The right's hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?



We've asked the right wing to explain their hatred for Obama. They've pretty much given up on it because when they attempt to assign a reason, it comes across as "ridiculous".

We hate him because he's a "Muslim". They've stopped saying that because it uncovers their religious intolerance. We know he's not a Muslim. So we don't really hear that too much anymore. Besides, he took out most of al Qaeda and Bin Laden after Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

We hate him because he's "Communist/Fascist/Marxist" which shows the right doesn't understand the meaning of those words.

We hate him because he went to a church where a preacher said "God Damn America". In context, the preacher saying God damn America is what will happen if we don't follow God's scripture, which puts him in agreement with at least 85% of Republicans.

We hate him because he barely know's Bill Ayers, a man who blew up an office while protesting the Vietnam war. Wow, how could one man cause so much damage? Oh wait, ask Timothy McVeigh. And Ayers did it when Obama was 8 years old, which proves he was "in on it".:cuckoo: Funnier still, they both worked at the Annenberg Foundation, a right wing, conservative foundation, but on separate boards. They rarely met. But there has to be "something". There just has to be. There has to.

We hate him because he is pulling out of Iraq/he stayed in Iraq - I wish they would make up their minds.

We hate him because he increased the national debt. Bush and the Republicans passed an enormous tax cut targeting the rich DURING A TIME OF WAR which passed through that "reconciliation" they seem to hate so much. They passed a "drugs for votes" bill again through reconciliation, Bush did nothing after Katrina, never included the cost of either war in his budgets, thereby making incredible lies to the American people about the cost of the wars. Republicans know that Obama couldn't just "end" Bush policies, they know it doesn't work that way, yet they still accuse him of following the worst Bush policies, which of course, were ALL Bush policies.

They hate him for his stimulus package. Over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created thousands of jobs. Republicans like to pretend that once the railroad is build, there are no more jobs. Except now, goods can be transported and workers can work from farther away. The same for bridges and roads and broadband.

They hate him for saving the auto industry. Imagine where we would be without that entire industry.

None of these reasons make sense. As hard as they try to spin Obama's success into failure, it's hollow. Too unbelievable. Look how hard they tried to suggest that Obama only got Bin Laden because of the Republican failed policies of torture. John McCain shot that down. That and the tape of Bush insisting he doesn't think about Bin Laden any more. I believe Bush.

So why all the hate? Could the Republican Party being 90% white and based in the Confederate South have anything to do with it?





Many of the most racist pics were used by Republicans for mass mailouts during the campaign. Of course, they said, "Oh, we're sorry", which of course, didn't stop them from doing it again.

One has to wonder, have the Republicans convinced themselves it's not about race?
I hate him because you exist and breathe the same air he does Dean. And I have no fucking clue what color you are halfwit.

Now crawl back in your hole you biological mistake.
question: The right and their hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

answer: Penis Envy

We've asked the right wing to explain...
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.
question: The right and their hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

answer: Penis Envy

We've asked the right wing to explain...
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.

And you were apparently not in school long enough to gain common sense.

Why is the liberal party so full of race baiters?
question: The right and their hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

answer: Penis Envy
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.

And you were apparently not in school long enough to gain common sense.

Why is the liberal party so full of race baiters?

Clearly because the Republican Party is so full of racists. Now, don't you have a bedsheet and pillowcase to "decorate"?
We've asked the right wing to explain their hatred for Obama. They've pretty much given up on it because when they attempt to assign a reason, it comes across as "ridiculous".

We hate him because he's a "Muslim". They've stopped saying that because it uncovers their religious intolerance. We know he's not a Muslim. So we don't really hear that too much anymore. Besides, he took out most of al Qaeda and Bin Laden after Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

We hate him because he's "Communist/Fascist/Marxist" which shows the right doesn't understand the meaning of those words.

We hate him because he went to a church where a preacher said "God Damn America". In context, the preacher saying God damn America is what will happen if we don't follow God's scripture, which puts him in agreement with at least 85% of Republicans.

We hate him because he barely know's Bill Ayers, a man who blew up an office while protesting the Vietnam war. Wow, how could one man cause so much damage? Oh wait, ask Timothy McVeigh. And Ayers did it when Obama was 8 years old, which proves he was "in on it".:cuckoo: Funnier still, they both worked at the Annenberg Foundation, a right wing, conservative foundation, but on separate boards. They rarely met. But there has to be "something". There just has to be. There has to.

We hate him because he is pulling out of Iraq/he stayed in Iraq - I wish they would make up their minds.

We hate him because he increased the national debt. Bush and the Republicans passed an enormous tax cut targeting the rich DURING A TIME OF WAR which passed through that "reconciliation" they seem to hate so much. They passed a "drugs for votes" bill again through reconciliation, Bush did nothing after Katrina, never included the cost of either war in his budgets, thereby making incredible lies to the American people about the cost of the wars. Republicans know that Obama couldn't just "end" Bush policies, they know it doesn't work that way, yet they still accuse him of following the worst Bush policies, which of course, were ALL Bush policies.

They hate him for his stimulus package. Over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created thousands of jobs. Republicans like to pretend that once the railroad is build, there are no more jobs. Except now, goods can be transported and workers can work from farther away. The same for bridges and roads and broadband.

They hate him for saving the auto industry. Imagine where we would be without that entire industry.

None of these reasons make sense. As hard as they try to spin Obama's success into failure, it's hollow. Too unbelievable. Look how hard they tried to suggest that Obama only got Bin Laden because of the Republican failed policies of torture. John McCain shot that down. That and the tape of Bush insisting he doesn't think about Bin Laden any more. I believe Bush.

So why all the hate? Could the Republican Party being 90% white and based in the Confederate South have anything to do with it?





Many of the most racist pics were used by Republicans for mass mailouts during the campaign. Of course, they said, "Oh, we're sorry", which of course, didn't stop them from doing it again.

One has to wonder, have the Republicans convinced themselves it's not about race?

Why do you ignore the right when the they say it's because of his policies? Doesn't that fit with your stupid ass mantra, deenie? :D

It really seems that deenie can't argue the obvious so he has to make up his fantasy of why the conservatives don't like Obama. deenie has to make up his fantasy to the point where he has to redfine the word racism to prove his point.
No it is not race.
It's about - Obama thinks that Government is the answer to all things. When it isn't.

When has Obama ever said that?

Short answer ---> he hasn't.

True story.
We've asked the right wing to explain their hatred for Obama. They've pretty much given up on it because when they attempt to assign a reason, it comes across as "ridiculous".

We hate him because he's a "Muslim". They've stopped saying that because it uncovers their religious intolerance. We know he's not a Muslim. So we don't really hear that too much anymore. Besides, he took out most of al Qaeda and Bin Laden after Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

We hate him because he's "Communist/Fascist/Marxist" which shows the right doesn't understand the meaning of those words.

We hate him because he went to a church where a preacher said "God Damn America". In context, the preacher saying God damn America is what will happen if we don't follow God's scripture, which puts him in agreement with at least 85% of Republicans.

We hate him because he barely know's Bill Ayers, a man who blew up an office while protesting the Vietnam war. Wow, how could one man cause so much damage? Oh wait, ask Timothy McVeigh. And Ayers did it when Obama was 8 years old, which proves he was "in on it".:cuckoo: Funnier still, they both worked at the Annenberg Foundation, a right wing, conservative foundation, but on separate boards. They rarely met. But there has to be "something". There just has to be. There has to.

We hate him because he is pulling out of Iraq/he stayed in Iraq - I wish they would make up their minds.

We hate him because he increased the national debt. Bush and the Republicans passed an enormous tax cut targeting the rich DURING A TIME OF WAR which passed through that "reconciliation" they seem to hate so much. They passed a "drugs for votes" bill again through reconciliation, Bush did nothing after Katrina, never included the cost of either war in his budgets, thereby making incredible lies to the American people about the cost of the wars. Republicans know that Obama couldn't just "end" Bush policies, they know it doesn't work that way, yet they still accuse him of following the worst Bush policies, which of course, were ALL Bush policies.

They hate him for his stimulus package. Over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created thousands of jobs. Republicans like to pretend that once the railroad is build, there are no more jobs. Except now, goods can be transported and workers can work from farther away. The same for bridges and roads and broadband.

They hate him for saving the auto industry. Imagine where we would be without that entire industry.

None of these reasons make sense. As hard as they try to spin Obama's success into failure, it's hollow. Too unbelievable. Look how hard they tried to suggest that Obama only got Bin Laden because of the Republican failed policies of torture. John McCain shot that down. That and the tape of Bush insisting he doesn't think about Bin Laden any more. I believe Bush.

So why all the hate? Could the Republican Party being 90% white and based in the Confederate South have anything to do with it?





Many of the most racist pics were used by Republicans for mass mailouts during the campaign. Of course, they said, "Oh, we're sorry", which of course, didn't stop them from doing it again.

One has to wonder, have the Republicans convinced themselves it's not about race?

Why do you ignore the right when the they say it's because of his policies? Doesn't that fit with your stupid ass mantra, deenie? :D

Because they won't name those policies. And the policies they do name only exist in their delusions.
question: The right and their hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

answer: Penis Envy

We've asked the right wing to explain...
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.

Powell and Obama are both not very 'black' as they are lighter skinned and white 'acting' to many ... :eek: but let us face it, a dark skinned black man would never have been elected in 2008
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.

And you were apparently not in school long enough to gain common sense.

Why is the liberal party so full of race baiters?

Clearly because the Republican Party is so full of racists. Now, don't you have a bedsheet and pillowcase to "decorate"?

So because there are racists in the republican party were all racists? What about the racists in your own damn party?

By your logic all liberals are idiots since you clearly are.
No it is not race.
It's about - Obama thinks that Government is the answer to all things. When it isn't.

When has Obama ever said that?

Short answer ---> he hasn't.

True story.

I judge him by his actions, and his character. He's a socialist. I don't like socialism. Therefore I do not support Obama.

Is that too hard for you? Do I need to dumb it down even more?
question: The right and their hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

answer: Penis Envy
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.

And you were apparently not in school long enough to gain common sense.

Why is the liberal party so full of race baiters?
Because they're intellectually bankrupt.
No it is not race.
It's about - Obama thinks that Government is the answer to all things. When it isn't.

He governs well to the right of other Dem politicians, including a few presidents, who didn't receive nearly the same level of disrespect... Just blatant, baldfaced contempt.

One has to wonder why.

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