The Right Wing's Lies About Most Everything

Nick, you're a fucking idiot. Isn't your psyche appointment soon? Can you move it up a few days?

Really Dante, how am I the idiot?

You're the one claiming Reagan was the loser and socialism was a success, despite an entire socialist empire collapsed....

You live in la la land....

You put progressives before you put the truth..... You're nothing but a brainwashed ape given that aforementioned fact alone.

I don't even know why the fuck I even bother to argue with your ignorance... I suppose it's because I'm a cat playing with a ball of yarn...

At any rate you are too dumb to talk with me so you're gong on ignore now.... I only ignore the dumbest of the dumbest - welcome to the "idiot progressive club."
Nick, you're a fucking idiot. Isn't your psyche appointment soon? Can you move it up a few days?

Really Dante, how am I the idiot?

You're the one claiming Reagan was the loser and socialism was a success, despite an entire socialist empire collapsed....

You live in la la land....

You put progressives before you put the truth..... You're nothing but a brainwashed ape given that aforementioned fact alone.

I don't even know why the fuck I even bother to argue with your ignorance... I suppose it's because I'm a cat playing with a ball of yarn...

At any rate you are too dumb to talk with me so you're gong on ignore now.... I only ignore the dumbest of the dumbest - welcome to the "idiot progressive club."

and yet dante thinks hes so smart hes still coming here. the left just wants to hate attack and spin.
Nick, you're a fucking idiot. Isn't your psyche appointment soon? Can you move it up a few days?

Really Dante, how am I the idiot?

You're the one claiming Reagan was the loser and socialism was a success, despite an entire socialist empire collapsed....

You live in la la land....

You put progressives before you put the truth..... You're nothing but a brainwashed ape given that aforementioned fact alone.

I don't even know why the fuck I even bother to argue with your ignorance... I suppose it's because I'm a cat playing with a ball of yarn...

At any rate you are too dumb to talk with me so you're gong on ignore now.... I only ignore the dumbest of the dumbest - welcome to the "idiot progressive club."

and yet dante thinks hes so smart hes still coming here. the left just wants to hate attack and spin.

Dante's not partisan.

Just ask him. He'll tell ya.....

It was more than just Afghanistan.

He also wouldn't back down on "Star Wars" and also wouldn't back down on the B-1b.

That and nuclear arms just pushed the Soviet Union into backruptcy. They could not keep up.

IMO, I think "Star Wars" was pretty much nothing but a bluff or an attempt get the USSR to spend more money.... Reagan was intelligent - he knew he could destroy the USSR by keeping them spending money on defense. Remember we're taking socialists here - a economic model that is not focused on generating wealth but an economic model that is focused on sustaining a populace. Regan understood that, and he understood the USSR could not sustain a populace while spending epic amounts of money on war... That's what ultimately destroyed the USSR and that is why Russia today is quasi-capitalist.

Star Wars was a bluff but the Soviet Union took that bluff very seriously.

If you will remember the Soviet Union put a lot of promises on the table if Reagan would give up on Star Wars but Reagan refused every time.

He even walked away from the table on that.

That was the reason the libs kept wringing their hands.

Do you remember all the libs crying about Reagan refusing to give up Star Wars?


This thead itself is testament to the fact the libs are still mad that Reagan proved them 100% wrong!

It's been 24 years since Reagan left office and they still haven't got over it!

The Soviet response to the SDI during the period March 1983 through November 1985 provided indications of their view of the program both as a threat and as an opportunity to weaken NATO.

Who funded Star Wars' programs? Was it Liberals and Democrats in Congress?
Let us start with President Reagan's military defense toughness myth:

:laugh2: What a joke.

Sure...on the ultimate test of hawkdom -- the willingness to send U.S. troops into harm's way -- Reagan was no bird of prey. He launched exactly one land war, against Grenada, whose army totaled 600 men. It lasted two days. And his only air war -- the 1986 bombing of Libya -- was even briefer....

In fact, Reagan was terrified of war. He took office eager to vanquish Nicaragua's Sandinista government and its rebel allies in El Salvador, both of which were backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union. But at an early meeting, when Secretary of State Alexander Haig suggested that achieving this goal might require bombing Cuba, the suggestion "scared the shit out of Ronald Reagan," according to White House aide Michael Deaver. Haig was marginalized, then resigned, and Reagan never seriously considered sending U.S. troops south of the border, despite demands from conservative intellectuals like Norman Podhoretz and William F. Buckley. "Those sons of bitches won't be happy until we have 25,000 troops in Managua," Reagan told chief of staff Kenneth Duberstein near the end of his presidency, "and I'm not going to do it."

Think Again: Ronald Reagan - By Peter Beinart | Foreign Policy


New reputation!
Hi, you have received -368 reputation points from teapartysamurai.
Reputation was given for this post.

A whopper of a lie like that, deserves a neg rep!


facts are lies now?
What ever Reagan did worked what obama is doing is not.
So let's see you call republicans for lies does obama lie?
You're a fucking idiot..

You fucking retards sit here all day defending big government and socialism - then your little Dante buddy comes along and implies that socialism is to blame for the fall of the USSR and that Reagan was a pussy...

To sum up your boys stupid assertion "socialism in other countries fail only when republicans are president."

Of course you will buy that bag of dicks because it fits what you want to believe - not what the truth is...

I'm perplexed as to how you progressive retards survive given how grossly dumb you are - oh yeah - government takes care of you.....

It's amazing how you can even operate a computer let alone use a keyboard to communicate your blatantly ignorant views and ideas..

I was "serving" when Reagan was in office smart guy ;) You really should find out who you're flaming b4 hitting "post" :rolleyes:

I don't fucking care.... You fucking think that means dick to me??

You think you're some sort of patriot because you served??? I got news for you idiot - terrorists have served in the military.....

You think your tyrannical views and blatant ignorance are cloaked in cammo?

Don't even try to hide behind the fact you served - IMO you're a disgrace to everything this country stands for... Just because you put on the uniform doesn't mean you believe in the founding concepts.

Nicky is in the top-5 for "Flame :blowup: of the Day Award" :clap2:
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IMO, I think "Star Wars" was pretty much nothing but a bluff or an attempt get the USSR to spend more money.... Reagan was intelligent - he knew he could destroy the USSR by keeping them spending money on defense. Remember we're taking socialists here - a economic model that is not focused on generating wealth but an economic model that is focused on sustaining a populace. Regan understood that, and he understood the USSR could not sustain a populace while spending epic amounts of money on war... That's what ultimately destroyed the USSR and that is why Russia today is quasi-capitalist.

Star Wars was a bluff but the Soviet Union took that bluff very seriously.

If you will remember the Soviet Union put a lot of promises on the table if Reagan would give up on Star Wars but Reagan refused every time.

He even walked away from the table on that.

That was the reason the libs kept wringing their hands.

Do you remember all the libs crying about Reagan refusing to give up Star Wars?


This thead itself is testament to the fact the libs are still mad that Reagan proved them 100% wrong!

It's been 24 years since Reagan left office and they still haven't got over it!


Well I was 8 when Reagan left office... So I really never experienced that period as an adult or young adult..... Of course I remember Reagan, however most of what I've learned is via books, newspaper articles, old posts on BBS etc....

Absolutely, progressives thought Reagan was a crazy ass cowboy and the OP's post just goes to show how brainwashed progressives really are.

It's clear progressives do absolutely no research into their claims - they just take another talking head progressive babble to be the truth then pass it on - it's like the "telephone game."

I was 27 when Reagan left office. I remember it a LOT better, trust me.

I was proud to vote for Reagan when I was 18 (I voted absentee, as I was out of the state, Ohio, at the time, otherwise I would have turned 19, before I voted)

And I was proud to vote for Reagan again when I was 23.

I probably know a bit more about this thing about the arms, because my father was directly involved with it. He was a supervisor and then a manager on the B-1a and the B-1b, Nacelles and FIF (Forward Intermediate Fuselage).

As a matter of fact, Reagan called my Dad personally, to congratulate him on bringing the FIF in, under budget.

The B-1b was Reagan's Baby. So was Star Wars.

Unfortunately, the FIF killed my Dad. He didn't go to the doctor in time, (he worked on the FIF, 7 days a week). By the time he did go to the Doctor it was too late. He had pacreatic cancer and was given three weeks to live. He didn't live to see Reagan leave office. He died in 1986.

Anytime, I go to the Dayton Air Museum, I always touch the B-1B even though the signs say not to touch the planes. It's the legacy my Dad, left. I feel I'm owed.
Star Wars was a bluff but the Soviet Union took that bluff very seriously.

If you will remember the Soviet Union put a lot of promises on the table if Reagan would give up on Star Wars but Reagan refused every time.

He even walked away from the table on that.

That was the reason the libs kept wringing their hands.

Do you remember all the libs crying about Reagan refusing to give up Star Wars?


This thead itself is testament to the fact the libs are still mad that Reagan proved them 100% wrong!

It's been 24 years since Reagan left office and they still haven't got over it!


Well I was 8 when Reagan left office... So I really never experienced that period as an adult or young adult..... Of course I remember Reagan, however most of what I've learned is via books, newspaper articles, old posts on BBS etc....

Absolutely, progressives thought Reagan was a crazy ass cowboy and the OP's post just goes to show how brainwashed progressives really are.

It's clear progressives do absolutely no research into their claims - they just take another talking head progressive babble to be the truth then pass it on - it's like the "telephone game."

I was 27 when Reagan left office. I remember it a LOT better, trust me.

I was proud to vote for Reagan when I was 18 (I voted absentee, as I was out of the state, Ohio, at the time, otherwise I would have turned 19, before I voted)

And I was proud to vote for Reagan again when I was 23.

I probably know a bit more about this thing about the arms, because my father was directly involved with it. He was a supervisor and then a manager on the B-1a and the B-1b, Nacelles and FIF (Forward Intermediate Fuselage).

As a matter of fact, Reagan called my Dad personally, to congratulate him on bringing the FIF in, under budget.

The B-1b was Reagan's Baby. So was Star Wars.

Unfortunately, the FIF killed my Dad. He didn't go to the doctor in time, (he worked on the FIF, 7 days a week). By the time he did go to the Doctor it was too late. He had pacreatic cancer and was given three weeks to live. He didn't live to see Reagan leave office. He died in 1986.

Anytime, I go to the Dayton Air Museum, I always touch the B-1B even though the signs say not to touch the planes. It's the legacy my Dad, left. I feel I'm owed.

OMFG! we have our own Baroness -- The Baroness T.P. Samurai Munchaussen :clap2:

another right wing myth


Really? how is it a myth????

You fucking idiot progressives only love to use the fact Reagan armed al-Qaeda to make a point with the war on terrorism - now Reagan didn't bankrupt the USSR by doing such??

You're seriously a fucking idiot - everyone knows the USSR went bankrupt over the cost of war...

clue: the USSR was weak when Reagan took office. Either you believe this to be true, or you believe a super power can collapse from a mere few years of struggle.

clue: The USSR and the Soviet Block (you know what the soviet block was?) were already experiencing social change and divisions. POLAND SOLIDARITY WORKER'S UNION?
Leading conservatives like Howard Phillips said Reagan was weak on the Soviet Union

"...conservatives such as Phillips were accusing their old hero of selling out to the communists, The Washington Post said this in Reagan's last year: "In less than a decade, the world's largest creditor nation has become its leading debtor, foreign competition humbled America's mightiest companies, hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs have disappeared and middle-class living standards have declined in many communities.""
The Last Reagan Campaign: Legacy | USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy

When I was 18, I did my senior thesis (high school) on US/Soviet Treaty Violations in Afghanistan. He may be a joke now, but Geraldo Rivera, actually was a serious journalist, at one time, and did some crazy scary stuff.

He embedded with a tribe of Afghanis fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, because he could pass for an Afghani and he documented the US/Soviet treaty violations they were doing in Afghanistan, including using napalm and biological warfare. in 1980.

The tribesman could not have held out had Reagan not supplied them with arms to fight back.

You know nothing of what you are talking about. You are practicing what liberals always do. You are telling us what you WISH to be true, and since it fits your narrative, you will convince yourself it is true, despite the evidence to the contrary.

That's liberalism 101.
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Really? how is it a myth????

You fucking idiot progressives only love to use the fact Reagan armed al-Qaeda to make a point with the war on terrorism - now Reagan didn't bankrupt the USSR by doing such??

You're seriously a fucking idiot - everyone knows the USSR went bankrupt over the cost of war...

clue: the USSR was weak when Reagan took office. Either you believe this to be true, or you believe a super power can collapse from a mere few years of struggle.

clue: The USSR and the Soviet Block (you know what the soviet block was?) were already experiencing social change and divisions. POLAND SOLIDARITY WORKER'S UNION?
Leading conservatives like Howard Phillips said Reagan was weak on the Soviet Union

"...conservatives such as Phillips were accusing their old hero of selling out to the communists, The Washington Post said this in Reagan's last year: "In less than a decade, the world's largest creditor nation has become its leading debtor, foreign competition humbled America's mightiest companies, hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs have disappeared and middle-class living standards have declined in many communities.""
The Last Reagan Campaign: Legacy | USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy

When I was 18, I did my senior thesis (high school) on US/Soviet Treaty Violations in Afghanistan. He may be a joke now, but Geraldo Rivera, actually was a serious journalist, at one time, and did some crazy scary stuff.

He embedded with a tribe of Afghanis fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, because he could pass for an Afghani and he documented the US/Soviet treaty violations they were doing in Afghanistan, including using napalm and biological warfare. in 1980.

The tribesman could not have held out had Reagan not supplied them with arms to fight back.

You know nothing of what you are talking about. You are practicing what liberals always do. You are telling us what you WISH to be true, and since it fits your narrative, you will convince yourself it is true, despite the evidence to the contrary.

That's liberalism 101.

Democratic Congressman Charlie Wilson

Reagan conservatives steal as well as lie? Oh well, you ain't really conservatives anyway.

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