The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy

Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.

Those who echoed each other by pushing the funny button have proved nothing, rebutted not one point in your OP, and are as dishonest as any convict in any jail or prison in America!

Thank you for an honest and accurate picture of how the right wing dirt bags have taken over the once and no more GOP.
Nope. The drugs, rape and murder inspire me to be fearful of illegals.

Fear is the rational response to random death. Ignoring it, is an act of cowardice.
Republicans scare me cause they are not rational people or even intelligent enough to understand emoting.

FUck you too.

Mexicans can be talked to and do not have any hangups like you're the wrong color or what accent is that.

YOur assumptions that Mexicans do not have racism or regional bigotry is noted and laughed at. You are a racist fool.

Fear of death is stupid! You will die. Who you know who got off this orb alive?

Fear of death is rational. Denial is cowardice. You are a coward.
I have been dead twice in the past. There really is nothing to be fearful of, unless you have a lot of useless personal belongings. You will DIE. Get used to that fact. Fear of death is not rational it is juvenile.

Your embrace of your personal mortality is fine. It does not justify a lack of concern for the lives of others, many who are far younger than you and still long for life.

That is you being a callous dick.
Then they should go out and live it instead of hiding in fear.

Your odd characterization of wanting safety for our citizens is noted and laughed at.

Nope. The drugs, rape and murder inspire me to be fearful of illegals.

Fear is the rational response to random death. Ignoring it, is an act of cowardice.
Republicans scare me cause they are not rational people or even intelligent enough to understand emoting.

FUck you too.

Mexicans can be talked to and do not have any hangups like you're the wrong color or what accent is that.

YOur assumptions that Mexicans do not have racism or regional bigotry is noted and laughed at. You are a racist fool.

Fear of death is stupid! You will die. Who you know who got off this orb alive?

Fear of death is rational. Denial is cowardice. You are a coward.
As I know an awful lot of them through my business and personal life living in poor communities I can assure you that you are the fool.

Ask them how they feel about El Salvadorians.
Why don't you get off your ass and go find out? I do not need to know.

I already know.

You are the one thinking that one nationality of people is free of racism.
That lie has been repeatedly debunked on this very site. YOu are a filthy liar.
I lived it so I know it is true. I was republican until LBJ screwed his party.

So, then tell me, how the republicans attracted the old racists dems?
Very easy. The old dems went to the party that did not show favoritism to black people. That was then the repubs. I went to the republicans because the dems became racist.

Republicans did support "favoritism to black people" in Affirmative Action and desegregation and a host of such policies.

Nixon forced more desegregation in southern schools than anyone.

Your claim does not make sense.
You do know the change was not instant.

Nothing I said implied that it was.

But my point stands. I have asked you to explain who the republicans attracted the racists dems and caused this supposed flip on the issue.

You first point, I demonstrated to be false. Republicans, especially in the time period in question, were fully supportive of discrimination in favor of black people. And I gave the strong example of Nixon.

You want to try again?

Since the dems gave up on this, we have had a national consensus on equality and civil rights and pro black discrimination.

White racists, and white racism was effective marginalized, and has been increasingly fringe since then.

Anyone saying otherwise is race baiting and dividing this country against itself for ill purpose.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.

Those who echoed each other by pushing the funny button have proved nothing, rebutted not one point in your OP, and are as dishonest as any convict in any jail or prison in America!

Thank you for an honest and accurate picture of how the right wing dirt bags have taken over the once and no more GOP.

Several people including myself have seriously addressed the absurd claims of the op.

YOur pretense otherwise, is very strange.

Have you put everyone you dont' agree with, on ignore?
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.

Oh for Pity's Sake! Can you possibly be more ignorant?

Most of the media is run by the Progs. Combine that with Prog run entertainment and Prog run education - and what a rational person sees is that Progs run the biggest Propaganda Mill in history.
the progs are also known as the whole world outside your bubble of BS, actual journalists, not propagandists like the right-wing propaganda machine has. Bought off high school grad Liars... For ignorant provincial brainwashed functional morons only...

Don't you have a jar of wings with flies whose wings require pull off?
I smell one right there
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
There are hundreds of right wing news sites on the internet. None of them funded by some Billionaire like Soros though so they can't compete on the air waves.
Watch CR TV. Keywords
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
There are hundreds of right wing news sites on the internet. None of them funded by some Billionaire like Soros though so they can't compete on the air waves.
Watch CR TV. Search&utm_term=CRTV&utm_content=Brand Keywords
You're kidding right? And they are all totally full of crap, Super Dupe.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
There are hundreds of right wing news sites on the internet. None of them funded by some Billionaire like Soros though so they can't compete on the air waves.
Watch CR TV. Search&utm_term=CRTV&utm_content=Brand Keywords
Soros doesn't have any radio stations you idiot.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
There are hundreds of right wing news sites on the internet. None of them funded by some Billionaire like Soros though so they can't compete on the air waves.
Watch CR TV. Search&utm_term=CRTV&utm_content=Brand Keywords
Soros doesn't have any radio stations you idiot.
He tried. Remember that American radio station. They can't keep an audience to pay for the radio station. They do have NPR though. Get the Government to pay for it so it can exist without a paying audience.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.
That's called projection.

Speaking of the Nazis, Hitler was great admirer of the racial policies implemented by the Democrats in America. Nazi lawyers studied and emulated Jim Crow segregation and anti-miscegenation laws to draw up the Nuremberg Laws.

People who claim that Democrats are following Nazi precedents have it backwards. The Nazis emulated the Democrats, not the other way around.

And those who compare Trump to Nazis have such bad cases of TDS that their convoluted reasoning is so fucking scrambled that they are FUBAR in the head.

Permanently damaged.
So says the boy who hasn't figured out the political parties changed platforms in the late 60's. So now it is the repukes who are racists and ignorant, that want to keep anyone who isn't white repressed.
Heard that lie decades ago, fact checked it and quickly debunked it.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.

How bad does it suck that Hillary lost?

Your goosestepping dreams of eliminating all who didn't vote for her turned into a puff of smoke that November 2016 evening. You would haven't silenced all these deplorable non-believers
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
There are hundreds of right wing news sites on the internet. None of them funded by some Billionaire like Soros though so they can't compete on the air waves.
Watch CR TV. Search&utm_term=CRTV&utm_content=Brand Keywords
Soros doesn't have any radio stations you idiot.
He tried. Remember that American radio station. They can't keep an audience to pay for the radio station. They do have NPR though. Get the Government to pay for it so it can exist without a paying audience.
Link to that bologna and he gives money to a lot of things. He is not a Nazi or anything else bad. your propaganda machine on the other hand is a load of crap. And dangerous super duper.
Joseph Goebbels would turn green with envy over the propaganda machine that the Republican right wing has built. FOX, Sinclair, Limbaugh, right wing radio, Social Media, Preachers on TV, Republicans in Congress, talking points of the day, fake think tanks, conspiracy theories… the list goes on and on. They take their cues from each other and run with the same lies to reach as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.

The Right Wing Propaganda Machine Presents The Greatest Danger To Our Democracy.

This will be the younger generations biggest target as they take over the reigns of the country. The way to defeat this evil is education. The Parkland school shooting survivors have already shown that they can be defeated.
Germany had full control of the Media and full control over the Educational system. This is what Soro and Son want for the USA.
In May 2011, the Media Research Center reported that from 2003-2001, Soros had spent more than $48 million "funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news -- journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations." Among the beneficiaries of Soros's money were such entities as: ABC, The American Prospect Inc. (the owner and publisher of The American Prospect magazine), the Columbia School of Journalism, Free Press, the Independent Media Center, the Independent Media Institute, the Media Fund, Media Matters For America, the Nation Institute, National Public Radio, NBC, the New York Times, the Pacifica Foundation, and ProPublica.
Leftwing companies like Google and Facebook were too late to stamp out differing viewpoints. Too many young people saw non-sanctioned news, and are now aware of the left's attempt to destroy it. The only reason I can see that the left doesn't want anyone to see differing opinions is because they are afraid people will like Ben Shapiro and Professor Peterson's viewpoints more than Mika and Lemon's ideas of how the world is supposed to work.
Hogwash, the time for the monopoly left wing media elites to step aside and make way for We the People.
Funny how none of your phony scandals make it to any media outside those run by Rupert Murdoch, in the whole world. How dumb can you be...
There are hundreds of right wing news sites on the internet. None of them funded by some Billionaire like Soros though so they can't compete on the air waves.
Watch CR TV. Search&utm_term=CRTV&utm_content=Brand Keywords
Soros doesn't have any radio stations you idiot.
He tried. Remember that American radio station. They can't keep an audience to pay for the radio station. They do have NPR though. Get the Government to pay for it so it can exist without a paying audience.
Link to that bologna and he gives money to a lot of things. He is not a Nazi or anything else bad. your propaganda machine on the other hand is a load of crap. And dangerous super duper.

He is funding marxists and commies, and that is the moral equivalent of Nazis.

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