personally, I find that to be immoral and stupid.

But this is your way of justifying some sort of future conflation of any leftist with any other. Which is shallow and specious.
And so is the right. You want more violence. Good for you. Personally, I find that to be immoral and stupid.

No it isn't. Sane people don't support violence as a first resort, but leftists do.

Do we loot and burn cities when a verdict doesn't go our way? No.

Do we call for violence against people who offend us? No.

The sane leftists (if you can call them that) seem to make excuses for the violence done in the name of their values.

We on the right condemn acts of violence done in the name of our cause swiftly but do nothing in the face of our opponents who readily employ those tactics.

Condemn the leftists, then, or let us fight back in the same manner.

And spare me the lecture.
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But this is your way of justifying some sort of future conflation of any leftist with any other. Which is shallow and specious.

In a battle, rhetorical or actual, the docile, passive side always loses. Always.

What are you expecting us to do?

Not fighting back is naive.

It's time to flatten the high ground and contend on equal terms.
Also quite funny since they were based on reality

I’m past the point of caring whether libs are offended or not

Pound sand
It IS kind of breathtaking when someone has the audacity to call out MTG and Boebert while finding no fault with the Jew haters, Omar, AOC, Tlaib, and the bald one, (can't remember her name). BTW, not trying to make fun of her alopecia, just communicating the one I'm speaking of. These four are virulent, unapologetic racists who have no issues with any number of dead Israelis.
both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling.
The squad's offenses are radical talk of trying to make us all Socialists and worse, at the expense of many in this country. She wants a transfer of power. MTG's talk is of not letting them accomplish it. This is a race. The goal is to cross the finish line. To even win. I don't care if my car isn't shiny or has a few dents in it, I just want the car that is going to GET THE JOB DONE. I'll take MTG. She's concerned with RESULTS, not decorum. She doesn't have her head up her ass and she doesn't wear a fake plastic suit for the TV cameras. I'd sleep better having her as my neighbor watching over my house than Omar or AOC.


Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better?
Sounds like a good place to start would be for the DEMOCRATS to stop embracing the lunacy of the squad and start flat out rejecting it! And that is just what is going to happen starting next year. Why are the GOP always the ones who need to give concessions when they are not committing the offenses! Stop gaslighting us.

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves.
The Media WALKED all over that idiot and he took it. That wasn't adult, it was plain STUPID. It set the pattern for today, only now, the attacks from the Left are even more ugly, contemptible, and ambitious. GW set the pattern for exactly what is wrong with the GOP--- Turtle-Politics.

If you think the GOP being nice and "reaching across the aisle" again is going to make Nancy's Democrats reach too, act nice and adult all of a sudden, get along and concede too, you are beyond naive. The Left have crossed a line, they drew a line in the sand long ago taking no prisoners announcing a mission of stealing America from Americans and globalizing it as part of the European Hegemony of Globalist-Socialist Elite Conglomerates, with George Soros leading the way, much of America has ALREADY been sold out by greedy and power hungry politicians to foreign interests and now it is only a matter of survival and saving this country, in some form recognizable as America.

We see the vision democrats have for us:
  • High cost of living.
  • Limited resources.
  • Very Big Government into, well, everything.
  • Loss of individual rights and freedom.
  • High crime in every city.
We see it all before us right now, and the Bidenistas aren't even making excuses! They see no problem with how thing are going now and trending into the future. And the GOP-Turtles are just along for the ride as usual.

Much will be decided next year. I hope Virginia was but a shadow of things to come.
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To your claim that leftists believe in "violence first"?

What would be the proper response to such a stupid and childish claim, besides "Nuh-uh."?

There, rebutted. Nuh-uh. And, just to really destroy you: neener neener
I'll ask you one simple question:

How much are you willing to bear before you lash out and say you've had enough?
You do not have infinite self restraint. Nobody does.
Don't have to. I'm just nowhere close to buying into these civil war fantasies. If you attack me because I am a leftist, then I will cross that bridge at that place in time. I don't see that happening, and I have little else to fear.
And so is the right. So are the libertarians. Oh, and the qanoners, and extreme people from all over. You want more violence. Good for you. Personally, I find that to be immoral and stupid.

But this is your way of justifying some sort of future conflation of any leftist with any other. Which is shallow and specious.
Yet you do nothing to condemn the leftists. Why are we always the ones under scrutiny?

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