The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

lol ... they are low life, classless performance artists & nothing more. the only 'america' they know & cater to - are the fringy nutbags who are Qanon / racist assholes
The racist assholes are on your side. You are completely out of touch.
I think Boebert, and to a lesser degree Green, are much needed voices in the mostly spineless
republican party. Why are we supposed to shun them again?
Because the democrats don't like them?
Once again, Dems are telling us who to support. First they wanted us to dump Trump, now they want us to dump Boebert and Greene.
There is no irony. You are just to stupid to form any kind of answer.

lol ...

you are saying i'm TO stupid?


keep it up!
Boebert and MTG are an extension of Trump himself - the living, breathing expression of the rage, frustration, bigotry and paranoia that have been building on the Right for decades. They are a primal scream for these people, their FUCK YOU to everyone they think has victimized them. That's why they're adored, and that's why the rubes will celebrate them for a long time. The nastier and uglier they get, the better.

As long as they stay on this path, they'll be the darlings of the Trumpsters.

^^^This from the guy who supports four (count 'em) Holocaust deniers in Congress.


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