The Right-Wing Doesn’t Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let’s Talk About them

I love how some people recognize context when convenient, then totally forget that advice on their own placement of Jesus outside the context, commentary, and meaning of the Tanakh. Keep even standards, stop making up double sided rules it's not honest.
I love how some people recognize context when convenient, then totally forget that advice on their own placement of Jesus outside the context, commentary, and meaning of the Tanakh. Keep even standards, stop making up double sided rules it's not honest.

I love it when someone claims to be the messiah but never had a vision, dream or divine revelation of any sort to report and cannot utter even one single word from God to teach or enlighten people.

One would think that a grown man would know this, but some things just cannot be faked.
I love how some people recognize context when convenient, then totally forget that advice on their own placement of Jesus outside the context, commentary, and meaning of the Tanakh. Keep even standards, stop making up double sided rules it's not honest.

I love it when someone claims to be the messiah but never had a vision, dream or divine revelation of any sort to report and cannot utter even one single word from God to teach or enlighten people.

One would think that a grown man would know this, but some things just cannot be faked.
God always calls people to repentance and fellowship with Him. I never see him calling anyone to repent or to fellowship with God. God's prophets were given signs and abilities to demonstrate that they were from God and not false. In fact, if they were wrong or unable to demonstrate they were from God, they were exposed as false and killed. I have seen no such signs or abilities from him.
*L* I don't think you know how this works.
And your post was a bold lie, because I passed that test many times over predicting many things many times over even in these forums I left easter eggs all over the place and you already know this, so that makes you a willing and knowing deceiver not just ignorant of the fact.
But once again, this is not about me, I am pointing out to you that your standard of reasoning not only is flawed, but also smacks back at Jesus who failed to bring the kingdom in their age and come back quickly as he prophecized. Which christ was the guy who went out for ice ream and never returned after claiming it quickly?
-oops. :)
This is not to lessen the Islamic atrocities

History is full of atrocities committed by Christians for Christ, against not just other religions but against Christian themselves. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities
If we are going to discuss the past in a fair and balanced manner, then we also need a link to non-Christian atrocities committed in those same time frames.

Why not talk about Christian atrocities occurring today?

the answer to that is more then obvious
*L* I don't think you know how this works.
And your post was a bold lie, because I passed that test many times over predicting many things many times over even in these forums I left easter eggs all over the place and you already know this, so that makes you a willing and knowing deceiver not just ignorant of the fact.
But once again, this is not about me, I am pointing out to you that your standard of reasoning not only is flawed, but also smacks back at Jesus who failed to bring the kingdom in their age and come back quickly as he prophecized. Which christ was the guy who went out for ice ream and never returned after claiming it quickly?
-oops. :)
1. Have you ever been wrong? If so, and you have to be honest with yourself, you're a false prophet.
2. What miraculous signs have you done to demonstrate you are divine?
3. Quickly, also translated as suddenly (you did know that, right?), to God is not the same as quickly to you. If you tell a child that you will return quickly to take him out for ice cream and hurry home to do it, you will inevitably disappoint him because quickly to him is a lot shorter than quickly to you.
4. This is most certainly about you, because you continue to claim you are Messiah when you most certainly are not.
God always calls people to repentance and fellowship with Him. I never see him calling anyone to repent or to fellowship with God. God's prophets were given signs and abilities to demonstrate that they were from God and not false. [/QUOTE]
What do you think the word I use all the time=Teshuva means-to Return to God.
You needed to lie and attack the poster instead of the topic again.
Thus everything you said reflected back at jesus fails your test especially when you need your lies and demonization to cover up your inability to reason why your idol is borrowed lores of many cultures.

Any half wit can type in my name and the word Teshuva in the search here and see many posts where I call people like H0belim back to God and repent for the darkness in his heart and acts.

So in conclusion, you went opposite direction of God to accuse me of not ever telling people to Teshuva.
Epic Fail. Stick to the topic.
But once again, this is not about me, I am pointing out to you that your standard of reasoning not only is flawed, but also smacks back at Jesus who failed to bring the kingdom in their age and come back quickly as he prophecized.

Two things.

The kingdom of God has always been existence and sovereign over the world of man. Jesus said that there were those standing around who would not taste of death until they saw the kingdom of God in power.

Who can say if they didn't or did see the kingdom of God already in power before they died just as Nebuchadnezzar did after living like a dumb animal for seven years?

Second, Jesus did not say that he would be returning anytime soon. When he said is that it would be a long time off - wars and rumors of wars, the destruction of the Temple, another diaspora, the gospel preached worldwide, etc., before his return and the beginning of the new age he was laughed to scorn because the popular belief was that the end of days was imminent.
This is not to lessen the Islamic atrocities

History is full of atrocities committed by Christians for Christ, against not just other religions but against Christian themselves. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities
If conservatives don’t want to talk about Christian atrocities, then they need to stop with the bigoted nonsense that Islamic atrocities are ‘representative’ of all Muslims and Islam as a religion.

Religions don’t commit crimes and acts of terror, individuals do, where individuals are alone responsible for their actions, not the religion they happen to adhere to – Christian or Muslim.
You need to compare modern Christians with modern Muslims. Not ancient Christians. Doesn't matter what happened in the distant past. What matters is now.
God always calls people to repentance and fellowship with Him. I never see him calling anyone to repent or to fellowship with God. God's prophets were given signs and abilities to demonstrate that they were from God and not false.
What do you think the word I use all the time=Teshuva means-to Return to God.
You needed to lie and attack the poster instead of the topic again.
Thus everything you said reflected back at jesus fails your test especially when you need your lies and demonization to cover up your inability to reason why your idol is borrowed lores of many cultures.

Any half wit can type in my name and the word Teshuva in the search here and see many posts where I call people like H0belim back to God and repent for the darkness in his heart and acts.

So in conclusion, you went opposite direction of God to accuse me of not ever telling people to Teshuva.
Epic Fail. Stick to the topic.[/QUOTE]
So, you have no miraculous signs and you have been wrong in your predictions? Still not convincing. Yeshua set the bar very high and you have not come anywhere near it yet.
Why are you posting to me 7nless you know you were wrong, but then where can you show us where you have EVER Teshuva and apologized to the forum for lying and acting out? None.
In conclusion a person like Hadith protects the wrong things other christians do as affiliated, but is willing to break the commands to lash out falsely accusing an outsider not in the adfiliation
=Gang behavior 101. I rest my case.
Itcs all about the pride of affiliation and not the righteous acts nor deeds nor societies well being. The fact you guys trash your own Bibles and icon is proof that the religion is based on human ego and acceptance of a group of other dark souls revelling in mischief.
Why are you posting to me 7nless you know you were wrong, but then where can you show us where you have EVER Teshuva and apologized to the forum for lying and acting out? None.
In conclusion a person like Hadith protects the wrong things other christians do as affiliated, but is willing to break the commands to lash out falsely accusing an outsider not in the adfiliation
=Gang behavior 101. I rest my case.
Itcs all about the pride of affiliation and not the righteous acts nor deeds nor societies well being. The fact you guys trash your own Bibles and icon is proof that the religion is based on human ego and acceptance of a group of other dark souls revelling in mischief.
You're unraveling. Take a few deep breaths, then try again.
Why are you posting to me 7nless you know you were wrong, but then where can you show us where you have EVER Teshuva and apologized to the forum for lying and acting out? None.
In conclusion a person like Hadith protects the wrong things other christians do as affiliated, but is willing to break the commands to lash out falsely accusing an outsider not in the adfiliation
=Gang behavior 101. I rest my case.
Itcs all about the pride of affiliation and not the righteous acts nor deeds nor societies well being. The fact you guys trash your own Bibles and icon is proof that the religion is based on human ego and acceptance of a group of other dark souls revelling in mischief.
You're unraveling. Take a few deep breaths, then try again.

LOL.... With every post he puts another nail into his coffin.

He actually thinks that the task of the messiah is to establish God's kingdom on earth when the reality is that the purpose of the messiah is to reveal that the kingdom of God is already sovereign over the world of man and has always been in existence.
This is not to lessen the Islamic atrocities

History is full of atrocities committed by Christians for Christ, against not just other religions but against Christian themselves. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities

Idiot. You have to go back into history to find Christian atrocities. Back into a time that was cruel harsh and life was short. Not just Christians but the whole world was cruel in those days.

You don't have to go to history to find Muslim atrocities you see them RIGHT NOW.

There are stupid people on the left, but you take it to the extreme.

Without a doubt, the christian god commits far FAR more atrocities than modern day ISIS terrorists.

In point of fact, the entire premise of the christian religion is torture. Without torture, christianity would not exist.

>>1. Have you ever been wrong? If so, and you have to be honest with yourself, you're a false prophet.

Check mate, you lost on your first move,
you validated my posts about throwing Jesus and your faith under the bus to try and hang me. Reflect your standard back:
Jesus is a false prophet by your admission
which means you are validating my being "that Michael".
I already answered that question you ask by stating a while back
The scrolls whereby Moshiach can only be
88% light -right and the messenger of darkness 88% wrong, because even in lies can come accidental truths and in truths can stem mistakes by being only as good as the info available before things further reveal themselves or change.
That being said I have a web site since 1996 with just my predictions that I have made and visions of the future was a seperate page, all which came to fruition and have been validated.
None of my visions ever failed, only 2 of my feelings commented have (non predictions non visions).
ALL the claimed prophets of today were asked in a challenge to locate Bin Laden, and I was the only one to put up or shut up and I was 100% accurate with circled map coordinates, including accurately detailing his escape route to Pakistan. This is what changed the whole dynamics of the war saving hundreds of thousands of lives because the Britts (who witnessed this challenge in a Brittish Deja News Group-was even archived for years) got there before we could get off the couch and they took out Bin Ladens high ranking officers and facilitators and took out most all their weapons cache making them mostly a non threat from there on. They even supposedly injured Bin Laden in that raid.
All I got was a thank you note by a Brittish
author and one in the group from what I assumed was a high ranking officer of the Brittish army. Obama got more credit, the guys who got him at the compound got more credit, but Bin Laden was already neutralized.
You are Welcome you ungreatful.......

>>>2. What miraculous signs have you done to demonstrate you are divine?

Moshiach is a man, Lucifer is the one claimed a god. You really don't pay attention do you?
That being said, you would find a few things miraculous,
however I myself do not believe in miracles, because everything has a process miracles are those processes or tricks you've yet to figure out.
Jesus is the characterization of a Benny Hinn like charletan
magician tricking you with processes that baffle you.
I'm more of the guy who tells you how things work and probably is done, the cousin Vinny who sees the process others miss. Or I'm inventing the process you have yet to catch up to.

>>3. Quickly, also translated as suddenly (you did know that, right?),

Don't make excuses for the false prophet least you be a facilitator of the ruse.
On other Biblical comments on Quickly it was always iminent not thousands of years which do the dead guys no good
>>> God is not the same as quickly to you.

The fact you consider him a god makes you a luciferian and to be honest irrational and more words I'm gonna politely hold back.

>>4. This is most certainly about you, because you continue to claim you are Messiah when you most certainly are not.

No Hobelim is outting me, Shimon mistakingly told you my first namen I never made a big deal out 9f what all Jews are asked to be for their peoplerliberators, teachers,
Restorers (HaSheva).
I donct think you know what Moshiach is to Jews because you grew upvwith a bastardized version reinvention tovthe word and role in a reality sense, which is why you find it crazy.
In actuality you are inadvertantly all admitting your divine nature to Moshiach is an insane concept and I'm only glad to expose that and be a whiping boy in doing so-suffering as a servant for a nation that suffered being the planet's servant is instilled in me as a Jew.
>>1. Have you ever been wrong? If so, and you have to be honest with yourself, you're a false prophet.

Check mate, you lost on your first move,
you validated my posts about throwing Jesus and your faith under the bus to try and hang me. Reflect your standard back:
Jesus is a false prophet by your admission
which means you are validating my being "that Michael".
I already answered that question you ask by stating a while back
The scrolls whereby Moshiach can only be
88% light -right and the messenger of darkness 88% wrong, because even in lies can come accidental truths and in truths can stem mistakes by being only as good as the info available before things further reveal themselves or change.
That being said I have a web site since 1996 with just my predictions that I have made and visions of the future was a seperate page, all which came to fruition and have been validated.
None of my visions ever failed, only 2 of my feelings commented have (non predictions non visions).
ALL the claimed prophets of today were asked in a challenge to locate Bin Laden, and I was the only one to put up or shut up and I was 100% accurate with circled map coordinates, including accurately detailing his escape route to Pakistan. This is what changed the whole dynamics of the war saving hundreds of thousands of lives because the Britts (who witnessed this challenge in a Brittish Deja News Group-was even archived for years) got there before we could get off the couch and they took out Bin Ladens high ranking officers and facilitators and took out most all their weapons cache making them mostly a non threat from there on. They even supposedly injured Bin Laden in that raid.
All I got was a thank you note by a Brittish
author and one in the group from what I assumed was a high ranking officer of the Brittish army. Obama got more credit, the guys who got him at the compound got more credit, but Bin Laden was already neutralized.
You are Welcome you ungreatful.......

>>>2. What miraculous signs have you done to demonstrate you are divine?

Moshiach is a man, Lucifer is the one claimed a god. You really don't pay attention do you?
That being said, you would find a few things miraculous,
however I myself do not believe in miracles, because everything has a process miracles are those processes or tricks you've yet to figure out.
Jesus is the characterization of a Benny Hinn like charletan
magician tricking you with processes that baffle you.
I'm more of the guy who tells you how things work and probably is done, the cousin Vinny who sees the process others miss. Or I'm inventing the process you have yet to catch up to.

>>3. Quickly, also translated as suddenly (you did know that, right?),

Don't make excuses for the false prophet least you be a facilitator of the ruse.
On other Biblical comments on Quickly it was always iminent not thousands of years which do the dead guys no good
>>> God is not the same as quickly to you.

The fact you consider him a god makes you a luciferian and to be honest irrational and more words I'm gonna politely hold back.

>>4. This is most certainly about you, because you continue to claim you are Messiah when you most certainly are not.

No Hobelim is outting me, Shimon mistakingly told you my first namen I never made a big deal out 9f what all Jews are asked to be for their peoplerliberators, teachers,
Restorers (HaSheva).
I donct think you know what Moshiach is to Jews because you grew upvwith a bastardized version reinvention tovthe word and role in a reality sense, which is why you find it crazy.
In actuality you are inadvertantly all admitting your divine nature to Moshiach is an insane concept and I'm only glad to expose that and be a whiping boy in doing so-suffering as a servant for a nation that suffered being the planet's servant is instilled in me as a Jew.
So, IOW, no miraculous signs such as done by God's prophets. Got it.
But once again, this is not about me, I am pointing out to you that your standard of reasoning not only is flawed, but also smacks back at Jesus who failed to bring the kingdom in their age and come back quickly as he prophecized.

Two things.

The kingdom of God has always been existence and sovereign over the world of man. Jesus said that there were those standing around who would not taste of death until they saw the kingdom of God in power.

Who can say if they didn't or did see the kingdom of God already in power before they died just as Nebuchadnezzar did after living like a dumb animal for seven years?

Second, Jesus did not say that he would be returning anytime soon. When he said is that it would be a long time off - wars and rumors of wars, the destruction of the Temple, another diaspora, the gospel preached worldwide, etc., before his return and the beginning of the new age he was laughed to scorn because the popular belief was that the end of days was imminent.

in making excuses you took the only prophecy he got partially right away from him.
70 ad destruction of the temple he failed when the one wall still stood and he said no stpne would be left, and now the obvious prediction is taken away when you say itcs a further off prediction. Way to go almost every post you kill Jesus off. You sure you don't write for South Park?
>>1. Have you ever been wrong? If so, and you have to be honest with yourself, you're a false prophet.

Check mate, you lost on your first move,
you validated my posts about throwing Jesus and your faith under the bus to try and hang me. Reflect your standard back:
Jesus is a false prophet by your admission
which means you are validating my being "that Michael".
I already answered that question you ask by stating a while back
The scrolls whereby Moshiach can only be
88% light -right and the messenger of darkness 88% wrong, because even in lies can come accidental truths and in truths can stem mistakes by being only as good as the info available before things further reveal themselves or change.
That being said I have a web site since 1996 with just my predictions that I have made and visions of the future was a seperate page, all which came to fruition and have been validated.
None of my visions ever failed, only 2 of my feelings commented have (non predictions non visions).
ALL the claimed prophets of today were asked in a challenge to locate Bin Laden, and I was the only one to put up or shut up and I was 100% accurate with circled map coordinates, including accurately detailing his escape route to Pakistan. This is what changed the whole dynamics of the war saving hundreds of thousands of lives because the Britts (who witnessed this challenge in a Brittish Deja News Group-was even archived for years) got there before we could get off the couch and they took out Bin Ladens high ranking officers and facilitators and took out most all their weapons cache making them mostly a non threat from there on. They even supposedly injured Bin Laden in that raid.
All I got was a thank you note by a Brittish
author and one in the group from what I assumed was a high ranking officer of the Brittish army. Obama got more credit, the guys who got him at the compound got more credit, but Bin Laden was already neutralized.
You are Welcome you ungreatful.......

>>>2. What miraculous signs have you done to demonstrate you are divine?

Moshiach is a man, Lucifer is the one claimed a god. You really don't pay attention do you?
That being said, you would find a few things miraculous,
however I myself do not believe in miracles, because everything has a process miracles are those processes or tricks you've yet to figure out.
Jesus is the characterization of a Benny Hinn like charletan
magician tricking you with processes that baffle you.
I'm more of the guy who tells you how things work and probably is done, the cousin Vinny who sees the process others miss. Or I'm inventing the process you have yet to catch up to.

>>3. Quickly, also translated as suddenly (you did know that, right?),

Don't make excuses for the false prophet least you be a facilitator of the ruse.
On other Biblical comments on Quickly it was always iminent not thousands of years which do the dead guys no good
>>> God is not the same as quickly to you.

The fact you consider him a god makes you a luciferian and to be honest irrational and more words I'm gonna politely hold back.

>>4. This is most certainly about you, because you continue to claim you are Messiah when you most certainly are not.

No Hobelim is outting me, Shimon mistakingly told you my first namen I never made a big deal out 9f what all Jews are asked to be for their peoplerliberators, teachers,
Restorers (HaSheva).
I donct think you know what Moshiach is to Jews because you grew upvwith a bastardized version reinvention tovthe word and role in a reality sense, which is why you find it crazy.
In actuality you are inadvertantly all admitting your divine nature to Moshiach is an insane concept and I'm only glad to expose that and be a whiping boy in doing so-suffering as a servant for a nation that suffered being the planet's servant is instilled in me as a Jew.
So, IOW, no miraculous signs such as done by God's prophets. Got it.

NEVER said that, I made it clear that in your perception they are miracles, in mine I know the how what and wheres.
So you lied and misstreated a hero who saved thousands of lives, but you worship the idol who was a false prophet according to your own standard, that killed over 50 million.
Proof you are the Satanists.
I rest my case.
To bad these guys don't put that kind of effort in dismissing the Roman created idol. *L*
failed predictions of end times:in Matthew 16:28: "...there shall be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Since the life expectancy in those days was little over 30 years, Jesus predicted his second coming sometime during the 1st century CE. It didn't happen. more failed end time rants can be found in (I Cor. 10:11 -KJV) (Heb. 1:2 -KJV) (I Peter 1:20 -KJV) (I Peter 4:7 -KJV)(1 John 2:15-17) (I John 2:18 -KJV) Remember you can't claim the kingdom to come before the desciples deaths and then fail to deliver if you want to be considered a prophet of G-d. You can't claim to be Messiah if you can't liberate or deliver your people instead you cause them to scatter and be slain that's not a savior that's the result of false cult leaders through the ages.
Check Mate!

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