The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

He means "adults" like this....

But keep in mind, you are the hyperventilating cultist that calls tearing a paper "childish", then cheers on that mannequin-with-a-mouth Boebert for making jokes about her Muslim colleagues being terrorists.
Don't like snitches.
Telling someone they can get banned for calling someone a pedophile is NOT equal to reporting the nasty little leftist.

Show me where I said I reported the nasty little leftist.

You nasty little leftists ALWAYS need to make shit up

And, BTW, I'm not bullyable with the ghetto "snitches" crap. It only encourages me to "snitch" ghetto trash
It's worse than that.

These are the same limber-dicked stuffed shirts who've been telling republicans to not fight back and be "above it all" for the last three or four decades.
This is why they HATE Kyle Rittenhouse.
He showed everyone that we don't have to let leftist terrorists threaten us into scilence. They are scared to death that we've had enough and are beginning to fight back
You clowns are still pushing that nonsense even after it has been thoroughly debunked.

The ONLY one who colluded with the Russians was Hillary and Obama
Meh, I just finished Michael Cohen's book. He said there was not collusion per se, but Trump was certainly friendly with Russian nationals. Doesn't look like it was at a political level though.

HA!! Re Hillary and Obama. You funny Angel.
Telling someone they can get banned for calling someone a pedophile is NOT equal to reporting the nasty little leftist.

Show me where I said I reported the nasty little leftist.

You nasty little leftists ALWAYS need to make shit up

And, BTW, I'm not bullyable with the ghetto "snitches" crap. It only encourages me to "snitch" ghetto trash
pppffftt...hoping he gets banned, reporting...same thing. So you like whining and bitching to the 'authorities' on this board. Not trying to bully you at all. Wear your snitchiness with pride I say. Go for it. Snitch.
Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior.
So what? I ask that in all seriousness. Either we play the left's game or we surrender the field, either we fight with the same tactics or surrender.

The left has seen us/them as fair game for a long time now.

Omar is an overt anti-Semite and a bigot herself. She's a brotherfucker. She openly shows support for our enemies and openly opposes our alliance with Israel.

The left gets away with bigotry and childish behavior all the time. They demean and dehumanize their opponents constantly. And when we dare fight back, people like you begin psychoanalyzing us, expecting us to be the model of proper behavior.

Why should we care anymore? There is no such thing as decorum in politics anymore. The time for polite cowardice should come to an end. Swiftly.
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what? I ask that in all seriousness. Either we play the left's game or we surrender the field, either we fight with the same tactics or surrender.
What about option 3: elect someone with conservative values, who isnt an embarrassing asshole? I know it is possible,, I have seen it happen..

Surely "Coddle Boebert" and "Give the seat to a Democrat" are not the only two options.
This is why they HATE Kyle Rittenhouse.
He showed everyone that we don't have to let leftist terrorists threaten us into scilence. They are scared to death that we've had enough and are beginning to fight back
It's also why they hate Trump, Bobert, MTG, Gaetz, Paul, Bannon, and everyone else who is done playing patty-cake with these leftist neanderthals.....They've also revealed that they cannot take a rhetorical punch.
It's also why they hate Trump, Bobert, MTG, Gaetz, Paul, Bannon, and everyone else who is done playing patty-cake with these leftist neanderthals.....They've also revealed that they cannot take a rhetorical punch.
There is nothing "rhetorical" about MTGs verbal diarrhea. She is a total loon that believes -- in the literal sense -- every crazy and cruel word that falls out of her mouth. And so do you.

You two peas in a pod aren't being "rhetorical" about your hints at and outright talk of violence. Both you and her are hoping against hope that others go commit violence for your beliefs. Not you two, of course. Other people. On yer teevees.
Lauren Boebert's recent comments were nothing short of bigoted and xenophobic and since being elected both she and MTG have a history of being Congressional shock jocks with over the top comments and downright childish playground like behavior. Yet, the right is repeatedly defending these women and point to AOC, Omar, or one of The Squad members every time one of them opens their mouths with something equally absurd or appalling. Instead of embracing this lunacy you should be flat out rejecting it. How about demanding better? How about showing America who the adults are in the room?

I am not a big fan of George W Bush, but one thing he did well was sit back and let the left and the media make utter fools of themselves. They threw every ridiculous sophomoric antic they could at him and instead of responding in kind he just stood back and smiled and let them rant and rave. It worked because he was convincingly reelected. Republicans are heading into what appears to be an election cycle largely in their favor, but people like Boebert and MTG and candidates who may emulate their behavior could only hinder their gains, not help them. Biden was elected to allegedly put an "adult" back in the White House. How about the Republicans bring adults back to Congress? Instead all we have are a Congress full of overgrown children seeing who can outdo each other with reality show style entertainment and shock value. This is not the leadership we need in America.
Oh, screw the goddamned Muzzies and their sensibilities... this is a secularized Christian nation... not some Islamic $hithole...

It was a damned-fine joke... funny... and it was aimed at one of The Squad, to boot... screw 'em... if I lived in that district I'd consider voting for Boebert...
You people aren't being "rhetorical" about your hints at and outright ask of violence.

The left is already violent. They loot and burn cities. They defund the police and expect that to restore order. They do everything to incite the mob.

At some point, you put down the bucket of water and pick up the blowtorch.

You can't expect us to remain docile for long.

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